You guys are dancin’ up a storm! We’ve got a few slots left on the dance floor for some lucky couples, so pick up your numbers soon! Single dancers welcome, too. And line dancing, well, sure.
First, what’s this about making you cry — twice, no less. Are you ticklish? Umm, can I talk to mr. katiebird for a minute, I just need to ask him for a quick favor.
Here’s your hot toddy recipe.
1 oz. Brandy
1 Tablespoon Honey
1/4 Lemon
1 cup Boiling Water
1 Tea Bag
Coat the bottom of a mug with the honey. Add brandy and juice of lemon quarter. On the side, boil water and add tea bag to make hot tea. Pour steaming tea into honey/brandy/lemon combination.
you said I was in a gang of four and something about being mushy. And both times I read it, tears actually formed in my eyes.
Whoof! (shaking my head)
And mr. katiebird says, well, he’s putting up the tree. (He just got off the phone with his friend and that always takes an hour — pretty much his talking to other people allowance for the week)
with the message — he’s to give you a good tickling you are laughing so hard that you are in tears. Those are the only kind of tears I ever want to bring on.
I was avoiding mentioning John Travolta-not cause I didn’t love that movie but it reminds me of my ex-husband and we went to see it two nights in a row where upon he decided we(me with bad feet even then)were going to be the next great dance team..he really was in a Fever about this and kept trying to throw me around our living room and wondered why I couldn’t seem to get with the program.
And also really really strangely after not hearing from him for over ten years or so he got my email and has been sending me emails the last several days…..maybe he knew you were going to have a dance contest going and he wants to try and be a disco dancing fool again….
No kidding, I really did. I had just finished reading another email he sent me today where he said he was sending me a picture of a flower he had taken and it reminded him of me…something along some kinda purple prose where he mentions the flower looks soft but seems to have a fire burning within and that is how I am seen by people and draw them to kidding…WTF.
This was my take on this whole little series so far of emails from him..while he’s basically saying how happily married he is…then again when he was married to me he did have a nasty little habit of becoming secretly engaged to other women..just one of his little quirks you might say. Then on to his second wife where upon he tried to embark on affair with me…then on to his third wife..I think anyway.
Really all a bit amusing to me.(of course I can say that now after being divorced from him since 1979).
Well if following pattern and he proposed to you in the middle of a knife fight than we got a match.
I bet we all have some great(now they’re great maybe not so much while living through them)stories of weirdo ex-spouses, right..nah…there’s no weirdo ex’s out there are there?
after almost a year my comments finally make sense…SEX ON THE BEACH for EVERYONE the battered and wounded CHAMONIX is BUYING. I ain’t down YET..and I’m stayin around the Trib for a very long time. Drink up and dance till your hearts content. (and a special shout out to CSI..she knows who she is)
You are the best…thanks…I had to run out to the ATM to get some cash for the drinks and Tip. I hope everyone enjoyed their Sex on the Beach. This place is really hoppin tonight. Awesome dancers and one of the best Bartenders in the State. Thanks again. I will be leaving a C note for your tip upon leaving.
Did you get your computer glitches figured out? Thanks for the drinks, if I have enough Sex On The Beach I just might be able to do a few disco moves-bad feet or not..Either that or spitting out sand..wait I think I’m getting confused here. Then again one of my favorite drinks of days gone by was sloe gin and orange juice but boy I hated to order them…as they were called Long Sloe Screws where I came from.
I used to drink Sloe Comfortable Screws, which is sloe gin & Southern Comfort in a screwdriver. You can add Galiano(sp?) and get a Sloe Comfortable Screw Up Against The Wall. But you know I’m a pervert so I always thought it was fun to order them. 🙂
Well, being the non-drinker that I am I often order Virgin Marys. One memorable occasion I ordered a Bloody Virgin by mistake and it was met with a rather odd look…
Heh, stone cold sober and you got it sideways. I used to tend bar a little bit, and it is very “amusing” to listen to drunk folk try to order the fourth+ round when they’re drinking creatively.
“Ya wanna know what I want? Yawannaknow? Yaawaknnow? Gimme…gimme…threesteps? NAH! HAHAHA. Gimmeabrumandgino shot.” /SNL’s Drunk Girl
about the worst thing about ordering them was the total unoriginality of the bartenders responses…always the same boring predictable remarks…then acting as if they’d said something really clever.
Well sure, put me on the spot cause than any song titles go right outa my head…how bout that really cheezy one hit wonder-‘My Sharona’? Although I was kinda partial to Jive Talking by the Bee Gee’s myself.
A big cheers to you, Chamonix. I was really saddened to see what was happening. Came a little late, but tried to signal my displeasure to what was going on.
Heading over to susanhu’s diary now – just noticed her entry “Don’t be a prick” being posted on the “Recent list”.
Thanks ask…your signal and a few others that helped me out gave me reason to stay around the pond. I was so close to packing it in yesterday. I never thought I would see the day that I would let a couple of folks make me want to write a GBCW diary. I haven’t been in that kind of situation since High School. I didn’t realize one has to watch their backs around here. Live and learn. Thanks again for your really means a lot. I got your back anytime.
Anytime, C.
Ratings abuse and fly-by attacks like that belong elsewhere. It’s not a matter of new/or /old – but whether you feel this place is your cyberhome. I think many of us feel pretty invested in this place and would like to maintain a reasonably civil place.
we’re really bar-hopping tonight!
I’m late because I had to finish my beer in the old place.
Hefe-weissen again tonight. Indy, got one for you too and for anyone else who wants to join.
Tonights label is Hacker-Pschorr.
Things started getting wild when we moved to the saloon for lunch. That’s what liquor’ll do. 🙂 This could be a 5 Cafe day. I’ve got it ready, in case we need it. I hope we do, because of the photo I’m using for it.
I saw my problems and I’ll see the light
We got a lovin’ thing, we gotta feed it right
There ain’t no danger we can go too far
We start believin’ now
That we can be who we are
Grease is the word…
4 whites (inc. the two new ones)
2 “magpies” (mostly black with some white)
3 with only color on top of their heads
4 “pieds” (markings on both head and back)
I’m not sure what color the non-white, non-magpies will be, as we have brown, black and slate-grey, all in combination with white, in the parental gene pool.
Oh, god, you got me! I was reading along, not paying attention to the “newspaper” it was in and the further I got the more horrified I was. I was just about to write a comment saying, “I’m no vegetarian, but my god what a disgusting species WE are. . .” when I finally began to get suspicious and looked up to THE ONION.
For your dancing pleasure, sundown this evening over the Olympic Mountains. (Click to enlarge):
Sundown this evening over the Olympic Mountains.
The V-Shaped dark patches on the cloud deck are the upside-down shadows of Olympic mountains behind the sillohoutted house from the sun that has sunk below the horizon.
Thanks to Florida Mom for asking about these puzzling shapes during the 30 seconds they remained visible!
And big hugs to all tonight. I’m feeling kinda overwrought and all sappy tonight after reading e’s web diary, diane’s reflections diary, and shirl’s allowing diary.
… I don’t think I’ve ever been asked that question before. And it’s causing me a bit of angst in how I would reply! I’ve been asked are you from Southern Ontario (b/c the Southern piece is small compared to the Northern piece). I’ve been asked, are you from Eastern or Western Canada. I’ve even heard Northern Canada — and we’re talking Nunavut by that. But never Southern. And that is very interesting. And I’m not sure how to answer… :o) I would say Central Canada, Eastern Ontario … but it’s all relative. I guess from your perspective (that being US), most Cdns live ‘southern’, or along the Can/US border. Take at the diary by Derek tonight for a map (link).
It all makes sense now… These are indoor flowers. I think I spilled the beans to Andi a couple weeks ago, and ‘fessed that now that all my outdoor flowers have died off I still needed to take photos of something. So I tried food (food pr0n)… And then I went out and bought some flowers. Moved the garden indoors, shall we say…
Lovely. Thank you. I’ll put them in water now and set them up on the bar. Katiebird, you gonna cry in them? 🙂 That was a lovely thing you wrote on “The Web,” btw.
Andi, where did you get the idea that I’m a sweet person? Do you realize that I’m the tough as nails oldest girl of eight children who’s helped raise 3 step children and walked away from an emotionally damaged ex-husband. Walked away coldly and never looked back.
I’m used-up, Andi, that’s why I’m struggling to become more fully human.
(and you made me cry with shocked surprise. I think of myself as the Invisible Girl. And it always surprises me to be noticed. I guess today it made me cry.)
You didn’t say anything; it was that I thought maybe I’d hit an unintended nerve; your comment sounded a bit down and serious. The unfortunate limitation of internet chat — no voice clues, no facial clues so sometimes it’s hard to gauge a reaction.
Of course, I didn’t take it so seriously that I could resist the tin can and twine line.
Don’t back down on the sweet. (And insist on broadband.) I can attest. She just doesn’t know herself as well as we do. Because, after all, you are the Blue Dot and I am, well, not, but I know sweet when we meet. Not that her sweet is not well mixed with snark and snide. Of course. WELL mixed. Nearly undetectable except in strong light. But it’s there, definitely there.
Sorry katiebird, there’s only one Invisible Girl and that’s me. See we’re both from families of 8 children, but I’m smack dab in the middle of all of them so I rightfully claim the middle-child syndrome and the invisible girl crown. Or brown paper bag. Or whatever we invisible girls wear.
and bouquets of thanks to you — these are just lovely. It’s really too bad that I wasn’t a better person in my previous life so I would have deserved to be reincarnated as a being with broadband.
Just waltzing in for a look around. Hey you, along the wall, come on out a shake what your momma gave you!
No school work tonight, though I have plenty to do. The house is a wreck, so I am recycling all the junk mail that has accumulated on the dining room table in the last week.
I’m sure this is an indication of why I’ve never felt I was cut out to be a floridian but I like this one a lot better than the other one. It was always be obvious that I just didn’t belong in Margaritaville.
Not that I want to interrupt the dance finals, BUT there is (to me) an interesting diary from a new writer here (I think) licthman concerning Tom Delay that is falling like a stone through recent diaries right now .
You guys are dancin’ up a storm! We’ve got a few slots left on the dance floor for some lucky couples, so pick up your numbers soon! Single dancers welcome, too. And line dancing, well, sure.
Perhaps a snake-dance? Can it be done without breaking the margins?
You mean like this? Where each one edges further in? It probably can’t be done without breaking the margins, but what they hell!
How about a Dancing Pajama Party. With Hot Toddies?
Just now, thinking about that last Cafe, I could swear I hear everybody’s voices chattering away to each other. It was nice.
Yes, but I’m still waiting for my hot toddy.
First, what’s this about making you cry — twice, no less. Are you ticklish? Umm, can I talk to mr. katiebird for a minute, I just need to ask him for a quick favor.
Here’s your hot toddy recipe.
1 oz. Brandy
1 Tablespoon Honey
1/4 Lemon
1 cup Boiling Water
1 Tea Bag
Coat the bottom of a mug with the honey. Add brandy and juice of lemon quarter. On the side, boil water and add tea bag to make hot tea. Pour steaming tea into honey/brandy/lemon combination.
And if you can’t boil water just skip everything and go straight to the first ingrediant.
I’ll bet I can guess your recipe for Bailey’s and coffee.
you said I was in a gang of four and something about being mushy. And both times I read it, tears actually formed in my eyes.
Whoof! (shaking my head)
And mr. katiebird says, well, he’s putting up the tree. (He just got off the phone with his friend and that always takes an hour — pretty much his talking to other people allowance for the week)
with the message — he’s to give you a good tickling you are laughing so hard that you are in tears. Those are the only kind of tears I ever want to bring on.
He does NOT need to be encouraged like that.
okay I’m game — how does he need to be encouraged?
To NOT tickle me. Please. At least to wait until I get my coat off after work. or something.
that just tickles me. How about writing a children’s book?
I was avoiding mentioning John Travolta-not cause I didn’t love that movie but it reminds me of my ex-husband and we went to see it two nights in a row where upon he decided we(me with bad feet even then)were going to be the next great dance team..he really was in a Fever about this and kept trying to throw me around our living room and wondered why I couldn’t seem to get with the program.
And also really really strangely after not hearing from him for over ten years or so he got my email and has been sending me emails the last several days…..maybe he knew you were going to have a dance contest going and he wants to try and be a disco dancing fool again….
Did you do a double-take when you saw the photo above?
No kidding, I really did. I had just finished reading another email he sent me today where he said he was sending me a picture of a flower he had taken and it reminded him of me…something along some kinda purple prose where he mentions the flower looks soft but seems to have a fire burning within and that is how I am seen by people and draw them to kidding…WTF.
Yikes! Ex-husband on the prowl!
This was my take on this whole little series so far of emails from him..while he’s basically saying how happily married he is…then again when he was married to me he did have a nasty little habit of becoming secretly engaged to other women..just one of his little quirks you might say. Then on to his second wife where upon he tried to embark on affair with me…then on to his third wife..I think anyway.
Really all a bit amusing to me.(of course I can say that now after being divorced from him since 1979).
Damn! I think we have the same ex-husband!
Well if following pattern and he proposed to you in the middle of a knife fight than we got a match.
I bet we all have some great(now they’re great maybe not so much while living through them)stories of weirdo ex-spouses, right..nah…there’s no weirdo ex’s out there are there?
after almost a year my comments finally make sense…SEX ON THE BEACH for EVERYONE the battered and wounded CHAMONIX is BUYING. I ain’t down YET..and I’m stayin around the Trib for a very long time. Drink up and dance till your hearts content. (and a special shout out to CSI..she knows who she is)
I brought your drink over here from the other Cafe. And here’s a coaster for you. Now I’ll set ’em up for the whole bar.
You are the best…thanks…I had to run out to the ATM to get some cash for the drinks and Tip. I hope everyone enjoyed their Sex on the Beach. This place is really hoppin tonight. Awesome dancers and one of the best Bartenders in the State. Thanks again. I will be leaving a C note for your tip upon leaving.
Did you get your computer glitches figured out? Thanks for the drinks, if I have enough Sex On The Beach I just might be able to do a few disco moves-bad feet or not..Either that or spitting out sand..wait I think I’m getting confused here. Then again one of my favorite drinks of days gone by was sloe gin and orange juice but boy I hated to order them…as they were called Long Sloe Screws where I came from.
I used to drink Sloe Comfortable Screws, which is sloe gin & Southern Comfort in a screwdriver. You can add Galiano(sp?) and get a Sloe Comfortable Screw Up Against The Wall. But you know I’m a pervert so I always thought it was fun to order them. 🙂
Well, being the non-drinker that I am I often order Virgin Marys. One memorable occasion I ordered a Bloody Virgin by mistake and it was met with a rather odd look…
Heh, stone cold sober and you got it sideways. I used to tend bar a little bit, and it is very “amusing” to listen to drunk folk try to order the fourth+ round when they’re drinking creatively.
“Ya wanna know what I want? Yawannaknow? Yaawaknnow? Gimme…gimme…threesteps? NAH! HAHAHA. Gimmeabrumandgino shot.” /SNL’s Drunk Girl
Okay, then. Coming right up, ma’am.
about the worst thing about ordering them was the total unoriginality of the bartenders responses…always the same boring predictable remarks…then acting as if they’d said something really clever.
Andi hooked me up..with some help from Cabingirl. What an awesome gang that is hanging out here tonight. What was your fav disco song CSI?
Well sure, put me on the spot cause than any song titles go right outa my head…how bout that really cheezy one hit wonder-‘My Sharona’? Although I was kinda partial to Jive Talking by the Bee Gee’s myself.
A big cheers to you, Chamonix. I was really saddened to see what was happening. Came a little late, but tried to signal my displeasure to what was going on.
Heading over to susanhu’s diary now – just noticed her entry “Don’t be a prick” being posted on the “Recent list”.
Thanks ask…your signal and a few others that helped me out gave me reason to stay around the pond. I was so close to packing it in yesterday. I never thought I would see the day that I would let a couple of folks make me want to write a GBCW diary. I haven’t been in that kind of situation since High School. I didn’t realize one has to watch their backs around here. Live and learn. Thanks again for your really means a lot. I got your back anytime.
Anytime, C.
Ratings abuse and fly-by attacks like that belong elsewhere. It’s not a matter of new/or /old – but whether you feel this place is your cyberhome. I think many of us feel pretty invested in this place and would like to maintain a reasonably civil place.

we’re really bar-hopping tonight!
I’m late because I had to finish my beer in the old place.
Hefe-weissen again tonight. Indy, got one for you too and for anyone else who wants to join.
Tonights label is Hacker-Pschorr.
Things started getting wild when we moved to the saloon for lunch. That’s what liquor’ll do. 🙂 This could be a 5 Cafe day. I’ve got it ready, in case we need it. I hope we do, because of the photo I’m using for it.
I hope we can all be up to your challenge.
Hi, everyone. I think kansas is up to setting a record (or something). Keep dancing!
Well, I’m playing records, at least. 🙂
Coming up next on the turntable: the very first rock and roll song I ever heard. . .Bill Haley & the Comets singing Rock Around the Clock.
We need some Frankie Valli, too.
I saw my problems and I’ll see the light
We got a lovin’ thing, we gotta feed it right
There ain’t no danger we can go too far
We start believin’ now
That we can be who we are
Grease is the word…
Thanks a ton, Ask. I’ve had a 3 beer kind-of day, I have. Glad to toast with you. Skal!
And skål to you, too!
Just got back from susan’s entry. Decent discussion so far.
Some of us aren’t even a day old.
Awww! Ducks? What kind are they? I thought they were little stuffed animals!
They’re Muscovies, kansas. They started hatching out yesterday, and have continued hatching through today. I’m about to go check for more.
How about the “boogie shoes” on this little one?
Oh, that is so cute. You know I have a weakness for Muscovies. That widdle yellow and black foot!
I just brought in two more ducklings. They’re still damp, so I’m warming them on my belly. Damn those little claws. 😉
when we’ve dried out a bit. The two newest hatchlings.
Oh those widdle pink beaks!!!
Your ducks have made me lose some of my “l’s.”
And t’s.
It’s amazing how “cute” robs the consonants.
The count thus far is:
4 whites (inc. the two new ones)
2 “magpies” (mostly black with some white)
3 with only color on top of their heads
4 “pieds” (markings on both head and back)
I’m not sure what color the non-white, non-magpies will be, as we have brown, black and slate-grey, all in combination with white, in the parental gene pool.
Are those babies of the new mammal?
Lets hope it doesn’t taste very good.
Oh, god, you got me! I was reading along, not paying attention to the “newspaper” it was in and the further I got the more horrified I was. I was just about to write a comment saying, “I’m no vegetarian, but my god what a disgusting species WE are. . .” when I finally began to get suspicious and looked up to THE ONION.
Cool if it’s a new species, but really, that is one spooky looking critter.
They may discover it is a Muscle-Tailed Marmot.
For your dancing pleasure, sundown this evening over the Olympic Mountains. (Click to enlarge):
Sundown this evening over the Olympic Mountains.
The V-Shaped dark patches on the cloud deck are the upside-down shadows of Olympic mountains behind the sillohoutted house from the sun that has sunk below the horizon.
Thanks to Florida Mom for asking about these puzzling shapes during the 30 seconds they remained visible!
That’s amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever noticed shadows on clouds before.
fer gosh sakes!
I make it a point to learn something obvious every half century. This oughta hold me.
lol! Yes, it is possible to be too well informed. Good thing you’re careful not to let that happen.
Gerbera Daisy — outside!, view large
Gerbera Daisy — inside!, view large
And big hugs to all tonight. I’m feeling kinda overwrought and all sappy tonight after reading e’s web diary, diane’s reflections diary, and shirl’s allowing diary.
That’s like a dream, beautiful.
Are you in Southern Canada?
… I don’t think I’ve ever been asked that question before. And it’s causing me a bit of angst in how I would reply! I’ve been asked are you from Southern Ontario (b/c the Southern piece is small compared to the Northern piece). I’ve been asked, are you from Eastern or Western Canada. I’ve even heard Northern Canada — and we’re talking Nunavut by that. But never Southern. And that is very interesting. And I’m not sure how to answer… :o) I would say Central Canada, Eastern Ontario … but it’s all relative. I guess from your perspective (that being US), most Cdns live ‘southern’, or along the Can/US border. Take at the diary by Derek tonight for a map (link).
That would be … take a look at the diary by Derek tonight.
It’s because you drive north through Minnesota and everything is cold and brown.
And then you get to Canada (in August) and everyone is in shorts and playing outdoor games and everything is green and blooming and you thing, what?
Oh, this is Southern Canada, this is warm for them!
Is that why your flowers are still blooming?
It all makes sense now… These are indoor flowers. I think I spilled the beans to Andi a couple weeks ago, and ‘fessed that now that all my outdoor flowers have died off I still needed to take photos of something. So I tried food (food pr0n)… And then I went out and bought some flowers. Moved the garden indoors, shall we say…
Lovely. Thank you. I’ll put them in water now and set them up on the bar. Katiebird, you gonna cry in them? 🙂 That was a lovely thing you wrote on “The Web,” btw.
I’m very weepy today. But, I’ll try to keep my tears in my beers. (this is why I don’t drink all that often, no one likes tears at a dance hall)
easy for you to say — you didn’t have the whole world told that you made one of the sweetest people at Boo cry — twice.
You meanie.
next up, pulling the feathers off of keres’ baby duckies.
So laughing out loud. You are a really terrible person, which is why we love you.
Andi, where did you get the idea that I’m a sweet person? Do you realize that I’m the tough as nails oldest girl of eight children who’s helped raise 3 step children and walked away from an emotionally damaged ex-husband. Walked away coldly and never looked back.
I’m used-up, Andi, that’s why I’m struggling to become more fully human.
(and you made me cry with shocked surprise. I think of myself as the Invisible Girl. And it always surprises me to be noticed. I guess today it made me cry.)
now in addition to making you cry, I’ve made you feel bad. In my next life, I’ll be lucky if I get internet over tin cans and twine.
(But I’m not backing down on the sweet, even if I get reincarnated as a flea on a cockroach.)
I don’t feel bad. I’m drinking the hot toddy you suggested (except I don’t have any brandy, so I’m using milk instead).
I’m drinking your hot toddy, and thinking about how I have all these great friends. And I’m feeling sentimental, but not bad.
Are you ok?
You didn’t say anything; it was that I thought maybe I’d hit an unintended nerve; your comment sounded a bit down and serious. The unfortunate limitation of internet chat — no voice clues, no facial clues so sometimes it’s hard to gauge a reaction.
Of course, I didn’t take it so seriously that I could resist the tin can and twine line.
It’s snowing here, and I need it, what about you?
sounds delightful and probably very good for my cold/flu/whatever — though I think mine should have brandy.
Don’t back down on the sweet. (And insist on broadband.) I can attest. She just doesn’t know herself as well as we do. Because, after all, you are the Blue Dot and I am, well, not, but I know sweet when we meet. Not that her sweet is not well mixed with snark and snide. Of course. WELL mixed. Nearly undetectable except in strong light. But it’s there, definitely there.
Sorry katiebird, there’s only one Invisible Girl and that’s me. See we’re both from families of 8 children, but I’m smack dab in the middle of all of them so I rightfully claim the middle-child syndrome and the invisible girl crown. Or brown paper bag. Or whatever we invisible girls wear.
My parents didn’t believe in playing favorites if one was invisible, we all were!
(maybe we can practice visibility together?)
Ooo, Invisible Cat Fight!
and bouquets of thanks to you — these are just lovely. It’s really too bad that I wasn’t a better person in my previous life so I would have deserved to be reincarnated as a being with broadband.
Boran2’s going to take care of that. See below. I’m sure Boran will say yes. Such a generous soul.
Sorry, I guess that I failed. 😉
Just waltzing in for a look around. Hey you, along the wall, come on out a shake what your momma gave you!
No school work tonight, though I have plenty to do. The house is a wreck, so I am recycling all the junk mail that has accumulated on the dining room table in the last week.
I’m here but I’m not dancing. BTW, is there a cover charge?
Yes,you have to buy Andi broadband.
Ha! I’m on dial up myself! But at $9.95/month, it’s a hard habit to break.
so like, where’s the red stripe and damian marley… all I see is “Grease is the word, is the word that you heard, it’s got groove, it’s got meaning….”
Oh, thank god you arrived, spiderleaf. I somehow left home without anything but 45’s from the fifties and show tunes. You brought some CD’s?
my dear kansas… I’ve got all the CD’s we need… and here’s a taste of my beloved damian marley…
This was my favorite of all, I think. I don’t remember the name of the display, I just call it Silver Swan.
I’m sure this is an indication of why I’ve never felt I was cut out to be a floridian but I like this one a lot better than the other one. It was always be obvious that I just didn’t belong in Margaritaville.
Ooo, I like this one.
Not that I want to interrupt the dance finals, BUT there is (to me) an interesting diary from a new writer here (I think) licthman concerning Tom Delay that is falling like a stone through recent diaries right now .
Can you believe this? We have to boogie our little butts over to yet another Cafe! I’m going to go put it up right now.