December 5, 2005
Secretary Rice is traveling to Germany, Romania, Ukraine and Belgium December 5-9, 2005. Her visit will highlight the enduring importance of transatlantic relations and U.S. efforts to partner with Europe to address common challenges around the globe.
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Fabrizio Bensch/Reuters
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice upon her departure to Europe —
“Good morning. We have received inquiries from the European Union, the Council of Europe, and from several individual countries about media reports concerning U.S. conduct in the war on terror. I am going to respond now to those inquiries, as I depart today for Europe. And this will also essentially form the text of the letter that I will send to Secretary Straw, who wrote on behalf of the European Union as the European Union President.”
Bill of Rice – In Accordance With Our Laws Reflecting the Values of the American People
The captured terrorists of the 21st century do not fit easily into traditional systems of criminal or military justice, which were designed for different needs. We have to adapt. Other governments are now also facing this challenge.
More below the fold »»
For decades, the United States and other countries have used “renditions” to transport terrorist suspects from the country where they were captured to their home country or to other countries where they can be questioned, held, or brought to justice.
In some situations a terrorist suspect can be extradited according to traditional judicial procedures. But there have long been many other cases where, for some reason, the local government cannot detain or prosecute a suspect, and traditional extradition is not a good option. In those cases the local government can make the sovereign choice to cooperate in a rendition. Such renditions are permissible under international law and are consistent with the responsibilities of those governments to protect their citizens.
Rendition is a vital tool in combating transnational terrorism. Its use is not unique to the United States, or to the current administration. Last year, then Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet recalled that our earlier counterterrorism successes included “the rendition of many dozens of terrorists prior to September 11, 2001.”
[Bold Face emphasis mine – Oui]
WASHINGTON (Reuters) Dec. 6 — The United States held captured al Qaeda suspects at two secret CIA prisons in Eastern Europe until last month when the facilities were shut down after media reports of their existence, ABC News reported on Monday, citing current and former CIA agents.
Eleven al Qaeda prisoners who were held in Eastern Europe were relocated “to a CIA site somewhere in north Africa,” ABC reported, citing CIA sources. The United States scrambled to get all of the suspects off European soil before U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice arrived in Europe on Monday.
CIA declined comment and an agency spokesman was not available when Reuters tried to contact him.
According to ABC News, eight top al Qaeda figures and three others were held at one time at a former Soviet air base in Eastern Europe and some were later moved to a second country. Polish sources had identified a base as the site of one of the secret prisons.
U.S-based Human Rights Watch has said Poland and Romania were the most likely locations for the detention centers, but both countries have denied it. The United States has neither confirmed nor denied the existence of the secret prisons which the Washington Post first reported on last month.
In an expanded report on its Web site, ABC News cited sources directly involved in setting up the CIA secret prison system as saying that it began with the capture of Osama bin Laden lieutenant Abu Zubaydah in Pakistan. Zubaydah was first held in Thailand in an unused warehouse on an active air base.
After Zubaydah recovered from life-threatening wounds according to the report, he was made to stand long hours in a cold cell and strapped feet up to a “water board” until he begged for mercy and began to cooperate. In “waterboarding,” a detainee is strapped down, dunked under water and made to believe that he might be drowned.
● Breaking: CIA Prison News ◊ by Chris Kulczycki
Leaders Failing to Keep America Safe: Report 911 Commission
The former commissioners issued a “report card” reviewing how the commission’s 41 recommendations have been implemented, and gave the government five failing grades of F — including one for not providing adequate emergency communications.
They noted that police, firefighters and other emergency workers still did not have a dedicated radio spectrum, and could not communicate with each other if disaster strikes.
Tuesday, 6 December 2005
Amnesty International today revealed that six planes used by the CIA for renditions have made some 800 flights in or out of European airspace including 50 landings at Shannon airport in the Republic of Ireland.
George Bush – President | Dick Cheney – VP | Donald Rumsfeld – DoD | Alberto Gonzales – AG | John Bolton – U.S. Ambassador at U.N. | Ariel Sharon – PM & War Hero Israel | Musharraf – Dictator Pakistan | Abdullah II – King Jordan | Bashar al-Asad – Dictator of Syria | Hosni Mubarak – Dictator Egypt | Muammar al-Gadhafi – Dictator Libya | Abdallah Al Saud – King Saudi Arabia | (vacancy) – Somalia | Vladimir Putin – President & ex-KGB Russia | Aleksandr Lukashenko – Dictator Belarus | Islom Karimov – Dictator Uzbekistan | Diego Garcia– Caretakers Tony and George | Tommy Esang Remengesau Jr. – Palau |
Coalition of the Willing
Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Georgia, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Mongolia, the Netherlands, Nicaragua, Palau, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Ruwanda, Singapore, Slovakia, Solomon Islands, South Korea, Spain, Tonga, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, and Uzbekistan.
Italy Allegedly Misled on Cleric’s Abduction
MILAN (Washington Post) Dec. 6 — In March 2003, the Italian national anti-terrorism police received an urgent message from the CIA about a radical Islamic cleric who had mysteriously vanished from Milan a few weeks before. The CIA reported that it had reliable information that the cleric, the target of an Italian criminal investigation, had fled to an unknown location in the Balkans.
In fact, according to Italian court documents and interviews with investigators, the CIA’s tip was a deliberate lie, part of a ruse designed to stymie efforts by the Italian anti-terrorism police to track down the cleric, Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr, an Egyptian refugee known as Abu Omar.
This surveillance photo of Hassan Mustafa
Osama Nasr was found on a disk in the home
of the CIA's ranking official in Milan,
according to Italian police. Courtesy Corriere Della Sera
● New Developments in the Abu Omar Kidnapping Case ◊ by rom wyo
Tue Dec 6th, 2005 at 12:44:10 AM PDT
Tue Dec 6th, 2005 at 01:41:21 AM PDT
Tue Dec 6th, 2005 at 01:45:08 AM PDT
Tue Dec 6th, 2005 at 03:03:56 AM PDT
Sat Dec 3rd, 2005 at 12:42:13 PM PST
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Tony Blair on the EU Budget proposal meets harsh criticism from EU Commissioner Jose Manuel Barroso and the new member states.
On European CIA torture flights, Jack Straw had to redo his homework, and send a new request for answers to Condoleezza Rice earlier this week.
Press Conference in Berlin, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice followed her preset replies formulated over the weekend, and new Chancellor Angela Merkel tried to stay friendly for their first meeting, but different mindset could not be masked.
Merkel: US Admitted Wrongful Abduction of German National Khaled el-Masri
Parliament to investigate abduction and CIA flights
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Oh really? Then why isn’t the US gulag located in Texas? Bullshit, Ms Rice… the US has located its illegal jails in the shadows and moved them when necessary BECAUSE they are illegal and immoral. Dictators seem anxious to receive these prisoners for torture… I wonder what they get in return. Dirty deals for arms perhaps? Or bagloads of money? Or a wink and a nod that human rights violations in their own countries will be duly ignored by Washington? I’d love to know the dirty truth.
because that would be illegal! duh! if we keep them in secret prisons in other countries we don’t violate “our” laws. just UN laws, which we don’t care about. the key to the sentance you quote is that she qualified the word “laws” with “our” … not their laws, our laws.
Bill of goods is more like it. Ms. Condiliar “Mushroom cloud” Rice is out there spreading freedom and democracy huh? F her and the plane full of dumbass reperters she rode in on. How dare she go there to tell others either you are with us or you are against us? Come on Europe. Tell Ms. Mushroom cloud to get back on her broomstick and take her “terrorist prisoners” with her. If the media allows this administration to once again spin their way out of TORTURING HUMAN BEINGS they are hopeless. Hopw amny times has this Fascist cabal been allowed to worm their way out of the obvious. The MSM won’t do it so we have to hold them to account!
Dec. 6 (Bloomberg) — German Chancellor Angela Merkel said her foreign minister must tell parliament what the previous government knew about the alleged kidnapping of a German citizen by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.
Merkel today made the announcement after talks with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in Berlin. A press conference after the talks was dominated by the subject of alleged CIA flights carrying suspected terrorists to secret prisons using European airspace.
Der Spiegel
The German newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung today reported that Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder’s office, under current foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, knew about the CIA’s alleged kidnapping in Macedonia of a German, Khaled el-Masri, and his deportation to Afghanistan in 2003.
“It is desirable for Foreign Minister Steinmeier in the name of the previous government to give a report” on the case to a parliamentary oversight committee, Merkel said. Merkel said she had discussed the case with Rice, saying “the U.S. had conceded” that seizing el-Masri was “a mistake“.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Today Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will not be amongst friends when all FM of the Atlantic Alliance meet in Brussels. Answering questions before Dutch parliament on Tuesday 6 December, FM Bernhard Bot declared the answers received so far from Ms Rice are clearly insufficient.
FM Bot stated there will be tough questioning inside the NATO meeting, and the first chance to meet Condi Rice face to face. There can not be any light between our definition of human rights and what binds the United States government. Commentators in the Dutch media have lambasted statements of Condoleezza Rize, indicating adherence to U.S. laws and international obligations is quite different to International Human Rights and binding International Treaties of the Geneva Conventions.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY