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Froggy Bottom Cafe
Froggy Bottom Cafe
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Did you know Ben and Jerry’s has a
Flavor Graveyard?
R.I.P. Gingerbread Cookie, aka Festivus
getting into a fight over the last serving of Rocky Road. Hands off! 🙂
If it’s specific then St. Paul’s Grand Old Creamery is the store and chocolate-peanut-butter-cup is the flavor.
My favorite too. Although at this time of year I do like the peppermint ice cream that only comes out in December.
Edy’s French Silk. It’s actually “lower fat” and so yummy.
Et je vais me coucher !
Translation: “I’ll pack my bags and go to bed!
Thanks, Man!
Enjoy the rest of your day while we Europeans try to sleep…
BTW, in French a clique is a military drum and bugle band…
Back in the very olden days when I was young and cholesterol was just a gleam in some heart specialist’s eye, we used to go everyday to a hole-in-the-wall (literally) ice cream shop that made all its own unbelievably creamy ice cream. You had to make sure to you didn’t go too late if you wanted the peach ice cream because only a limited amount was made every day — because it had big chunks of fresh peach in it.
my hometown had a little shop when I was growing up that made cinnamon ice cream, we would ask that to be added to a snowcone with leche dulce (sweet milk)
Damn, how am I going to survive the next 1.5 hours at work?!?
It should be in the constitution that big, impersonal chains are not allowed to drive little ice cream shops or little book stores out of business!
Now there’s an amendment I could vote for..
Double Rainbow Ultra Chocolate.
It wa the first “premium” ice cream I ever had and all these flavors later, still the yummiest. Very chocolate-y, not too cloyingly sweet.
I can’t remember who it was here at the Pond who used to work at Double Rainbow and hated Ultra Chocolate ’cause the stuff was too thick to scoop.
Two scoopes pistachio, please.
Nightmare day; phones, e-mails and bosses. Would love to leave early, alas..
But a bit of ice cream should get me over the hump. See you later.
We keep ice cream on hand at our office. Once a month we celebrate the birthdays for the month and bring in cake, pie and ice cream. There’s always enough ice cream to keep in the freezer through most of the rest of the month. I usually forget about it — but I just went and got some. No mint chip; Edie’s cookie dough (with Splenda, not nearly as good as the real stuff).
I think we may have some in our communal frigidare too. hmmmm, do I trust something that has been sitting in there for a few days? :-X
yeah, sometimes I think twice before eating anthing that’s been in the office refrigerator. But I picked one of the tubs that hadn’t been opened yet. Nothing like office ice cream to perk up the day.
Homemade vanilla, but with 1/2 white and 1/2 brown sugar. Oooooh so fine. Might have to put that little ice cream makin’ machine to work this weekend.
Oh yeah, now you’re talkin! With vanilla beans coarsely ground.
ooooh yeah.
it’s Baskin-Robbins Quarterback Crunch; vanilla ice cream with a caramel ribbon and chocolate covered Rice Krispies. Not too heavy, but still get my chocolate fix.
Outside of football season, pretty much anything chocolate will do it for me… 🙂
breyers rocks. they use real ingredients and make wacky limited edition flavors like banana fudge chunk.
otherwise, i just can’t get enough of cherry garcia, mint chocolate cookie and coffee coffee buzz buzz buzz!
I love me some cherry garcia.
O/T but is anyone else enthralled with the floating red eyeballs that follow the mouse cursor at the B&J link in the diary? I can’t get enough of them!
I was reading our local weekly newspaper in which the best part is always the Sheriff’s Log and I was overwhelmed with a need to share a few choice selections:
November 28, 8:27 p.m. Becks Grove 911 caller reports encourageable child.
November 30, 9:12 a.m. Squirrel in power lines on Racoon Drive. Power is out and electric company has been notified.
December 1, 2:24 p.m. Welfare check requested for 135 South residence.
December 1, 3:02 p.m. Deputy reports 135 South resident is very intoxicated but fine.
December 2, 5:39 a.m. Caller reports three large bulls in front yard eating her siding.
December 3, 8:42 p.m. Caller reports Neon car with neon license plate cover tried to run him off road two times.
I hate those encourageable children. I like the ones who are sullen and rude.
I try never to encourage mine.
I resemble that remark 😛
you had much more in common with that squirrel.
because you bury yours for the winter too?
I try to stay inside for the winter. The hookah keeps me warm.
exactly what we are talking about.
Just left a comment over in KAMuston’s fun entry on the reco list and the Iraq-theme there also reminded me of hookah-smoking at street-cafes in Baghdad (many moons ago).
even though I did say hookah and not hoohah. lmao
’cause I don’t see the nuts.
Sorry, but I doubt that I am at liberty to expose Man’s nuts here.
Here’s another kind of nuts:
More on coco de mer.
I am going to leave my comment on that to everyone else’s imagination.
are too common — this is a tourist area, we go for the unusual.
One of my favorite sites to check is the Durango (CO) Herald Police Blotter.
Here are a few classics from the “Best of” pages:
10:42 a.m. A gun was stolen from a man’s truck 10 years ago, he reported from the Police Department, 990 East Second Ave.
8:21 p.m. Someone wanted a deputy to respond to a home in the 7500 block of County Road 203 north of Durango to pick up a waffle iron that was sitting on a rock.
Someone wrote a questionable phrase in French on a sidewalk on the southeast corner of East Ninth Street and East Third Avenue, according to a report at 11:10 a.m.
A man reported at 3:03 p.m. from the 200 block of East Third Avenue that he had a black Labrador/German shepherd mix at his house. The dog turned out to be his.
What may have been a cheap brand of amaretto was given to a woman at a restaurant in the 400 block of East Second Avenue, she reported at 8:34 p.m.
What I love about the logs is that they are like little soap operas — except you get to fill in all the details and often the ending.
The Point Reyes Light is always good for a smile or two.
DILLON BEACH – A woman at 4:04 p.m. Nov. 21 reported she either lost or someone had stolen $7,000 from her purse.
WOODACRE – A woman at 4:26 p.m. Nov. 21 reported that five days ago she saw four adolescent boys carrying oversized squirt guns. One of the boys may have been carrying a can of lighter fluid that he hid in has jacket as he walked by. Deputies found no merit to the case.
Is this your local paper? I’d think that area would be able to supply a much greater level of high drama than my little county could ever manage.
No, I’m a city mouse. Point Reyes is a little coastal community in West Marin County.
I’ve been there (not the town of course) hiking but given its proximity to large numbers of people I never thought of it as little. My entire county only has 15,000 people in it.
West Marin likes to keep a separate identity. It’s a world unto itself in a lot of ways. Some of them are pretentious ways perhaps (I knew way too many rich drug dealers from Fairfax back in the day), but it is rural and hippie-ish compared to S.F. The town of Bolinas is notorious for having its highway sign torn down by local citizens who like their privacy.
I’m so proud, thanks, Lil for posting this — my home county certainly shines with the brightest bulbs doesn’t it?
Yup I was thinking of you, Katiebird!
A very interesting collection of stories — who would go to the beach with $7000?
I bet everyone in town was combing the beach after that was reported.
We’d say it was “tourists”.
I like to read the local papers when we go on vacation for this section. It’s always so much more interesting in someone else’s town.
And here I was sure you’d be reading the local rags for the list of the library’s new acquisitions.
Well, tomorrow a.m. I go off-line and we travel southeast to armpit NC. The snow didn’t stick to the roads and it looks like clear sailing, er, rolling on the highways. Friday p.m. or Saturday, I’ll be back on-line and looking to see what Booman has to say for himself. Be good to each other while I’m gone and don’t let anyone convince you this isn’t a community.
don’t forget the deodorant for your trip.
Ben and Jerry’s years ago had a Wild Maine Blueberry that was… deliciously undescribable. Unfortunately, it was also a one-time thing. Boo!
Out for a spell but back latte!
I don’t know what I was thinking of. That somehow I could exist in a bubbleo of normalcy this week. But, it came to me this afternoon: that just isn’t going to be possible.
My youngest brother is getting married on Saturday and all of my brothers and sisters, most of my nieces and nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins — it’s the whole show.
And, my boss wouldn’t approve a single full day’s vacation. She struggled before she gave me 3 half days.
And did I say the wedding is Saturday? Because I just a few minutes ago realized what that means. . . .
Please, could someone host the Cafe on Saturday? I hate, hate, hate missing a Saturday (I haven’t missed, even when I was on vacation last summer), but I don’t see how I can do it.
How about splitting the day between 2 or 3 people?
Katie, I think I will be doing the cafe Friday for Cabin and can help out on Sat.
Diane, I actually would almost miss the wedding rather than make you do it both those days.
I can post it in the morning — but I can’t promise what time I’ll have to leave. Let’s see if anyone else can fit it (for part of the day at least)
When I do the Friday Cafe, I will be gone after I post till noon or so, but when I get back I will request host s to help out on sat….but heck I can throw up a cafe if needed, that’s not that hard…maybe not so much time to participate,
quit stilling my snarky words! 🙂
I will be offline for the weekend katiebird, but I’m sure there will be plenty of hands to help out.
Oh my Gosh…you mean there are other ice cream flavors besides chocolate?…Who knew! Then again that leaves all the more chocolate for me. And I will state once again just for the record that while all you non chocolate lovers must suuuuuurellllllly be very nice people ..anyone who doesn’t pick chocolate is just a wee bit suspect in my book(and yes I do have a book with the names of all you non-chocolate people…)
Hi choco, never get to talk to you anymore, it seems…just once in awhile, I think of you often..
I am worn out from the last couple of weeks, how about you. BTW I have my coffee almond starbuck fudge ice cream, want some.
hey diane…silly question..how bout we split it? You take the coffee almond half and I’ll take the fudge ok.
I didn’t even take the time to read all your comments here – my apologies.
I need a bit of help.
I am trying to write a diary and include links. But I don’t want to blow margins.
I was told to go to tiny.url.com which I did. But I have a mac and can’t right click and I don’t understand what I am to do.
Help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much.
say your link is: http://www.boomantribune.com
Your code should look like this:
<a href="http://www.boomantribune.com">Booman Tribune</a>
Substitute ‘Booman Tribune’ for the text you want displayed and it should create the hyperlink.
Do this type:
<a href="">Type a description of the link</a>
Then paste your long URL between the quotes.
‘ctrl click’ with the mac = rt. click…I believe
also you can minimize your links in auto format thusly:
[ “Here” url ] delete” marks”, close brackets and you get
Here Which will send you to BT front page in this case.
to see sister # – is she 2? or 3? — Well she’s kid #3 & her husband (the film editor) & 2 kids.
(pray for me)
Does anyone find it odd that Indy had a dentist appointment today and we haven’t heard if she survived or not? I have this morbid streak in me that wonders how any of us would know if something terrible happened to one of our online friends.
into spider’s clique diary earlier, so perhaps she is lurking/resting.
Whisper my name and I shall appear, just like a cartoon villian or a guardian angel. (You pick which one.)
Thanks for being concerned about me, sweetie. I’ll make sure my roommate has instructions to let y’all know if I wind up in the hospital or something so no one has to worry. She has an account here but she mostly just lurks.
Verdict of the dentist: I need a molar (lol, I just typed that “moral”) extraction and a $3K bridge. Oy. Where did that lady lose $7K again? And maybe I’d be better off with the moral extraction, that’s gotta be cheaper, right?
And tomorrow is the OB-GYN annual, with my ever advancing age making it likely that I will be referred for my first professional boobie-smooshing (all prior ones have been strictly amateur). Woohoo, my week is smokin’, don’t all of you wish you were me. 🙂
PS. Hey Cali Scribe, that reminds me to ask, how’s your checkup and test stuff going? Well, I hope!
So will the gov’mint pay for the bridge?
And you’ll have to trust us old ladies that whatever boob mashing you’ve had ain’t gonna compare to getting a mammogram. And all of us in the itty bitty titty club will smirk at you with your fine rack.
Please, the government doesn’t pay any dental or optical anything. Not necessary for health, apparently.
I actually have a very high tolerance for pain so I’m not too freaked about the mammogram, although I am kinda hoping that the nurse will just feel me up and leave it at that because I really do hate being a lab rat, I’ve had enough already.
I guess you are young enough to avoid the joys of having a flattened breast turned 90 degrees yet but you could look at it as an opportunity to more deeply explore your feelings about BDSM.
And seriously, it really is a good thing to do.
What makes you think I’ve not already deeply explored my feelings about BDSM? Don’t ever look in my underwear drawer.
more deeply explore — there’s nothing that fits in an underwear drawer that’s going to compete with a mammogram.
lol, tons of things fit in an underwear drawer that will blow away a mammogram. And that’s all I’m gonna say about that — except to add that none of those things are actually in my underwear drawer, what’s in there is pretty run of the mill.
One of the more unpleasant things I’ve had done was an EMG administered by an incompetent neurologist. He started at my ankles, stuck needles down into my muscle tissue, kept missing his mark so had to go in a few times each time, issued “mild” electric shock, then moved the needle 1/4 inch up, rinse and repeat all the way up to the middle of my back. Then that bastard misdiagnosed with me Muscular Dystrophy and scared the living hell out of me, but that’s a whole nother story.
So I ain’t afraid of no mammogram. (You know I’ll be back in here next week crying like a baby, “Why didn’t you guys tell me?” I’m kidding.)
one woman who fainted during one so you’re right — nothing to worry about.
Actually, I haven’t ever found it to be that bad, just uncomfortable and incredibly awkward. I’ve certainly been through worse medical procedures (though nothing to match your EMG).
Well there you are. I was imagining the dentist bursting open a pocket of infection and flooding your bloodstream with bacteria which would cause a life-threatening case of myocarditis….
Sorry, I got carried away there.
You didn’t ask, but I had my annual visit 2 weeks ago and it was really enjoyable. Seriously, this woman gives the most relaxed and prolonged breast exams I’ve had since I was 17 in the back of a Matador. Which of course will only reinforce your belief that I am a closet lesbian, but this lady reminds me of the mother I always wished I had and….oh, nevermind that makes it sound even weirder.
I do need to get my mams grammed and I keep putting it off because last time it hurt like hell. I had a boob-ache for the rest of the day. The other ones never hurt like that one did. I think the radiologist was a masochist. Or a Steelers fan. They hate us native Clevelanders.
I can always count on you to go right on ahead and articulate my greatest fears about a thing in excruciating detail.
And what was that other thing you said? It sounded kinda muted, as if perhaps it were coming from behind a closed closet door… ;p
It’s good that we’re all talking about the annuals in here, I hope we’re reminding someone who’s been putting it off to go and get it done. Early detection is best and all that. Gentlemen, that means you, too; go get yourselves probed if you’ve been negligent about it.
she has even’t come close to “excrutiating detail”.
Hey Indy..to reply to something from the Cafe last night about not looking sick…you mentioned having to cut your hair..yeah I had to do that also about 6 years ago..didn’t want my sister to have to come over and wash my hair so got most of it cut off-hands at the time to weak to use..
Also mentioned being in a wheelchair before yet now although you look like you are doing better actually your not..boy that rings a bell. When I had to cut hair I was almost helpless-my landlady wrote out my rent check for me and sister was over several times a day to feed me etc..anyway now I am able to get out/walk(some) do my own laundry and all that yet I’m actually worse off as what happened internally with nerve damage weakened so much-that probably doesn’t make sense to most people but it is true …didn’t want to hijack the thread here but wanted to let you know I did read that post(today)and really understand exactly what you mean.
Thanks Choc.
You’ll appreciate this story: when I went to the dentist yesterday and felt patronized, it was because I saw a new guy and a new dental assistant, neither of whom knew me. So today when I went back, I got the same assistant and she started again with the same faux-nice, barely concerned, not really listening thing.
At one point she says to me, “So do you work?”
I reply, “No, I’m disabled.”
“So, are you in school?”
“Um, no, when I say to you ‘disabled’, what I mean is, not able to do things.”
So then my dentist comes in, sees me, grins hugely and hugs me and starts talking to me seriously about all my health issues. We had our appointment and he was wonderful as always — which is why I love him — and by the time the assistant was escorting me out, she was doing backbends to kiss my ass. It was so cool.
Glad you got your regular guy back today. Having to see a new doctor or put up with new desk people and stuff is real draining when just as you said..they don’t get it or simply don’t give a shit is more like it.
And yeah I’ve gotten the same kind of reactions and as you said..what fucken part of disabled did you not understand. Then some people are just stupidly offensive and say shit like well how lucky for you that you don’t work and get to say home all day…..oh yeah lucky fucken me..at home all day with my stupendous SSD checks..how lucky can one girl be eh?
Ask and ye shall receive…
I still need to get in for an ultrasound — things are so crazy with the holidays that I think I’ll get it done after the first of the year when Real Life calms down a tad around here. My gyn wants to do the ultrasound before doing the endometrial biopsy my PCP requested, just to eliminate any possibilities like polyps or fibroids. I’m starting to think though that it may just be good old perimenopause based on a few other bugaboos I’ve got.
Should sleep well tonight; went out shopping (picked up a couple more pairs of the pants I love, and the store’s having two more pairs of another color sent over from another store), then had dinner on my own. Lingered too long and ended up walking all the way home from the restaurant, under the influence of a couple of LI Iced Teas no less; obviously I made it home in one piece. (Both the store and the restaurant are several long blocks from home, probably just under a mile; fortunately it’s a mild downhill grade going home!) So I got my exercise for the day; waiting for the spouse to come home so I can find out what he called about — he left a message earlier but his line was totally breaking up. Then I’ll get my PJs on, brush my teeth, and get to bed at a decent hour…we’re falling behind on our Keith viewing, unfortunately… 🙁
crumbled up oreo cookies mixed in w/vanilla ice cream…dryers is my fav.
I always get an oreo Blizzard at Dairy Queen, good stuff.
Stroh’s Bumpy Cake ice cream. I love that stuff.
How is everyone tonight?
I just heard from a friend of mine that I hadn’t heard from since the day before T-Day… I’ve been increasingly growing so concerned for him, for several reasons. I’m just so fucking teary-eyed and happy to have spoken with him tonight. He’s such a gentle and tender soul. All I want is for him to find happiness… He will, I know that, but he doesn’t necessarily believe that now… I so wish that he did.
This place is driving me to drink… again.
You and me both, if I drank I would, but my vice is smoking and I have been smoking up a storm these last few days and maybe even weeks.
Will the s…storm never cease…
Hi Library, I am going to try to get back to my normal place in space and time and try to enjoy this site once again.
If I had a pack I’d be chainsmoking. I went over to a friend’s house Saturday night and smoked half of hers. The worst kind of “ex”-smoker eh?
It’s nice to see you back in the cafe Diane.
(I was over in a diary I had to leave and I saw you in there too trying to be reasonable.)
Coffee!!! The one true ice cream! and NOT Haagen Das!
That sounds good! I’ll save mine for breakfast, with my coffee.
Any frogs hopping around?
Nobody here but us and the drips from the ice cream cones.
Did you have a good time last night?
Yes, I did. I was just there for 2 hours, so I guess that’s a safe time-frame. I didn’t have that much to catch up on with my sister, we talk every couple of weeks, but I hadn’t seen her kids or her husband since summer and we all had a lot of catching up to do.
He was afraid that he’d be working on his most recent film through the end of the week — but he’s done!
Two more sisters fly in this morning, but my two out-of-town brothers can’t come until Friday. Tomorrow is an Aunt, Uncle and cousin & maybe more cousins?
(pacing myself, I must remember to pace myself).
You have my permission (not that you need it but this way you can tell yourself “Andi said I could”) to walk away any time you feel like you are about to overdose. Self-protection comes first.