30-something Xicano Democrat in Tucson, Arizona. I have a passion for social justice issues as well as seeking to help ignite a productive dialog regarding immigration reform. Lately I spend most of my time on Tw
Cranky is caused by the possibilities for success, so delicately poised on the knife-edge of disaster against a backdrop of global rapine.
We are soooooooo close…one mistake, one gaffe, one blown cue and the game goes on…but the stakes are so high, and a few more rounds of this game and the entire casino could just go to hell…
Good to see you here in the cafe. I’ve missed seeing your environmental diaries, I hope you’ll write something for us soon!
I know what you mean about the edge-of-a-knife. I made reference to a tight-rope walk during the pie wars. I don’t think we’re at the point yet where the line is snapping, that’s my hope anyways.
pull up a stool and I’ll share a coupla steins with you.
I don’t know what has filtered into the water, but I am going to do my best to remain unpoisoned. There is so much good here that I refuse to let any shadows get me down.
Thanks Manny. Yeah, stay away from the drinking water. I hope everything gets a little more relaxed around here. Frankly I’m thinking we need some frog board races or something.
Things going good for you? Hope so. Gee, I’m kinda tired tonight, maybe it will be one beer and off to bed for me.
Night everyone, and will somebody please start laughing!
Oh thank god you are open… i need a good bomb shelter. duck and cover. I would say this is Boomans 4th of july..and he is probably moving furnature in a snow storm. Earlier it was Sex on the Beach…I think I need a scotch..not rocks.
safe zone, Chamonix. The cafe is open to everyone at the site but all sniping is politely asked to remain at the front door. Here’s a scotch for you, my friend
I was still beboppin’ to the music in my head when I hit the sack last night. I’m trying to think of something to say in a second sentence for this paragraph but nothing is happening. Have you got any sentences you could lend me until the coffee kicks me awake?
is Marmotdude, no substitues needed apply. Said thrice.
“Just the place for a Snark!” the Bellman cried,
As he landed his crew with care;
Supporting each man on the top of the tide
By a finger entwined in his hair.
“Just the place for a Snark! I have said it twice:
That alone should encourage the crew.
Just the place for a Snark! I have said it thrice:
What i tell you three times is true.”
What is with Janeane Garafalo’s eyebrows? Is it just me, or are they radically different than they used to be?…somewhat Groucho Marxish. I was so distracted by her brows that I couldn’t pay attention to the plotline on West Wing.
I’ll be back in about an hour with answers to all your questions, but I can get this one on the fly. Those are not eyebrows, they are tiny marmots. Because marmots are so expressive and they’re also slothful, so many people can be fooled into thinking they’re eyebrows. However, just try waxing one.
That’s what the trees look like around here this morning — we got our first snowfall last night. Looks like about four inches of the wet, heavy stuff. Streets are pretty clear, so no excuses, I have to go in to work anyway. If our streets looked like your driveway, I could call in and work from home…. ah, well.
I hear that, though this morning I got official sanction to play hooky. As my wife was leaving, she gave me a kiss on the top of my bald head (only part outside the down comforter) and told me to just stay in bed all day because it was too damn cold out. Unfortunately, somewhere along the line I picked up a midwestern work ethic and am now up and working on getting to work. Of course, she was right–she always is. It’s 2 below and windy. But the frost on the windows is lovely and I’m starting to get into a writing fever, which means get it on paper or start leaking weirdness.
Naw. I figure if I was dumb enough to get out of bed and start working in the first place, than anything short of actual frostbite is my own fault. And if I keep the fingers moving it’ll be the cats and not Jack Frost that does the nipping.
“You are old, father William,” the young man said,
“And your hair has become very white;
And yet you incessantly stand on your head–
Do you think, at your age, it is right?”
“In my youth,” father William replied to his son,
“I feared it might injure the brain;
But, now that I’m perfectly sure I have none,
Why, I do it again and again.”
“You are old,” said the youth, “as I mentioned before,
And you have grown most uncommonly fat;
Yet you turned a back-somersault in at the door–
Pray what is the reason for that?”
“In my youth,” said the sage, as he shook his grey locks,
“I kept all my limbs very supple
By the use of this ointment – one shilling a box–
Allow me to sell you a couple?”
“You are old,” said the youth, “and your jaws are too weak
For anything tougher than suet;
Yet you finished the goose, with the bones and the beak–
Pray, how did you manage to do it?”
“In my youth,” said his father, “I took to the law,
And argued each case with my wife;
And the muscular strength, which it gave to my jaw,
Has lasted the rest of my life.”
“You are old,” said the youth, “one would hardly suppose
That your eye was as steady as ever;
Yet you balanced an eel on the end of your nose–
What made you so awfully clever?”
“I have answered three questions, and that is enough,”
Said his father. “Don’t give yourself airs!
Do you think I can listen all day to such stuff?
Be off, or I’ll kick you down stairs.
How wonderful to be able to party with all of the wonderful people in this thread!
I was just telling my mom over the weekend about all of you ladies, who inspire me to approach my upcoming 40 with MUCH gusto!!
I decided when I turned 38 that, after the major accomplishments of my 30s, 2 kids, getting married and the Ph.D. (well, ok, technically, I’ll be 40 when they actually place it in my hand…) that my goals for my 40s would include, feeling fantastic, LOOKING fantastic, and being a kids with my boys as much as humanly possible — sounds pretty good!
Hope your weekend has been great and that you continue to CELEBRATE YOURSELF!
Sweetie, if only you knew how much I admire you — the feeling is SOOOOOOO mutual!
You are one of the bravest, strongest, steadiest people I’ve never met. And you have helped me find my way SO much in these past months, more than you want to give yourself credit for, methinks!
Well then, I have been very successful at faking being brave and strong when in reality I am a quivering mass of uncertainty. Maybe that’s what all of us do?
you were wondering what to get me for Hanukkah, here’s my list:
Laura gets a compliment and accepts without qualification because she has come to realize what a good, strong, brave, funny, wonderful, witty, righteous, person she is. (And yes, I know that now I’ll have to be forever banned from Shirl’s “allowing” diary but I can live with that.)
Good luck with that and be careful with yourself, anna! Plastic surgery is not for me, but I would never judge anyone else — I am sure that you will look FANTASTIC in either case! 😉 Wow, and insurnace that is paying for it, that might make me think twice!
For now, I’ll stick to the anti-gravity bra, with a bit of manual rearranging, I can stack cleavage with the best of ’em!!
Now if I could only do something about the lesftover baby fat around the once and not forgotten waistline!
Been awake since about 3am…which is not good considering I didn’t get to bed till after midnight. 🙁
I think I’ve figured out how to handle the bed situation: spouse and I will go to IKEA tomorrow after he gets off work (dinner in the slow-cooker tomorrow), arrange for bedframe to be delivered Thursday or Friday. We’ll then stay at a local motel for two nights (Saturday/Sunday) to give us a couple of days to (1) take apart the old bed, and (2) put together the new bed. Then I’ll have the new mattress set delivered Monday.
Maybe with the new bed, I’ll sleep better…at the very least, I won’t get a knee in my butt when the spouse turns over… 😉
Hi Cali, sorry to hear about the sleeping problems. I have not slept through the night for more than 15 years, mostly due to having small children and physical stuff that happens to your body from having four children. But I’ll tell you what works best for me.
Exercise in the morning, not in the evening. Drink lots of water. Don’t eat anything other than fruit or something light after dinner. If you have to nap, make it no more than a five or ten minute power nap. It sounds ridiculous but it really energizes me and then I’m raring to go again. The other thing I do is turn a fan on for some background noise so I don’t hear every single noise my husband makes.
But honestly, good exercise is the key. Then you really earn a good nights’ sleep.
AndiF says her dogs sleep like logs after they chase deer.
Worth considering? (I just got the giggles at the image of us light sleepers plunging through the forest and baying in chase of the poor deer who would be thinking, WTF?)
I almost said that the deer don’t think it’s that much fun but actually I’m not convinced — there’s got to be some reason they stroll right up to the house. I wonder what deer for “nyah, nyah can’t catch me” sounds like.
I’m still thinking it’s a combination of the small bed and “The Pause” (I don’t have kids to blame unless you count the spouse lol). It’s actually something that just started the last several months. I’m going to be out and about today which will keep me from napping, so perhaps I’ll get a full night’s sleep tonight.
Oh, and once we get the new bed I plan on some evening exercise for me and the spouse…but I know I’ll sleep well afterwards… 😉
Last night, keepinon recommended an important diary that was getting lost among all that was happening. It is a beautifully concise account–from an “expert witness”–about DeLay’s machinations in Texas. I’d like to recommend it, too. LINK: lichtman’s diary.
Oh No the Big 5-0!!!
Honey, it’s all good, even the greying of the hair, wrinkling of the brow, drop of the boobs. I finally have learned to be who I really am. That is the best gift I have ever given myself!
As I’ve gotten older I’ve finally come to really appreciate having itty bitty titties — not only is there very little gravity effect but the yearly boob mashing is much less painful as well.
Just got back from a pass through the “don’t be a prick” diary and man do I need that tea, ideally something with harmony in the name. I had to leave before I made it all the way through, because otherwise a temper that I rarely have to work very hard to control was going to make me write things I would later regret. You would think that people might take their cues from the title. Oh well, there’s too much strife in my life at the moment for me to want to hang onto any of that anyway, so for the time being I’ll continue to keep my head down over here.
I agree…don’t know what’s going around but things seem to go from one problem to another…I think I’ll rename December …Official DipShit Month…all non Dipshitters need not apply.
beary good to see you around the cafe. I hope you’re keepin’ warm in MA, we were at 31 degrees this morning in Tucson so I can only imagine what you’re dealing with.
haha, I actually took the day off to study for a test so I’m keeping warm here.
31 in Tucson! Wow, my parents lived there about 20 years ago and just talked about how hot it was, although I did go there once and remember going up to Mount Lemon where there was snow! It’s pretty cool.
Hellloooooooo everyoooone…..how are y’all doing. Me, I am getting a little reprieve on my moving, packing, cleaning and preparing….I know have a month at least to accomplish all and so I can take it easy and just do bits at a time..
Sally Cat, Happy Birthday, to one sweet and kind woman, who I have known from day one (my day one) on this site and have grown to love and care about. Let this day be filled with joy and hapiness for you, and all the rest of your days as well.
manee, I love you too and miss you when you are absent, you are one quietly strong man, the kind I most admire….
Hugs to each and everyone of you…
Don’t overdo the strain with the packing, just take it box by box. I despise moving so I understand the anxiety that comes from pulling up the roots and trying to get settled in new soil. Peace and hugs to you.
Late to the party that apparently started while I was having a restless night of sleep. Good mor…, umm, afternoon to all! Still some strife I see but this too shall pass. My best to all. It did snow lightly here in NY overnight, the third snow so far this winter. I try and pick up on my snowboard learning again but so much snow this early is troubling, especially since I drive along the Hudson Valley’s version of the Pacific Coast Highway on a dialy basis.
Happy 50th Birthday Sallycat..can’t think of anything witty or wise to say…but that might be due to the fact that after yesterdays’s Cafe of drinking, Sex on the Beach and Dancing I’m a might pooped out..but in a good way..that’s my excuse anyway.
Make sure that revelers remember that all gifts should be appropriate, namely, gold, which, by the way is now at a 20 something year high, as the civilized world seeks to distance itself from dollars.
And of course, some gold yarn!
If I may be forgiven for making a sexist comment, it is my opinion that 50 is for ladies, the onset of greatest beauty, the time when the petals of the bud begin to open, offering the first glimpse of the magnificence of the bloom.
of mrboma’s diary on Saturday, here’s my offering:
Where’s supersoling at? I heard he’s a fellow Numenorean.
Oh, there’s splashing all right.
It’s supposed to be a water dish, but it’s turned into a wadding pool, and at one point a cone-of-silence for the poor littlest duckling.
ducklings ended up in the bunch, keres? the pics were so cute.
Here’s the whole wrecking crew – as of about 2 minutes ago.
Would you believe that I just changed the towel?
Hey Manny, Keres. . .We have any balck german beer. . .I’ll take my olive (branch) on the side.
Anyone have any idea what’s been put into the water supply that is making everyone so kranky?
Cranky is caused by the possibilities for success, so delicately poised on the knife-edge of disaster against a backdrop of global rapine.
We are soooooooo close…one mistake, one gaffe, one blown cue and the game goes on…but the stakes are so high, and a few more rounds of this game and the entire casino could just go to hell…
That’s my take.
Good to see you here in the cafe. I’ve missed seeing your environmental diaries, I hope you’ll write something for us soon!
I know what you mean about the edge-of-a-knife. I made reference to a tight-rope walk during the pie wars. I don’t think we’re at the point yet where the line is snapping, that’s my hope anyways.
There are 13 thus far. I’ll wait ’til morning to check for any stragglers.
There’s another batch of ten eggs, under another duck. But I think I have a few days before those will start to hatch out.
are you gonna eat those ducks?
i love duck
pull up a stool and I’ll share a coupla steins with you.
I don’t know what has filtered into the water, but I am going to do my best to remain unpoisoned. There is so much good here that I refuse to let any shadows get me down.
Hugs and Peace to you.
Thanks Manny. Yeah, stay away from the drinking water. I hope everything gets a little more relaxed around here. Frankly I’m thinking we need some frog board races or something.
Things going good for you? Hope so. Gee, I’m kinda tired tonight, maybe it will be one beer and off to bed for me.
Night everyone, and will somebody please start laughing!
Oh thank god you are open… i need a good bomb shelter. duck and cover. I would say this is Boomans 4th of july..and he is probably moving furnature in a snow storm. Earlier it was Sex on the Beach…I think I need a scotch..not rocks.
safe zone, Chamonix. The cafe is open to everyone at the site but all sniping is politely asked to remain at the front door. Here’s a scotch for you, my friend
Thanks man…I know about the safe zone…just needed a stiff one before the taxi comes to get me. It is cool outside.. thanks for keeping the light on.
this site move forward and help to win some elections so we can get these monsters out of office. 🙂
Think I’ll down a Guinness and go to bed. Slainte (“to your health” in Gaelic)
Guinness lately, mmmm
Cheers James

I was still beboppin’ to the music in my head when I hit the sack last night. I’m trying to think of something to say in a second sentence for this paragraph but nothing is happening. Have you got any sentences you could lend me until the coffee kicks me awake?
Twas brillig and the slivey toves did gyre and gimbel in the wabe. All mimsy were the borogroves and the momraths outgrabe.
No photos of momraths?
you asked for sentences, I gave you sentences. You start getting too pushy and you’re going to blow your passive-aggressive strategy all to hell.
Ooops. Almost blew my cover there. Let me try to rephrase that.
Momrath! Hmm. What if momraths and marmots are the same animal? I mean, have you ever seen a photo of two of them together at the same time?
is Marmotdude, no substitues needed apply. Said thrice.
I have something for you to ponder.
What is with Janeane Garafalo’s eyebrows? Is it just me, or are they radically different than they used to be?…somewhat Groucho Marxish. I was so distracted by her brows that I couldn’t pay attention to the plotline on West Wing.
I’ll be back in about an hour with answers to all your questions, but I can get this one on the fly. Those are not eyebrows, they are tiny marmots. Because marmots are so expressive and they’re also slothful, so many people can be fooled into thinking they’re eyebrows. However, just try waxing one.
Twas brillig and the. . .
Hmm. Waxing the marmot. Sounds like a cool name for a band, or a euphemism that IndyLib would have a field day with.
Wax on
Marmot off.
blurst of times.’ –Monty Burns’ typing monkey squad.
It’s 7 degrees here so I figure it’s an easy day to say to everybody “Hey, let’s chill”.
My driveway, winter 2004
That’s what the trees look like around here this morning — we got our first snowfall last night. Looks like about four inches of the wet, heavy stuff. Streets are pretty clear, so no excuses, I have to go in to work anyway. If our streets looked like your driveway, I could call in and work from home…. ah, well.
The winter is just starting, I can hope.
of working from home is that I never get to call my boss and say I can’t get to work because I’m snowed in.
I hear that, though this morning I got official sanction to play hooky. As my wife was leaving, she gave me a kiss on the top of my bald head (only part outside the down comforter) and told me to just stay in bed all day because it was too damn cold out. Unfortunately, somewhere along the line I picked up a midwestern work ethic and am now up and working on getting to work. Of course, she was right–she always is. It’s 2 below and windy. But the frost on the windows is lovely and I’m starting to get into a writing fever, which means get it on paper or start leaking weirdness.
that you figure for the breeze created by your fingers as they move and when it gets to a certain point, you get back in bed?
Naw. I figure if I was dumb enough to get out of bed and start working in the first place, than anything short of actual frostbite is my own fault. And if I keep the fingers moving it’ll be the cats and not Jack Frost that does the nipping.
Another spectacular picture!
Thanks for a snow day picture for today…now my new computer wallpaper!
Cannot compete with baby chicks. Cannot face Katie Couric yet, if at all. Sanjay Gupta is hot.
Sorry, I too am feeling rather disjointed this morning. I feel hungover. Coffee?
Well you’ve all been helping me party for 4 days…dinner with my friends was perfect, Joan Baez is as awesome as ever!
Today is the day….

Mimosa’s for everyone…
I’ll be around for a short while…then going to see my friends at C&J’s still can’t handle the strife at BT…for a few more days or so
And I just can’t resist:
You Are Old, Father William by Lewis Carroll
“You are old, father William,” the young man said,
“And your hair has become very white;
And yet you incessantly stand on your head–
Do you think, at your age, it is right?”
“In my youth,” father William replied to his son,
“I feared it might injure the brain;
But, now that I’m perfectly sure I have none,
Why, I do it again and again.”
“You are old,” said the youth, “as I mentioned before,
And you have grown most uncommonly fat;
Yet you turned a back-somersault in at the door–
Pray what is the reason for that?”
“In my youth,” said the sage, as he shook his grey locks,
“I kept all my limbs very supple
By the use of this ointment – one shilling a box–
Allow me to sell you a couple?”
“You are old,” said the youth, “and your jaws are too weak
For anything tougher than suet;
Yet you finished the goose, with the bones and the beak–
Pray, how did you manage to do it?”
“In my youth,” said his father, “I took to the law,
And argued each case with my wife;
And the muscular strength, which it gave to my jaw,
Has lasted the rest of my life.”
“You are old,” said the youth, “one would hardly suppose
That your eye was as steady as ever;
Yet you balanced an eel on the end of your nose–
What made you so awfully clever?”
“I have answered three questions, and that is enough,”
Said his father. “Don’t give yourself airs!
Do you think I can listen all day to such stuff?
Be off, or I’ll kick you down stairs.
Happy birthday, SallyCat. Fifty looks darn good on you.
Let’s party!
The spouse hits the big 5-0 next June…can’t believe I’m going to be married to an old man… 😉
Happy Birthday Sally Cat!
Wanted to let you know…the SF Chronicle has a two-part piece on Dave Brubeck in recognition of his 85th birthday.
Here are the links
Part 1
Part 2
Thought you might want to check them out before Saturday’s Jazz Jam… 🙂
I’ve already started a profile on Brubeck for this week, but I’m very happy for the additional information.
(((Cali Scribe)))
Can I have a pink lady instead of a mimosa, please?
This should be visual, but I’m just not up to that until I wrap myself around some tea. So, use your imagination. Tutus are key.
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes!
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes!
Hippo Birdie Deer SallyCat!
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes!
I hope you have a fantastic day with loads of Peace, you deserve it.
Oh, and I enjoyed seeing your photos at your site. heehee O:-)
Happy Birthday, SallyCat!!!
(I’m singing another round of KMc’s song to you…can you hear my slightly off-key voice?)
Happy Birthday, SallyCat!!
How wonderful to be able to party with all of the wonderful people in this thread!
I was just telling my mom over the weekend about all of you ladies, who inspire me to approach my upcoming 40 with MUCH gusto!!
I decided when I turned 38 that, after the major accomplishments of my 30s, 2 kids, getting married and the Ph.D. (well, ok, technically, I’ll be 40 when they actually place it in my hand…) that my goals for my 40s would include, feeling fantastic, LOOKING fantastic, and being a kids with my boys as much as humanly possible — sounds pretty good!
Hope your weekend has been great and that you continue to CELEBRATE YOURSELF!
Brinn, I so admire you. That’s all.
Sweetie, if only you knew how much I admire you — the feeling is SOOOOOOO mutual!
You are one of the bravest, strongest, steadiest people I’ve never met. And you have helped me find my way SO much in these past months, more than you want to give yourself credit for, methinks!
love you, lady!
Well then, I have been very successful at faking being brave and strong when in reality I am a quivering mass of uncertainty. Maybe that’s what all of us do?
Hugs back to you!
you were wondering what to get me for Hanukkah, here’s my list:
Laura gets a compliment and accepts without qualification because she has come to realize what a good, strong, brave, funny, wonderful, witty, righteous, person she is. (And yes, I know that now I’ll have to be forever banned from Shirl’s “allowing” diary but I can live with that.)
Am I that completely transparent? Of course I can’t take compliments…pfffftt!
But thanks, Andi. You’re a peach. A curmudgeonly peach.
Oh you sneaky thing — you managed to qualify this one too. Oh well Hanukkah is late this year; we’ve got time.
heres to looking great in your 40s
im going to see a plastic surgeon today to talk about getting my boobies lifted off the ground
and my insurance is gonna pay for the whole thing
Good luck with that and be careful with yourself, anna! Plastic surgery is not for me, but I would never judge anyone else — I am sure that you will look FANTASTIC in either case! 😉 Wow, and insurnace that is paying for it, that might make me think twice!
For now, I’ll stick to the anti-gravity bra, with a bit of manual rearranging, I can stack cleavage with the best of ’em!!
Now if I could only do something about the lesftover baby fat around the once and not forgotten waistline!
Been awake since about 3am…which is not good considering I didn’t get to bed till after midnight. 🙁
I think I’ve figured out how to handle the bed situation: spouse and I will go to IKEA tomorrow after he gets off work (dinner in the slow-cooker tomorrow), arrange for bedframe to be delivered Thursday or Friday. We’ll then stay at a local motel for two nights (Saturday/Sunday) to give us a couple of days to (1) take apart the old bed, and (2) put together the new bed. Then I’ll have the new mattress set delivered Monday.
Maybe with the new bed, I’ll sleep better…at the very least, I won’t get a knee in my butt when the spouse turns over… 😉
Okay, time to get working soon…
Hi Cali, sorry to hear about the sleeping problems. I have not slept through the night for more than 15 years, mostly due to having small children and physical stuff that happens to your body from having four children. But I’ll tell you what works best for me.
Exercise in the morning, not in the evening. Drink lots of water. Don’t eat anything other than fruit or something light after dinner. If you have to nap, make it no more than a five or ten minute power nap. It sounds ridiculous but it really energizes me and then I’m raring to go again. The other thing I do is turn a fan on for some background noise so I don’t hear every single noise my husband makes.
But honestly, good exercise is the key. Then you really earn a good nights’ sleep.
AndiF says her dogs sleep like logs after they chase deer.
Worth considering? (I just got the giggles at the image of us light sleepers plunging through the forest and baying in chase of the poor deer who would be thinking, WTF?)
Excellent advice. Who needs counting sheep when chasing deer is so much fun?
I almost said that the deer don’t think it’s that much fun but actually I’m not convinced — there’s got to be some reason they stroll right up to the house. I wonder what deer for “nyah, nyah can’t catch me” sounds like.
I’m still thinking it’s a combination of the small bed and “The Pause” (I don’t have kids to blame unless you count the spouse lol). It’s actually something that just started the last several months. I’m going to be out and about today which will keep me from napping, so perhaps I’ll get a full night’s sleep tonight.
Oh, and once we get the new bed I plan on some evening exercise for me and the spouse…but I know I’ll sleep well afterwards… 😉
Go here.
Last night, keepinon recommended an important diary that was getting lost among all that was happening. It is a beautifully concise account–from an “expert witness”–about DeLay’s machinations in Texas. I’d like to recommend it, too. LINK: lichtman’s diary.
Oh No the Big 5-0!!!
Honey, it’s all good, even the greying of the hair, wrinkling of the brow, drop of the boobs. I finally have learned to be who I really am. That is the best gift I have ever given myself!
Much love and party on!
As I’ve gotten older I’ve finally come to really appreciate having itty bitty titties — not only is there very little gravity effect but the yearly boob mashing is much less painful as well.
No fooling. After nursing four kids my boobs pressed between two plates of glass look like a ham steak. Hey, they’re working boobs, give me a break!
I needed a laugh! THANK YOU!!!!
they are retired and have moved south.
They were going south with or without me, so I figured I might as well tag along.
Just got back from a pass through the “don’t be a prick” diary and man do I need that tea, ideally something with harmony in the name. I had to leave before I made it all the way through, because otherwise a temper that I rarely have to work very hard to control was going to make me write things I would later regret. You would think that people might take their cues from the title. Oh well, there’s too much strife in my life at the moment for me to want to hang onto any of that anyway, so for the time being I’ll continue to keep my head down over here.
I agree…don’t know what’s going around but things seem to go from one problem to another…I think I’ll rename December …Official DipShit Month…all non Dipshitters need not apply.
Hey guys, hope everyone is having a bearable week!
beary good to see you around the cafe. I hope you’re keepin’ warm in MA, we were at 31 degrees this morning in Tucson so I can only imagine what you’re dealing with.
haha, I actually took the day off to study for a test so I’m keeping warm here.
31 in Tucson! Wow, my parents lived there about 20 years ago and just talked about how hot it was, although I did go there once and remember going up to Mount Lemon where there was snow! It’s pretty cool.
Hellloooooooo everyoooone…..how are y’all doing. Me, I am getting a little reprieve on my moving, packing, cleaning and preparing….I know have a month at least to accomplish all and so I can take it easy and just do bits at a time..
Sally Cat, Happy Birthday, to one sweet and kind woman, who I have known from day one (my day one) on this site and have grown to love and care about. Let this day be filled with joy and hapiness for you, and all the rest of your days as well.
manee, I love you too and miss you when you are absent, you are one quietly strong man, the kind I most admire….
Hugs to each and everyone of you…
Don’t overdo the strain with the packing, just take it box by box. I despise moving so I understand the anxiety that comes from pulling up the roots and trying to get settled in new soil. Peace and hugs to you.
Late to the party that apparently started while I was having a restless night of sleep. Good mor…, umm, afternoon to all! Still some strife I see but this too shall pass. My best to all. It did snow lightly here in NY overnight, the third snow so far this winter. I try and pick up on my snowboard learning again but so much snow this early is troubling, especially since I drive along the Hudson Valley’s version of the Pacific Coast Highway on a dialy basis.
Oh, and happy 50th birthday to Sallycat!
Happy 50th Birthday Sallycat..can’t think of anything witty or wise to say…but that might be due to the fact that after yesterdays’s Cafe of drinking, Sex on the Beach and Dancing I’m a might pooped out..but in a good way..that’s my excuse anyway.
Make sure that revelers remember that all gifts should be appropriate, namely, gold, which, by the way is now at a 20 something year high, as the civilized world seeks to distance itself from dollars.
And of course, some gold yarn!
If I may be forgiven for making a sexist comment, it is my opinion that 50 is for ladies, the onset of greatest beauty, the time when the petals of the bud begin to open, offering the first glimpse of the magnificence of the bloom.
I’m serving ice cream over at the new cafe!