I have never wanted to speak to Bill. I still don’t. To be honest it isn’t his politics that offends me because I don’t care what his politics are. In fact, I’m not sure he cares, either, and that is what offends me about Bill. I’m not sure where Bill ends and the hype begins. I’m not sure he wouldn’t say anything to garner publicity, no matter who it hurt as long as it increased his ratings a little and made him a little richer. And I guess he’s really good at this publicity game because as much as I don’t want to speak to him, I am now drawn to speak to him
Bill, you greedy, soulless, pompous unchristian jackass; I think you may be an anti-Semitic racist, Bill. That’s a terrible thing to imply about somebody but you don’t leave me much choice. Bill, if you willingly lay down with dogs you willingly get up with fleas and if you willingly take a public position that brings skin head anti-Semitic neo-Nazi racists to their feet cheering, then you are a racists and an anti-Semite by choice. The skin heads know what you really mean when you say liberal, Bill. “Liberal” has been a code word for Jews long before Henry Ford first used it in an anti-Semitic tract back in the 1920’s. And now you have tied “Liberal” and a war on Christmas together once again. It seems pretty obvious to the skin heads, Bill.
Okay, maybe you don’t really mean this war on Christmas junk. Maybe you’re just saying this to increase your ratings. But if you don’t’ want to be known as an anti-Semitic racist maybe you should remove your head from your rectum long enough to ask yourself what the hell you’re doing garnering the support of people like that? Bill, can you and the other ratings whores at Faux News ever make enough money to buy God’s forgiveness for desecrating his son’s birthday in this way? I don’t think so, and I’m an atheist.
Its one thing when Mattel uses Christmas to make a profit; at least a little kid gets a toy that makes him happy. But you guys at Faux News are selling pseudo-political swill to unhappy and angry people and you are just making those folks more unhappy and more angry. Don’t you remember, Bill? The pursuit of money is the root of all evil? Or did you miss that part of Christian class?
Who is conducting this war on Christmas, Bill? Out of the 284 million Americans, who is conducting a war against the 217,872,000 Americans (76% of the population) who openly proclaim themselves to be Christians and who attend one of the 388,000 churches in America? You know, with numbers like that it really doesn’t sound as if Christianity in America is in danger. What do you think, Bill? Maybe Jews are envious of your “Christmas Cards”? If the yamika fits you must acquit, Bill.
Or maybe the threat against Christmas is from Muslims. They take the commandment “Thou shalt have no graven images” pretty seriously. Muslims have no images of God, and none of his great Prophet, and would certainly tolerate none of a minor Islamic prophet like Jesus. Maybe they are plotting to sneak into the hundreds of thousands of crèches in America and steal all the baby Jesus-eses. But then a graven image pretty well describes you too, doesn’t it. Bill. The cops could use it if Muslims ever decide to steal you. “Victim is a large headed graven image, last seen hiding up his own ass.”
I think it may be the Mormons who are trying to steal the crèches. They collect baby Jesus-es like there is no tomorrow. There is a Church of the Latter Day Saints in Ann Arbor, Michigan that displays over 900 crèches. And one in Phoenix that has 1,000; Palo Alto, 500: Midway, Utah, 500. If they keep this up there won’t be any crèches left for all the other Christians. And yet I haven’t had any trouble finding a crèche in my neighborhood. I have to ask again, what war?
Considering the joyless way you and the folks at Faux News have converted the birth of the Prince of Peace into a justification for yet another vicious, name calling, smear campaign, I think the greatest threat to Christmas is you, Bill. You and Faux News are trying to destroy Christmas.
Christmas is about joy, Bill. It’s about sharing that joy with your fellow human beings. That’s why we give gifts, in order to share the joy. And hopefully we can share that joy without first pounding our fellow human beings over the head with our personal theology. So you say “Happy Holidays”, because it’s polite, Bill. It shows respect to those people who don’t share your theology. They know what you mean. They know you are celebrating Christmas, but showing them respect allows you to share your joy with them without slitting their throat first, which is the way Christians used to share their joy during the Crusades. But slowly, as human beings struggled to get closer to God, they realized that sharing you joy even with your worst enemy does not make you weaker. “Do unto others”, is the way Jesus put it. (Mathew 7:120) Anything that increases shared joy makes us all stronger. That’s the point of Christianity and Christmas. And only a paranoid lunatic hate filled jackass would spread anger and fear at this particular time of year.
Ah, Bill, you stupid, pompous unchristian jackass. Its Christmas, Bill, for Christ’s sake. Share you joy, asshole. Share your frigging love for your fellow human being or shut the hell up.
Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays. Go screw yourself, O’Reilly.
‘Holiday’ Cards Ring Hollow for Some on Bushes’ List
By Alan Cooperman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, December 7, 2005; Page A01
What’s missing from the White House Christmas card? Christmas.
This month, as in every December since he took office, President Bush sent out cards with a generic end-of-the-year message, wishing 1.4 million of his close friends and supporters a happy “holiday season.”
The above is a clip from a front page article in the Washington Post today (sorry for no link, I’ve lost my html cheat sheet). Guess the fundies are a little pissed at no support from the Bushes in their current war. Wonder if Bill will cover this?
Here’s the Post article, in SF Gate. Rather amusing:
That is the same rationale offered by major retailers for generic holiday catalogues, and it is accepted by groups such as the National Council of Churches. “I think it’s more important to put Christ back into our war planning than into our Christmas cards,” said the council’s general secretary, the Rev. Bob Edgar, a former Democratic congressman.
Here’s the Link.
The base is not happy with fearless leader it seems. :{)
It’s just a big cry for attention from Bill O’Liar.
At the risk of using the fallacious argument of “things that are equal to one thing are equal to another,” I’m going to say that this is a deliberate attack on minority religions and religious freedom in this country (which doesn’t make it any less of an absurd stunt, of course). Henry Ford did the same thing. And, as I’ve pointed out before, the Czar’s secret police did the same thing when they accused the Jews of a secret conspiracy to replace religion with materialism.
Unfortunately we can’t seem to stop talking about him, which is precisely why he’s doing this. I was chewing the fat with someone yesterday who told me (unverified) that Wal-Mart had fallen for this, and their greeters are instructed to say “Merry Christmas” instead of “Happy Holidays.” I guess when you’re the world’s biggest retailer and have gotten used to doing whatever you want, you can afford to annoy those of your customers who celebrate some other holiday, or none at at all.
oops, should be “are equal to one another.” Sorry, it’s early here.
I haven’t done it in a couple of years, because I don’t want to confuse the kids too much, but I think that it is time I pull out my list of fun responses to “Merry Christmas” again this year. Feel free to choose any that suit your personality, and to experiment with mixing and matching!
And remember that they are best delivered in a warm voice with a smile and a twinkle in your eye (for maximum effect):
Is that right?
I’m not so sure!
Aren’t you about 6 months too late?
Which part?
Frist, do no harm.
There are lots of others that are applicable to specific situations, but since I do not go within 10 miles of malls, and/or shopping plazas from October to February, they aren’t as neccesary these days!
This past year I have made that typo over and over again and while it is sometimes funny, sometimes, it decidedly is not!
In this case, you choose!
I know, imagine your surprise.
I remember reading one time that Franklin Roosevelt got tired of the idle, boring pleasantries that happen during receiving lines at political functions, so he decided to have a little fun. At one particular event he decided he was going to shake hands with the guests and instead of greeting them, announce “I murdered my grandmother last night,” in more or less the same tone of voice you would say “Fine, how are you?”
This went generally unnoticed by the crowd, who were used to doing mechanical pleasantries and moving on, except for one little old lady who looked Roosevelt in the eye and said, “Well, she certainly deserved it.”
I don’t know whether this happened when he was President or whether it even happened at all, but it’s still a great story.
I had heard the FDR story but have never heard it applied to any other Pres., so I presume it is true. Which means, of course, it is not. Still, I love that story.
But I wonder why the media have pussy footed around this issue. Having grown up in the Midwest I can tell you that anti-Semitism deeply ingrained in Pentecostal church doctrine. They’re not rabid about it – calling for Pogroms, but that is only a step away and that needs to be pointed out. Somebody needs to turn on the bathroom light so these bugs will run back into the shadows. This is our house not theirs and we need to take control of it.
While waiting to take the oath of office Lincoln was deluged with suggestions on how to keep the southern states in the union. He responded to one worried citizen by describing the problem in dealing with all fanatics -“Not only must we leave them alone, we must somehow convince them that we are leaving them alone.” These Christian nutcases will only be convinced we mean to tolerate them if we wipe out everyone who disagrees with them. Evidently they wish to begin with the Jews and Eastern Christians, and now.