Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself!
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door. |
Please recommend, & unrecommend the previous Cafe. |
May the 4’s be with you
Near zero temps and a bit of snow for today. Just a week or two ago we were still basking in 70 degree weather. The joys of living in the high plains. π
Where are you, James? Here on the edge of K.C. I’m looking at at snow. As I type, my fingers are stiff and cold INSIDE my house.
Oklahoma panhandle. We’re about 3,300 ft elevation where I live, and about an hour’s drive from mesa country (and maybe a handful of hours away from the Rockies). I remember the KC area mainly because I lived in Columbia MO during the late 1990s and periodically drove through on the way to the OKC area.
You are either smack dab in the middle or or very near one of my favorite landscapes in all the world. I love those high plains down there at the corner of Colo, Ok, & Ks. Bet the wind’s a whippin’.
The wind is definitely blowing. We call a 10-20 mph wind a “light breeze.” π
lol! A “light balmy breeze, no doubt, if it’s anything above freezing. Why you guys down there in Ok. are a veritable Florida of the heartland.
today in Boulder, CO, with 3-4 inches of the light, fluffy stuff. Usually it’s in the forties this time of year, so this is cold.
I live on the corner, and started shoveling my elderly neighbor’s walk for her last year. So even a minor snow day like this is about an hour of work in the morning. But I’ll take it–skiing was already damn good for early December, now it’s going to be great.
Ah, skiing. I remember when I used to do that. Crested Butte was my fav place.
I seem to remember that there used to be “skiing” over near Weston, MO somewhere. Or has global heating shut them down for good?
It’s still there, though it’s hard to talk about it without grinning. “skiing,” indeed.
I’d have to agree. In fact here’s a picture of it from 1 month ago:
Did you see how good Second Nature was today?
did I?
Wow, that is cold for Boulder in December! We have a light covering of snow here, but the kids are saying that even the teachers think Friday will be a snow day here this week.
I’ll take it. π
That’ll be interesting–hosting the Cafe and having the kids home, too.
Maybe I’ll get them to play host…
It would be a hoot to see what photos, or whatever, they put on. Would we have to behave ourselves? Or, to be more specific, would IndyLib have to behave herself?
Heh…let’s just say my apples didn’t fall too far from the tree…or, to quote CtE:
“If girls with big boobs work at Hooters, where do girls with only one leg work?”
Uhuh. They’ll fit in just fine. π
HEY! I’m not the one who posted a picture of someone’s nuts.
Seriously CabinGirl, if I need to keep myself PG13 or whatever, just let me know.
How did I miss the nuts?
I thought you were PG13 already? It’s SN we have to watch out for. Notice she’s keeping quiet…
I’m mortified that I have acquired this reputation. I swear it’s Indy that puts me up to it. But if the Cabin boys are going to be here I’ll go back to my usual Pollyanna routine.
Don’t you dare-they can just look at me funny and say “What’s that supposed to mean, mom?”
Although I think those days are pretty well over…sigh.
and I am beginning to wonder if there is a pattern emerging…
It’s a fiendish plot, I tell ya…now where are those nuts?
As still a relative newcomer here, should I assume the picture referred to was not the type that are crushed or shelled?
I wouldn’t be shocked no matter what the answer is.
And neither were they mixed.
Please tell me there weren’t also pics of well endowed cliques, too. I don’t have a small brain even though it appears that way at times. I’m so average I make vanilla look exciting.
the thread if you want and judge for yourself.
I’m shy, should I cover my eyes when I read it? I’m not sure I want to see. When they egged me on saying,…go on, go on, show ’em you’re nuts…I would just do something stupid or crazy.
heh,…I guess I still haven’t come out of my shell yet.
I think you’ll find we are lots of dirty talk and only a little action. But what dirty talk there is is cherce.
Exactly and it’s a fine way to be.
Can you tell me if h-o-o-h-a-h is the correct spelling for that word?
In this morning’s cafe, Kelly and Boran2 both volunteered some hosting time. If anybody else wants to pick a day to corral us cats, just wave your hand, ‘k?
Speaking of cats. A while ago my mini Dachshund got up in my lap to sleep, then up walked one of the cats. She licked the dog, then settled down on top of both of us for her own snooze. I had a lapful of the Peaceable Kingdom.
Might be able to take this Monday’s Cafe as well, depending on the spouse’s schedule — probably won’t know that till Friday or the weekend (he may need to call over the weekend and check). I’ll be more definite by the weekend…
That would be super, if it works out. And, yep, you’re still down for the 28th.
Brrrrrrrrr … it was cold out there! Thanks for the warm fire!
Love the coffee. What blend?
It’s Peets’ house blend. Only the best served here.
Major Dickison somewhere? Mmmm. Peet’s rules.
Oh wait, I quit coffee. Grrr.
Peets has the power to make even strong men forget they don’t drink coffee.
My housemate was playing with weather.com this morning and ascertained that it was colder outside our home than it was in Anchorage… and in Antarctica. The funny thing is, it was 24 – not really THAT cold!
I’ve had my jacket on almost all day though. Office is cold. Brrr.
That furry coat of yours comes in handy, eh? π
I tried to go Christmas shopping today, but it’s funny, when you don’t have any idea what you’re shopping for, it’s hard to know when you find it. I was just in a surly, un-holidaylike mood, and I started to feel so frustrated at how crowded all the stores were and how the smell of Cinnabon was miraculously wafting through all 4 million square feet of the mall no matter how hard I tried to get away from it. Please pat me on the back for not eating anything, and now I have come home to reheat leftover split pea soup from last night, which, by the way, gives one terrible gas. But I’m alone in the house for the next hour or so and the cat usually doesn’t mind bad smells, seeing as she poops in a box in the bonus room.
So, here is a picture of the bare tree in my backyard from this morning. I suddenly realized it was bare only last night as I was standing in the brilliantly illuminated bedroom almost completely naked and I could see the house behind me, and in fact right into their bedroom window. And I thought…Hmmm, I’ll bet since I can see them they just might be able to see me too! I had gotten so used to the tree providing complete privacy. So, um…lessons learned, if a bit too late.
Big pat on the back for resisting Cinnabons when you were in a bad mood. Not sure I could have done it.
Thank you, I will take all the pats I can get. Recently a bag of snickerdoodles almost did me in.
Lovely picture you’ve given us (oh and the one of the tree is very nice, too).
As for the holiday shopping, I don’t do it anymore — if it can’t be got online, it isn’t going to be got.
Oh yeah ::pat and fluff::
Katiebird will be so pleased to hear this.
I was thinking of her the whole time…just for today…just for today…just for today…
to come pull up a chair and take the chill off by our stove.
Radiating warmth to all comers since 1979
….now, that’s hot.
That’s just what I need to thaw my frozen bones. It’s been in the low twenties with a wind (middle of WV) and I was stuck working outside all day. My frigid fingers still fail to feel the keyboard correctly.
You folks really know how to spread the warmth around here. Steaming coffee, a raging inferno and puns of humor are just what’s needed. Thanks.
Thank you, rumi. It’s nice to see you, too.
Warmth, radiance and laughter. Isn’t this more what life should hold for all of us?
…oh yeah, coups, too. I almost forgot the coup.
if you want to stay around the stove, don’t go fomenting turmoil and mayhem (aka the BooTrib law firm).
I believe the full name of the BooTrib Law firm is Turmoil, Mayhem, Trouble & How.
asking if you want me to open a new cafe but since you’re commenting, I’ll just ask now. So?
Just to avoid any confusion and trouble. I’m only a coup-stager or clique-picker in jest and good fun. I stand firm when it’s needed but I think life is too short to let differences create obstacles to peace and harmony.
I don’t agree with some things but I can honestly say there is no one here that I dislike or would cause harm. I like this place and the people in it. I think you’re all nuts to some degree but that’s just part of what I call home.
If my words ever appear to be a deliberate insult to another then it would be an accident or misunderstanding. I’m passionate in a shared respect for life and human dignity.
I think that most people here are more than willing to rationally disagree and that people should get over their fear of arguments. Getting passionate about your beliefs is very healthy and shouldn’t be a cause for concern — most of these dust-ups would be over quickly if people weren’t so desperate to try to smooth them over instead of letting be talked through and settled. And most of them are actually capable of producing more light than heat.
I think thos are very wise and accurate thoughts you expressed. I’m still trying to look out for toes to avoid stepping on with almost every comment I make. I have a knack for saying just the wrong thing with no idea of any meaning it might have in relation to other situations that might be happening.
I’ve spent time in internet communities where the dress code requires helmets and steel-toed boots.
I’m pretty sure those ingredients turn coup into soup. π Hot, delicious, nutritious soup.
Hey all,
I’m reposting this from the earlier cafe since it was the cafe folk who were interested and I wanted to make sure everyone who asked about it caught the diary.
I finally put up my World Fantasy Con Diary, complete with poll and bonus pics of Kelly in wigs. It’s here.
Popping in quick to say hi! So … HI! :^)
It’s been a challenge to remain both postive and silent about some of the things going on here over the last week.I’m sad to see Diane go, but can totally understand. Like Manny’s advice, I’ve remained pretty silent on the whole affair. Interesting to watch, and I have to say that I’ve read things I agree w/ on all sides … so not sure what that means. Maybe I’m not a member of any cliques. :o(
I’d like to volunteer to host a Cafe one day during my holiday break … I’ve never done it, but feel like I could give a little something back to all the regular hosters who do such a darn good job. Anyways, I’ll check in later when I get home to identify dates that I have open and would be available all day (All Day… oh joy! I can’t wait!).
Hi, Olivia! Ooo, my eyes get huge at the thought of you hosting a cafe, since it means we might get some purty pictures.
I guess that means I better pick up my camera… I’ve only held it the one time a couple days ago. Maybe I should take requests, seeing as how I’m running on empty right now… Although, I noticed my rosemary herbs are flowering! I’ve never seen rosemary flower before – tiny, delicate flowers. I’m going to try to capture them tonight.
You (and your flower pictures) have been missed — you got a LOT of mentions in ejmw’s “Our Web” diary a few nights back… π
Been thinking of you when I’ve been watching our hockey team turn it around…don’t think we’re playing Ottawa (thank goodness) but at least we beat the Leafs last Saturday… π
Any team that beats the Leafs is my kind of team! W00t! What do you think of the Thornton trade?
very cool. π
I’m on a hockey forum (DJ turned me on to it), and there’s some concern that JT’s not going for goals himself…but I’m willing for him to share the wealth and take the assists since that means SOMEONE’S scoring at least! π
(DJ’s going to be off-line for a bit, BTW — in the midst of moving and not sure when her Internets will be hooked up…)
I knew that she was busy and not going to be ’round, but sure do miss her vivaciousness (is that a word?) – and her hugs!
That trade was BIG news around here. All the talk for days was on Boston dumping their captain. People calling them the Boston Ruins. It’s been interesting.
You are so not invited into my new clique now… ;P
Any team that beats the Leafs is my kind of team!
Everytime I mention them I think of you!
(And here we can all witness my Fence Sitting credentials…)
I grew up in the GTA, and was a de-voted fan of the Leafs. When Wayne high-sticked Gilmour and killed their p-off hopes I was devastated and instantly developed a life-long hatred for Wayne that has only recently been resolved for his winning us the Gold.
And while the Leafs have had their struggles over the last few — um, 2005-1967 years — they have always managed to hand the Sens their helmets in the p-offs.
So there. How’s that?
Much better… consider yourself back in the clique π
Yeah, I had a hate on for Wayne for a looooong time after that one. The Leafs always beat the Sens, the Flyers always beat the Leafs and the Devils always beat the Flyers… hockey is so bizarre that way.
Yes! Two – that’s TWO – cliques in one afternoon. I’m rockin’ today! :o)
(I’m really looking forward to the p-offs this year. This year, the season doesn’t start until the playoffs.)
But what if they make you choose between them, hmmm?
Well, um… hmmm… I guess I’ll have to think about that … π
Nonsense! I would never… well… maybe… ummm… nope… Nonsense! π
Actually, you are yourself a clique (The Clique of the Gorgeous Flowers Photos) to which we all are would enviously like to belong.
Is this your kind way of telling me I’m weird? π
Not unless this flu has got me more befuddled than usual (which is entirely possible). At any rate, it’s your clique so you can interpret it however you want so long as I can join and magically take gorgeous flower photos.
You’ve got the flu?? I didn’t know that. Then you really are a hero for offering to help tonight. If the flu wins, though, just say so. We need you healthy enough to continue to amuse us. Because it’s all about us. Well, me, really.
I only worry about amusing myself.
The nice thing about flu, though, is that feels just like a slightly “enhanced” version of my normal state — foggy-brained and creaky.
I didn’t know you had the flu. Poor baby. Hope you feel better soon.
I’m much better than I was monday and tuesday. But if I’d known that I could some pity I’d have brought it up sooner. All I get from the dogs is dirty looks because I haven’t taken them for a walk since Sunday.
I salute you for not mentioning it until now. I’d be milking it for every ounce of sympathy I could.
(yeah right) but I mentioned it on Monday although it was somewhat obliquely (it was about the ethics of playing on the internet when you had decided you were too sick to work) and not that whiny (I’m sure that I can work up that part though if it’s going to get me attention).
(Is there a strain of the flu that makes you more susceptible to parenthetical remarks?)
Obviously (though how could you know?) you have a (rare) form of parenthetical flu.
You really must learn how to play up your illnesses for maximum impact. I remember (in hindsight) your alluding to being sick on Monday but I thought it was the Monday flu.
All I remember is that you made a lot of witty comments. How can you be funny and sick at the same time? I’m guessing your nose isn’t red either.
Hey olivia of the gorgeous flower pictures…I tend not to say much either. At some point it becomes well a bit pointless. Like you I can also see or can agree with some points people on both sides of an issue can put forth. Some people have called me a wishy/washy fence sitter and others have told me I have too much empathy(didn’t know you could have too much empathy)…not here but in real life.
Although I have to confess that I’ve wanted to stamp my little old feet here in my apt. and to say ok everyone just stop it but I fear that would take away my wishy/washy empathetic label. And I wouldn’t want that….would I?
You’ve given me a great idea! Maybe we could form a Fence-Sitter clique! We already have two — or maybe three with ManE — members!
One of the best and worst things about my university education, was the move away from black/white to shades-of-gray thinking. I too have been accused of not having an opinion (of which the interesting distinction is that I do, in fact, have many opinion’s’ on a topic, not just one, and they may or may not conflict depending on the perspective I’m thinking through.) Of course, it’s all very subjective and does tend to upset people. So I totally understand what your saying CI. And also get the empathy label too. I was told in nursing school that I was too empathetic w/ patients. And while I didn’t think that was a bad thing at the time, I’ve learned that it does tend to eat at one’s positive energy (for lack of a better concept) and does need to be monitored.
as there is cheesecake.
(waving hi)
ice cream too of course! And Bud could be our honourary member.
(Good to see you back Manny!)
chocolate cheesecake my good man.
I cut myself a teeny-tiny sliver, I hope you don’t mind
Great idea Olivia, what’s one more clique here, eh-I do have on question..can we do any cross-cliqueing?
There are very very few things I see in a complete black/white situation…yet like you I do have very strong and inflexible opinions even on certain things(racism, prejudice). Also funny you should mention your nursing experience. Same thing happened to me when in college. I became a peer counselor to a group of certain students and I started getting burned out rather quickly because I could emphasize so much about some real horror stories or even just lousy upbringing stories that I would start to get physically sick…and when I learned I really couldn’t go on and become any kind of counselor.
… we’re kindred spirits in an over-empathetic, fence-sitting kind of way CI.
I have to say though, it’ll be nice to be part of a clique. Although, I have no firm opinion on the matter at this time, and of course it’s likely to change at the drop of a hat. I’ll have to think on it for a bit… ;^)
That chocolate cheesecake that Manny left for us up there looks scrumptious, and that may decide the matter entirely!
Oh, and cross-clique away!
You’re quite right, this whole clique thing does get a bit complicated it seems or at least that is one way of looking at it I suppose-then again…of course anyone with too definite ideas of what the Fence Sitters should be would therefore by definition be violating the sacred fencesitting code, wouldn’t they?
I think I’ll have some of that cheesecake Manny is serving up instead, for now anyway, check back with me in a few on that and I could have an answer for you..although I think I forgot the question.
I think his sense of ‘scale’ is off a bit, so his teeny, tiny slivers of cake may not last! π
in IN fa-my,
was celebrated chez Gooserock by Florida WW2 Mom addressing a shipment from us to Japan.
Now we’re watching the shots-fired-on-airliner story on CNN. A passenger on the plane from Medellin, Columbia said he had a bomb, and Federal air marshall(s) fired. Someone’s injured but not killed. Very sketchy at present.
We now return you to your regularly-scheduled absurdities.
I started to think, can absurdities be scheduled? Then I remembered Monty Python. Fawlty Towers.
So um, it’s supposed to be in the fifties around my parts this time of the year. Instead, it’s in the middle thirties and breezy, with a decent chance of snow tomorrow night (already had three inches this week).
Just to make note, I live on a latitude equal to that of Sicily.
Can’t wait ’till January!
Why do those “latitudes equal to” so rarely bring us any comfort? π
What does Santa say this time of year?
“Just to make note, I live on a latitude equal to that of…Siberia? Damn.”
Brrrrrrrrrrrrr..we got up to about 5 degrees today and it below zero again. Ok I’m pretty tough but even I get cold now and then. Of course now I’m going thru the change of life my hubby says….it will be good on our heating bill this winter. Love that man
I only had night sweats so they were pretty useless as an energy conservation measure. And they were way to short in duration to be provide any radiant heat to my husband. YMMV but just didn’t want to get get anyone’s hopes up.
Oh I get those night sweats too. I’ve had it all. I still would rather be going thru this than being younger and having the other problem. My poor daughter keeps asking me when she can go thru the change. I tell her sweetie you have decades to go.
I keep thinking there should be some sort of formal celebration for being officially “post” — like having a bonfire in which you burn your remaining tampons — I enjoyed throwing mine out so much it seems like it would be at least worth a hallmark card.
Bloody good idea mate, the bonfire and the card.
or maybe unbloody?
Too funny you all. I did a ceremony passing the tampons down to my daughter. I have no use for them anymore. Let the party begin
LOL, I was just thinking about ths very idea last night when I noticed my daughter’s skin had cleared up from earlier this week and I wondered “Do I miss it?… nah. not really.”
Come on over here