I am writing this at 2:00 AM because I just have to get this out and then go to bed.
I am herewith taking a break from this site and resigning from hosting the FBC. Volunteers will be needed so please sign up there.
I don’t know when I will be back, but I will at some point stop in and say hi in the FBC.
I think I have had too much of political blogs and just cannot go on, I am very tired and need to focus on my real life.
I will miss so many of you, but I can be found on my site, so you know where I am.
I hold no hard feeling for anyone, just tired of all the stuff that goes on, or maybe I am just not cut out for political blog.
Enough said, I wish you all and this site well but now it’s time for me to go on to other things and to bed.
I wrote the following in a comment below, but I want you to read this first, so I am copying it here…
Hi everyone, first thanks for all your kind words….I have the best thoughts for all of you..
I want to make clear that it is me who needs a break I am not closing the door, but I have to shake negativity off my back and live in the positive world.
I will be back you know in some way or other, and heck I am just a click away…I want this site to go and you all to go on and return this site to the happy days we used to have…I have every respect for Booman, susan, and oh sooooo many of you and I just really do love you.
Please do not take this all in a bad way, sometimes there are just things you have to do to take care of yourself and that is all I am doing.
I gave you the cafe and I leave you with it, it’s a beautiful place and a beautiful concept so do by all means keep it going and I think it will be just great to have a lot of different people taking a hand at the hosting of the cafe.
Please do all be extra especially nice to susan and boo for they are going through some tough times and really need all of your support.
Please do not consider leaving the site for me, that would make me terribly sad.Please also understand that I have put the disagreements behind me, I am in a very happy place and state of mind and I wish you all the same.
Can I be any more gushy, well maybe, hugggggs to all,,,,love to alllllllllll….This whole experience on Booman has been a great one with few exceptions, and I will always treasure those and add to them in the near future.
Many of you know I am engaged in a great big moving project that will extend over this month and into the next, so much of my time will be occupied with that.
I ‘ll stop in to say hi, whenever I get the chance, in the cafe, soooo…..it’s sure not good by, but just a break and a mere second in the history of time.
Carry on all you good folks and know that even if I am not posting I will still be checking out the site, oh lurk mode here.
Hey I am not afraid to post or participate if I feel like it when I have some time and a tiny bit of distance.
Love, Love, Love you all…
«« click on pic to enlarge
You can’t escape us – be well – we’ll be in touch.
There is no violation by just some lurking …
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
rest your soul, feed your mind, and let the light shine through the cracks in your heart, for it lets the world share in the light that dwells within….
be safe, Wado
I am of course very sorry that you felt you needed to do this but your needs should always come first.
Good luck to you.
Hope you get re-charged and return soon. Enjoy your vacation. I need one of those.
…..I will see you at the Village
See you both at the Village. Peace and love,
Hey diane101, I’ll miss you. I want you to do what you want and what will be best for you. However, I feel that this is exactly what the shit-stirrers want. They have been teaming up to try to tear down the real sense of community that many of us feel.
We knew that it was coming. We knew that as soon as BT started getting larger and becoming more of a force in the ‘sphere, the spooks and red-coats would try this. Well, they’re here. They’ve BEEN here, acting all along as if they were really interested in the site, and “democracy” and “free speech” and all that. Now they are spreading their muck all over the place. They want to fill our pond with their scum.
They supposedly don’t like it when someone who repeatedly spews disturbing hate-filled commentary finally gets banned over the straw that breaks the camel’s back. They argue about the straw.
They sow seeds of discontent and water them with ugly screeds questioning the commitment and motives of everyone else, but refuse to budge in their own ridiculous frog-hating positions.
They argue for perfection, and when we fall short of it, they fill long threads with seemingly deep commentary about how horrible we all are if we don’t insist on perfection in our community instead of just a modicum of civility. They attack our leader when he is defenseless. They are cowards for that. They are acting troll-ish, and are bent on destruction, not reform, like they would have us believe.
I wish you well and will try to check in at your blog from time to time. Thanks very very much for the love and healing energies that you have so liberally shared with us here in the past.
Our “leader”?!!! “Red-coats”?!!! “Frog-hating”?!!!
Oh my god! I’m getting a headache in my eye.
You know what? I’m sorry, I’ve been trying to stay out of this junior high school spat you’ve got going on here but it’s just getting so damn tiresome. I was actually hoping Diane could just sneak away in peace and get the rest she obviously needs, but you guys have to move from thread to thread with your petty little fights and badger anyone who disagrees with you.
You have a right to be here and be heard. But you’ve been heard over and over and over and over again. You’ve made your point.
Can we just drop this?
How could I have made a point previously to something in a post that just went up? That doesn’t even make sense.
I think it’s really unfair of you to take this out on Recordkeeper alone, SN. Take a look at blueneck’s post, surely he bears equal responsiblity for instigating her response??
How exactly is she “badgering” someone who “disagrees”? Disagrees with what? Do you see what I mean?
I meant it as a reply to both of them, but out of laziness I responded to the last one only. I’m just sick of this crap and won’t be drawn into it. There is a real beauty in knowing when to say “I disagree with you and you know why, and now I’ll leave it alone”. I would like to see more of that.
The last few days have just been disgusting to witness.
person’s “important shit” — all a matter of perspective. Much of which has been lost this past week or so…
And I was reacting more to the whole “swamp” thread than to this one. I was just sorry to see Diane’s diary become yet another bitchfest.
Wouldn’t the “swamp thread” have been the appropriate place to respond to the “swamp thread?” I would have been more than happy to hear you out in that forum and discuss the germane issues. As it is you have attacked me for responding to a comment on this thread that I find unsettling for a whole new set of reasons.
I’m sorry I have unsettled you and I’m sorry that you see attacks where there are none.
In the interest of clarity, I did not find your words unsettling. I found Blueneck’s post unsettling. I did find the tone of your response to my post hostile. I’ve read it a second time and it still reads like an attack to me.
reading SN’s post that she was talking to both of them and not referring to just this post but the ongoing disputes.
I am happy for you in your clarity on the matter, but I didn’t share that clarity.
This assumption that everyone knows what everyone else is talking about or refering/alluding to, etc. is a LARGE part of the problem here.
You and SN talk ALL of the time, you are better equipped to see her posts in the context of SN herself (and I am just using the two of you as examples, there are many others here who share that “deeper knowledge” of others), but it may be helpful to keep in mind that, for others, there may be no, or at least a different, history, and that words are all there is to go by. (See what Man Egee was saying about “listening mode” below).
I did say “moving from thread to thread” but I guess I should have made myself clearer.
It’s essential to make one’s case in a disagreement. But there comes a point when further discussion only poisons things. That point was reached a long time ago on this matter. At least for me. It is tiresome and counterproductive.
all I’m saying is that, while I agree that it is tiresome, it may not actually be counterproductive.
Whether or not we agree 100% with someone else’s perception of what is going on, if we REALLY care about being a community (or “community”) that values its members, then, we can’t just dismiss those perceptions because they are uncomfortable, the issue not high on our own personal list of priorities or the discussion becomes tiresome.
But Man Egee said all of this MUCH better than I can in his post.
I fully concur, SN.
My taste for this place has also soured.
I am sorry to see diane taking this break, but have no problems understanding why.
to do some stepping back as everybody seems to be a bit on edge.
I’m going to follow the rule I mentioned that my family follows in arguing in the “Don’t be a prick” diary — if you find you are arguing the person and not the point, shut up. If you can’t shut up, leave the room. I’m going to do both now.
Not sure what you mean by “arguing the person”, but if you feel that I missed the point, I am open to hearing about what it (the point) is!
well I guess I’ll rescind my leavetaking to clarify a couple of things.
My comment, which I’m sorry wasn’t clear, was entirely about myself.
As for what I think about having full-fledged discussions at BooTrib, here’s my comment from the don’t be a prick diary.
And thanks for pointing me to that comment — I agree wholeheartedly with everything that you wrote there! (I too come from a family of arguers — and my mom’s side of the family is Greek, so the arguing involves a LOT of hand waving and jumping up out of chairs and pacing about and the like!)
I am trying to say the same things, but doing a worse job than you and Manny. Thanks for clarifying!
I will now take the advice of Texas Bix Binder, author of Don’t Squat With Yer Spurs On: A Cowboy’s Guide to Life, who says:
Never miss a good opportunity to shut up
You are more than welcome — and this is why I think that BooTrib folks can manage disagreement because the overwhelming majority of us have the desire and the patience to both explain and listen.
And I like (but don’t always live, unfortunately) the Texas Bix Binder’s quote a lot.
Again, my comment was directed to diane101, not Recordkeeper. diane101 apparently understood me and did not see any need to chastise me, in fact she rated it a four. Subsequent to my post, BooMan returned and reached essentially the same conclusions that I dared to speak first, though he did not use the incendiary terms that I used. Good for him. It shows he is a good leader, imo…
If Recordkeeper chose to come over here and disrupt my honest plea to diane101, that was recordkeeper’s choice. If I am an ‘instigator’ here, I am certainly not more of an instigator than some of the folks who regularly post whole diaries of diatribe.
First of all, this comment was directed to diane101, not recordkeeper. diane101 apparently understood me and did not see any need to chastise me, in fact she rated it a four. Subsequent to my post, BooMan returned and reached essentially the same conclusions that I dared to speak first, though he did not use the incendiary terms that I used. Good for him. It shows he is a good leader, imo…
My post was a plea to diane101 to recognize what has been going on here, as I see it, and hope that she would take into account the motives of the group of post’ers who were taking down everything and everyone in sight who dared support BooMan and SusanHu and the BT community.
I only posted in two threads on this subject prior to this one, not the many many threads that some have abused. I did not intend for this post of mine to drag the offenders over here. I can see how they couldn’t resist it though.
I had not seen this particular viewpoint expressed out loud, and though I might regret one or two of the incendiary terms, I do not regret the thrust of the post. I had tried to speak reasonably in the first thread I participated in. When I got nowhere I snarked about it in another thread. And finally, here, I said what I have truly come to believe, anger and all.
First of all, this comment was directed to diane101, not you. diane101 apparently understood me and did not see any need to chastise me, in fact she rated it a four. Subsequent to my post, BooMan returned and reached essentially the same conclusions that I dared to speak first, though he did not use the incendiary terms that I used. Good for him. It shows he is a good leader, imo…
If you wish to reject all authority simply because it is authority, I can’t stop you. However, the reality is that BooMan is a leader. If you have come here with the idea that there will be no singular authority to which you must ultimately answer, you are living in a world of dreams. Every blog I’ve seen so far has an owner who participates in administering and policing the site, at the very least for legal reasons. BooMan has run a very nice blog, imo. He has not abused anyone, imo. You may, of course, see that differently, I understand that, but if so, I strongly disagree. So far, he deserves my respect. As I see it he has earned it.
Yes, the behavior of those who have ‘mysteriously’ banded together including some who have popped up out of nowhere to sow and foment discord are, imo, out to scum up the pond. Now, I ask you, WHO(?!!!) would want to do such a thing? Perhaps they are well-wishers who are simply misguided or they are truly interested in making BT a better place, but I obviously don’t think so.
Yes, I view people who continually spout obvious screeds against the owner of the site and the general running of the site and most of the contributing members to be ‘frog-haters’. Perhaps you view such comments differently, that is your right. But the clincher for me is when the tag-teams start up and continually ignore the opinions of others and only respond to repeated attempts to have a discussion with their own talking points, ad nauseum. I can conclude only that they hate this place and all that it stands for.
I’m truly sorry if you had a headache. If it still hurts, take an aspirin or two. It usually works for me. Otherwise, you might want to consult a physician. Or maybe some celestial healing would help.
I have a lot fo respect for you, but really, did it add a lot to your expressions of support to Diane to get a few more digs in? And to throw out baseless accusations “teaming up to tear down the community”, “acting as if they really care”, “disturbing hate-filled commentary”, “They are acting troll-ish, and are bent on destruction, not reform, like they would have us believe” — wow, that is quite a list. Would you do a diary on it, please?
I refrained from commenting on your “satire” (OBVIOUSLY of shadowthief) in the “clique” thread because it was, after all, a snarkfest, but come on…leave Diane’s thread alone — I’ll be happy to talk with you about this elsewhere, if you choose, or better yet, if you feel the need to hash it out with shadowthief, as this seems to be an ongoing back and forth between you all, maybe you could take it to email? That way, you two won’t necessarily rope others into it … just a thought.
The other thought is that I would really like to know who you consider a part of the insidious “third column” who have “been here all along”, lying in wait, are the same folks who are planning the coup, or is that a different cabal? I poke fun, because really, this seems quite unecessary.
And that post, dear Diane, is my tribute to you! You are NOT replacable, neither is any one else. I will not be taking over your role as peacekeeper, I have far too little patience for that role, but I wish you a restful interlude and hope to see you back ’round here, if not, I’ll see you out there!
As do I for you.
I was not getting digs in, I was expressing to diane101 my heartfelt beliefs about what some who were shit-stirring were trying to do. The difference here is motive, and perhaps I assumed that the context of my post would speak for itself. My motive was only to share my beliefs with diane101, not get digs in on someone else.
YOu may see them as baseless, I do not. I have read all of the threads and have drawn my own conclusions. Yours may differ.
Yes, Parker accused me and a large group of people of being the Devil himself, and refused to back down from it.
The steadfast refusal of shadowthief and supporters to admit to reality and stick to their talking points proved TO ME, that their motives were suspect. You may differ in your assessment, that’s ok by me. And I have no desire to hash anything out with shadowthief, as shadowthief has no desire to hash anything out, just to spew the same talking points over and over to see how many people he/she can piss off.
If you don’t at least admit the possibility of this, in my opinion you are willfully sticking your head in the sand. It stands to reason in my mind that the largest lib/dem (orange)blog and its spin-offs are fair game for disruptors. Especially if they start to gain steam like BT has. AND I’m not going to name names. I know that you have tried hard to stay in the middle of all this and be a peacemaker. I respect and honor you for that, but I do believe that if you will take a close hard look, you will see the names for yourself. Call me unfair for not naming names if you like, but all I’m really saying here is that infiltrators have existed and will continue to exist and they are far more subtle than you may think. And no, I’m not paranoid and prone to conspiracy theories, I’m just a wary and intelligent observer.
in a very weird place. Alot of what you write resonates with how I’ve viewed the past couple of weeks; yet I also feel that the people who are asking for clarification on rules/conduct/etc. deserve to be heard.
Reading diane’s words makes me infinitely sad because I know how much care she has put into this community. Alot of us have over the past eight/nine months, but does that make our viewpoints any more valid than someone who maybe drops in every once in a while?
I tend to immediately shift into listening mode whenever I feel a tinge of myself getting comfortable with a pedestal, it’s always been my nature; but I recognize that it is a tactic that works for me, not everybody. Here is the comment that sent me into quiet mode:
Some hard truth from bayprairie:
It is easy to respond in anger to a comment like that when you feel it is being directed at you, but there is another choice too. I chose to take a deep breath and try to get a handle on what’s really going on here at BooTrib. I know that diane and shirl and myself and others who have been around for awhile don’t feel priviledged, but if that’s a perception of some members in this community then it must be addressed. It can be done in a way that provides bridges instead of explosions, but it is going to take a load of patience from all directions.
I dunno, I’m meandering/rambling all over the place. I will leave you with this, from the diary I wrote during the pie wars:
(sorry for the long comment)
Listening mode, indeed…it is a praciticed and deliberate talent.
You are wise beyond your years, Man Egee. Or at least wiser than I was at when I was at those years! ๐
Yes, Man EeGee, I agree that some who were in the debate about the rules were honest and willing to discuss the issues. Many were not, imo. We mustn’t confuse the two types. Anyone who would respond to reason and respond to the content of posts of those they disagreed with were most likely really interested in the issues. Those who ignored reason and spewed talking points over and over, and all those who supported such, were not interested in reason – only in dispute and discord. Those are the ones to whom I am referring above.
in agreement. Thx for the response.
They, they, they, they….
Who are “they” ?
Is ANYBODY who talks about “democracy” and “free speech” and “all that”, a shit-stirring, red-coated, frog-hating, cowardly, trollish spook bent on muck spreading and pond pollution ?
This is like yelling, “Altos, you’re flat” when only one them is singing flat. What you get is one alto singing on pitch, and all the rest singing sharp.
Such broad accusations are worse than useless.
“They” refers to all who responded with talking points over and over and over and continually ignored real attempts to discuss the realities involved in the issues at hand. And those that supported such non-stop drivel.
That is the context in which I spoke of those who acted like they were interested, but were not. I’m sorry that I did not make that clear enough for you. However, my comment was directed at diane101, and she apparently understood it and did not choose to chastise me. In fact, she rated it a four. And soon after I posted my comment, BooMan returned to the site and essentially came to the same conclusion I dared to speak first. Only, he didn’t use the incendiary terms that I chose. Which is one of the reasons I think he is a good leader.
I think you have got such a tremendous energy that, sometimes, you forget it has limits and you spend it without counting the cost, thinking you will finally find a way to convince people. And, in fact, many times, you succeed!
It is much to your credit to fight to the end rather than acknowledge that some people really do not want to play the game of the community.
Although I do not always share your somewhat eirenical vision of society and people, I nevertheless think it is highly preferable to the mediocre cynicism some people mistake for intelligence.
You are a precious person here. I hope to see you soon.
And don’t forget the Holy Clique you definitely belong to!
I’m very sorry to hear about the burnout. I hope that you refuel the fire soon and are ready to return and happy to do so. In the meantime, live beauty, and know that you’ll be sorely missed.
Diane, I think that you have a gift of being very empathetic with the people that you interact with. People who can feel the joy and pain of others is truely blessed. Interaction on that level, when dealing with negative feelings, can be very draining. Please do what you need to do to nurture yourself. At least we know where to find you. Be well.
Diane, Take some time to rest and think. And if you can find the strength, please come back. You are a fixture here and you will be missed.
Best of the best to you Diane. Thanks for all you’ve done and tried to do here.
I’m sorry to see you go, diane. As I said to you on my diary, I do not think of you as a pariah. I think you are a very well intended person with a good heart. Just because we disagree on what is occurring here, does not mean that I do not honor your voice in this community. I will miss that voice and trust that it will return when you have had a chance to rest and recover from what I’m sure has been has been a hurtful experience for you. Namaste.
You do sound tired, Diane. When we get tired and drained, I see it as it’s very smart to take a break and recharge awhile, before making any permanent decisions about future direction. Even great big gas tanks need to be refueled now and then! ๐
Peace to you, Diane. We won’t let the thread drop in the Cafe. People are already volunteering. You started something there that’s too valuable to lose. It has added immeasurable pleasure (hey, I like that!) to a lot of our lives. We’ll make sure it’s still here when you drop in to say either “hello,” or, “I’m back.”
Best wished for healing and peace, Diane; we hope to see you again soon.
I think that the important thing is that you take care of you. Sometimes breaks are good for the soul. Be well.
Diane. First: Love. You’re the most caring, fun, loving person. And we’re all graced and made better by your presence.
Last evening, you called me and we talked a long time.
You had some terrific ideas for making things better here.
But, BooMan is still off-line. Comcast couldn’t hook him up successfully. He has NO WAY of connecting with all of us right now.
Can we wait on this until BooMan gets back online?
Poor guy. All the stress of a divorce, having to leave his home, find an apartment, move in by himself, deal with all of those separataions. ….
let’s give him a break until he’s back.
Hi everyone, first thanks for all your kind words….I have the best thoughts for all of you..
I want to make clear that it is me who needs a break I am not closing the door, but I have to shake negativity off my back and live in the positive world.
I will be back you know in some way or other, and heck I am just a click away…
I want this site to go and you all to go on and return this site to the happy days we used to have…I have every respect for Booman, susan, and oh sooooo many of you and I just really do love you.
Please do not take this all in a bad way, sometimes there are just things you have to do to take care of yourself and that is all I am doing.
I gave you the cafe and I leave you with it, it’s a beautiful place and a beautiful concept so do by all means keep it going and I think it will be just great to have a lot of different people taking a hand at the hosting of the cafe.
Please do all be extra especially nice to susan and boo for they are going through some tough times and really need all of your support.
Please do not consider leaving the site for me, that would make me terribly sad.
Please also understand that I have put the disagreements behind me, I am in a very happy place and state of mind and I wish you all the same.
Can I be any more gushy, well maybe, hugggggs to all,,,,love to alllllllllll….This whole experience on Booman has been a great one with few exceptions, and I will always treasure those and add to them in the near future.
Many of you know I am engaged in a great big moving project that will extend over this month and into the next, so much of my time will be occupied with that.
I ‘ll stop in to say hi, whenever I get the chance, in the cafe, soooo…..it’s sure not good by, but just a break and a mere second in the history of time.
Carry on all you good folks and know that even if I am not posting I will still be checking out the site, oh lurk mode here.
Hey I am not afraid to post or participate if I feel like it when I have some time and a tiny bit of distance.
Love, Love, Love you all…
JACK MURTHA is live on CNN and MSNBC.
And …
There’s no escaping politics. Politics and disagreements seep into every human interaction. Leaving a political blog wil not free one from political debates and negativity. It’s everywhere.
Only by concentrating on the good can we overcome it. I find it sad that there are three worthy stories on the front page that people aren’t participating in. Pat Lang’s piece on Saddam is stunningly good…. and it’s remarkable for a conservative Republican type like Pat Lang to come out sounding just like Ramsey Clark! Wow.
The times we’re living in are truly fascinating, and will determine the future of this planet in a way that no other time period in history has.
It is mandated by history that we have to be strong, and look to positive discussions, and not eat each other up.
You said it girl,….yes look to the positive, that’s what I want to do..that’s what I am all about.
Please no fighting on this thread at least….I cannot bear that…
We all need to make sure our energy levels are recharged for the coming battles in 2006 and beyond.
With Kansas and Katiebird, the Cafe is in good hands (I’ll try not to over-redecorate my one day in charge…). And maybe some of us can put up an occasional welcome wagon to lure in the newbies.
If I lived closer, I’d be on your front porch to help you tote those barges and lift those bales; I used to have to lug 75lb. boxes of folders in a previous job existance, and I can still out-wrestle the spouse, the wimp… ๐
Hey diane, I’m a big big believer in making time for yourself. I honestly think if we don’t spend time with ourselves we can’t really know who we are. No matter who you are or how good you may be at multi-tasking there always comes a point-even if you’re having fun-that you have to step away a bit and recharge your inner batteries.
Moving is a huge project and especially if you are not in the best of health it can become even more draining and stressful.
Your inspiration and dedication to starting and making the Cafe a place to hang out has blossomed a hundred fold into a place I believe no other site -especially a political site has. I think it has also made bootrib a unique place to be and hang out for the best political diaries and also the best fun diaries ..best of both worlds in my opinion.
I’m sure you’ll be lurking around here on occasion just to see if I finally really do do a diary someday..there that’s giving me an overinflated sense of my importance ..yet you’re the one who was bugging me to do so(in emails) so when I finally do do a diary it will be you I’m thinking about as I write one.
I’m will be sitting in my favorite cafe tonight..one I’ve mentioned before to you..Van Goghs Cafe Terrace at Night-and hope you stop by and just sit and relax and we’ll talk of cabbages and kings or not talk at all maybe-too much talking going on…sometimes just sitting and being is good enough for friends.
Here is the cafe for you, this is the right one, correct?
Choco you are one of my most special loves on this place, and I treasure you so much.
Yes I am still looking for a diary from you, and make sure you email me when you ever do.
To all, I don’t have time to reply to everyone, just know that I have read and appreicated your words.
Absolutely the right Cafe diane…and wish we were there right now sipping-well for me a Kuluha/coffee with lots of whipped cream and whatever you want-I’m buying.
Everything I do and understand about blogging, I owe to Diane. A lot of refining my writing technique, I owe to Diane. I am still trying to learn and fine tune her amazing abilities in fully understanding another’s view point regardless of how totally oposite it may be from mine (and I thought I already knew that stuff). Her patience is endless, and I thought I had some sort of patent on that one.
Truly, she is astonishingly intelligent and knowledgeable beyond any concept to understand, at least by me. I thought I had gained a few bits of information over the years in my love of learning and reading and schooling. . .but Ms Diane puts me to shame. There is no subject I have yet run into that she does not speak intelligently and adroitly about. She is very self-assured, as she certainly should be, but I have never run into less EGO in anyone I have ever known. And I’ve met a few folks over this life.
She deserves all the love, respect and praise this community can offer her. I have told you before, I don’t think anyone besides me knows how tirelessly she works to help build this site and all the behind the scenes contacts she does with others to keep it a place that people like to frequent. Not because anyone asked her to, not for notice or recognition but because she believed it could be a very special place.
I hope you will visit her at the village. I hope that all of you will continue to support and keep the BMT a place that folks want to frequent. Boo and Susan need your support and caring right now more than ever. They have more than enough in their own lives to take care of.
And if there be cynics out there in frog land, yes, we all know what an amazing friendship Diane and I have. Let it be that this friend supports her friend in her wise decisions.
Adios? Are you saying farewell to the Pond Shirl?
I feel otherwise directed to spend my time and energies. I won’t be as visible, certianly I will lurk when I find time, and you know I can seldom keep my mouth shut so no doubt I will comment when the urge strikes me.
I will be much more active on the village and my own site as I feel I need to be for now. Not leaving, just altering where I can best spend most of my time for the things I hope to contribute to.
Something in the air about moving, isn’t there. . .I am in process of getting rid of my years of accumulation and packing things up as well. I really can’t put off a more concerted effort in that process any longer either.
Love you all too much to ever leave you, just a different focus of my time for now.
Hugs and you know I will be just “next door” at the village or matters of spirit.
I understand wanting to shift focus. I wish it didn’t have to be this way though. Change is inevitable but I’m a sentimental fool and I hate it when people I like move away, or favorite places get torn down or built on or modernized or otherwise altered. This frogpond is changing. I want it to stay just the way I like it but all things must pass.
Hugs back to you. I look forward to seeing you and Diane here or in other netplaces. You two have been inspirational to me in the best ways of wise women.
Of clarification. I had already understood it was time for me to refocus my energies several days ago. It was Diane that urged me to stay a little longer and participate that delayed that process a bit. Because of the respect I have for her, for Booman, for Susanhu, and all the rest of you tadpoles, I agreed.
My decision had nothing to do with Diane’s decision and certainly Diane’s had nothing to do with mine. I know sometimes it seems the two of us are so like the Bobsy Twins (eghads, anyone here old enough to remember that reference?) that it would appear that what one does the other does. Not so. Two Strong Women, remember? Many times on opposite sides of any issue.
Not hurt, not angry, not flouncing (and thanks to Nanette for that hilarious visual), just a little altering of direction for this space of time.
And yes, none of us much like change of things we dearly love just as they are. But we all do manage to get through it.
Very nearby. . .that’s where you will find me.
After I posted the above I knew it would read like I thought you two are joined at the hip — not so!
Diane, thank you for your explanation. I wasdistressed to finally get to the computer today and see that you are leaving the Cafe, and retreating for a while.
Though I have never directly interacted with you via the pond or elsewhere,I have observed, as is my habit, what you do here. I think back to seeing you arrive and immediate start to build up this place. So part of me wants to stamp my feet, and insist that you reconsider [e.g. How could you! You’ve always been strong, so good about roping people in! So good at encouraging . . .people depend on you. . etc.]
But, as I’ve said to my grad students many times, life is more important than this. When this odd, strange set of connections and relationships doesn’t quite mesh with other demands on our “non-virtual” lives, stepping back makes a lot of sense.
I want to rush over with a piece of pie and hot tea or whatever, and offer you some southern comfort. And it is maddening that that’s not really possible. All most of us can offer you here are our words, which do reflect our thoughts, our feelings, our wishes for you. They show just a little of what we do in person for those we get to know non-virtually, as you and Shirl know each other.
Right now, the limits of words are obvious. When something happens, like your leaving us, we only partly understand. You are someone we certainly do want to feel our support and affection, but your choices here, though reasonable, do cause us pain. So if I grump a bit, and sound prickly, that’s my own discontents making me sit in the corner and suck my thumb; it’s not you, it is me.
I hope for you some rest, reflection on the good you’ve done here, which will not end with this; and some peace and joy. And maybe, just a little eagerness, over time, to jump back in the pond.
In my mind’s eye, there’s a lovely purple water lily just opened next to your pad, so no one will sit there. That particular spot is reserved for you whenever. . .
And I will throw a fat ball of spring green cashmere yarn at you!
Don’t stay away too long. ๐
patches? I have 2 pair cashmere pants…one was a gift last birthday and the Ass is busting out. Not my fault the cashmere is thin..6ft. 180..33 waist…heh..anyway I don’t want to throw them out..they are the most comfortable pants I have ever worn in my life. I don’t know if I should put a patch (made of cashmere or something else very soft) or try to have them stiched up..but the unraveling is starting so I don’t think stitching will hold…Any ideas would be appreciated. …see what happens when you mention CASHMERE yarn.
them to a reweaver.
Someone will have to find some yarn to match the pants and weave it like Beyonce hair into the afflicted area.
Ask how much it will cost and compare it to a pair of replacement pants.
Thanks Ductape…I wouldn’t normally care but they were high ticket item from my mom, she lost her mind last year and spent a weeks pay on my gift..$400. cashmere juicy couture guy sweat pants..the most comfortable pants in the world. Thanks for the advice..i will start my research tomorrow. I would bet I would have an easier time finding this speciality person in NYC instead of LA where I live, but I will give it a shot. btw. Your writing is not only awesome but inspiring. Thanks for all your words.
Hugs to you Diane. That is all. Hugs and smoochies and love love love…