The 12 Days for Justice are planned actions for protesting Alito’s nomination for the Supreme Court.
Congress reconvenes this Mon., Dec. 12. They will stay in session until work is completed.
Would you be able to write a letter we can all use to send to senators and the Judiciary Committee?
The following is the plan.
Each diary is posted the day before it is to be used, titled: “Diary for Justice – Day __”
Day 1 is Dec. 12th, so the diary with the letter (and graphic?) would be posted on Dec. 11th.
Links to resources are available in 2 previous diaries “here” and “here”.
Day 1(posted 12/11; sent 12/12): A warning to Congress that Alito is a threat to them, weakening checks and balances. It’s personal!
Day 2 (posted 12/12; sent 12/13): age discrimination/ Family Leave Act
Day 3 (posted 12/13; sent 12/14): Alito’s failure to recuse – trust him now?
Day 4 (posted 12/14; sent 12/15): threat to people with disabilities
Day 5 (posted 12/15; sent 12/16): Roe v. Wade. Connecticut Man 1 has one ready to go. Check it out in the comments “here”
Day 6 and 7 (posted 12/16; sent 12/17): separation of church and state/religious freedom
Day 8 (posted 12/17; sent 12/19): Alito’s membership in CAP (Concerned Alumni of Princeton). Teacher Toni is willing to do this one.
Day 9 (posted 12/19; sent 12/20): racial discrimination related to Alito’s court opinions. BostonJoe offered to help. I gave him this one.
Day 10 (posted 12/20; sent 12/21): gender discrimination related to Alito’s court opinions.
Day 11 (posted 12/21; sent 12/22): enivroment/immigration/worker’s rights. Man Eegee has volunteered to write this one.
Day 12 (posted 12/22; sent 12/23) a concluding message of some kind. Just Say, “No?” “We’ll be watching?”
As to coordinating with other blogs, your call.
I read in Think Progress conservatives are using the weekend to begin a campaign: Anti-Alito=Anti-God and they are calling him the “Christmas Candidate.” (Don’t they ever rest?)
Thanks to all of you.
I must be off to work. I will check in later.
Thanks for giving me one tampopo. I wish my schedule allowed time to volunteer for more. But for now, I’m going to have to stick to just the one.
“You give to the cause what you can… And you take from the cause what you can…”
Or something like that, eh?
DAY 1 Diary Draft has been posted HERE!
Suggestion for Day 12: A succinct 1-page recap of the preceding 11 days of messages.
Can I do this one? I’ll be done class by then…
believe me, I can’t wait!
I was happy to read that the Congressional Black Caucus made an announcement yesterday that they would oppose Alito’s nomination. I hope Sen. Obama listens to the advice that is being given by his colleages in the House. Here’s the nerdified link (as DTF would say) to the AP article.
I’ll do day 10, the gender discrimination one.
Yahoo! Thanks!
Oh CabinGirl – your enthusiasm is great – and I really like the summation idea!
do you think it’s a good idea for me to crosspost my Anatomy of Cross-Blog Protest at DKos today with an expanded section at the bottom linking to this diary so we can get more volunteers?
I’ll also shoot off a few emails to people asking for help. There are so many great writers that I know this can be done well.
Let me know what y’all think.
…it comes in handy when discussing anything that pertains to the way the Bush War Council has destroyed our country
I like it — maybe you could work it in tandem with the ole covered boobs o’ justice?
OT– did they take that crap down after Ashcroft went away? If so, anyone know what they did with the $6000 curtains?
One idea (unless you have a rush of people signing up to write individual days) might be to group write them. I know sometimes things are a little intimidating both timewise and skills wise (and knowledge wise)… so what about this:
Day 1 diary prep is posted tonight or tomorrow… with pointers to things that can be used to highlight the days issue regarding alito. The community jumps in and pulls it together in comments, working with and off of one another, (and including the corresponding graphic action). From there, it’s a fairly simple process for someone to pull it together into a coherent whole, with the wording and the strategy. This can be done (more than one a day, probably) with each of the days where it’s needed.
What do you think?
hoping one person will take the lead on each day and enlist other members to help them (preferrable those who have some knowledge on the topic, but that is NOT a requirement)
I like your idea of submitting them beforehand to review together, but I’m nervous about timing. If we get drafts of all of them at once, I would be the happiest person on this earth (even happier than Booman) heh
The problem is getting volunteers willing to write up the pieces. hint, hint π
Well, but I think it will be easier to get the volunteers to write up the pieces, if we have the prep work done first … not just the researching, although that is good too, but the rest.
Say like Day 1… Day 1(posted 12/11; sent 12/12): A warning to Congress that Alito is a threat to them, weakening checks and balances. It’s personal!
Well hmmm… I have more to say, but I’ve run out of time to say it til maybe this evening. I’ll try and look over the other diaries on this then, and maybe post up something of what I was thinking, and see how it works out.
I confess I’ve been watching and waiting to see what got chosen. Couldn’t decide, but then furryjester snatched up my fave topic. Okay – I’ll take separation of church/state.
I’m sure furryjester wouldn’t mind help with suggestions. I know I’ll certainly welcome assistance for the immigration day, even though I have plenty to say on that topic π
Sugestions always welcome. I was intimidated by Connecticut Man’s work – no way can I do that well. Will we have a thread where we can meet and get formatting advice?
Don’t be intimidated, you will do a great job. We’re all here to help each other out. It’s one of the perks of open-forum editing and commenting.
I said this to Boran2 downthread:
My kids do better artwork with their crayons, and half of the writing is just an edited “cut and paste” on the thing I put up.
If I can do it… Anyone can!
Thanks Alice.
I understand your trepidation.
I think it would be good to put up your own diary at what ever point you want help or thoughts. It might be days before you post the one for us to use, giving yourself time to revise or not.
Something titled, “Day _ for Justice – need help”
I know I am going to need help posting a graphic, if I use one. Heck, I’m not even sure how to “Update” this diary.
volunteers to do the write-up are as follows:
So which day are you going to help with? Lurkers are also welcome to apply!
Steven D has volunteered to take Day 3
Susanhu has volunteered to take Day 4
We still need volunteers for Days 1 & 2. Don’t be shy, there will be plenty of helpers and guidance!
For day 2–Day 2 age discrimination/FMLA.
thanks for volunteering! We’ll put you on the writing team for that diary, along with Supersoling who is going to take the lead. Between the both of you (and hopefully others) we’ll expose the extremist views that Alito holds issue-by-issue. Peace, Manny
Should I e-mail Super or vice versa?
and email him, I’m not sure he’s online at the moment. It’ll give him a heads up and let you two start getting your ideas in a diary-ready format.
Woohoo! Anyone else reading this and ready to delurk and help?
Will do (I replied downthread).
I do like that word, “delurk.” De-lovely!
Oh AP, thank you, thank you, thank you!
You’re welcome, you’re welcome, you’re welcome!
We gotta re-focus around here.
Oh Manny – you made me cry! I got home, wondering what had happened with this today. I opened this diary and there you were – organizing, suggesting, encouraging. Tears of happiness – you understand?
Thank you.
I can understand the hesitation in going first.
I will leave it open for a while. Perhaps there are people who won’t get here till later.
If no one claims it, I will take it (gulp).
I say go for it, that way we complete the team leaders and can move another step forward.
Tell you what, I’ll start putting together the meta-diary that can have links to all the daily theme diaries. It can be used as a template for the crossposting next week.
I am also going to get in touch with community leaders at the other blogs to see if they would be willing to crosspost/link/promote for us.
You are doing a great job, I know it can get discouraging when crickets start to chirp, but for now enjoy the fact that you’re at the top of the Recommended Diaries list and hopefully recruiting alot more volunteers to assist the daily team-leaders with graphics, research and .pdf creation
Okay, it’s mine.
If you would do all of the above, that would be great.
I know I will need help with the technical parts.
email me anytime if you are having trouble with code. I also have a couple of IM programs that we could chat if it gets complicated.
(that invitation is extended to all)
I will be in touch:)
And so you see… 12 days all taken up.
If anyone is still interested, they can add their ideas for actions to every or any day BUT at the minimum we have them all covered.
You are right! Oh I can’t stop smiling inside and out.
i’m happy to help with anything, of course. especially number 1.
if nothing else, i am a damn good copy editor if i do say so myself and would be happy to proofread everything.
thanks so much π
In response to your question below, we will provide a daily diary with some type of letter/commentary focusing on the issue du jour, along with some backup documentation to make the case.
I was thinking a .pdf or comparable format of a file would be good to provide so they can print and fax/mail to the Senators. Connecticut Man1 has already done one great example here.
I’ll be in touch.
First you need to have your image hosted somewhere Tampopo. Then you can use this:
<image src=”PLACE IMAGE URL HERE”>
to paste the image into a post.
for the text boxes (AKA: quote boxes, blockquotes) use this code:
<blockquote>PLACE TEXT HERE</blockquote>
There are fancier ways to do these that some of the others here use.
this code
<img src=””>
puts this image up

and this code
<blockquote>Let me out of this box!</blockquote>
puts this text up
Hope this answers your questions.
Does anyone have images, etc., that need to be hosted for this? If so get them to me or nannette, or anyone else that might volunteer? lol
They even have a video up now…(Quicktime Video)
I love research that is as easy as watching TV!
I can assist with research needs–I have access to LexisNexis.
Anyone who needs assistance can e-mail a question/topic to raginghippie at
Aesome Raging Hippie!
Every bit of help can be used at this point since we are coming down to the wire.
Awesome too… lol
Here I am. I’ll take day two since Susanhu took the one I was intersted most in ;o) Somehow I think she’ll do a better job than I.
So I’ll start reading and if I need help (inevitable :o)) I’ll ask.
I guess there’s a reason why the first and second are still open huh?
Just this one question for now.
Are we sending these to members of Congress?
Ok, two questions. This needs a graphic too right?
See ya :o)
We’re sending it to senators – our own and the judiciary committee – or maybe to all of them?
Graphics are your call, though you are an artist.
There you are! Thank you.
I have no doubt you will write well. What I think will be so wonderful about a different person writing each one is that each letter will be unlike another – a chorus of concern (and caring).
Hey there. I just signed up for Day 2 also. How would you like to proceed? I don’t mind the writing; I’m just not that graphically gifted, so to speak.
Let me know either way at techandscribeATgmailDOTcom.
Good morning Aunty Peachy ;o)
Sorry, just like that name so much more :o)
I zonked out at 10:00 last night, so I missed your comment. I will email you later and you can email me too. If you want to get after the writing part, I can get to the graphics and maybe a little writing too.
Feeling very fortunate to be teamed with you AP ;o)
Just here for lunch so I don’t have much time. Just checking in more or less. I should be home by 5:30 and able to go at it more consistently, and I know we’re on a short schedule too. No worries. It’ll get done.
Cool… you have all the slots filled. Well done! So no need now for my little idea (although it would still work, in some fashion, i think ;).
I have come across another Alito site, via americablog, don’t know if you have it yet – Alito’s America , apparently put out by American Progress. It has lots of info on it.
I can help with graphics, and pulling together some of the stuff. librarylil and I will also be working on the Hop to it! thingy, so will be sure to include all relevant Alito diary information once it’s compiled.
So no need now for my little idea (although it would still work, in some fashion, i think ;).
Not so fast! Just because a day is covered doesn’t mean it can’t be covered twice as well…
Put the idea you had together and throw it out there. The more options there are, the better this will be.
Oh, it was nothing big. I was mainly thinking of when the slots weren’t filled, but it would work just as well with team leaders and such, as Man Eegee says upthread there.
Anyway, posting the prep diaries well before the actual Day such and such release date and getting community participation and help for each individual subject – research, deciding on the presentations (I would do letters, fact sheets, and some sort of short, pithy sayings thing for each day… give people options of what to print out or pass around etc), and also graphics inclined people could work on graphics for each presentation.
Team leader(s) then pulls everything together, with the links to the relevant printouts and so on.
Where are you guys going to host this stuff, by the way? I have space, if that is needed.
Geez! You are more organized and on top of this than most of us. Are you Man Eegee’s clone? Or maybe a seprated at birth twin? lol
If there is a slot you wanted, offer to help on it. This is supposed to be a collaborative effort. I wasn’t even planning on writing a diary until Tampopo got sneaky and volunteered me without my noticing!
I’ll try my best. π But I am counting on help. As everyone is.
I was going to offer to host a bit of stuff as well. If we break up the material between a bunch of us it shouldn’t hit any one persons monthly bandwidth too badly. I think I have a ton to burn up on our website? I don’t think we have ever even used a third of what we have aloted monthly.
Geez! You are more organized and on top of this than most of us. Are you Man Eegee’s clone? Or maybe a seprated at birth twin? lol
Unfortunately, no, lol. I’m organized only in theory… Man Eegee is organized in fact!
I’ll help out where I can… I’m not too comfortable a writer, but I can do tech (well, web tech) type stuff and layout and graphics and such. And, help host things when needed as well.
I have no great writing talent but if there is a day where more assistance is needed, I would be more than happy to help out.
I had thought you were already working on something. Or thinking about it? If you are get it up as soon as you can. Just because a day is covered once doesn’t mean it can’t be covered twice. The more options there are the better!
Just take a look at the thing I put up… My kids do better artwork with their crayons, and half of the writing is just an edited “cut and paste”.
Personally? I can’t wait to see what some of the really talented artists and writers put up.
You are an artist, eh? hint hint π
new resource:
would we all be sending the same letter?
Thanks for the link and the others you supplied in the earlier diary.
I would think if someone had the time and interest they could take the offered Day’s diary, modify it as they saw fit, and then send it.
You must read a lot of the same resources I do! lol
“Alito’s America” is a Campus Progress effort. They have some frickin’ talented college kids that write on their Campus Progress Blogs.
I have one flyer ready. It’s about the Family and medical leave act. The only problem is that I don’t have Word on my CU, only Microsoft Works. How can I paste it here as it is with color and size intact?
Do I save it as an image?
Hey Supersoling – you’re quick!
I am working on Diary 1 without a clue how to do the technical stuff.
My suggestion: e-mail Man Eegee and/or Connecticut Man 1 and/or ask in the cafe.
I have dial up so I won’t even be able to comment much beyond this cause everything just freezes.
Keep checking the action group info.
Oh, this feels good doesn’t?
Hey, do we still have the info for that website you can use to fax your document? I think we should include that and a link to the congressman and senators contact info lookup page in the template for the daily diary.
How did the feather thing get pdf’d for downloading?
I’ll help!
You do “Geek” too?!
How to connect so I can ask my questions?
I just sent supersoling an email, so if you don’t want to post yours here (I don’t do that with mine because my last name is such that every American that has it is related to me…call me paraniod, but it makes me WAAAY to easy to find…), then have him send it to me and I’ll get in touch with you!
Alternately, Susan, CabinGirl and MilitaryTracy all have my particulars and you can get the info. from them!
I would have volunteered in a more substantive way, but I can only do a little here and a little there, so tech help and/or PDF conversion or whatever is probably the best thing right now. I DO NOT commit to things I cannot follow through on — even though I believe wholeheartedly in what you’re doing, I can’t give more than a bit of tech assistance and cheerleading!!
I will bounce things around, hopefully we will connect π
We do what we can do – that is a given. And EVERY effort and contribution is valued.
Thank you.
Supersoling – if you are following this – please pass brinnainne’s info along to me. Thanks.
I’m sending you an email with Brinnainne’s info through the action commitee link to your email address.
Per your comments regarding DC below…yes. We will own that town! Frog attack ;o)
supersoling to tech geek……
Yes, I need help with my first flyer. I don’t have Micros. Word. Don’t ask!! ;o)
I have Micros. Works. I need to know how to get the flyer from there to here in the diary.
Thanks Brinn :o)
This first one is kinda generic without artwork. My brain cranks better in the early morning so I’ll get some more creative stuff together tomorrow morning.
….and yes, this does feel good.
Thank you for doing this :o)
Afraid to use up whatever with giving 4’s – so I send them to you here my friend – 444444444…
As to doing this – how can I not?
I can’t go back to not knowing.
I’m just grateful we’re still in the realm of legal!
Plus – I really want to get together again in D.C. for a celebration!
Carrot and stick, yes?
Carrot Cake?
No sticks, just spoons.
π This is too fun…:)
Now I will confess my real motivation is to meet with all of you (plus others I haven’t met in person) in D.C. for celebration and have one of those cosmopolitan thingers!
One obstacle at a time…this time Alito.
Cosmos it is!
Will Works let you save it as a jpg or gif? That might work — actually waht would be better is to convert it into a PDF — that will preserve color, size, everything as is — and for flyers, that is the best downloadable format for printing…
Lemme go see if I have Works hiding somewhere on one of my ‘puters, if so, you can email it to me and I’ll do the conversion for you…
Thanks. I’ll keep an eye out for you.
Here’s supersoling’s flyer — it’s a PDF, but only one page, so easily accessed — I’m sure he’s love to hear some feedback!
What I’d really love is for someone to do something good with it!
Like I said somewhere above, my brain cranks up a whole lot better in the early morning. So this flyer will soon be no more than a distant, disturbing memory ;o)
Have at it!
I ama geek, after all!
Good night, lovely people — see you tomorrow (I’ll check my email, as my brain definately does NOT crank up early in the morning….unless of course, I haven’t slept).
Goodnight Brinn
This is like magic Bri!
I will be in touch (as soon as I settle down from this excitement!)
And to Supersoling — YES!!
It’s my pleasure — I love doing things like this! π
Email me any time!
I’m thinking that we could really use the talents of Bood/Dood Dood/Bood dude here. Should I repeat that?
No, I’m not doin it! ;o)
Anyone know how to contact him?
posted a diary (ahem, some other place) with the title DOOD! Will you Abide?! He showed right the hell up! π
What particular talents are you looking for? And what is it exactly that you aren’t doing??
(Yes, I know I said goodnight, but I’m not quite asleep yet!!)
Not repeating Dood/Bood Bood/Dood dude of course! Ack!!
He has superior photoshopping skills. I’m sure he could come up with some cool and pointed flyers.
That seeing your name back in these threads put a big smile on my face!
But I said it anyways… π
…online, NOTHING, goes without saying, if it does, it isn’t said, or something like that…
Um, oh, yeah, what I meant to say was, thanks for saying so — a smile on your face, that’s ALL good!
The Phone Company’s Remote Printing Service
Went over and dug this out of BostonJoe’s OYF diary.
Kind of like dumpster diving for a recyclable… lol jk
I’m stepping out for most of the day. I have a couple things half done but I’ll need some help with choosing the text. Hint, hint Brinnainne ;o)
I’ll post when I return.