Due to shooting incident at Miami airport, I was just doing a bit of browsing into airport security systems and services. Started to come across an Israelier Rafi Ron of New Age Security Solutions Inc. (NASS). Ron came to the U.S. one month after 911, shows up everywhere from major projects for airports, Congressional Committees and Security Conferences. The NASS website is just about … pretty poor.
Does anyone have a take on the person or company?
Update Dec. 3, 2005 — Minneapolis is the second large airport in the country where TSA screeners have begun testing the new surveillance system, called Screening of Passengers by Observation Techniques, or SPOT, Welna said.
SPOT is based on a profiling system at Boston’s Logan International Airport. Rafi Ron, a former Israeli airport security expert, helped design the program in 2002 and his consulting company – New Age Security Solutions (NASS) – in McLean, Virginia, began training Minneapolis-St. Paul airport police in October 2004.
Police here have assigned teams to use the techniques on a “random basis” since then, airport police Lt. Shawn Chamberlain said. He said he’s unaware of any potential terrorists who have been snared, but said the system improves police work.
More to follow below the fold »»
Screeners should focus on those people most likely to cause problems, he said. Passenger profiling methods have been used successfully for three decades in Israel, he noted.
DHS details future border-control system
But can biometric identifiers really be a silver bullet?
Rafi Ron – Transportation Security Consultant
NEW YORK July 23, 2005 — Transport Workers Union Local 100, which represents 35,000 New York City transit workers, said the training fell short of what’s needed. Tomorrow, the union will offer its members terrorism awareness and deterrence training by Rafi Ron, the chairman of New Age Security Solutions and the former head of security at Ben Gurion International Airport in Israel.
Statement by Rafi Ron to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs – September 21, 2005.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
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He seems to have a strong connection to the datamining interests because he relies so heavily on that as a source for his preferred profiling. He seems to feel that he’s above most others in awareness, whether he actually is or not.
I also picked up that his first name is probably Raphael with ‘Rafi’ being a nickname. It’s also an interesting acronym. The New Age Group might also include a Media holding, which would be convenient. The New Age sounds familiar in curious entities and has a logical connection to some of the dark endeavours of DoD special offices. Again, there were crucial patents involved and again, some might have been in the wireless field.
Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) — In addition to the alleged Patriot technology transfer, Israel has allegedly supplied China with cruise missile technology, including sensitive US technology. Specifically, Israel is allegedly assisting China with the development of its YF-12A, YJ-62, and YJ-92 cruise missiles.
In September 1992, responding to US accusations that Israel sold China Patriot missile secrets, Chinese Foreign Minister Qian Qichen denied “that there had been any kind of military cooperation between Israel and China prior to the establishment of diplomatic relations.”
Under U.S. pressure, Israel backed out of a deal with China, potentially valued at $1 billion, in July of 2000. Under the deal, Israel would have outfitted three Chinese Il-76 planes with Phalcon radars. In the spring of 2002, Israel agreed to pay a reported $300 million to put an end to the dispute over the order cancellation.
Since the cancellation of the Phalcon radar deal, Israel has assisted China in other areas including the development of the HQ-9/FT-2000, a surface-to-air missile, which would possibly use U.S. seeker technology. It has also assisted China in the area of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). In July 2002, China deployed Israeli “Harpy” anti-radar drones in military exercises in Fujian Province.
Jane’s Intelligence & Insight
In another case of China-Israel military cooperation, a classified Defense Intelligence Agency report stated in 1999 that Israel was suspected of sharing restricted US weapons technology with China related to a battlefield laser gun. Israeli agents attempted to obtain embargoed weapons know-how from US defense contractors on the Tactical High-Energy Laser, known as THEL, the report said. The DIA also stated Israeli officials, from the government-run Rafael arms company, obtained restricted technology from US defense contractor TRW in 1996.
See also next comment – TRW link to Marco Greenberg at Burson Marsteller.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Marco Greenberg was founder of the PR firm NYPR, after working as a manager for Burson-Marsteller corporate practice, “where he handled aerospace giant TRW and the Gov’t of Israel Economic Mission”.
In October 2001, NYPR coordinated the hiring of Israeli security managers, see Rafi Ron – New Age Security Solutions – for Boston Logan Airport and GS³ security company. NYPR ceased to operate in late 2002. See my diary Israeli Airport Security System SPOT ¶ Who Is Rafi Ron?
Marco Greenberg is now president of Reel Biography Inc. Earlier, he worked in public service in a range of positions – for a US Congressman, a non-profit organization and the Israeli Foreign Ministry. Affiliated with former director of AIPAC Neal Sher and the Anti-Defamation League.
Mr. Ruben Paz, Chairman, has twenty-five years of security experience. He previously worked as the Business Development Manager and Head of the Pharmaceutical Division at Israel’s second largest HMO, the Maccabi Healthcare Services (1996 – 2001).
Presently: CEO of Athena ISS and consultant of hi-tech start-ups in the areas of explosive and biochemical detection. Partners: SAIC – Force10
Under the terms of the agreement, GS-3 becomes a wholly owned subsidiary of Athena ISS and a member of The Merhav Group¹ of companies, renowned for its large scale project development, contracting, systems auditing and financing. Mr. Offer Einav, CEO of GS-3, retains his title and takes on the additional position of Manager of Business Development at Athena. Mr. Ruben Paz, CEO of Athena ISS, has been named chairman of GS-3, and Mr. Shabtai Shavit, former head of the Israeli Mossad (1989-1996) and chairman of ICT (Counter Terrorism Research Institute) will maintain his role as the chairman of Athena ISS.
Note¹ The Merhav Group — (Dec. 2001) Israeli company possesses significant interests in Turkmenistan. In recent months a reading of the serious weekly Oil & Gas Journal (OGJ) is enough to show the interest – in the various senses of the term – which surrounds the resources in gas (and oil) of this region.
Next comment for link Marco Greenberg – Neal Sher former director AIPAC – Elias Buchwald, one of the founders of Burson-Marsteller.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
There has been a large explosion followed by several smaller blasts in the Hemel Hempstead area, around 25 miles north of London.
See my diary …
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Glad to see the relevant information is now published at Daily Kos!
Brent Wilkes & Mitchell Wade – Bagmen in the Successful Plot to Take Over the United States and Enrich GOP Officeholders
I hope you are sitting down when you read this. The Duke Cunningham scandal goes much deeper than just the $2.4 million in bribes being reported by the media. There is a lot the media is not telling you.
The. Biggest. Scandal. Ever!
Phony Front Companies Cycle Millions Back to GOP! ◊ by Sherlock Google
Sat Dec 10, 2005 at 09:48:20 AM PDT
link is to story only » separately you can read the 350+ comments
My diaries at dKos as creve coeur and new creve coeur
The Duke Of Hurl! ◊ by Connecticut Man1
Mon Nov 28th, 2005 at 11:12:22 PM PST
Mon Nov 28th, 2005 at 08:44:05 PM PST
Also @BooMan read my diaries on the corruption and spy network Israel – Mossad – AIPAC – Congressional Bagmen plus the – archived diaries -.
≈ Cross-posted in relevant diaries plus —
Israeli Enlightenment – Talking Points ≈
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
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