Celebrating Human Rights in the Midst of a Global Torture Debate

“End Torture Now!” It’s the theme of this year’s Human Rights Day, celebrated Saturday on the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted by the U.N. General Assembly in 1948 and has become the standard for promoting and protecting human rights around the world.

The following wasn’t compiled by me but sent from Global News – One World.net for which I subscribe. They have compiled the important links within and as myself feel this should be shared by many, especially with what has been going on in this So Called ‘War On Terrorism’ and the ‘War In Iraq’, which untill Invaded was not connected to the first! They do a great job in many of their postings giving commentary and backround studies, reports, news for personal study guides and understanding!

On 10 December 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which has become a universal standard for defending and promoting human rights. Every year on 10 December, Human Rights Day marks the adoption of the Universal Declaration. On Human Rights Day it is celebrated around the globe that “All human beings are born with equal and inalienable rights and fundamental freedoms”.
The theme of Human Rights Day 2005 is “End Torture Now!”. Torture is a crime under international law. According to all relevant instruments, it is absolutely prohibited and cannot be justified under any circumstances. This prohibition forms part of customary international law, which means that it is binding on every member of the international community, regardless of whether a State has ratified international treaties in which torture is expressly prohibited. The systematic or widespread practice of torture constitutes a crime against humanity.

Selected learning materials

Study guide on Torture, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment (HREA)

A short introduction to torture. It present definitions, key rights at stake, human rights instruments, and protection and assistance agencies. The guide also offer links to the full text of international treaties, and other useful resources on the HREA and University of Minnesota Human Rights Library web sites.

Discovering the UDHR (Amnesty International-USA)

By examining two real cases of human rights abuses students are introduced to the contents and spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).>br>

Human Rights Here & Now: Celebrating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

This manual is intended to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to further human rights education in the United States. It can be used by educators in classrooms, by human rights advocates in informal settings, and by individuals for their own self-learning.

Illustrated version of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

A simplified and illustrated version of the 30 articles of the UDHR. Intended for children eight year and older. Accompanied with instructions for a lesson activity.

Learning Activities about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Some ideas to help you explore images through a human rights lens.

Rights Around the World: A UDHR Jigsaw (Amnesty International-USA)

This activity allows students to extend their knowledge of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) while learning typical rights abuses around the world. It also provides structure for collaborative learning in the classroom.

The UDHR: What’s in it for Me?

Through this exercise workshop participants will become more familiar with the provisions of the UDHR’s 30 articles; will acquire cognitive and analytical skills in applying the UDHR to specific problems; and will become empowered to apply rights principles in their real life circumstances.

What are Human Rights? – The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Estonia)

Chapter from a textbook for an optional subject in grade eight of general comprehensive schools.

The United Nations’ System of Human Rights Protection: Educational packet (Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights in Poland)

This packet familiarises the advocates with the human rights protection mechanisms that exist within the United Nations. Included in this packet are an instructors text, fundamental UN human rights documents, a videotape and lesson plans for presenting the UN human rights system.

My thoughts on adding commentary to the above, and not being a writer, would have garbled a simple announcement about an Important Day – Tomorrow – and the Debate that Really Shouldn’t Need To Be Even Discussed, except for the growing knowledge of what has been going on by those we Hire to Represent Us as the Nation, The United States of America!
For this is Not the Country now that we were led to believe it was, it is More a Rogue Nation than a Shining House on the Hill to be Admired! And no more can we Ask “Why Do They Hate Us?”!