Tehran, Iran (AHN) – After calling for Israel to be “wiped off the map,” last October, Iran’s president Mahamoud Ahmadingad followed up on with his doubts the Holocaust ever happened and saying Israel should be moved to Europe.
Iran’s official IRNA news agency broadcast the Iranian president’s news conference given on Thursday in the Saudi Arabian city of Mecca.
Referring to the six million Jews killed in the Nazi Holocaust, Ahmadingad remarked, “Although we don’t accept this claim, if we suppose it is true, our question for the Europeans is: is the killing of innocent Jewish people by Hitler the reason for their support to the occupiers of Jerusalem?” he said.
The Iranian president says Europeans should give Israel some of their provinces to establish their state in Europe.
Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev responded saying, “This is not the first time, unfortunately, that the Iranian president has expressed the most outrageous ideas concerning Jews and Israel. He is not just Israel’s problem. He is a worry for the entire international community,” he added.
Quite apart from whatever Iran’s president Mahamoud Ahmadingad might say, the formation of the State of Israel was an error. It, in my opinion should never have occurred with its placement based on “biblical” reasoning.
Palestine prior to 1948 had a mixed population of Arabs and Jews who perhaps like Sunnis and Shia got along for the most part. When Eastern European Jews decided to make that part of the world their personal real estate, they used terrorism, threats, cajoling, bribes and sometimes purchased the land from wealthy land owner Arabs who then allowed the new settlers to kick off all the people living on the land.
The formation of the State of Israel has been a horrific mistake and 911, Iraq and many events that have followed it’s formation are a direct consequence.
The Jordanians and the Palestinians had nothing to do with the holocaust. So the idea of a state of Israel being formed on German soil (should it needed to have been formed) is more reasonable, though equally unrealistic.
The State of Israel, which the United States is now modeling itself after, is a fascist state for those who live in greater Israel and do not have full citizenship. Palestinians are allowed to leave Gaza and the West Bank but they cannot return. A Palestinian cannot go on vacation to Italy and return. They cannot do business in another country and return. They are prisoners held by Israel.
The God of the Jews is the same God of the Christians, the same God of the Muslims. This God is a fabrication used early on for political purposes and now has become so entwined in all three cultures that it is impossible for people to consider the possibility that it’s a myth. Just like all the other Gods that have preceded these Gods.
And so too is it impossible to consider that the State of Israel is illegitimate. Most states are, I suppose. Or that the Gods of humanity do not exist in the way we imagine them to. Or even that the Holocaust claims could be exaggerated. I am not saying they were, but it would not surprise me and everything is exaggerated for political purposes. Still it’s always good to consider all the possibilities and it’s always good to have a bit of perspective.
I have a lot of criticism for Israeli political leaders and their propaganda, but I’m not in for participating in flagrant Israel bashing. Your statement is false and not a good start for a debate towards peace in the Middle East. Osama Bin Laden and 911 have no connection to Saddam Hussein, and to the fact that Israel exists.
The denial of the holocaust is racist, fascist remark and should be judged as such, in addition it is considered a crime in many countries.
The state of Israel is a fact established through the United Nations when the world was in an upheaval after WWII and the British Empire fell apart.
Bush’s Intervention in Iran Election
Latest Outrage – thanks George!
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Well, I don’t know what the numbers were.
The idea of it being a crime to dispute the Holocaust is a political law. Why can’t you say you think it’s a lie. It’s not a crime here. The denial of the Holocaust may be a racist remark or not. I am not concerned about that. I am for freedom of expression. Racists have every right in this counry to be rascist and to express themelves as such whatever their color. I am for hearing what they have to say. The more out in the open it is the better, in my opinion.
Right. The State of Israel is a fact. It’s there. i don’t think it should have been formed. It was imposed on the people who lived in the area. I think that was wrong. But I am not for destroying it or anything like that. Just keep in mind how it got there. The formation was total bullshit. Especially with this non-sense of it being given to the Jews by God. That is really offensive and pure madness. Say it ought to be given as compensation
Now, I think the Arab outcry about the abuse of the Palestinians is also alot of bullshit because mostly they don’t seem to care about them except as it relates to their political agendas.
I think it’s clear that 911 is connected to all the supposed feelings of injustice of Israeli actions by the maniacs who drove the planes into the buildings. It all part of the hysteria of life on Earth.
I think the Israeli government is just awful and they are pesecuting the Palestinians and it is a fascist state. Of course they are not much different than many of their neighbors. It isn’t the religions that cause the madness, first their was the madness from which the religions came. But the religions of Judiasm, Christianity and Islam are historically in contradiction with themselves. And they are in contradiction with themselves because they are not grounded in any truth. They are myths used for governmental control over the populations in these areas. This is especially true in these areas and now the US is trying to adopt this kind of methodology for through faith based government .
These religions are a joke. We donot appear to have the remotest capacity to grasp the Universe. We simply do not have that level or kind of intelligence.
It’s normally wise to blame individuals for their actions, not put blame on a group, people, nation or a religion. Europeans and most nations across the globe differentiate between the Bush administration and the American people.
“The more out in the open it is the better, in my opinion.”
Same strategy that Bush and the Neocons followed with Iraq and Saddam Hussein. We’ll fight the terrorists on their turf and flush them out. Through this irresponsible action, Bush created way more terrorists than he bargained for.
Same thing happens in ME with Israel and the Palestinians through inflammatory remarks and rhetoric where hatred is sown. Next best example is Bush Cabal with Iran through their intervention in previous elections in support of the youth and reformists, you get a backlash from the silent majority.
Well known thesis of action-reaction and revolt-antirevolt.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
There is nothing I have written that blames anybody because they belong to a religion or race or anything. You seem to be knee jerking reacting to whatever I have writeen.
The things I am saying are things that people do. People. Humans. It’s human activity. I am saying the religions are a facade for covering up some things that people do that are awful. Like the treatment of Palestinians, like 911, like suicide bombings in Israel.
You seem to be implying something.
Religion – Culture – Politics – Heathen or what are you trying to say?
Jewish Faith – Abraham – 4000 years
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
I think it’s Community, (Beginning of Agriculture, Fertility) then Political forms, then Religious forms.
Religion grew out of politics or rules regarding behavior as people began to live in groups. It was very very loose compared to now and very interpretive. It wasn’t about being a good person then. And telling the truth and giving money. It was quite practical.
From a Western Perspective:
There were the fertility cults…real nature worship with a very strong emphasis on the power of female in giving birth ….fertitlity…. of harvest…they go together , it seems….then religions with many Gods, it becomes a little more abstract, but the God’s still are connected to nature….then with the fall of the Roman Empire and the emergence of Christianity, Western religion gets really abstract and ritualized, moving away from any sort of “reality” in the form of nature and it becomes interpreted by a leader for the other’s to believe in precisely as commanded.
Roman Gods and Greek Gods offered much more freedom for the individual to interpret the intent of the Gods. Gods were more realistic, (more human) connected to nature and definitely more “down to Earth” so to speak as the Gods were vulnerable to each other, made mistakes etc.
Modern religion is actually regressive and more primitive than ancient religion. It’s crazy. It’s a from of control especially beginning with the Jews and the idea of one God. This by the way is not a slam on Jews…it happened all over …it’s a result of technology not the race of people. Jews are allegedly the first or one of the first groups of people to come up with the idea of one God.
4.000 years 4 billion years. I say it’s complete utter non-sense. To explain the Universe like this is crazy. I have no respect for these religions, only respect for the right of people to believe in them if they want. But the religions are garbage in my opinion. Useless trash…as technoligy develops, religions became more regressive and stupid.
The Human condiition is not a result of Religions, Modern Religions are a reflection of problems humanity has in understanding itself.
Somewhere along the line we got sidetracked and lost a large part of our awareness. It’s limited to “thinking” these days. I think long ago, people were able to understand the truth without thinking.
Perhaps we talk too much.
Should retaliate by saying the Israelis will decamp for Europe after the Iranians reestablish Zorastoranism as their state religion, and convert en masse.