Valerie Wilson is no longer an employee of the CIA.

Valerie Plame, the CIA officer whose exposure led to a criminal investigation of the Bush White House, spent her last day at the spy agency Friday.

Neither the agency nor Plame’s husband would confirm her departure, but two people who have known Plame for a number of years confirmed she was leaving.

Thanks Libby, Rove, et al. You finally got your way. Fortunately, she stayed long enough to get her richly deserved pension.

Larry Johnson got his shots in in the AP story:

Plame has been cast by Bush administration defenders as “just a desk jockey at the CIA, someone who wasn’t really undercover and a manipulative Mata Hari who aspired to bring down the Bush administration. All of that is false,” said former CIA officer Larry Johnson, a friend of Plame. “At the end of the day, she was betrayed by her own government and they show no signs of remorse.”

Larry never sleeps.