Night, Andi. I’m bushed too and heading to bed. God, I’m old…I used to at least stay up to watch SNL. Thanks for hosting the Cafe today, you did a great job.
What can I get you, olivia? I’ll serve as temporary bartender for a while.
I don’t mind hockey…used to watch it all the time, but after moving into Red Wing central down here, I’ve been kind of turned off (strike didn’t help).
Things OK here. Just finished installing Open Office because I don’t feel like paying for MS office. Pulp Fiction is on in the background here.
I do remember one of my best hockey memories was at Gender Blender in 2004. One of the teams was from western Canada, and drove an RV down and parked it in the campsite. They had a projector and satellite TV, so they projected the game on this sheet in the campsite.
So I have fond memories of falling asleep (assisted by alcohol, of course 🙂 while looking out my tent seeing the Lightning winning the Cup against the Flames on about a 30 foot screen. It was great.
Now you tell me, after I’ve already contaminated my home build with MS Office. Man, I actually apologized to my hard drive out loud when I installed AOL on it. Had to, though, it’s the only reliable provider where I am.
I can believe it. This was my first home build, though, so it’s all experimental. Next time I’ll go all open source and use that for most things, and probably just keep this one with XP for gaming. I’ll pester you via email with stupid n00b questions. 🙂
Okay kids, this old lady has go crash along with the rest of them. Nobody pukes tonight, all right? And nobody drives drunk, either. ::whacks cane on ground:: G’night y’all.
isn’t too bad, and couldn’t beat the price (got my copy free at MacWorld SF — I’ve lost track on how much free software I’ve scored over the years…). 🙂
Oh shit, Hurricanes have pulled their goalie…SHARKS WIN!!! SHARKS WIN!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
many moons ago, as part of a project for one of my techwriting courses — decided that it would be too tough on my non-techie spouse to deal with.
Mac works best in this household — it’s simple enough for the spouse, and if I want to get under the hood, I can always take some Unix classes and go into Terminal mode, though I haven’t found the need to do so (yet). Only drawback is the lack of games, but I don’t need more excuses not to do work anyway… 🙂
My sort-of-ex was a systems manager for many years. To hear him talk, if it wasn’t UNIX, it wasn’t worth shit. When I realized that my nearly new deskstop was gathering dust since I only use the iBook, I gave him the iMac (you know, the one that looks like half a white basketball). Within 5 minutes he was in terminal mode geeking away – watch this! look at this! He loves it, after years of deriding my Mac affinity. He used to be into Linux for his home stuff, but I think he’s lost interest since I gave him the Mac.
I’m like your spouse myself – I really don’t care what’s under the hood – I just want to drive it. Windoze machines are GM sedans. Macs are sports cars.
Yeah, the greatest thing that Mac ever did was add the terminal to their OS (with OS X, I think?). Before then, a Mac was completely out of the question for me.
Now, I think I could live with one, but my preference still lies elsewhere.
Well, I write MS Windows software for a living, and my education was writing Unix/Linux programs. So, if I find some little task that I want to do on my computer, I just write myself a program.
And I don’t feel like learning how to do it on a Mac.
Plus, hardware for non-mac PCs is easier / cheaper to come by, and is more configurable (though Macs are coming a long way in this area these days).
OSX is basically Unix with a pretty shell (easy to get under for geeks) for us non-geeks. Or so I understand from sort-of-ex. Being a Unix guy, he felt right at home with OS X. See comment above.
That’s more or less my understanding of it as well…very smart of Apple to go in that direction if you ask me.
But regardless of what people say about MS Windows, boy they sure do make a lot of things easy from a software engineering standpoint. Which is why there is so much to run on their platform.
o/t, I loved your comment on my web diary, but I didn’t know what to say. I lost my mom when I was 21 (parents divorced well before then), and had to be my little brother’s legal guardian until he finished high school.
Thanks. I really appreciated your putting up that diary. I had been thinking – a lot of us have histories that make us “not tough” and no amount of berating us to grow thicker skins is going to help. It was hard to post such a self-revealing comment, but I hope that we remember to be gentler with each other. Not everyone can handle the rough-and-tumble others can. I’m sorry about your mom.
As others have said – you are wise beyond your years. I’m really glad you’re here.
I actually think that our histories make us more tough, but that a lot of other people just pretend to be tough when they have no comparable experiences. Talk is cheap, as they say.
But maybe that’s just a coping mechanism on my part. I don’t know. I feel kinda tough. But I don’t talk a lot.
I’m glad you put up the comment. As chocolate ink said in response, it really is the heart and soul of what we’re all about (we meaning both here at the Trib, and people in general, though many don’t realize it).
Well, now that may be the difference in age showing. I used to think those things made me more tough, but one thing I’ve been realizing just recently is how tough I’m not. I’m ready now to start saying to people – hey! go easy on me. Not only am I going to run away when the atmosphere gets hostile, I’m no longer going to apologize or feel bad about it. I’ve always had a pretty convincing tough facade, but I’m trying to shed it. Which, I’m discovering, takes a little courage. I’m thinking – not sure yet, but I’m exploring it – that in the process I may get stronger. Which is not the same as tough.
I keep threatening to rent a billboard that just says, “People are different.” I’m willing to believe that lots of other people thrive on conflict, but well, I’m different. I do love an argument, and I’m as opinionated as hell, but the instant insults and put-downs start flying . . . I’m outta there.
(I just opened another window to see how far to the right this comment was going to be – oh well, I think we’re the only ones up this late in the cafe. And I’m checking out now. Nice talkin’ to you.)
on Hockey Night in Silly Con Valley…Sharks are leading but I’m nervous — Sharks only have 4 goals when they’ve scored at least 5 in the last 4 games since Joe Thornton’s joined the team. 😉
Come on Ottawa — Sharks need to make up some ground on their Western Conference rivals… 🙂
Having a b-a-d road trip. We’re were really waiting to see how they stacked up against the Western teams. Not too good, by the looks of it. Of course, the team is missing Redden and Havlat. And a few of the reg guys have some injuries… Oh well.
Florida Mom is visiting. Tonight we gave a first Christmas present to her. A total surprise and a great delight. Maine lobster is her very favorite. Gooserock and I stuck to our diet and had halibut. We all had fresh asparagus and wild rice. We even bought real butter for Mom. I told her we knew we were contributing to the delinquency of a major.
Everytime you write about food it makes me hungry! 🙂 It’s too late here to be eating anything (1230), so my stomach should not be growling b/c it’s not getting anything. Do love the halibut, though.
I don’t understand hockey very well, but I sure do enjoy watching curling. It’s a game that makes sense to me and I really like everyone’s attitude.
Puget Sound is close enough to the border to be able to get CBC easily. It was quite a shock when we moved here to see the evening news on CBC as compared to what we were used to hearing on news programs down here.
Not so for Ottawa. They’ve lost both their Western games so far. Not having a good road trip.
Curling tends to get a lot of attention for the major tournaments (the Briar for instance), and Canada has some really strong teams who are quite popular. The Cdn Olympic trials are on-going right now.
She’s a real neat lady. We always have a great time when she visits. She’s celebrating the lobster with a second martini just now. I’ve just opened my first beer.
Hi, I’m up and over at Village Blue doing some work and showing pictures of my new home if anyone wants to stop over and look….I am doing a remodel on it…
Well we had a fine time at our Human Rights Day march, a couple thousand people showed up on a cold day and we didn’t have to use the pepperspray remedy this time. There were a number of banner drops and a spontaneous takeover of the offices of a union-busting construction contractor resulting in one arrest. The corporate media was more or less absent, probably because they tend to get roughed up and people make fun of their hairdos. The crowd would have presented a terrifying sight to some, being composed of Teamsters, longshoremen, nurses, black bloc youngsters and Hispanic immigrants. Some of the BB broke off and went up to the weekly action in front of the fur store where they got into with the cops and a couple more people were hauled off to jail.
There may have been some shakin’ in your town but you probably won’t know about it unless you check your local indymedia site. Hooray for citizen-journalists!
Larry King interview with Richard Pryor. Pryor was very thoughtful, observant and sensitive. I couldn’t help thinking there could have been a place or a path for him that would have been safer and more productive.
On the blogs, he coulda been SOME-body. He coulda been a front PAGE -er.
(But then, how many billion others?)
I hope Saturday Night Live has the guts (had the guts; it’s 2 hours past, Eastern Time) to replay their classic “Word Association” bit with Pryor and Chevy Chase.
“DEH-uhd hoan-ky!!”
Not to mention The Exorcist.
“The bed! — Is on! — My foot!”
time for this old fogey to get her face lotion on (bought my very first bottle of Oil of Olay today…damn I feel old!) and hit the hay, as soon as I get the spouse moving to go bring up the laundry…see you folks sometime in the morning… 🙂
at your (non) service.
Night, Andi. I’m bushed too and heading to bed. God, I’m old…I used to at least stay up to watch SNL. Thanks for hosting the Cafe today, you did a great job.
Anyone else up now, or am I just going to have to sit here by myself with my drink?
You young folk knock yourselves out. The night’s just getting started for you.
Will do, that’s why I’ve got the whiskey 🙂
tequila! Got any margarita mix? Or maybe the rest of the ingredients for a long island?
couple of shots of this, you’ll feel like you’re on a long island.
I’ll be sure to get a good grip on the floor to make sure I don’t fall off.
could take the floor for a dance, which is where I’m headed. Cya all later!
Someone is bound to turn up. It’s stil early west of the 100th meridian.
Watching the Ott v Calgary on Hockey Night in Canada. I’ll join ya for a drink, if you don’t mind the game in the background.
What can I get you, olivia? I’ll serve as temporary bartender for a while.
I don’t mind hockey…used to watch it all the time, but after moving into Red Wing central down here, I’ve been kind of turned off (strike didn’t help).
How’re things going?
Here you go!

Things OK here. Just finished installing Open Office because I don’t feel like paying for MS office. Pulp Fiction is on in the background here.
I do remember one of my best hockey memories was at Gender Blender in 2004. One of the teams was from western Canada, and drove an RV down and parked it in the campsite. They had a projector and satellite TV, so they projected the game on this sheet in the campsite.
So I have fond memories of falling asleep (assisted by alcohol, of course 🙂 while looking out my tent seeing the Lightning winning the Cup against the Flames on about a 30 foot screen. It was great.
Thanks. <sip>
I’ve heard about Open Office; some of the other nerd-y sites I like to visit have mentioned it.
It’s the way to go if you build your own computer, or buy one that doesn’t come with software packages.
Now you tell me, after I’ve already contaminated my home build with MS Office. Man, I actually apologized to my hard drive out loud when I installed AOL on it. Had to, though, it’s the only reliable provider where I am.
MS Office is like the Octopus of computer programs. It reaches into all parts of your operating system, and makes itself completely unremovable.
Sorry, I would have let you know sooner had I known the situation 🙂
I can believe it. This was my first home build, though, so it’s all experimental. Next time I’ll go all open source and use that for most things, and probably just keep this one with XP for gaming. I’ll pester you via email with stupid n00b questions. 🙂
Okay kids, this old lady has go crash along with the rest of them. Nobody pukes tonight, all right? And nobody drives drunk, either. ::whacks cane on ground:: G’night y’all.
You’re not really that old, come on now. At least not as old as Andi 🙂
Good night!
I’ve never heard an ‘old lady’ use n00b before. You’re not that old, I reckon!
isn’t too bad, and couldn’t beat the price (got my copy free at MacWorld SF — I’ve lost track on how much free software I’ve scored over the years…). 🙂
Oh shit, Hurricanes have pulled their goalie…SHARKS WIN!!! SHARKS WIN!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
I can’t bring myself to buy a Mac. Just can’t do it.
Thinking about messing around with a Linux box here pretty soon though. That seems much more my style 🙂
many moons ago, as part of a project for one of my techwriting courses — decided that it would be too tough on my non-techie spouse to deal with.
Mac works best in this household — it’s simple enough for the spouse, and if I want to get under the hood, I can always take some Unix classes and go into Terminal mode, though I haven’t found the need to do so (yet). Only drawback is the lack of games, but I don’t need more excuses not to do work anyway… 🙂
My sort-of-ex was a systems manager for many years. To hear him talk, if it wasn’t UNIX, it wasn’t worth shit. When I realized that my nearly new deskstop was gathering dust since I only use the iBook, I gave him the iMac (you know, the one that looks like half a white basketball). Within 5 minutes he was in terminal mode geeking away – watch this! look at this! He loves it, after years of deriding my Mac affinity. He used to be into Linux for his home stuff, but I think he’s lost interest since I gave him the Mac.
I’m like your spouse myself – I really don’t care what’s under the hood – I just want to drive it. Windoze machines are GM sedans. Macs are sports cars.
Yeah, the greatest thing that Mac ever did was add the terminal to their OS (with OS X, I think?). Before then, a Mac was completely out of the question for me.
Now, I think I could live with one, but my preference still lies elsewhere.
How come?
Well, I write MS Windows software for a living, and my education was writing Unix/Linux programs. So, if I find some little task that I want to do on my computer, I just write myself a program.
And I don’t feel like learning how to do it on a Mac.
Plus, hardware for non-mac PCs is easier / cheaper to come by, and is more configurable (though Macs are coming a long way in this area these days).
OSX is basically Unix with a pretty shell (easy to get under for geeks) for us non-geeks. Or so I understand from sort-of-ex. Being a Unix guy, he felt right at home with OS X. See comment above.
That’s more or less my understanding of it as well…very smart of Apple to go in that direction if you ask me.
But regardless of what people say about MS Windows, boy they sure do make a lot of things easy from a software engineering standpoint. Which is why there is so much to run on their platform.
o/t, I loved your comment on my web diary, but I didn’t know what to say. I lost my mom when I was 21 (parents divorced well before then), and had to be my little brother’s legal guardian until he finished high school.
Thanks. I really appreciated your putting up that diary. I had been thinking – a lot of us have histories that make us “not tough” and no amount of berating us to grow thicker skins is going to help. It was hard to post such a self-revealing comment, but I hope that we remember to be gentler with each other. Not everyone can handle the rough-and-tumble others can. I’m sorry about your mom.
As others have said – you are wise beyond your years. I’m really glad you’re here.
I actually think that our histories make us more tough, but that a lot of other people just pretend to be tough when they have no comparable experiences. Talk is cheap, as they say.
But maybe that’s just a coping mechanism on my part. I don’t know. I feel kinda tough. But I don’t talk a lot.
I’m glad you put up the comment. As chocolate ink said in response, it really is the heart and soul of what we’re all about (we meaning both here at the Trib, and people in general, though many don’t realize it).
Well, now that may be the difference in age showing. I used to think those things made me more tough, but one thing I’ve been realizing just recently is how tough I’m not. I’m ready now to start saying to people – hey! go easy on me. Not only am I going to run away when the atmosphere gets hostile, I’m no longer going to apologize or feel bad about it. I’ve always had a pretty convincing tough facade, but I’m trying to shed it. Which, I’m discovering, takes a little courage. I’m thinking – not sure yet, but I’m exploring it – that in the process I may get stronger. Which is not the same as tough.
I keep threatening to rent a billboard that just says, “People are different.” I’m willing to believe that lots of other people thrive on conflict, but well, I’m different. I do love an argument, and I’m as opinionated as hell, but the instant insults and put-downs start flying . . . I’m outta there.
(I just opened another window to see how far to the right this comment was going to be – oh well, I think we’re the only ones up this late in the cafe. And I’m checking out now. Nice talkin’ to you.)
Always interested in hearing the pros/cons for Mac.
on Hockey Night in Silly Con Valley…Sharks are leading but I’m nervous — Sharks only have 4 goals when they’ve scored at least 5 in the last 4 games since Joe Thornton’s joined the team. 😉
Come on Ottawa — Sharks need to make up some ground on their Western Conference rivals… 🙂
Having a b-a-d road trip. We’re were really waiting to see how they stacked up against the Western teams. Not too good, by the looks of it. Of course, the team is missing Redden and Havlat. And a few of the reg guys have some injuries… Oh well.
Night to you. Pleasant dreams of Browns football games.
Hope things settle down and all goes well with the baby.
Thanks for the gracious hosting today. 😉
who’s on line right now and would be willing to help me out with a serious matter? Like “emergency” serious.
friedberg at
Florida Mom is visiting. Tonight we gave a first Christmas present to her. A total surprise and a great delight. Maine lobster is her very favorite. Gooserock and I stuck to our diet and had halibut. We all had fresh asparagus and wild rice. We even bought real butter for Mom. I told her we knew we were contributing to the delinquency of a major.

Everytime you write about food it makes me hungry! 🙂 It’s too late here to be eating anything (1230), so my stomach should not be growling b/c it’s not getting anything. Do love the halibut, though.
I don’t understand hockey very well, but I sure do enjoy watching curling. It’s a game that makes sense to me and I really like everyone’s attitude.
Puget Sound is close enough to the border to be able to get CBC easily. It was quite a shock when we moved here to see the evening news on CBC as compared to what we were used to hearing on news programs down here.
How did the hockey turn out tonight?
Not so for Ottawa. They’ve lost both their Western games so far. Not having a good road trip.
Curling tends to get a lot of attention for the major tournaments (the Briar for instance), and Canada has some really strong teams who are quite popular. The Cdn Olympic trials are on-going right now.
And we’ve got those same tray tables here… 😉
She’s a real neat lady. We always have a great time when she visits. She’s celebrating the lobster with a second martini just now. I’ve just opened my first beer.
Hi, I’m up and over at Village Blue doing some work and showing pictures of my new home if anyone wants to stop over and look….I am doing a remodel on it…
Well we had a fine time at our Human Rights Day march, a couple thousand people showed up on a cold day and we didn’t have to use the pepperspray remedy this time. There were a number of banner drops and a spontaneous takeover of the offices of a union-busting construction contractor resulting in one arrest. The corporate media was more or less absent, probably because they tend to get roughed up and people make fun of their hairdos. The crowd would have presented a terrifying sight to some, being composed of Teamsters, longshoremen, nurses, black bloc youngsters and Hispanic immigrants. Some of the BB broke off and went up to the weekly action in front of the fur store where they got into with the cops and a couple more people were hauled off to jail.
There may have been some shakin’ in your town but you probably won’t know about it unless you check your local indymedia site. Hooray for citizen-journalists!
Larry King interview with Richard Pryor. Pryor was very thoughtful, observant and sensitive. I couldn’t help thinking there could have been a place or a path for him that would have been safer and more productive.
On the blogs, he coulda been SOME-body. He coulda been a front PAGE -er.
(But then, how many billion others?)
I hope Saturday Night Live has the guts (had the guts; it’s 2 hours past, Eastern Time) to replay their classic “Word Association” bit with Pryor and Chevy Chase.
“DEH-uhd hoan-ky!!”
Not to mention The Exorcist.
“The bed! — Is on! — My foot!”
time for this old fogey to get her face lotion on (bought my very first bottle of Oil of Olay today…damn I feel old!) and hit the hay, as soon as I get the spouse moving to go bring up the laundry…see you folks sometime in the morning… 🙂
More likely afternoon 🙂 Good night!