Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
likes it as cold as possible, preferably with a howling wind blowing up his nostrils. I, on the other hand, am freezing my ass everytime I step outside.
I’m about to go upstairs, close the door and read a good book. No family members are to call to me, come to the door, ask me where anything is, beg for food or even breathe heavily outside the door while waiting for mom to be over her episode.
It may help that I made this decree while holding my new book- Household Poisons through History.
Horton said the moment of historical reckoning for American officials may come. “A number of key Bush officials,” he wrote, “are more likely to be the Pinochets of the next generation-blocked from international travel and forever fending off extradition warrants and prosecutors’ questions.”
22° outside, thermostat set at 62° inside and it will be going down to 55° for the night in another 15 minutes. I’m wearing socks, knit slippers, sweatshirt over a turtleneck, sweater over that, half gloves & I’ll be donning a hat pretty soon. One word: “BRRRR”
Batching it tonight as the wife’s on a trip to NYC for the day. It’s 16^F outside here in CNY, 63 inside. All 6 Norwichs piled around my feet, keeping them warm. Forcast is for lake-effect snow tommorrow. oh well.
Probably predictable — and would rather have that Bush in office than the one we’ve got, even if he does play for the Condoms (Pac-10 joke here…since I root for another Pac-10 joke, the Stanford Cardinal).
Now just trying to get the spouse moving on laundry before the Sharks/Hurricanes hockey game starts…
My fingers are still frozen. Just finished shoveling out the driveway for tomorrow’s run to the grocery. Put out the “hot rock” wrapped in a warm towel in the igloo for the outside beast (feral cat I’m trying to tame down enough to rescue – we have now progressed to finger sniffing while he impatiently waits for food, plus one quick stroke down the back allowed during meals).
No, it’s not that . . . it’s a thing you heat up in the microwave and it stays warm for hours. Last thing I do every night is heat the Bed Buddy to keep my feet warm. It’s got a knit cover, and what’s inside is rice! (I know this because one of my dogs attempted to eat one.)
One year I gave them as Christmas presents – they were on sale at Target for ~$6 – and everyone who got one said it was their favorite present. You could make your own, but those handles on either end are surprisingly useful. I buy them at WalMart, for, I think, $10 or less. Better than a hot rock – you don’t have to plug it in. . .
Cool about the wild kitty – I’m sure s/he will come around soon.
getting the bed buddies somewhere other than Wal-Mart? A hundred good reasons to put politics into action through the purse. See “The High Cost of Low Prices”.
I didn’t mean WalMart – I meant Walgreen’s. I don’t think they are related companies, though I don’t know for sure. And I don’t know anything about their policies toward employees, etc. Guess I should investigate. I do try to “Buy Blue,” but it’s hard to keep up with it all sometimes. I hate shopping in general and try to do as little as possible. Walgreen’s just happens to be the place where I’ve consistently been able to find Bed Buddies (I’ve been through several what with dog attacks and all). It’s about the only reason I go there.
I haven’t shopped at WalMart in years, since I was enlightened about how evil they are.
Have seen something similar — was thinking about that to put under my neck when it’s sore. I’ve also seen eye masks designed to heat in the microwave then put over the eyes when you have a tension headache.
My feet get cold too…but I just wear socks to bed… 🙂
You can make a rice bag that warms in the microwave and provides about 15 to 20 minutes of moist warmth to sore muscles. Take a small towel (guest or finger type), sew it into a tube lengthwise and then across one end. Pour 2#s of rice into it and sew the open end closed. Heat it for 3 minutes in the microwave. If it stops heating up, open one end, pour out the old rice and add new.
My “hot rock” is really called a “Snuggle Safe” for animals. Same sort of thing you mention. I pop it into the microwave for a few minutes, then I wrap it in a towel and it stays warm for several hours. My only quibble is that it is hard. I must try the homemade rice version described here.
I get to head out to the Los Angeles area in a couple weeks for the xmas break. Be nice to visit with some relatives – and of course make a pilgrimage or two to the beach!
It’s 27 here, but I find it kind of warm. I went out for a walk earlier tonight with my winter coat, scarf, mitts, etc., but was too hot! Had my coat unzipped and my mitts off. I guess it’s all relative and the body adapts.
It was actually warm out today, I was in a t-shirt and jeans walking around at a Street Fair and broke a sweat from the sun. Global warming? more like global scorching!
The best thing ever invented for sleeping comportably in cold weather (for places which have electricity) is the electric heated mattress pad. Not your old electric blanket which goes over/on top of you, but a mattress pad which goes underneath the bottom sheet. Queen and larger sizes are sold with dual controls, in case you have partners with varying opinions as to the desired temperatures. They’re designed to provide more heat toward the bottom of the bed where your feet are, less toward the head end. You can preheat your bed, maybe 15 minutes before you retire, and there’s no more climbing into cold, shivery sheets. In addition, you can program or turn down your room thermostat, since your bed itself will keep you as warm as desired, without the need for heating the entire house/apartment/room.
The only downside is that you may not be that enthusiastic about getting out in the morning…
Sorry, browser just blew up, so don’t know what was previously posted… 🙁
Settings ‘LO’ thru 10, so you can preheat it, then turn it down to ‘LO’ or 1, just to keep it slightly warm thru the nite…
The one we use (best/safest I’ve found) was from “The Assisted Living Store” in Minnesota (where we’re from):
Low DC voltage, easily washable, fits pretty much all mattress sizes, all electronic controls (no irritating on/off clicking noises, etc). Highly recommended.
when I happened to catch the opening to MADtv — awesome parody of Black Eyed Peas “My Humps”; Black Eyed Peas with George Bush: “My Slump”…hoping it shows up somewhere on the Web… 🙂
Five surgeons are discussing who makes the best patients to operate on.
>The first surgeon says, “I like to see accountants on my operating table
>because when you open them up, everything inside is numbered.”
>The second responds, “Yeah, but you should try electricians! Everything
>inside them is color coded.”
>The third surgeon says, “No, I really think librarians are the best;
>everything inside them is in alphabetical order.”
>The fourth surgeon chimes in: “You know, I like construction workers. Those
>guys always understand when you have a few parts left over at the end, and
>when the job takes longer than you said it would.”
>But the fifth surgeon shut them all up when he observed: “You’re all wrong.
>Politicians are the easiest to operate on. There’s no guts, no heart, no
>balls, no brains and no spine, and the head and the ass are
needs to get its shit together…I clicked on the ad that said something about Santorum and his “secret backer’s ad”, but all that came up was a blank page (just the Casey campaign page template, and that’s it). Hey people, if you’re going to advertise something, you gotta deliver.
Just one more reason to support Chuck Pennachio IMNSHO — I have low tolerance for shoddy web design, and linking to a page with nothing on it is very shoddy. (I also have issues with the “Online Affairs” ad being a bit misleading, but that’s another story…)
Me and my [cat] Shadow are doing our best to stay warm and I hope you are, too, Booman!
Temps here were in the low to mid 60s — didn’t even need a jacket over my sweatshirt! 🙂
Settling down for a relaxing evening, waiting for the Heisman Award announcement — got home from grocery shopping just in time. 🙂
How ’bout you, Boo — You and Boo-dog staying warm?
likes it as cold as possible, preferably with a howling wind blowing up his nostrils. I, on the other hand, am freezing my ass everytime I step outside.
it’s a 2 newfie night here. luckily, we have 2 for warmth. lovely dogs these newfies.
Warm enough!
I’m about to go upstairs, close the door and read a good book. No family members are to call to me, come to the door, ask me where anything is, beg for food or even breathe heavily outside the door while waiting for mom to be over her episode.
It may help that I made this decree while holding my new book- Household Poisons through History.
well at least it feels warm when two days ago the high was 12 (not including the windchill).
I’m blown away by the link to the advertiser for the “Online Affairs” image ad.
Traffic was a bitch today.
I’m going to be watching that Bob Dylan documentary tonight.
I think it was 81 degrees here in south Florida today, but no snow to play in.
This is a very good piece by Anthony Lewis about the issue of torture and the depraved nature of the Bush regime.
Link here.
I especially like the last line;
22° outside, thermostat set at 62° inside and it will be going down to 55° for the night in another 15 minutes. I’m wearing socks, knit slippers, sweatshirt over a turtleneck, sweater over that, half gloves & I’ll be donning a hat pretty soon. One word: “BRRRR”
Batching it tonight as the wife’s on a trip to NYC for the day. It’s 16^F outside here in CNY, 63 inside. All 6 Norwichs piled around my feet, keeping them warm. Forcast is for lake-effect snow tommorrow. oh well.
Grieving for both McCarthy and Pryor.
Probably predictable — and would rather have that Bush in office than the one we’ve got, even if he does play for the Condoms (Pac-10 joke here…since I root for another Pac-10 joke, the Stanford Cardinal).
Now just trying to get the spouse moving on laundry before the Sharks/Hurricanes hockey game starts…
My fingers are still frozen. Just finished shoveling out the driveway for tomorrow’s run to the grocery. Put out the “hot rock” wrapped in a warm towel in the igloo for the outside beast (feral cat I’m trying to tame down enough to rescue – we have now progressed to finger sniffing while he impatiently waits for food, plus one quick stroke down the back allowed during meals).
Wished for the hot rock for the foot of our bed!
Have you tried a Bed Buddy?
No, it’s not that . . . it’s a thing you heat up in the microwave and it stays warm for hours. Last thing I do every night is heat the Bed Buddy to keep my feet warm. It’s got a knit cover, and what’s inside is rice! (I know this because one of my dogs attempted to eat one.)
One year I gave them as Christmas presents – they were on sale at Target for ~$6 – and everyone who got one said it was their favorite present. You could make your own, but those handles on either end are surprisingly useful. I buy them at WalMart, for, I think, $10 or less. Better than a hot rock – you don’t have to plug it in. . .
Cool about the wild kitty – I’m sure s/he will come around soon.
getting the bed buddies somewhere other than Wal-Mart? A hundred good reasons to put politics into action through the purse. See “The High Cost of Low Prices”.
I didn’t mean WalMart – I meant Walgreen’s. I don’t think they are related companies, though I don’t know for sure. And I don’t know anything about their policies toward employees, etc. Guess I should investigate. I do try to “Buy Blue,” but it’s hard to keep up with it all sometimes. I hate shopping in general and try to do as little as possible. Walgreen’s just happens to be the place where I’ve consistently been able to find Bed Buddies (I’ve been through several what with dog attacks and all). It’s about the only reason I go there.
I haven’t shopped at WalMart in years, since I was enlightened about how evil they are.
are definitely not related — rest easy.
Have seen something similar — was thinking about that to put under my neck when it’s sore. I’ve also seen eye masks designed to heat in the microwave then put over the eyes when you have a tension headache.
My feet get cold too…but I just wear socks to bed… 🙂
Walgreen’s ≠ WalMart
[Cool! I made a “not equal to”! Works in my browser – Safari – anyway.]
You can make a rice bag that warms in the microwave and provides about 15 to 20 minutes of moist warmth to sore muscles. Take a small towel (guest or finger type), sew it into a tube lengthwise and then across one end. Pour 2#s of rice into it and sew the open end closed. Heat it for 3 minutes in the microwave. If it stops heating up, open one end, pour out the old rice and add new.
My “hot rock” is really called a “Snuggle Safe” for animals. Same sort of thing you mention. I pop it into the microwave for a few minutes, then I wrap it in a towel and it stays warm for several hours. My only quibble is that it is hard. I must try the homemade rice version described here.
it’s only 54 degrees at the moment, brrrrrr. 😀
I’m jealous.
extra room in a week if you need to escape the balmy weather. I can’t even image being that cold long-term.
Fortunately, I’m escaping to Acapulco:

in mid January for a week. Hopefully I can stay sane until then 🙂
my turn to be jealous.
I get to head out to the Los Angeles area in a couple weeks for the xmas break. Be nice to visit with some relatives – and of course make a pilgrimage or two to the beach!
…54? Brrrr? 🙂
It’s 27 here, but I find it kind of warm. I went out for a walk earlier tonight with my winter coat, scarf, mitts, etc., but was too hot! Had my coat unzipped and my mitts off. I guess it’s all relative and the body adapts.
(Hi Manny!)
It was actually warm out today, I was in a t-shirt and jeans walking around at a Street Fair and broke a sweat from the sun. Global warming? more like global scorching!
If I’m walking around in a t-shirt and jeans in December, we know the end of the world is nigh … although it does sound nice!
Alec Baldwin playing Sadaam Hussein. Usually SNL is pretty weak — but Baldwin isn’t doing too bad.
The best thing ever invented for sleeping comportably in cold weather (for places which have electricity) is the electric heated mattress pad. Not your old electric blanket which goes over/on top of you, but a mattress pad which goes underneath the bottom sheet. Queen and larger sizes are sold with dual controls, in case you have partners with varying opinions as to the desired temperatures. They’re designed to provide more heat toward the bottom of the bed where your feet are, less toward the head end. You can preheat your bed, maybe 15 minutes before you retire, and there’s no more climbing into cold, shivery sheets. In addition, you can program or turn down your room thermostat, since your bed itself will keep you as warm as desired, without the need for heating the entire house/apartment/room.
The only downside is that you may not be that enthusiastic about getting out in the morning…
How many settings does it have? It sounds good for getting into bed; but I’m an age that’s starting to get hot at night (and not in the good sense).
Sorry, browser just blew up, so don’t know what was previously posted… 🙁
Settings ‘LO’ thru 10, so you can preheat it, then turn it down to ‘LO’ or 1, just to keep it slightly warm thru the nite…
The one we use (best/safest I’ve found) was from “The Assisted Living Store” in Minnesota (where we’re from):
Low DC voltage, easily washable, fits pretty much all mattress sizes, all electronic controls (no irritating on/off clicking noises, etc). Highly recommended.
Gee, gosh, shucks, everythin’ is jus’ fine with me.
when I happened to catch the opening to MADtv — awesome parody of Black Eyed Peas “My Humps”; Black Eyed Peas with George Bush: “My Slump”…hoping it shows up somewhere on the Web… 🙂
Five surgeons are discussing who makes the best patients to operate on.
>The first surgeon says, “I like to see accountants on my operating table
>because when you open them up, everything inside is numbered.”
>The second responds, “Yeah, but you should try electricians! Everything
>inside them is color coded.”
>The third surgeon says, “No, I really think librarians are the best;
>everything inside them is in alphabetical order.”
>The fourth surgeon chimes in: “You know, I like construction workers. Those
>guys always understand when you have a few parts left over at the end, and
>when the job takes longer than you said it would.”
>But the fifth surgeon shut them all up when he observed: “You’re all wrong.
>Politicians are the easiest to operate on. There’s no guts, no heart, no
>balls, no brains and no spine, and the head and the ass are
needs to get its shit together…I clicked on the ad that said something about Santorum and his “secret backer’s ad”, but all that came up was a blank page (just the Casey campaign page template, and that’s it). Hey people, if you’re going to advertise something, you gotta deliver.
Just one more reason to support Chuck Pennachio IMNSHO — I have low tolerance for shoddy web design, and linking to a page with nothing on it is very shoddy. (I also have issues with the “Online Affairs” ad being a bit misleading, but that’s another story…)
Time magazine’s Viveca Novak’s article on her conversations with Rove’s lawyer and Fitzgerald here.