There is an elephant in the room when it comes to the recent controversy over Joe Lieberman’s public proclamations of support for the war in Iraq and for George Bush’s strategy. Lieberman has recently written:
and he has insisted:
But he has said this in the context of rejecting a timetable for withdrawal, and insisting our strategy in Iraq is working:
These sentiments of Lieberman’s are beyond off-message. They represent a seeming disconnect from reality. When Republicans express these sentiments we can excuse them as apologists who feel the need to defend the Bush administration. They may mouth these talking points publicly, but we doubt many of them really believe things in Iraq are on track.
But why would Lieberman spout disingenuous GOP talking points? To me, the answer lies in Lieberman’s concern for Israel’s security.
Here is how Lieberman describes the stakes in Iraq:
If you set aside the numerous inaccuracies in this characterization of the resistance in Iraq, you are left with an assertion that a civil war in Iraq will lead to fanatical war-making on America. But this is ridiculous. The pilots of 9/11 trained in Florida and Arizona, not in Kandahar. Terrorists exploit the freedoms and openness of Western societies. They do not need a haven for hatching their deadly plans. I think Lieberman is concerned about something entirely different.
If the U.S. population forces a withdrawal from Iraq it will lead to a more general aversion for basing our troops throughout the Arab peninsula. And that could represent a long-term threat to Israel’s security.
Now, I have no problem with an American politician having serious concerns for the security of Israel. Israel is an ally of America and their security is important component of our overall foreign policy. What I have a problem with is the idea that we should remain in Iraq pursuing a losing strategy, hold no one accountable, make no milestones or timetables, give hopelessly pollyannish assessments of our progress, and tell the American people that this catastrophe is necessary to avoid fanatical war-making on our homeland. If anything, our failing strategy is making domestic terror attacks more likely as the number of people that long to exact retribution on America increases exponentially.
I think Lieberman is ignoring the heightened risks to America because he is concerned that a loss of will in Iraq will lead to a larger loss of will for a large military presence in the region. And the only plausible reason Lieberman has to trade heightened domestic risk for the maintenence of our military presence in the region is that he is putting the security of Israel over the security of the United States.
Lieberman probably never envisioned the possibility of defeat in Iraq when he recommended an invasion:
After the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States, Lieberman strongly backed Bush’s call for a war against terrorism in Afghanistan. Later that year, he was one of 10 lawmakers who signed a letter urging Bush to target Iraq next.
Lieberman needs to check his priorities. We can do a lot better job of assuring Israel’s security than by losing a war, weakening our military, weakening our economy, losing our credibility and moral standing, and ignoring the peace process. It is precisely our failures that are making the American people reject the kind of foreign policy and military basing that Lieberman so values. He’s got it all wrong.
While I support Israel’s existance, their national interests should not be put in front of our own. Go away Joe.
AIPAC (strong Likud sympathies) is the 4th most powerful lobby in the US. AIPAC throws money at politicians of every stripe to ensure fealty to Israel.
Joe Lieberman is on AIPAC’s top-ten campaign funds’ recipient list.
When is it fair to question whether Lieberman has torn or even singular loyalty to Israel?
This begs what I believe to be the most important question in our political system. When does undue influence through bought politicians for another country undermine our Republic?
Don’t forget the (strange) AIPAC alliance with the Evangelicals, Christian Right, and etc who think Israel needs to exist for the ‘Return of Jesus’ scenario.
and follow the money. I doubt Joe is loyal to anything but his benefactors. His ties to the kings of finance alone give him ample reason to keep the slush fund that is Iraq up and running.
Joe is just as wrong on Iraq whether it’s to “protect” this country or Israel or his financial backers. That he furthers the big lie in the process is his unpardonable crime.
That Lieberman is protecting Israeli interests isn’t exactly a newsflash; he never hid his Zionist affinities. He also knows that no matter how US public opinion shifts, US troops will continue to be deployed in the region. He seems to be on board with the WH notion that we can still impose our will in Iraq & “win.”
A quibble with the assertions that “Israel is an ally of America.” Have we ratified a treaty with Israeli that I’m unaware of?
i guess my point is that the likely fallout from a withdrawal from Iraq will be on public opinion about our middle eastern empire, and it will not have any of the negative consequences that Joe asserts. In fact, a retreat from the region would be likely to diminish our vulnerability to attack.
Joe knows this. And he doesn’t care.
And the Camp David Accords pretty much made Egypt and Israel our strategic partners, if not exactly our allies.
These sentiments of Lieberman’s are beyond off-message. They represent a seeming disconnect from reality. When Republicans express these sentiments we can excuse them as apologists who feel the need to defend the Bush administration. They may mouth these talking points publicly, but we doubt many of them really believe things in Iraq are on track.
When republicans make those whacko statements I understand why they are saying them but I sure as hell don’t excuse them from it! lol
The maximum effective range of an excuse is ZERO meters.
It comes out of their mouths and falls flat on the floor.
That’s his only interest. Close to traitor territory.
AIPAC is the 4th most powerful lobbying organization in the US.
At what point do America’s and Israel’s aims diverge?
Again, is it appropriate that a group lobbying solely for Israel’s sustained primacy in the ME (economic and military) has such undue influence over US politicians on both sides of the aisle?
You’ll find my latest research project interesting …
Dit some browsing after shooting incident at Miami Airport which brought back memory of De Menezes murder in London Subway.
Phalcon Radar
New diary and comments ::
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Dems representing us in Washington need to decide and get behind a policy and plan on Iraq well before 2006 elections. If someone like Joe doesn’t toe the line then boot him out.
it’s essentially hopeless to ask joe lieberman to “check his priorities”. that’s already happened, or never will. hence his stance. otherwise i agree totally with what you wrote, boo. we must do what we can to drive lieberman out. i hope connecticut wakes up and dumps the guy. he’s hurting america along with hurting the democrats.
Even if Lieberman’s perspective is “Israel-centric”, he’s wrong about that too.
According to the Jewish news organization JTA their [article here] reveals that Israel itself recognizes that at least where Syria is concerned with respect to the Bush agenda’s broader ambitions in the region, the Israeli’s see more jeopardy attached to their own security rather than less.
What seems abundantly clear, and what seems to elude Lieberman’s awareness completely, is that no one on the ground in the MidEast is the least bit intimidated by the Bush regime’s posture to any measurable degree.
Recruitment into the cult of jihad movements is at it’s highest levels ever across the entire breadth of the Middle East and shows no signs of slackening. This means that ultimately, as the flames of rage are further fanned, Israel will have more and more active enemies the longer we stay in Iraq and keep screwing those people over.
I now believe Lieberman’s disconnect from reality on this issue is beyond the political realm. I think he’s demonstrating signs of a clinically defined pathological dysfunction. Something where the state of denial combines with an overwhelming desire for a certain outcome and produces a rigid and inflexible belief that is completely impervious to reason and unaffected by reality.
I suspect he might benefit from psych treatment of some sort, but he must get it soon before the damage becomes too great to reverse.
to paste the JTA article here.
Maybe this is what it is about?
The religious right expects Jews to help them turn America into a theocracy if return for supporting Israel. Of coarse once America becomes a theocracy, Israel will then be threatened by the US, and it already is getting threatened by the US. Witness this comment by Richard Perle.
Must read this complete article –
Israeli diplomats and government officials come to New York for some tough training on how to deal with American media
NEW YORK Dec. 21, 2004 — Marco Greenberg, owner of a film production company who has abundant experience in public relations, sits down in front of several Israeli diplomats and spokesmen of government ministries in the conference room of a Manhattan office building. His role today is to play an unsympathetic television reporter: first a reporter for the local Channel 4 in Los Angeles, then for Al Jazeera.
A studio atmosphere has been created in the conference room. Standing alongside Greenberg is a cameraman-sound man. The overhead lights are dimmed. In the background, behind the back of the interviewee, a colorful backdrop hangs. Greenberg begins the broadcast:
“Good morning to all the viewers. With me today is a representative of the Israeli government. Hello, sir …”
The innocuous preamble quickly gives way to a shower of scathing questions aimed at each of the Israelis, one after another. Why shouldn’t the Palestinians be permitted to return to their land and realize the right of return? Why doesn’t
Israel improve the situation of Israeli Arabs? Why do you need the wall, which makes life so hard for the Palestinians? Really now – why don’t you stop the occupation?
In an adjacent conference room, the images are repeated. Here the interviewer is Neal Sher, a consultant on media and lobbying, and a former executive director of AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee) who was once a Nazi-hunter for the U.S. Department of Justice. “We’re losing a lot of boys in Iraq,” he says, “and some people claim Israel pushed America into the war in Iraq. Does Israel intend to push America into a war against Iran, on the basis of
its nuclear programs?”
Waiting off to the side is Elias Buchwald, one of the founders of Burson-Marsteller, the major public relations firm, who is venerated in the industry. When the interview ends, it will be shown to the entire group on a video monitor. The sharp-tongued Buchwald will waste little time in skewering the interviewees for their responses.
continued …
Personages involved are covered in my new diary ::
Airport Security by Israeli Rafi Ron ¶ IDF Spokesman – Neal Sher & Burson-Marsteller
BBC News – Canada hires Nazi hunter (Dec. 1997)
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Yes! There’s nothing quite like extortion and blackmail in the name of God. The spiritual bankruptcy and utter hypocrisy of these creatures is truly appalling.
I’m sure that if the hell they beieve in exists that there’s a special place there reserved for them.
And of course, lets not forget what the lunatic Wildmon failed to mention, that being that the reason the evangelical fascists are such ardent supporters of Israel is because they are earnest enthusiasts for the coming of Armageddon, at which time (they believe) 2/3 of the Jews will die in the fighting and the other 1/3 will convert to Christianity. In other words, the elimination of the entire Jewish faith is at the very core of the evangelical support for Israel.
The whole crux of this war has always been deliberate confusion over what the meaning of “‘us’ is.”
And because both cultural and major economic interests align, it may be easier to launch a new war on Vietnam and win there than it will be to withdraw from our present type of engagement in the Middle East.
that lets Bush kiss him? I personally cannot comprehend why he got that close to the bast***d. But then Bush holds hands with his Saudi friends. Maybe it is an ethnic thing????