There’s this old adage: The wheels of justice may grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine.” All well and good, however sometimes they move slowly because someone’s put a wrench in the works. Call it foot dragging, subtle sabotage, or whatever your favorite phrase, the result is the same. No heat-No light. Thus leading to the second adage “Democracy dies behind closed doors.”

When Dorgan (D-ND) asked for an investigation into the activities of Halliburton et. al. in conjunction with expenditures in Iraq the GOP voted it down. Nevada Senator John Ensign promised hearings in December on the issue in his subcommittee. That’s THIS December, December 2005, a month with three weeks to go and one Congressional Vacation in the midst of it.  The extended copy includes some reasons to hold Ensign’s feet to the fire and a review of why his tootsies should be subjected to a bit more heat.
It all started back in November. Remember? Halliburton Watch

“…Although Senate Republicans killed an amendment that would have established a special investigation into war profiteering by Halliburton and other companies by a vote of 53 to 44 today, they have pledged to investigate Halliburton before the end of the year.” (November 10, 2005)
“After Dorgan introduced his amendment again yesterday, Sen. John Ensign, R-NV, made a surprise announcement that he would hold formal hearings into Halliburton’s contract abuses in Iraq sometime in December. Ensign chairs a subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee – known as the Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support.”

The promised investigation made it to CNN “Whistleblower’s Iraq Claims to be Investigated” CNN and
Charlie Cray (Yahoo News) November 11, 2005 touted this news as well source here

It’s not like this was the first call for investigations into the dealings of the Pentagon and Halliburton + subsidiaries.  The Justice Department was supposed to be investigating as well.

Corporate Watch MarketPlace NPR October 25, 2005 “…Documents provided to The Wall Street Journal indicate that, despite those questions, the military’s going to let Halliburton keep some, possibly even all, of the money it’s already been paid. John Dimsdale reports from Washington.”…

Inquiries have been ongoing since March, 2004 CorpWatch Neil King, Jr. and Glenn R. Simpson Wall Street Journal:
“The Pentagon has asked the Justice Department to join an inquiry into alleged fuel overcharging by Halliburton Co. in Iraq, indicating that Pentagon officials see possible grounds for criminal charges or civil penalties.”

And, after all the press, the result? Not much.

The Hill  December 10, 2005 (Roxana Tiron) Hill News
“Almost one year after the House Government Reform Committee launched an investigation into the Pentagon’s contracts with Halliburton Corp. in Iraq, the panel still hasn’t received all the documents it requested from the Department of Defense (DoD).

In the wake of a subpoena threat earlier this summer, the Pentagon started turning over documents related to Halliburton’s disputed billing under a $2.5 billion contract for Iraqi oil-site repairs and fuel imports.”

For a more complete summary of the Center for Public Integrity’s “Windfalls of War Project” go to Public Integrity Org for additional information.

Has Ensign scheduled hearings? It doesn’t seem that he has. The Senate website shows only one committee hearing: “…posted to date: December 13, 2005 to consider the nomination of J. Dorrance Smith to be Assistant Sec. of Defense for Public Affairs.”

Senate Armed Services Committee/ Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support: Ensign, McCain, Inhofe, Roberts, Sessions, Chambliss, Cornyn, Thune; Bird, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Dayton, Bayh, Clinton.
Senator Ensign’s contact information: Ensign Contact: 356 RUSSELL SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 (202) 224-6244

For additional information on Senator Ensign’s donors:
Ensign PAC contributions
Ensign top contributors including $19, 144 from Greenberg, Traurig et al.

In addition to your usual holiday mailings please consider a note to Senator Ensign asking when those “December Hearings” might take place!