This diary conversation can encompass all faiths, no faiths or anything in between. I would say that religions are based in this struggle regardless of specifics to a particular religion. Adherence to the doctrine is sought to avoid evil in pursuit of goodness along with the goal of something better after this physical life ends.

  Another theory is that life’s influnces reside in a spectrum with neutral at the center and polar oppsites at the extremes. An example of this would be the extremes of total freedom and total order with the concept of morality present across the spectrum for helping to provide the balance needed to prevent undue suffering.

  There are many others but I’ll rely on you folks to bring those in and also to feel free in elaborating on my simplistic definition.

  One question in particular has been with me. Other questions, ideas and opinions are also welcome. This isn’t a right or wrong discussion but a way to sort through the different concepts for consideration.

  If evil does exist, can it reside in a central area such as the prisons in Iraq where so much suffering has taken place? Could innocent people be guided to commit acts they would otherwise never pursue but for the presence of evil and the ability for that evil to influence human behavior?