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Thanks so much to them.  I am glad to see some support coming for our Democrats who are being called traitors, treasonous, and all kinds of other stuff. And part of that is from their own party unfortunately.

Helen says Howard Dean’s arms have twist marks on them most likely, and Dionne says Democrats are way too fearful of appearing weak.  

If Only Democrats Had Some Courage

By Helen Thomas

WASHINGTON — “It’s about time that the “me too” Democrats, particularly those in Congress who vote with the Republicans so often, stand up and be counted.

Too many Democrats are tiptoeing around the major issues facing our nation, afraid to venture out of the mainstream. This is a big mistake at a time when the nation is begging for true leadership.”

….”The Democrats’ lack of political courage has left voters with the choice of Republicans who call themselves that — and Republicans who call themselves Democrats. The result: The GOP gets a free ride.”

And she lectures the Democrats for not standing up for the ones offering plans to exit Iraq.

…..”It was sad to see Emanuel and his cohorts fail to endorse Murtha. Despite the realization that Congress was sold a bill of goods in endorsing the war, the Emanuel-led Democrats fled when Murtha took a strong stand.

They also put a damper on Howard Dean after he said on Monday that “the idea we’re going to win this war is an idea that unfortunately is just plain wrong.”

White House press secretary Scott McClellan said Dean was advocating the United States “should cut and run and retreat.”

Dean changed his tune on Thursday and proposed a “strategic redeployment” of the 160,000 U.S. troops in Iraq over two years. It’s possible to imagine the twist marks on his arms, left there by timid Democrats.”

And E. J. Dionne steps up to the plate as well.

Beyond the War Spin

“Here’s a bet on the triumph of spin. Politicians, especially Democrats, will be discouraged from saying what they really believe about Iraq for fear of offending “swing voters.” Slogans about “victory” and “defeatism” will be thrown around promiscuously.”

….”The neat summary of the new Republican home-front offensive was the tag line on a Republican National Committee ad: “Our country is at war. Our soldiers are watching and our enemies are too. Message to Democrats: Retreat and Defeat is not an option.” Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert helpfully explained: “The Democratic Party sides with those who wish to surrender.”

“Attacks of this sort on Democrats are effective because Democrats help make them so. Democrats are so obsessed with not looking “weak” on defense that they end up making themselves look weak, period, by the way they respond to Republican attacks on their alleged weakness. Oh my gosh, many Democrats say, we can’t associate ourselves with the likes of Howard Dean or Nancy Pelosi, the House Democratic leader who recently called for a troop withdrawal within six months. Let’s knife them before Karl Rove gets around to knifing us. Talk about a recipe for retreat and defeat.

I noticed today in The Hill that Earl Pomeroy from ND who had told Howard Dean to “shut up” on talk radio….found out it did not attract Republican love.

Instead they have used it to recruit against him, because it shows that Democrats don’t stand together.

See Earl Pomeroy…you might as well have had some courage.