[promoted by BooMan]
Thanks so much to them. I am glad to see some support coming for our Democrats who are being called traitors, treasonous, and all kinds of other stuff. And part of that is from their own party unfortunately.
Helen says Howard Dean’s arms have twist marks on them most likely, and Dionne says Democrats are way too fearful of appearing weak.
If Only Democrats Had Some Courage
By Helen Thomas
Too many Democrats are tiptoeing around the major issues facing our nation, afraid to venture out of the mainstream. This is a big mistake at a time when the nation is begging for true leadership.”
….”The Democrats’ lack of political courage has left voters with the choice of Republicans who call themselves that — and Republicans who call themselves Democrats. The result: The GOP gets a free ride.”
And she lectures the Democrats for not standing up for the ones offering plans to exit Iraq.
They also put a damper on Howard Dean after he said on Monday that “the idea we’re going to win this war is an idea that unfortunately is just plain wrong.”
White House press secretary Scott McClellan said Dean was advocating the United States “should cut and run and retreat.”
Dean changed his tune on Thursday and proposed a “strategic redeployment” of the 160,000 U.S. troops in Iraq over two years. It’s possible to imagine the twist marks on his arms, left there by timid Democrats.”
And E. J. Dionne steps up to the plate as well.
….”The neat summary of the new Republican home-front offensive was the tag line on a Republican National Committee ad: “Our country is at war. Our soldiers are watching and our enemies are too. Message to Democrats: Retreat and Defeat is not an option.” Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert helpfully explained: “The Democratic Party sides with those who wish to surrender.”
“Attacks of this sort on Democrats are effective because Democrats help make them so. Democrats are so obsessed with not looking “weak” on defense that they end up making themselves look weak, period, by the way they respond to Republican attacks on their alleged weakness. Oh my gosh, many Democrats say, we can’t associate ourselves with the likes of Howard Dean or Nancy Pelosi, the House Democratic leader who recently called for a troop withdrawal within six months. Let’s knife them before Karl Rove gets around to knifing us. Talk about a recipe for retreat and defeat.
I noticed today in The Hill that Earl Pomeroy from ND who had told Howard Dean to “shut up” on talk radio….found out it did not attract Republican love.
Instead they have used it to recruit against him, because it shows that Democrats don’t stand together.
See Earl Pomeroy…you might as well have had some courage.
Shorter Dems: (cue Cowardly Lion) “If I only had the noive.”
Tell your Senators, no to Alito:
Save the Court Petition
And while you’re at it: sign Planned Parenthood’s anti-Alito petition, too:
Planned Parenthood Petition
NARAL is shooting for 500,000 signatures, please add yours:
Naral Anti-Alito Petition
And don’t forget: urge Congress to support Plan B:
Plan B Petition
And for those of you “tired” of this action, apparently others aren’t: from 2 to 20 Boomaners contact their senators to protest Alito’s nomination every time I post it.
(And through actions like this, Save the Court has prompted over 54,000 citizens to contact their Senators to protest Alito.)
I also get thanks from those new to the site, because they didn’t otherwise know how to contact their congress people, and I don’t know how many others (but it appears, nearly 200) also signed Planned Parenthood and NARAL’s petitions, and urged Congress to support Plan B.
If I were to circulate a petition in my physical neighborhood in Los Angeles, it would mean only that my already left-leaning California representatives would be contacted yet again: the above action, has collected signatures from nearly every state in the union (including the square states.)
It’s great that Booman provides the dialogue that gathers all of us together, but talking among ourselves should lead to action.
So, if you’re “tired” of this one, skip it. You know what it looks like, don’t bother to read it. Move on, to what’s new to you, or what you’d rather comment on.
Or grade me down, I don’t even know what that means (I just learned what html was last week.)
Helen Thomas, I kiss your feet. She even answers her email–very laconically. A couple of us sent her a couple of questions to ask Pres. Bush a couple of years ago. She answered, “He won’t call on me.”
It’s about time that someone besides “the blogs” took a few swipes at those bozos. They earned it. I hope Helen Thomas lives forever.
Available wherever Democratic Congresscritters aren’t
Or this:
are on our side in the War on Christmas. A suggested Christmas, not Holiday present. Take that you secular sacs of…
Thanks for the links to Helen, and Dionne. I’ll see that they’re as widely distributed to Ds here as is possible.
I can assure you that the Democrats that I know are extremely upset with Pomeroy, and not just on the Howard Dean issue. There’s been an accumulation of issues on which he has drifted to the right.
From a pragmatic point of view, for any D to get elected in ND, gaining some percentage of Independent votes is necessary, due to 1/3-D, 1/3-I, and 1/3-R split.
However, that said, many of us here are beginning to wonder what fkg party it is that Pomeroy belongs to. And I’d say he’s at the tipping point of losing more left D votes than he stands to gain by any more R ass kissing.
We are about to raise all holy hell here, and any links /info related to Pomeroy will be greatly appreciated.
I know a whole bunch of life long D supporters who are fed-the-f-up! There’s a whole bunch of Ds who will go down in history as nothing but a bunch of fkg quislings.
Good for you. I expect better from him. Actually, I expect better from all of them. I know that there are Dems who have harder races than others, but damn–that was just so politically stupid.
All of this is, really. They gave the damned rethugs the opening they needed for that horrible pre-Thanksgiving display last month.
We were lucky (this time) that the repubs screwed themselves in the process.
If this is our strategy–keep waiting for the rethugs to over-reach and disgust people so much that folks will vote for us … a grateful nation reaching out to the party in love & admiration–then someone is living in the same crack-smoke fantasyland that Shrub lives in.
…my job at the Los Angeles Times, I had lunch with Helen Thomas. What a treat. What a hoot. She’s got a mouth on her and a memory. I only managed to ask about three questions each time, but that was all she needed to go off on a tear. Believe me, you don’t want her to be mad at you.
Good post and good columns!
The Dems must stand together and speak up NOW against the Repubs. Dems that are proposing changing course in Iraq are those who realize that the MAJORITY of the country no longer support the President. Bush is wrong. Bush is losing the war in Iraq.
I will not vote in 2008 for a Dem that is silent NOW.
Excellent post floridagal! God I love Helen Thomas. Scottie treats her with much disdain and answers her questions with that smirk on his face and a condesending tone. It is time to call a spade a spade and a dem a republican if they cannot get their f’ing act together. We need unity now if we want any hope of winning in 06. I am tired of these fearful bastards. Why can they not stand up to these lying bastards in the WH?
Time for a letter writing campaign. If they cannot see that 60-80% of the American public wants us out of Iraq asap then they too are living in a fantasy land. Time to remind these idiots who they work for.
Lieberman has adopted the arrogant manner of his future boss… can’t we just excommunicate him? He’s clamoring to be Bush’s fall guy on Iraq and I can’t stand the sight of him or the sound of his whiney voice. He looks, sounds and smells like a Republican.
It’ll take several more losses until they learn, at which point little of the America we all love will be left.
I doubt they’ll even change then. The consultants and “partisans” are making big money off losing. Start winning, and they might lose that gravy train.
What’s really sad is that these consultants and “partisans” are allowing the other party to tell them what mainstream is. So-called “radical left” progressive values are, according to every poll I’ve seen, far more in the mainstream than any position articulated by the lame excuse for a so-called opposition party in DC.
For the life of me, I can not understand why the democrats can’t stand up for our rights as PPL who want to save the world from this madness. It really bothers me about the mindset of these ppl. It is like it is planned to be like this. I really advocate we tell our representives and senators that they really need to square away or they will not be in congress for us. You see, just because Biden is from Delaware, doesn’t mean he doesn not represent me from Tennessee. What he votes on and for or against, effects me in many ways. He has to understand this or he is really ineffective as a senator in good standing. Just because our reps and sens are from one particular state or the other, doesn’t mean they do right for just that state…..it is what they do to us all.
The sooner they realize this the better.
Good morning Pond Dwellers.
Please take a moment to recommend AP’s Justice Day 2 diary and send along to your Senators and to members of the Judiciary Commitee. links will be up soon.
Thanks :o)
Great post. It is yet another reminder that just because Republicans are screwing up royally does not mean automatic wins for Dems in ’06. Why can’t they see that they will have to work for it… not by meekly hiding but by coming forward with a bold, solid front.
“Too many Democrats are tiptoeing around the major issues facing our nation, afraid to venture out of the mainstream. This is a big mistake at a time when the nation is begging for true leadership.”
Boy, Helen hits it right on the head.
Maybe she already has and I missed it, forgive me if that is the case. I would like to see Helen Thomas come out with some critical comments about her own colleagues in the MSM. Talk about being fearful! Either that, or the Koolaid is tastier these days than I remember when I was a kid.
Yeah, that’s sure to change how voters view the parties on terrorism.
Why no Dem has championed the original 911 Commission recommendations, or the 911 Discourse Project report is beyond me. We’re talking about every national security issue that shows just how dangerous BushCo.’s Iraq folly has been. Why not get these issues onto the the floor of the House and Senate and the talk shows every day? Why not confront BushCo. where they are weakest?
Not only should we make this issue number one, we can also prevent the same pre-election spike in “terrorist threats”. If the public understands that Bush’s Katrina response is the new Homeland Security, he can no longer use invoke the fear without incurring the wrath.
After we address the flag burning crisis of course.
State by State
Jason Stverak, executive director of the North Dakota Republican Party, said Pomeroy’s comments about Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean — in which the congressman suggested Dean “shut up” about the Iraq war — helped recruitment.
“You see evidence that the Democrats don’t have a cohesive strategy for winning the war on terrorism,” Stverak said. “You have continual indecision and infighting, whereas you have with the president a clear, cohesive strategy for winning.”
Pomeroy’s spokeswoman, Stephanie Craig, countered: “The war in Iraq is too important a topic for more of the same strident, partisan debate in the political gristmill.”
Also I just happened to see on a search that North Dakotans don’t want to leave Iraq…
ND Democrats Don`t Want Immediate Iraq Pullout
Senator Kent Conrad says, “Now that we are there, we need to stabilize the situation, turn over responsibility to the Iraqi people themselves, and exit with honor.”
Congressman Earl Pomeroy says there needs to be a clearer exit strategy, but he believes the U.S. should stay in Iraq until the country is stable.
He says, “I think we need to keep our eyes focused on security, is it improving, are Iraqis playing a leading role, and focus on the government. Is this newly elected government capable of governing in a way that represents all of the groups.”
Senator Byron Dorgan has also been critical of the handling of the war, but he says he is not looking for a timetable for withdrawal.
He says, “For me, it`s not so much setting dates, I think it`s setting benchmarks, when will we be able to train sufficient Iraqi security so that we say, this is your country, you have the capability to provide for your security, you now have your own government.”
And all of them are making it sound like someone is actually calling to withdraw immediately. Not true at all. No one is. They just keep spinning like tops.
Cross posted at SeattleforDean.com and howieinseattle.com. I added this: You may also want to know that Ms. Thomas is “on the record” regarding our President’s place in history: “GWB Is
Worst President in American history,” January 23, 2003.
The whole purpose of this war is to empower Bushco by weakening the opposition.
“Power” is all it’s about.
Throw out Bushco. That’s the unifying theme. Fuck Iraq.