Hello all.
This diary is for For Justice: Day 2 regarding Alito’s positions on age discrimination & FMLA.
My own “copper coinage” (I have someone here to thank for that phrase): States have rights; people don’t. This warped concept is as antebellum as it is evil. Don’t be fooled because Alito’s bright enough not to snarl; he’s as wingnut as they come … only quieter.
Anyway, please take this letter and adapt as you will. Feel free to use all or in part.
Dear Senator,
I strongly urge you to vote against the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito for the Supreme Court. Appointing Judge Alito will threaten the fundamental rights and basic legal protections for working Americans of all ages. Two areas of particular concern include the rights found under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)–rights that Judge Alito apparently does not believe are granted to Americans or should be exercised by Americans.
FMLA helps millions of adults balance workplace and family responsibilities by giving eligible workers up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for life events such as the birth of a child or to care for a parent, child or spouse with a serious illness. The ADEA protects employees and job applicants 40 years of age and older from discrimination based on age. These laws are essential in an age of heightened rhetoric regarding “family values” that are ostensibly held so dear by social conservatives In an age of pension instability and decline of retiree health benefits for older workers, such protections are imperative.
Hostile to the very concept of discrimination.
A recent Knight Ridder article examining Judge Alito’s record describes him as being “particularly rigid in employment discrimination cases” and that he has “… seldom found merit in a bias claim.” Is he really so myopic as to believe that discrimination either does not exist or deserves no remedy? His rulings strongly imply that he doesn’t even support the right of individuals to present evidence that discrimination exists.
Apparently so: he was the sole dissent in Glass v. Philadelphia Electric Company (PECO). Glass, a 23-year PECO employee, sued for racial and age discrimination after being denied several promotions, even though during that period he earned two engineering degrees and had only one negative job evaluation. During the trial, PECO claimed that the sole negative job evaluation was the reason that Glass failed to be promoted. When Glass attempted to present evidence to refute that claim, the trial judge refused his motion. The decision was reversed on appeal with Alito offering the sole dissent, claiming that the trial judge’s decision was “harmless.” Incredibly, he further stated his belief that Glass presenting his side of the story could cause “substantial unfair prejudice.” Evidently, providing evidence in a case one has filed is itself prejudicial.
Ignoring evidence of blatant age discrimination.
In Keller v. Orix Credit Alliance, Inc., Judge Alito denied a former employee the right to present to a jury his claim under the ADEA despite providing evidence in the form of a statement by the person who fired him: “If you are getting too old for the job, maybe you should hire one or two young bankers.”
Views so radical that he does not believe that Congress even had the authority to enact FMLA.
In Chittister v. Department of Community and Economic Development, Judge Alito held that Congress did not have the authority to give state employees the right to sue their employers for damages from violations of the FMLA’s unpaid leave provisions. Judge Alito even held that FMLA “creates a substantive entitlement to sick leave.” The Supreme Court later ruled on a similar case that state employees did, in fact, have those rights under FMLA. That 6-3 opinion was written by Chief Justice William Rehnquist.
Supreme Court decisions have real consequences for real people.
Judge Alito’s record of opposing basic legal protections for Americans is clear and unambiguous: It is replete with examples of weakening the rights and protections that millions of Americans depend upon. Americans deserve a Supreme Court justice that will rule in a fair manner, not an ideologue who will use his life-long appointment to push a narrow agenda that would winnow away basic rights. His type of extremist judicial philosophy has no place on the Supreme Court. For these reasons, I strongly urge you to vote against this nomination.
Update [2005-12-13 9:16:56 by AP]: Click here for Senate Judiciary Members and click here for for a list of all Senators.
A top of the mornin’ an’ a tip of the hat to you all this fine day.
Tell your Senators, no to Alito:
Save the Court Petition
And while you’re at it: sign Planned Parenthood’s anti-Alito petition, too:
Planned Parenthood Petition
NARAL is shooting for 500,000 signatures, please add yours:
Naral Anti-Alito Petition
And don’t forget: urge Congress to support Plan B:
Plan B Petition
And for those of you “tired” of this action, apparently others aren’t: from 2 to 20 Boomaners contact their senators to protest Alito’s nomination every time I post it.
(And through actions like this, Save the Court has prompted over 54,000 citizens to contact their Senators to protest Alito.)
I also get thanks from those new to the site, because they didn’t otherwise know how to contact their congress people, and I don’t know how many others (but it appears, nearly 200) also signed Planned Parenthood and NARAL’s petitions, and urged Congress to support Plan B.
If I were to circulate a petition in my physical neighborhood in Los Angeles, it would mean only that my already left-leaning California representatives would be contacted yet again: the above action, has collected signatures from nearly every state in the union (including the square states.)
It’s great that Booman provides the dialogue that gathers all of us together, but talking among ourselves should lead to action.
So, if you’re “tired” of this one, skip it. You know what it looks like, don’t bother to read it. Move on, to what’s new to you, or what you’d rather comment on.
Or grade me down, I don’t even know what that means (I just learned what html was last week.)
Grading up ;o)
I added all of those links to the draft for today’s post earlier.
As we find more outlets to yell at senators over this from we should keep adding them. At least, that is what I think.
Those people at ePluribus Media are fast. I posted it and not even a minute later (the time it took me to write a first comment in the diary) they had it on the front page. lol
Thanks for passing these links on!
Don’t thank me. This is a group effort from across the blogosphere.
You are now part of that group!
Pat yourself on the back. All I did was cut and paste from your diary or another website.
Don’t be shy to toss out ideas, links, etc, if you have them. We should be seeing the diary for “Day 3” coming up today just so it will be ready ahead of time. Though, I don’t think susanhu or Steven D need any input from any of us on how to write a diary! lol They are in charge of days 3 and 4 (I think?)
Just thanks AP :o)
thanks for making life easy and organizing this activism effort…you are doing a good job.
To all….
Please don’t forget to recommend AP’s diary here.
Greetings – and thank you!
A reminder to all to pass this info on to any senior citizens, those you know who are beginning to discuss retirement, any local associations or unions, anyone planning on having children, anyone who might want to care for a seriously ill family member or be cared for by a family member, anyone who expects to get older…
One last thing.
Shoulddn’t we post links to here to Senators and so on?
Now I’ll shut up ;o)
And somewhere in the yellow feather stuff is a link to where you can fax your letter over the internet….just sayin’.
There are many reasons to be wary of the nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court.
Over the next 12 days the Anti-Alito Brigade will be bringing you many of those reasons, and also some actions that you might consider to help stop this horrible nomination. The main intention of this nomination is to try and tip the balance of power away from the legislative branch and towards the President.
More importantly, Alito is an activist judge that will legislate from the bench on many of the issues that all progressives hold dear to their heart.
12 Days of Justice – Day 2
Toss some “copper coinage” in the fountain and follow it down below the fold.
Some suggested contacts:
Your senators
The Judiciary Committee
And your representatives
Planned Parenthood Petition
Naral Anti-Alito Petition
Plan B Petition
Sending a FAX via the Web (For those of us that don’t have a fax machine at home.)
Feel free to copy and paste any and all of the information or images you will see put up over the next couple of weeks into Blogs and letters as we hold Alito’s feet to the fire.
Even if you only participate on a few of the days it can help make a difference. There are so many issues where Samuel Alito’s views and allegiances are just flat out wrong for a SCOTUS nomination.
Note: Tommorrow’s actions and reason’s are still being worked on today. Feel free to check it out at Booman Tribune (Just look for the “Justice” diaries) and any help or participation of any kind you can provide will be greatly appreciated. This is another action brought to you by the group that brought you “Operation Yellow Feather” which was a very successful cross blog protest. These actions are designed to help bring the “Left Blogosphere Think Tank” together on our many shared issues.
Actions for: Day 1
Above is what I was going to paste at a few sites. Edits? Growls? Other suggestions? Anyone?
Looks good. I’m sorry I couldn’t think of all the links–I just added the Senate links.
I didn’t even think about it until I saw Supersoling and Cabingirl’s comments… And that is why everyone working together is a must! lol I even aded a couple of more links to the template I made.
Campus Progress “Stop Alito’s America”
Save the Court
I knew there was something I forgot! I’ll add the Senate Jud. links. BRB
AP, you’ve done a fantastic job here. Thank YOU!
Keep in mind that we should show the courtesy of “UN-RECOMMENDING” the previous days diaries so as not to cause a glut on other sites recommended lists. (If they are still on their recommended lists? I know it never made it on dKos yesterday despite all of your efforts.)
So… Who is volunteering to post this where?
yes! yesterday’s diary is still up at political cortex. i guess i’ll just add today’s info as a comment there for now.
The Phone Company’s Remote Printing Service
Thanks, Tampopo! (and major kudos to you and everyone else who has kept us all moving forward on this!)
OFf to fax Specter and Gerlach…should I even bother with Man-on-Dog?
Yes–if only to let him know that you’re watching him–and that you vote.
I know…it just feels like I’m shouting into an abyss sometimes! 🙂
It does seem that way, at least publicly. He is such a punk. I’ve seen him in action and it ain’t pretty.
But privately, he oughtta know and feel the pressure. And he does.
I’m kinda hoping that he’ll regale another reporter in a man-on-dog story when someone asks him a question about the budget.
Great stuff. It seems that Alito is at least a very consistent judge — always in favor of large corporate interests, always opposed to the rights of little people. If is from that whole, “A government of the corporations, by the corporations, and for the corporations,” thing.
Off to send this to the Senators who can stop this. Might jot them a note to support Feingold filibuster of UnPatriot Act, too. Just for good measure.
Hope we get this on dKos a bit earlier in the day today.
I know. States have rights. Corporations have rights.
People, however, don’t.
Feeling a little better today too
X-Posted at: My Left Wing, My Left Nutmeg, ePluribus Media
Now, could someone get Political Cortex, MyDD, DemBbloggers, dKos, Street Prophets, and anywhere else they can think of?
Post the links here so we can go and recommend and put up some comments.
i don’t have a streetprophets account. and as i said below, i am so far posting abbreviated versions.
is the idea to post the full diary everywhere? i am so not awake.
Our internets went down.
: (
but the diary is now posted at mydd:
and dembloggers; if anybody has any suggested edits for the post, please speak up. it’s rather bare bones, as i am not quite awake.
also, the diary from yesterday needs to be unrecommended at political cortex. someone else there had posted a great diary about the CBC opposing ScAlito, so I added our info as a comment and recommended that diary:
let me know if that works for us.
ok, so now it’s up at mydd, dembloggers, tpmcafe reader blogs and as a comment on another ScAlito diary at political cortex.
i also posted it in open threads at dkos and americablog, since what i have isnt’ diary worthy.
You could have just yanked what I cobbled toether in the threads here. Don’t be shy… Steal it if it makes the work easier/faster. lol
I am looking forward to seeing what susanhu and Steven D put together for the next couple of days. Todays piece by AP was great.
copy the text, then go the same process for every url, urlize that text over in the body…ugh!
call me lazy if you must, but that’s a lot of cutting and pasting that i don’t trust myself to get right as unawake as i am!
Ahhh … The links. I forgot how much work that is. lol
I just want to thank you all for spreading this far and wide! Good deal.
Are you OR did you post this at dKos?
No. Did anyone else by any chance?
random suggestions:
maybe we could create a bootrib account called “for justice” and let everybody have the password? that would make posting the diary in its entirety a lot easier for getting the word out quickly.
it would also be groovy if the diaries each linked to the rest of the diaries.
we are no longer at 12 days. heh
we need to keep up on the countdown as we post successive diaries, e.g. today’s is “for the next 10 days, we will continue to present…part of a 12-part series…blahblahblah.”
oooh! and i just got it posted in a brand new americablog open thread!
Cedwyn is always thinking…
I like those ideas.
I was going to edit the Political Cortex diary to reflect an update so it will show in the title for the additions you made. You’re right. Why post a new diary when that one is still up there? lol
12 Days of Justice is up at dKos if anyone is around tonight?
I have to go somewhere in the afternoon until the late evening tommorrow so I probably won’t be able to do cross-posting… Anyone going to step up to the plate and do the part of cut, pasting and crossposting?
And has this been put up at dKos yet today???
I work a job with no CU access, but if Steven gets his diary up early enough tomorrow a.m. I can cross post to a few. I’ll do what I can.Btw, I got one reply at Bradblog and one suspicious ;o) reply at AARP. But hey, I’m optimistic!
Every little bit helps. It’s not just the replys since we know many people read, note it, and move on without commenting.
Do tell.
Just had the feeling it was a covert friendly ;o)
Them covert friendlies sure can be sneaky… We’ll have to send in some triple-decker-undercover-super-super-double-secret-agents to cover you there.
Karl Rove is probably already on the phone to reporters about this! ;o)
12 Days of Justice is up at dKos if anyone is around tonight?
steven d is doing the next diary?
what did we think of the idea of creating the “for justice” username so that everybody posting could have access to the diary? being able to cut n’ paste the whole thing and all the contact, fax and extra petition links would be fabyoooluss!
I was thinking about that one. What happens if 7 of us try and log in at the same time on the same name? Couldna’t that bugger things up?
And Yes. I think Steven D is supposed to write the next one. susanhu after that, then mine. Either that or it is susanhu next?