Get Up, Stand Up, Sit Down — Easy Activism

 The Supreme Court is the prize right-wing fundamentalists have been aiming at capturing ever since Nixon’s departure.  The people of the USA have been distracted with useless criticism and judgement of each other.  We need to work together to stop the seizure of our Constitution by fanatics and corporate slave-masters.  George Bush was threatened by his fundamentalist base when he nominated Harriet Miers.  Then he offered their champion, and the fanatics are mighty pleased.  Just stop and think about who you’re gonna call when you’re down and out.  The makeup of the Supreme Court is more important than the figurehead who lives in the white house.

You can help our Twelve Days of Justice group to defeat the nomination of reactionary Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court.  You’ll find a prepared letter to Senators here on Booman Tribune in a diary called ‘For Justice.’  

The website makes emailing your Congresspeople so easy.  On their homepage just click on `US Congress’ on the left side.  Enter your zip code and you’ll be shown your own representatives.  At the top of the page is an alphabetical directory that will take you to the Senators on the Judiciary committee.  They are: Specter- Pa,  Hatch- UT,  Grassley- IA,  Kyl-AZ,  DeWine-OH, Session -AL, Graham-SC, Cornyn-TX, Leahy-VT, Kennedy-MA, Biden-DE, Kohl-WI, Feinstein-CA, Feingold-WI, Schumer-NY, Durbin-IL.  These senators will decide the fate of the president’s nominee.
You can paste your letter in the contact form provided, and they will save your address and fill in the forms for you repeatedly.  Try it, I wrote my two senators and the whole committee in about a half an hour.

Letters to Congress are delayed because they go through an inspection process.  The best way to reach them is by email, fax or telephone.  Congress has been bought and paid for by the lobbyists.  It’s important that they hear how their voters feel about things only from the people themselves.  If you care about the direction America is going in, please help us save our last protection against plutocracy, the courts.  It’s not too late to join in the first days of our action for justice.

Can you please give your country an hour a day from now until Christmas?