Just a reminder that we are now into the third day of the For Justice series of diaries opposing the nomination of Judge Alito to the Supreme Court. The current day’s diary, Day Three, is here.
Here are links to the Day Two diary by AP and Day One, by tampopo, in case you missed them. The diary by tampopo that started it all can be found here.
If you haven’t seen these diaries before, please click on the links and read them. And then take action, by mailing letters to your Senators.
Tell your Senators, no to Alito:
Save the Court Petition
And while you’re at it: sign Planned Parenthood’s anti-Alito petition, too:
Planned Parenthood Petition
NARAL is shooting for 500,000 signatures, please add yours:
Naral Anti-Alito Petition
Campus Progress’ “Stop Alito’s America” Campaign
Stop Alito’s America Petition
And don’t forget: urge Congress to support Plan B:
Plan B Petition
And for those of you “tired” of this action — apparently, others aren’t: from 2 to 20 Kossaks contact their senators to protest Alito’s nomination every time I post it.
(And through actions like this, Save the Court has prompted nearly 55,000 citizens to contact their Senators to protest Alito.)
I also get thanks from those new to the site, because they didn’t otherwise know how to contact their congress people, and I don’t know how many others (but it appears, nearly 200) also signed Planned Parenthood and NARAL’s petitions, and urged Congress to support Plan B.
If I were to circulate a petition in my physical neighborhood in Los Angeles, it would mean only that my already left-leaning California representatives would be contacted yet again: the above action, has collected signatures from nearly every state in the union (including the square states.)
It’s great that Kos provides the dialogue that gathers all of us together, but talking amongst ourselves should lead to action.
So, if you’re “tired” of this one, skip it. You know what it looks like, don’t bother to read it. Move on to what’s new to you, or what you’d rather comment on.
Or grade me down, I don’t even know what that means (I just learned what html was last week.)