Nic Robertson is ducking car bombs and sniper fire in Ramadi on CNN, Christiana Amanpour is dodging mortar fire in Baghdad, and Anderson Cooper is wondering why the insurgency is still going on in Baquba. If you get any good information about how the elections are going please post links here.
Or just put your hopes, fears, predictions, or snark.
< boran2 slaps forehead > And here all this time I was thinking that this war was over.
Friday, 2 May, 2003
Bush declares victory in Iraq
Cheers greeted Mr Bush’s announcement of victory
US President George W Bush has said the US has prevailed in the Battle of Iraq in a speech on the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln.
major combat operations?
I guess it depends upon how one defines major.
Bombs and sniper fire? Mortar fire? Insurgents? All the elements one needs to get out the vote. Looks like “great progress” has been made by the invaders.
And all I had to do to vote in our most recent local election was to dodge a tumbleweed.
It sounds about right for some of our southern counties here in WV. We take elections way too seriously.
We do still require blood tests and screening up here in the northern parts.
Generally, as long as they don’t mess with the stills, folks are free to their custom(s)izations, worships, zoologies and be Blue if they choose.
Makes me an automatic member of the “Enemies of Christmas” list. 😉
That there has been an EXPLOSION of democracy Iraq.
The few dissenters of this democracy have been rendered ineffective to the point of non-existence in Iraq. In fact, they are so non-existent non-existent some might think they were in Gitmo, on British islands, North Africa or other places unknown.
The silenced voices in freedom of speech.
As it was said by the cutting edge Colbert
I can’t prove it, but I can say it.
BAGHDAD (New York Times) Dec. 13 — Less than two days before nationwide elections, the Iraqi border police seized a tanker that had just crossed from Iran filled with thousands of forged ballots, an official at the Interior Ministry said.
The tanker was seized in the evening by agents with the American-trained border protection force, at the Iraqi town of Badra, after crossing at Munthirya on the Iraqi border, the official said. According to the Iraqi official, the border police found several thousand partly completed ballots inside.
Read long NYT article covered in many other papers »»
Just delete WMD and replace with FORGED BALLOTS
Iraq Border Chief Denies Forged Ballots Seized
“This is all a lie,” said Lieutenant General Ahmed al-Khafaji, the chief of the U.S.-trained force which has responsibility for all Iraq’s borders. “I heard this yesterday and I checked all the border crossings right away. The borders are all closed anyway,” he told Reuters.
Iraq’s frontiers are closed for the period of the election.
Interior Minister Bayan Jabor also denied the reports, which the New York Times ran prominently, quoting a single unnamed Interior Ministry source, and said it was an attempt to discredit the election process.
(LOL) BooMan’s blogger got the evidence ::
Hundreds of tankers lined up with forged ballots to enter Iraq from Iran for today’s election
Iraqi woman casts her vote in "peaceful" Basra
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
, and in reality no one Wins, and that is Iran!
This country has already gone through an Extremely Bloody and Devestating attempt at Nation Building in a Small Country, one that Did Absolutely Nothing To Us, which turned Corrupt rather quickly!
I and Thousands were there and living the Reality!
This attempt will only open up an Extremely Bloody, which is already happening, Power Struggle!
And this whole mess is much more Dangerous to the World Community, they just don’t want us Out!
Riverbend – Elections – Baghdad Burning
… I’ll meet you ’round the bend my friend, where hearts can heal and souls can mend…
Thursday, December 15, 2005
A Family in Baghdad – Elections – Thursday, December 15, 2005
Thanks for those links.
Reported on NPR, by one of their Correspondants in Iraq [I believe in a Sunni Area], that in Her Area Women Were Not Coming To The Voting Polls.
That the Men, against the Voting Rules, were Voting For The Women as well as their own Votes!
Look for Allawi to become head of an insurgency againsit the “duly elected” Theocratic government in Iraq. He will be backed by CIA policy makers. Geniuses all of them….who understand that the “world is a dangerous place” . “And if it’s not dangerous we will make it dangerous goddamit!”