This is the continuance of the religious wars here in Florida, to put it quite bluntly.   This has to be the most pious, most arrogant letter I have ever read from the legislator.  

The story begins when the University of Florida gets real and offers health care provisions to domestic partners.  

The story continues when the local paper writes an editorial praising the University of Florida for doing this.  

Here is that editorial below the fold.  It was intelligent and open-minded, unlike the response of my legislator.

Dealing with the Real World

Bernie Machen is the president of a major university that aspires to national prominence. To achieve that goal, Machen deals with society as it is. Larry Cretul is a state legislator who enjoys the luxury of dealing with society as politicians would like it to be.

When the University of Florida’s trustees, with just one dissent, agreed last week to offer healthcare benefits to domestic partners, their purpose was not to open a new front in the cultural wars. They were simply following the lead of many other reputable universities and major corporations across the nation that have decided to deal with the reality of American life in the 21st century.

The reality is that for all of the political furor over same-sex marriages and the so-called “gay agenda,” Americans are increasingly choosing to lead lifestyles that do not necessarily conform to political, ideological or religious orthodoxy. Many of those who do so also happen to be talented scholars and creative employees who are highly sought-after by business and academia, and who, therefore, can pretty much “write their own ticket” when it comes to career options.

The offering of benefits for same-sex or unmarried domestic partners is a concession in business and higher education that society is changing and that the work place must change with it.

I commend The Lakeland Ledger for this great editorial.  Usually they are a big part of the real world.  Most of the reporters are, anyway.  

But yesterday this letter to the editor was printed that I had to read several times.  I could not believe the arrogance of it, and the utter pious BS it contains.  It is from my state legislator, John Stargel…and he should hide his head in shame.  

I have watched our women’s rights being undermined, and I have fought it as hard as I could. It is not popular to do that at some Democratic forums now, but many of us still do bring it up. I feel like when they come for one of us, they soon come for the rest in one way or the other.

Rep. Stargel: Leave Partner-Benefit Issue To Elected Officials

I read with great interest The Ledger’s editorial Thursday entitled “Dealing With the Real World.” While I sometimes agree with The Ledger’s editorials, I felt I must respond this time to The Ledger editorial staff, who attacked my colleague simply because he took a stand for what he believes is right.

The Ledger believes that the elitists who sit on university boards have been handed the responsibility of determining “reality” in our world. The University of Florida trustees have voted to offer health-care benefits to domestic partners and, according to The Ledger, they were “simply following the lead of many other reputable universities” and “decided to deal with the reality of American life in the 21st century.”

The Ledger went on to cite “courage” in these actions and called opponents of the decision “ideologues,” and stated that politicians who believe this way are living in an “alternate reality.”

Then Stargel goes on to say he is working with his fellow legislator to pass a law to prevent the University of Florida from providing this health access.  He is imposing his religious beliefs through legislation, and this is not ok.

My friend and colleague, Rep. Larry Cretul [R] of Ocala, criticized the trustee’s actions and stated that he would be filing a bill to ensure that no taxpayer money is used for these purposes. I intend to co-sponsor this legislation and I am working with Rep. Cretul to draft a bill that will protect taxpayer funds from being used in this manner.

If the “real world” is as The Ledger defines it, then either this legislation will fail or the voters will respond in a manner that reflects their collective values. I serve at the will of the people and will accept that decision.

…..”The Ledger’s editorial staff should, therefore, respect the democratic process and not elevate the actions of an unelected board of trustees above the will of the elected Legislature.

District 64

He is convinced he speaks for all his constituency, but he does not…not by any means.  He and his staff do not live in the real world at all.

In explanation, I wrote this information up in a diary here yesterday, but I was very angry.  I rewrote it this time with less anger and less personal experience with this guy.