“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.” Albert Einstein
Sometimes the stupidity of a columnist leaves me speechless. Take this column from today’s WSJ by Holman W. Jenkins Jr.. All I can do is shake my head in wonder.
First he writes a fake letter from Toyota (please see my post on his past column); yesterday he came out with this:
No: If Prius owners consume less, there’s less demand, prices will be lower and somebody else will step up to consume more than they would at the otherwise higher price. That’s the price mechanism at work. Oil is a fantastically useful commodity. Humans can be relied upon to consume all the oil they’d be willing to consume at a given price.
More absurdity below.

But wouldn’t using less oil make us less dependent on Mideast imports?
Just the opposite: In the nature of things, the cheapest oil is consumed first, and Mideast oil is the cheapest. Drive a Hummer if you want to reduce America’s reliance on Arab oil. Indeed, if we could all just pull together and drive gasoline prices high enough, we’d be able to satisfy all our fuel needs next door from Canadian oil sands.
Let it also be noted our primary political interest in the Middle East over the past 50 years has been Israel, which has no oil. Even Saddam would have been delighted to sell us all the oil we wanted if we had been prepared to acquiesce in his extracurricular depredations. Our attempt to reform Iraqi society is costing us many multiples of the real value of Iraqi oil exports to the world market.
To wit, let’s not underestimate the degree to which our overseas entanglements are despite our interest in oil, rather than because of it.
So get rid of those hybrids. And why are you Europeans driving such efficient cars? Don’t you see all the harm your causing. Jerome, get a Hummer.
That leaves carbon dioxide, aka greenhouse gas, to support the increasingly rickety rationale for treating fuel efficiency as a socially desirable end in itself. Here, we can only suggest Prius fans might do the planet more good by convincing the American public of the merits of nuclear energy, the closest thing to a genuinely “green solution” to energy challenges in the real world.
This is part of Toyota’s response to Jenkins’s last car column:
Another significant number is 100 million — that’s the gallons of gas we estimate our U.S. hybrids have saved since the Prius debuted in 2000. That’s enough to fuel a fleet of 200,000 delivery vehicles for a year. As much as I’d like to take credit by saying we are brilliant marketers and have painted a green picture to sell our products, the people who purchase our vehicles know the truth — our cars tell the story for us. And we believe they will continue to do so, which is why we’re introducing a hybrid version of the Lexus GS next year, as well as putting a hybrid powertrain in America’s most popular car, the Camry.
Am I missing something here? Can anyone assure me that I’ve not fallen down the rabbit hole? The doctor said those pink pill would help.
I’ll leave you with one final thought. This is what Republicans read. And as Napoleon Bonaparte said: “In politics stupidity is not a handicap.”
I read the WSJ through Proquest so I can’t offer a link. There were some letters responding to the last such article that I can’t access, perhaps one of you would be kind enough to post any choice bits. And a tip of the hat to Tree Hugger; they saw it first.
He’s just a typical republican, because being a republican is beyond stupid. I would like to buy a hybrid car..but the premium price is the only draw.
Shades of the attack on Tucker? If Detroit can’t do it, they’ll try to bash it? Sorry Big Three, I think you’ve already lost this battle. The Big Three didn’t want Socialized Medicine, so they’re paying $1500 per car in health insurance benefits. The Big Three didn’t want to pour money into research and product development, so the Japanese obliged and created the hybrid engine while The Big Three were betting on hydrogen. Sorry, Big Three, You Lose Again. And as far as the CEO’s go–somebody sometime or another is going to figure out that what’s good for the Big Boys in the Big Three is not necessarily what is good for the corporation. Sorry the WSJ hasn’t figured that out yet.
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Great diary taking center stage in U.S.?
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Reminds me of this Op-Ed by John Tierney in the NYT from 8.30.05 which I ranted about here.
Related: “Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do.” — Ronald Reagan, 1981.
My next vehicle was going to be a hybrid… but in these Republican times, I’m thinking I’ll be WAY too old to drive before I can afford another one that doesn’t have pedals and a chain….