So far in the 12 Days of Justice daily series you have learned that:
- Judge Samuel Alito does not respect the primary role of the Legislative branch of our government.
By Tampopo - Judge Alito will threaten the fundamental rights and basic legal protections for working Americans of all ages.
By AP - Judge Alito has violated the laws and ethical codes that govern the conduct of federal judges and was a member of the radical and discriminatory group CAP.
By Steven D - Judge Alito’s view of discrimination against persons with disability is so restrictive that “few if any…cases would survive summary judgment.”
By susanhu
Todays diary for Day 5 will be a short and to the point explanation of Judge Alito’s views concerning women and abortion rights. It will deal with his radical and demeaning views from the perspective of his positions revealed in certain abortion cases, memos, applications, and discussions of Roe v Wade.
[Updated]: to reflect many edits! Please check the bottom to cross-post easily.
Join me in the back alley below the fold.
In 1985 Alito made crystal clear his position concerning Roe v Wade.
Alito’s name does not appear on any briefs the Reagan Solicitor General’s office filed in abortion-related cases. However, just a few months before Alito wrote his DOJ application letter touting his contribution to cases in which the government argued that “the Constitution does not protect a right to an abortion,” the Solicitor General’s office had filed a brief in Thornburgh v. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists on that very subject. The brief urged that “this Court should overrule” Roe v. Wade. The Court rejected the Solicitor General’s arguments, with only two justices agreeing that Roe should be overturned.
T. R. Goldman at Offers this opinion of the upcoming battle:
If Alito’s jurisprudential views match those on the Thornburgh brief — and at least in 1985, Alito indicated that they do — then the job application provides the Judiciary Committee with the type of window into a future justice’s thinking that, since the failed nomination of Robert Bork, has become almost nonexistent.
This is a nomination demanding to be “Borked” into nonexistence. But this still does not give a clear picture of his views on women’s rights. Please consider taking and using any or all parts of the following letter and using it to contact your Senators concerning this nomination. Feel free to adapt and edit this letter, or you can just say how you feel about this in your own words. All we ask is that you take action before it is too late.
What does Samuel Alito think about women and abortion rights?
In Judge Alito’s 1992 dissent in Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, Alito argued that a law requiring a woman in certain circumstances to notify her spouse before seeking an abortion did not pose an undue burden on a woman’s right to choose. Alito asserted that if parental notification requirements were constitutional, as the Supreme Court had previously held, then spousal notification requirements must be permissible as well. (Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, 947 F.2d 682 (3d Cir. 1991), aff’d in part, rev’d in part, 505 U.S. 833 (1992).)
Alito’s colleagues on the Third Circuit and a 5-4 Supreme Court majority disagreed. Writing for that Supreme Court majority, Sandra Day O’Connor firmly rejected Alito’s troubling logic:
“A State may not give to a man the kind of dominion over his wife that parents exercise over their children.”
(Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992) at 898.)Sandra Day O’Connor was correct in rejecting Alito’s view of women as subservient to men and less than equal in the eyes of the law.
In a 1985 memo Alito had advised the Reagan Administration that it should attempt to undermine Roe v. Wade. Alito urged the administration to file a friend-of-the-court brief in Thornburgh v. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and argued that this brief could promote “the goals of bringing about the eventual overturning of Roe v. Wade, and in the meantime, of mitigating its effects.”
Alito wanted the administration to “make clear” that it “disagree[d] with Roe v. Wade,” but argued that the most effective long-term strategy of persuading the Supreme Court to overturn this groundbreaking precedent was to chip away at it slowly through extremely restrictive state laws. Overturning Roe v Wade would most certainly result in a return to the days of dangerous “illegal” abortions.
Is this the kind of nomination that sounds like a moderate? This candidate is not representative of my views, nor of mainstream America.
Alito clearly has no problem with forcing his radical ideals on women.
I strongly urge you to vote against this horrible nomination because no woman should be forced by anyone to have to resort to using a coat hanger to perform a back alley abortion. When you consider that Alito’s warped views would be replacing the moderate voice of Sandra Day O’Connor there should be no doubt that Alito’s nomination must be stopped.
Some suggested contacts and petitions:
Campus Progress “Stop Alito’s America”
Planned Parenthood Anti-Alito Petition
Sending a FAX via the Web (For those of us that don’t have a fax machine at home.)
Again, feel free to copy and paste any and all of the information or images you will see put up over the next couple of weeks by the Anti-Alito Brigade into Blogs and letters as we hold Alito’s feet to the fire. Even if you only participate on a few of the days it can help make a difference. There are so many issues where Samuel Alito’s views and allegiances are just flat out wrong for a SCOTUS nomination.
Note: Tommorrow’s actions and reason’s are still being worked on today. Feel free to check it out at Booman Tribune (Just look for the “Justice” diaries) and any help or participation of any kind you can provide will be greatly appreciated. This is another action brought to you by the group that brought you “Operation Yellow Feather” which was a very successful cross blog protest. These actions are designed to help bring the “Left Blogosphere Think Tank” together on our many shared issues.
Watch for Alice’s diaries on the “separation of church and state/religious freedom” for days 6 and 7… On two different days because we want to keep them twice as separated!
(Updated to include links to all 12 days diaries)
Here are the links to the previous Daily Justice Diaries:
- Day One – Balance of Power in Government
- Day Two – Age Discrimination/FMLA
- Day Three – Judicial Ethics
- Day Four – Needs of the Disabled
- Day Five – Roe v. Wade
- Day Six – Separation of Church and State
- Day Seven – Freedom of Religion
- Day Eight – Old Boys Club
- Day Nine – Equality Under the Law
- Day Ten – Gender Discrimination
- Day Eleven – Corporate Interests
- Day Twelve – Presidential Powers
HTML code to cross post this in a txt file
Click to open, copy and paste vigorously all over the net! Please!
Rip it up! Tear it up! Don’t be shy about it. I don’t break that easily. π
I’ll be back in a couple of hours to check the comments. I have to pick up my wife at the mall right now.
Please consider cross-posting this little snippet of code in comments everywhere today:
<img src=””>
<a href=”″>Say no to back alley abortions!
SAY NO TO ALITO!</a><br>
which will create this:
Say no to back alley abortions!
OR this snippet of code:
<img src=””>
<a href=”″>Say no to back alley abortions!
SAY NO TO ALITO!</a><br>
Whick will create this:
Say no to back alley abortions!
Added the pic to my photobucket…feel free to copy the link from there as well.
img src=”“
Just copy and add the < > at each end….feel free to use up some of my bandwidth…
Added the links to the articles in my little blogspot!
That is mighty generous of you!
Thanks for the offer. So far, other than a minor glitch with my hosting company temporaroly going down (about 10 minutes or so), I have barely used any of the bandwidth that I have available.
All I can say on first impression is:
In 1985 Alito made it crystal clear – no “it”
This is a nomination demanding to be “Borked” into non-existence. But this still does not give a clear picture of his views on womens rights. – “women’s”
Please consider taking and using any or all parts of the following letter and using it to contact your Senators – “please use this information to contact…”
Feel free to adapt, edit this – “to adapt and edit this letter, or…”
go c-man, go!
Anyone else? Don’t be shy! This is supposed to be a x-community effort. Additions, subtractions, edits, anything?
Oooh, oooh!
Can you teach me to be a better copy editor?!
:<) You and Kidspeak are just wonderful. Thanks again for “cleaning up” my draft!
My draft from two days ago.
I added a a txt file at the bottom of the diary… If you open it you will have everything you need to cut and paste the entire post with links and all.
Click, cut , and paste vigoruosly into various Blogs!
This goes for anyone with a Blog!
Would it help if I said PLEASE? lol
Same goes for the little comment code snippets! Post them everywhere!
Excellent organization of information!
Very clear presentation of Alito’s historic position that remains unchanged.
I really liked the reminder that Alito is being considered as Day O’Connor’s replacement, and that she rejected his logic.
This letter seems especially important to send to all Dem senators – USE the dang “powder!”
Just a couple of minor things:
-“T. R. Goldman at Offers this oppinion the upcoming battle” *Strike 2nd “p” in opinion.”
-You italicize some cases, but not others.
You rocked it, CM1, as usual. I esp. like “Join me in
the back alley below the fold.”
Let’s hope not but honestly…I thinks that’s where we’re headed.
Fixed… And thanks!
Anything else? Ferris? Buehler? Buehler? Anyone?
I know there must be some lurkers with 2 cents worth to spare? lol
“I thinks”
OK, I’m going to bed soon. That’s just way too stupid of a mistake!
If you can thinks it, you can dos it!
And whatever it ends up looking like… I will post early in the morning. Also, I will have a little extra to add to it in the comments in the morning when it is finished.
Could you please include in a comment for folks to watch for Alice’s diary (for Days 6 and 7) over the weekend?
So glad you “volunteered” for this one π
Outstanding idea.
Watch for Alice’s diaries on the “separation of church and state/religious freedom” for days 6 and 7… On two different days because we want to keep them twice as seperated!
lol Give me a few minutes!
Last word: “sep*a*rated”
BTW, reading in another diary I laughed at your comment about not being able to spell your own screen name. I have to keep checking it to make sure I have it right.
And I am so glad you are not “Mass. Man” cause that is as far as I get in that state’s name!
See you in the AM.
Fixed… And thanks again!
And I don’t ever want to be called a “Mass-man”… Sounds too much like lazy lump for me! lol jk
Thanks C-man, I’ve been wondering how it happened that I got two days. No worry, I found so much stuff on it, you’ll never shut me up. I’ll post tomorrows later and get to work on Sundays.
Awesome! I was also wondering why they didn’t split it up among two writers since it is a two day effort?
Since todays is front paged in a bunch of places, you know they will be waiting for yours.
Note that mine was revised a lot because of all of the others help. When I posted it the first time yesterday I knew it was a rough copy. “Spealing and gramaire errors and all”… lol
Therein lies the beuty of this:
If we all work together, it will get done!
should we hold off until monday or just go straight through?
Alice – did you see the AU page i posted below? lots of info on church & state.
Definately on the weekend! we need to keep moving forward and building on it.
a while back, i did a round-up of the conservafundie gleefest over alito’s nomination…there’s some good info in there, too.
really, their support is all we need to know about where alito stands.
Oh Alice – I didn’t realize the combination of Day 6 and Day 7 could be intrepeted as two diaries!
I was thinking the weekends are so busy for people that they might only get to this on one of the days. So my thought was that it would be one diary to be used on one day or the other!
Please don’t feel you have to write two different diaries.
If you want to go for two, as you mentioned having a lot of material, go for it!
One diary for Days 6 and 7 would be really good terrific!
If you have looked at the background information available on this subject… It would be even harder to narrow the good stuff down to one diary than it would be to write 2 diaries.
But that is just my opinion. There are a lot of others involved in this campaign with thoughts on this. Nevermind that ultimately Alice is in charge of making that call after all is said and done…
Good points! Absolute agree Alice is the one to make the call.
Just didn’t want the labor to feel inequitable.
Nice job CT Man. Another stellar bit to send on to the powers that be. As I’ve read along, I’m beginning to be very frightened of the coming Scalito court, should we fail to stop them.
Begining to be frightened?
I was frightened about him even before Myers nomination. He was many of the right-wing-nuts prefered nominations then, and now the FARRRR RIGHT, the corporatists, and even many Libertarians grudgingly support him for some of the “lawlessness” he might approve of. Though, it is the FARRRR RIGHT and the corporatists that are dancing in the streets about this.
Be afraid! Be VERY afaraid!
Anyone with a Political Cortex account I put this in the QEU to be voted on for the front page… I can’t vote on my own submissions.
Help!!! please?
i also posted it as a diary…whoops! let’s see what happens.
you’re on the front page.
should i delete my diary?
and deleted it…if we need it, someone else can post it or i’ll be back soon.
I don’t think I was on the front page… Because I don’t see it there… By any chance, did you, maybe, just delete yourself from the front page? lol
I am still 2 votes shy of being bumped I think?
i clicked on gray matter and there you were…
ok…it’s up at dembloggers, political cortex and mydd.
I have it up at My Left Wing, Political Cortex in the article que, My Left Nutmeg, and here.
And ePluribus Media.
let’s go recommend!
posted a kick-arse diary about americans united for separation of church and state opposing alito!
good readin’!
whom troutfishing mentioned in his diary. they have a pdf about alito available at their website:
really good stuff – the man is truly dangerous.
anyhoo, i called to let them know about our campaign and to feel free to email the diaries as they see fit – the more the merrier! and just for grins, here is a link to my diary from yesterday again with the information about rolling justice – i love what those guys are doing.
and, just because i’m in here, i hafta say: i will never for the life of me understand the mysteries of recommended diaries at dkos. as troutfishing pointed out, ScAlito is far more important than the patriot act, but we just can’t get the topic recommended. frell!