This diary is for Justice: Day 4 regarding the threat that Alito’s confirmation will bring to the rights of people with disabilities.
(For the full list, please see Tampopo’s diary. Yesterday’s diary — for Day 3 — was by Steven D, and titled “For Justice: Day Three — Alito and Judicial Ethics.”)
Each of these diaries is presented for you in the format of a letter — a letter that you can readily copy, or adapt, and then send to the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee as well as to your own two senators, as they consider their votes for the confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito.
Below the fold is my suggested letter regarding Alito’s well-known record on disability rights.
By the way, my style of writing letters to my senators Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray and congressman Norm Dicks is to be as brief as possible. Their staffs get an enormous volume of letters. They will not read my lengthy explanations. They want to know where I stand, so that’s typically how I write my letters. However, I don’t shoot off one-liners. I try to supply facts and sources (as I’ve done below).
If you disagree with my succinct style, please set forth your own, more complex argument. Below, I will supply you with more resources.
Dear Senator:
Re: Joseph Alito’s Views on Disability Rights, as they pertain to his confirmation hearing for the Supreme Court
It appears, from his dissent in Nathanson v. Medical College of Pennsylvania (1991), that Judge Alito’s view of discrimination against persons with disability is so restrictive that “few if any…cases would survive summary judgment.” (ThinkProgress)
Most critically, the Bazelon Center has released an exhaustive compendium of “‘highlights of a long and troubling record’ of disability right cases [including very recent decisions] decided by Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito.”
As recently as 2002, “Judge Alito ruled along with other judges on the Third Circuit excusing local zoning boards from engaging in a process to identify reasonable accommodations needed to provide equal access for people with disabilities. (Lapid Laurel, L.L.C. v. Zoning Board of Adjustment of Scotch Plains, 284 F.3d 442 (3d Cir. 2002).” (Bazelon Center’s analysis via Ragged Edge Magazine)
A Web site blog that specializes in disability law — Disability Law Blog — also cites the Bazelon report:
See this alert, which argues, in sum, that: “Samuel Alito, President Bush’s nominee to replace Justice Sandra Day O’Connor on the Supreme Court, poses a serious threat to people with disabilities. Having sat on a federal court of appeals for 15 years, Judge Alito has a record of decisions hostile to disability rights.” The Bazelon folks give a number of examples in the post.
I strongly urge that the full committee read the Bazelon report in detail, and study the history of disability cases in which Judge Alito has sided, time and time again, against the rights of people with disabilities.
Not only does Judge Alito disregard the rights of people with disabilities, he also appears to be “hostile” to their need for basic rights — signaling that he’d actively be a part of the retraction of the agonizingly slow but steady progress for which people who suffer from disabilities have fought for decades.
One of the hallmarks of a truly great nation is how we treat those who are disabled. Judge Alito apparently does not share our common vision for how we treat everyone in a nation that aspires to greatness.
Very truly yours,
Tell your Senators, no to Alito:
Save the Court Petition
And while you’re at it: sign Planned Parenthood’s anti-Alito petition, too:
Planned Parenthood Petition
NARAL is shooting for 500,000 signatures, please add yours:
Naral Anti-Alito Petition
Campus Progress’ “Stop Alito’s America” Campaign
Stop Alito’s America Petition
And don’t forget: urge Congress to support Plan B:
Plan B Petition
Thanks, Susan! I hope you’re feeling a little better.
Thank you )
and I’m SO SORRY I got the calendar mixed up…. I do that. (Absent-minded professor,” I call myself all the time.)
Steven D did remind me, but it slipped my mind π
This is an issue near and dear to me, so I hope people get these letters off!
susan – there’s some great alito info in this diary:
be sure to check out the rolling justice crew! they are making an Alito road trip through america!
Thanks Susan. Folks should unrecommend my diary, please. I don’t want to take it down, because it has a note to Janet.
you can’t make us!
: p
I tried to keep muin short too… But more because I just wanted to follow the “KISS” concept that works so well for disorganized people like me. lol (I’ll Have Day 5 up in a little bit so the others can proof-read, edit, add subtract, etc, like they have done for the others so well.)
Hope you are getting over those sneezies.
you’re in Washington? well, my stars; you and me and dammit janet simply must have beers. or something. we’re in the portland area, but unless you’re, like, in port townsend or something…
great diary!
As a mother who has seen her son deterioate simply because they had to be on a waiting list for anesthesia BECAUSE they were neurologically disabled… that was his only crime… being autistic so he had to wait for dental surgery while people had their boobs implanted, replanted and uprooted. My son almost died while waiting… every week being checked for blood poisoning – imagine waiitng 3 months for two root canals, four impacted teeth and the ONE think I didn’t let on about till it was over – a biopsy.
Why all this need?? because we lost insurance and nobody would even LOOK at him without insurance, even though we had money.
If you want to see the story: – there is one glitch in the story- It was THREE MONTHS wait not ONE. And now there is only ONE hospital able to provide anesthesia to the dev. disabled. So now the wait is longer.
Alito doesn’t care about the disabled. The Red Regime doesn’t care… no one really does.
Thank you Susan and so many here. You give me hope that not another child will have to sit and wait in pain to be seen by a dentist, doctor or surgeon.
Great country??? not from my eyes. I had to see my child cry till he couldn’t cry anymore.
THREE FUCKING MONTHS. Think about it. If Alito gets in who knows what will happen to our children and loved ones.
I see nothing but SHAME on how our “great country” treats is disabled and sick.
Thanks Janet for bringing home so horribly and movingly how fucked up the system is and how it effects real goddamn families and their children. The fact that so many people with or without disabilities that don’t have health care in this country is a disgusting and sickening shame for the so called ‘richest country in the world’. Maybe monetarily for the top percentage but certainly not the richest in making sure we have universal health coverage or livable wages etc to insure that we really could be the richest country in the world as to the quality of life for most Americans.
Janet stay strong we’ll drive these bastards out of office! My son is eleven and your Wesley’s story is heartbreaking. What in the fuck do they expect you to do? Shame on our country. Shame on us!
Printers broken will print the letters tomorrow and mail them to my scummy wingnut reps. I’m in Va. So to get the attention of Warner and Allen I’ll put “God has chosen you to win ten million dollars” on the envelope. Those self-centered assholes have been waiting for that letter.
near and dear to my heart as well — both physical (mom-in-law) and mental (bro-in-law) disabilities.
Emails out to Boxer and DiFi…I’m pretty sure Boxer will respond, DiFi’s staff may “recycle bin” it…
urf! the day 2 diary is still recommended at political cortex…we hafta to clear that one away. i’ve posted today’s:
the html gods are not being kind today.
and i’m a dingbat…it’s also posted at mydd, epluribus media and dembloggers.
will ms. hu be posting at dkos? if you want to link to my alito diary there, feel free:
Someone already posted at DKos about the Bazelon Report, so I went looking for other sources, and found what i could.
If any of YOU wish to cross-post this anywhere, be my guest. I hereby withdraw any and all proprietary rights to this piece.
(To save yourselves work, right-click and select “View Source,” then just copy the code so you don’t have to re-enter every link.)
i can’t put it at dkos today…i already posted there.
How do you unrecommend at PC?
Could not find such a button.
maybe they don’t “unrecomment” there…i hadn’t htought of that…
that the day 2 diary has 6 recommends; five are needed for the list.
i wonder if a someone or two who didn’t recommend it could go in and choose the “don’t recommend” option? maybe that would do it?
Seems a good hypothesis.
Sorry I cannot test it, as I did recommend.
same boat here, ask. We’re too damn efficient! π
I’ma go ask people in the nerve center to do it!
Cedwyn, e-mail me and I will give you instruction in the secret art of embedding links … known to only a few but you have proven yourself brave, strong, and worthy.
i know how to do it; i’m just lazy. i’ve been spoiled by blogger, where all you hafta do is click a button! lol
but if you have a secret ninja move, i’m all ears.
thank you so much for writing this letter full of potent outrage and a good dose of facts. This man cannot be confirmed to the SCOTUS, every day I discover new horrors behind his judicial “philosophy”.
One of the hallmarks of a truly great nation is how we treat those who are disabled. Judge Alito apparently does not share our common vision for how we treat everyone in a nation that aspires to greatness. – amazing.
Over 40 Million Americans have some type of disability to varying degrees or according to some statistics I’ve read that means that almost 1 in 5 persons has some type of disability-with women having the edge over men in this regard.
Being disabled in this country or caring for someone disabled means you’re pretty much(if you aren’t a billionaire)fucked over as far as getting decent, timely health care or any kind of help at all. Given the above statistics it also means that the disabled while not seen that often are not some small, elite group. No they are everywhere-well not really because they aren’t usually hired, or businesses scream bloody murder if they have to put in a ramp when it would cost them almost nothing thus keeping millions-literally who are in wheelchairs confined to their homes-either not able to work because the business world or the outside world refuses to make tiny changes in how a person in a wheelchair can get out and about.
That doesn’t even begin to cover people not in wheelchairs. I’m having a hard time writing anything here as to even begin to mention my story would take too much time or even my one nephew(who is 35)and not only has this hereditary neuro disease but is also bi-polar and do not want to go into the ways he is not getting the help he needs for either(even after several suicide attempts ..where he was basically told he was just lazy and to get a job..mfuckering asshole doctors/health care system that ignores people like him without insurance)…
The teeny tiny gains the disabled have made with the disabilities act would surely be taken away by Alito or worse.
This post is a bit scattershot(as rather ironically I am not having one of my better days) but I hope it imparts some sense that people with disabilities are everywhere and they are not getting the help they need and with this Alito jackass it could get even worse than it is now.
earlier this morning, so i just updated it with susan’s diary information. can you guys go recommend?
i also put it in the open thread.
and all through the hill
judge alito was floundering;
the right was quite shrill!
this is great – go read it:
it’s dueling alito christmas carols!
Thank you. Would that I could learn to be brief and succinct. I know they’re not likely to read much, but still hope springs eternal.
Sorry for the early call. Us easterners are rarin’ to go while you all snooze.
Thanks so much Susan – this is wonderful!
Sorry you were(are) not feeling well. I really appreciate what yuo have done.
Though the material each of the “12 Day” diarists adds is grim, I find so much pleasure in the different styles. A chorus of caring and concern.
I wanted to remind letter senders to consider sending to local groups and writing LTEs.
We’re creating an excellent resource – an Alito primer.
I am considering creating some “holiday” homemade books to give to others.