Just when you thought the “War on Christmas” (a.k.a. right-wing strawman argument to raise money and sell books) was in it’s “last throes”, we get the latest from Bill O’Reilly:

O’REILLY: Yeah, Target’s changed its policy. And we appreciate that.

CALLER: That’s fantastic. So, I hope now you can do something about Circuit City. I was in there last week —

O’REILLY: [Laughing] Circuit City —

CALLER: — and —

O’REILLY: I think people from India own Circuit City. I think that’s the problem there.

Unfortunatly, like many of O’Reilly’s claims around the “War on Christmas”, this one isn’t true either:

Contrary to O’Reilly’s ownership theory, none of the major, direct, institutional, or mutual fund holders of the publicly traded company is Indian. The same appears to be true of the company’s senior management and its board of directors. In addition, the retailer limits its business to the United States and Canada.

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