During this time of the year that portends the best of times. . .a season of Peace, Hope, Love and Good Will, this is my gift to all my Boo Trib Friends and Family

A journey

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There Is Nothing But Love

A Very real journey. . .come with me

Standing atop a windswept mountain, I turn slowly to gather in a full circle of unobstructed view. In every direction I can see into eternity and beyond. The clouds sweep softly against the stunning blue cheeks of the sky. The wind kisses my face with a thousand, thousand touches of angel lips. My feet lift gently up off of the mother earth and I stand on the unseen rock of All That Is, mid air, wrapped in light, infused with love.

Original Work :: shirlstars :: Tis The Season

My hair blows back away from my face as the wind becomes the very breath of me. My arms are thrown wide open to encompass all of creation from the endless reservoir that it is. Here above the mountain top, here aloft in the winds of change I stand to gather up all that is good and all that is love from this place called earth.

The wind blows through me as if I am a multi-portaled bit of porous cloth. It begins then as the acts of kindness and love of every moment, of every being everywhere, as they are gently gathered up and brought into the circle of my arms and circulated throughout the vessel that I AM in waves of overwhelming love. Small, tender, untold acts of child to elder, elder to child, stranger to stranger, family to family, friend to friend, and friend to foe. So many unknown actions except to the few, acts that have made all the difference in another’s life, that have lifted the burdens for a brief moment, that have turned whole lives around, that have made one very small ripple in a life troubled by a multitude of pains.

No earthly vessel can hold this love, this magnitude of amazing love, from each human on this planet. It circles through my arms and clear through me and back out into the ethers clearing and marking a path to the stars.

I AM become a piece of everyone in this moment. I Am everyone in this moment. Love disassembles me into a million million molecules that scatter from atop the mountain to every spot within creation and beyond into every space within the stars and planets and galaxies and beyond. . . .indeed, I am become the “dust” of love scattered everywhere. . .beyond. . . and beyond, beyond. In between the molecules you will find me and you will remember the greater purpose and the smaller purposes of why I came. And I will leave with you this love gathered up, infused and dispersed back out into the timeless, immeasurable aeons. And you will know. Beyond any doubts, ever, you will know.

~ All that I AM ~ All That IS ~ is within YOU  ~  Shirl

Art by artist Rassouli at www.rassouli.com