Best defense is a kick them in the nuts offense.
Bush stuck the word victory behind himself all week long. What does that REALLY mean? Did he tell us WHAT a victory in Iraq is? No. Did he tell us HOW he’s going to do it? No. Did he tell us WHEN it will happen? No.
Did he tell us WHY? Yes! I believe the reason this week is to establish democracy in the Middle East. Admittedly though, this list is rather long so you can take your pick: 9/11, WMD, bad Saddam, bad intelligence, tried to kill Dad, has oil, bla, bla, bla…
So what is REALLY happening in Iraq? Remember how OBL wanted to establish the Caliphate? Well, he’s thanking his luck stars that the US was there to DO HIS BIDDING. The majority of Iraqis now hate us and voted to form a government to get the US out of their country.
But the Dems are in a disarray and have no plan!
NOT TRUE! The Dems all agree Bush has screwed this up worse than anyone could have imagined. They have begun HONEST DEBATE about how to save our asses from this huge cock up. Right now the consensus is that continuing with the present course will not be in the best interests of the US nor will it contribute to winning the war on terror.
As for Bush, there doesn’t seem to be a plan, he seems to just wing it from week to week, saying whatever Rove tells him to say. All they figure they have to do is draw down enough troops right before the 2006 elections to claim progress towards victory.
All leading one to say:
Bushie, you’re doing a heck of a job!