It’s pretty hard to get a read on what Bob Casey Jr is about. He doesn’t say much. But the Pennacchio team came up with a solution, a Bob on Bob file.

What does Jr. think about the war in Iraq? How about Choice? And PAC money? How about Terri Schiavo? Oooh, and Cheif Justice John Roberts. And what happens when people learn things like this? His numbers go down. In the latest Quinnipiac poll [which once again omitted Pennacchio and Sandals] when the 1447 Pennsylvanians were told that Casey is against a woman’s right to choose, a whopping 22% said that they would not vote in this Senate race.

That 22% number should be headed our way very soon.

So learn more about Bob Casey Jr and be an informed voter at the Democratic primary in May 2006.

Spread the word. Conviction wins. Chuck Pennacchio has conviction. Read all about Chuck’s positions on the issues.

And one last thing. While 63% of Democrats said that they would still vote for Casey Jr after they found out that he was anti-chioce, do the math. Say there are 100 voters. 22% don’t vote, that leaves 78 voters. 63% of those voters would still vote for Jr, that’s 49 votes.