Well, well, well–what have we here in today’s Washington Post?

RICHMOND, Dec. 16 — Gov. Mark R. Warner (D) on Friday quietly amended an executive order that for the first time explicitly bans Virginia state agencies from discriminating against gays in hiring and promotions.

The policy went into effect immediately, and a spokeswoman for Gov.-elect Timothy M. Kaine (D) said the incoming governor plans to continue the policy by signing the same executive order when he is inaugurated Jan. 14.


Warner also added “sexual orientation” to nondiscrimination language in the $72 billion budget that he delivered to lawmakers Friday. Passage of the budget with that language would codify the change in state law, making it more permanent, [Warner spokeswoman Ellen] Qualls said.

Let’s hear it for the activists, whose purity is much-maligned by some:

“It’s bringing Virginia in line with the majority of other states that have these laws on the books,” said Dyana Mason, executive director of Equality Virginia, the state’s largest gay rights group.

Mason added that her group has been pressing for this change in policy for much of Warner’s term. “It’s really in line with his long-term commitment to running Virginia like a well-run business.” [Emphasis mine]

Not everyone welcomes this civilized and overdue action:

At least one lawmaker said his colleagues on the House committee that will review the budget probably will remove the sexual orientation language from the budget.

“My guess is that we’ll strike it out and that there will be a fairly lively discussion about all of this,” said Del. L. Scott Lingamfelter (R-Prince William). “If the advocates of that language want to advocate that view, then my guess is that they are going have to find a bill to do it.”

And while this surely will be a fight, the debate will be carried forward;

But Mason was cautious. She said it is not clear whether a major change in temperament has taken place in Virginia.

For example, she noted that lawmakers are expected, among other initiatives, to pass a resolution in the coming session calling for an amendment against same-sex marriages.

“It’s still going to be a tough year,” she said.

Well.  On its own, this is an interesting, if not heartening story: Virginians working for state agencies now have more complete protection against discrimination.

But of course there’s a larger story, and it is this: Gov. Warner is running for president.

And he certainly has been a busy bee as he walks out of the door of the Commonwealth and onto the road to the White House:

-He exonerated two men convicted of sexual assault based on DNA results not available to them at the time of their trials. (See Warner’s press release and a more in-depth story explaining what this means.)

-He commuted the death sentence of the convicted murderer Robin Lovitt to life without parote because a court clerk discarded DNA evidence–possibly exonerating DNA evidence.

-He’s launched an early childhood foundation to focus on the needs of children from infants up to age five.

-He advocates more dollars for higher education, transportation, Chesapeake Bay restoration, mental health and energy needs in his last budget proposal to the Viginia General Assembly.

-Oh, and a hugely successful fundraiser doesn’t hurt, either.

Given the wingnuts in the Assembly (and the fact that Gov.-elect Tim Kaine will have no help since the Lt. Governor is a rethug wingnut, too), I don’t know how long the ban on job discrimination based on sexual orientation will last.  For whatever reason, though, I am glad that more Virginians can have a chance at having basic legal protection against discrimination.

But as for Warner’s presidential ambitions–let’s not be coy here, he does have them–I say this move surely beats out flag-buring posturing any day of the week.

Cross-posted from Liberal Street Fighter