Here’s the email I got:

 1. Go to

 2. Type in “french military victories”, without the quotes

 3. Instead of hitting “Search” hit “I’m feeling Lucky”

4. Tell your friends before the people at Google fix it

Here’s what I wrote to Google at

Well, I want you to Fix It. I’m more than tired of the litany of jokes about the ‘hapless French’. My family was practically wiped out in WW2. 52 direct family members were killed fighting for their homeland. I became the 3rd male when I was born. Americans have no idea what national sacrifice really means. And yes, i would appreciate a response to…..
I’m fed up with everyone and yes i am including the Daily Show and many ‘liberals’ and progressives who make jokes about the French. I’ve seen on blogs, I’ve seen it on TV, newspapers, etc. Everyone knows the movie scene (Saving Private Ryan I think) where the Mom collapses on the porch as the military come bearing tidings that her sons had died…well, I grew up never knowing any uncles or grandfather. My grandmother lost every male relative except one. From concentration camps to fighting for the Free French they were killed. My aunt saw the Germans bust into the place they were hiding and chase her fiance out the back. Last she ever saw of him. And that’s just my family. You can repeat that by the tens of thousands.

France was the front line in two wars. Without the lowly French there would be no successful American Revolution. And it was the French who almost stopped the US war machine. I don’t want (or need) your sympathy. I would appreciate you writing Google and the next time someone tells a French joke educating them some. Thank you, end of rant.