A country is only as truly free as its women are free. A people are only truly civilized if their mothers, their sisters, their daughters and grandmothers and nieces and great grandmothers and girlbabies not-yet-born are free and equal and enabled to create their own lives, their own futures. It’s plain, in these days of creepy theocracy and corporate corruption, of a Republican regime that feeds on misogyny and fear, that this country is backsliding, reversing so many of the gains made over the years. Jane Crow is back, as budget cuts and superstition replace openness and decency. Moiv highlights a letter at Our Word, written by a Texan named Tanya confronted by the anti-woman policies enacted by the oppressive Republican legislature in Texas:
Why Tanya cried
The email quoted below already has been forwarded to Texas State Senators Tommy Williams (a banker) and Bob Deuell (a physician) — the two men primarily responsible for compromising poor women’s access to family planning and primary health screening in this state by funneling $5,000,000 previously designated for those vitally important services into a campaign to promote and expand the dubious practices of Crisis Pregnancy Centers.
The state’s Health and Human Services Commission tells us that this is a good thing, because “the active promotion of childbirth” is the official policy of the State of Texas. That the women affected by this policy might not want to bear children in the service of the state is not an official concern.
That letter:
this morning i dragged myself out of bed before dawn to be at planned parenthood at 730 and wait in the freezing morning shade until 9 for my
annual exam. at 930, myself and the 25 other women(of color.of course)grumbled in solidarity and confusion, wondering why we were still waiting and shivering. finally an employee opened the doors and coralled us inside just to inform us that there would be no walk-in exams today.or tomorrow.or ever. are you kidding me? i thought. nope.no joke. turns out the good ol
boys at the texas state legislature cut pp’s funding by 40% last friday. i stood in the office stunned while 3 mothers began to cry. another women, at least 65 years old, turned to me and asked, “que dijo?” what did she say? as i tried to explain what i still didnt understand, i began to feel my anger swell. overnight one of the safest, most reliable, most critical social services vanished. all patients over 24 years old have to seek new clinics, all birth control now costs $25/month, all annuals $125, all pregnancy tests $30. i stood waiting for the chance of one more pack of birth control pills, asking questions answered with shrugs and apologies, watching faces full of exasperation. when my name was called i tried again to get more information, but the fact was clear and simple; accessible family planning and women’s reproductive rights are not a priority. i left with a pack of pills after giving all my $35, sat in my car and cried.here’s the kicker. texas lawmakers are promoting crisis pregnancy centers instead. that’s right, slash funding for sexual health and preventive services and create crisis centers. this whole freakin country is a crisis center. i want to see those lawmakers walk into clinics all over this state and have the guts to tell a room full of women, “sorry, go home and buy condoms” or “sorry, god willed those children and you’re on your own to figure out the rest”. i want them to watch women lose the thread of hope they were gripping.
so now what? write letters and make phone calls? i dont think so. the truth is i dont know what to do. i do know nothing will be done if people dont know. so in my emotional, reactionary state, that’s what i am trying to do.
i’m fighting hard to keep my faith.
thanks for reading,
It repeats itself over and over again, in many different ways.
Media Girl calls attention to just one of the many deliberately ignorant pharmacists seeking to deny women control over their reproductive health based on their superstions:
In that simple declaration of determined ignorance, the pharmacist on indefinite unpaid leave from Walgreens in Madison County, IL, reveals that his attachment to myths and lies about emergency contraception is not likely to weaken. Don’t confuse him with facts. His mind is made up.
What we’re seeing are pharmacists who’ve gone and made fools of themselves in refusing to dispense emergency contraception on the basis that it causes abortion of pregnancy.
But wait. Emergency contraception — also known as Plan B — prevents conception.
If life begins at conception, and conception is prevented, then where’s the abortion, Mr. Quayle?
Ah, but these are heady times for zealots and fanatics, and they don’t want to admit any mistakes — including the big mistake they made in assuming Plan B aborted pregnancy, rather than prevents pregnancy.
Here we are, at the dawn of the twenty-first century, and we live in a feudal state where idiots like Dalton Conley are promoted by the so-called “paper of record” to spread intellectual manure about how MEN are somehow oppressed by women having reproductive freedom, while learned women like Carole Joffe, Ph.D. aren’t offered equal time to counter this simple minded claptrap. Luckily, we can find her words passed along at Our Word.
How can this be happening? We are only a few generations removed from the suffragists, fewer still from Griswold v. CT, yet we’re backsliding so quickly into a patriarchical nightmare where there is little access to abortion providers or other sources of women’s healthcare.
Summit’s closing “underscores [the] limited access women have in this state to abortion services,” said Boyce. “It’s not a stable service in the state. There is a tremendous shortage of providers.”
Fewer doctors are being trained in abortion techniques, perhaps because state statutes prevent the University of Wisconsin Medical School from teaching them. Experienced doctors are getting harder to find, Boyce said. For example, the doctor at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Appleton flies in weekly from Oregon. Opening new clinics is difficult as well, because property owners don’t want to lease to clinics, so providers are forced to buy their own buildings.
There are millions of Tanya’s out there, repeating that same hopeless disappointment day after day after week after month after year after ….
How can this be? We, a “free people”, a people who claim to respect life and women and freedom, how can this be?
Stand up. Ask questions. FIGHT. Your mothers and grandmothers and great-grandmothers and so on back to Abigail Adams reminding her husband to “remember the ladies” FOUGHT. Do their efforts mean so little that they can be abandoned so easily? Talk back when some fundamentalist fool is spouting nonsense. DARE TO STAND UP. They spew hatred and misinformation and superstition and LIES. We are in this state because, in the name of tolerance and our unwillingness to engage in conflict, we have let years of misleading propaganda go by unanswered. Don’t expect a politician or celebrity or some other “leader” to save you. WE THE PEOPLE <h>ARE</h> THE “LEADERS”.
Speak up. Speak up like Estelle Griswold spoke up. Hell, you don’t even have to go so far as to go to court. When someone at a holiday meal repeats some lie they heard on some evangelical station, call them on it. Politics starts at the dinner table, at the community center, in the pews at your church and in the lines at you supermarket. Remember, there are MILLIONS of Tanyas out there, and soon YOU will BE Tanya. Or your daughter. Or your girlfriend. Or your wife.
i stood waiting for the chance of one more pack of birth control pills, asking questions answered with shrugs and apologies, watching faces full of exasperation. when my name was called i tried again to get more information, but the fact was clear and simple; accessible family planning and women’s reproductive rights are not a priority. i left with a pack of pills after giving all my $35, sat in my car and cried.
That is the future of ALL of the women in this country. Alone, abandoned, lacking in options. We are LOSING the future.
Please, speak up for Tanya. Please, speak up for yourself, for your sisters.
Please, speak up.
I think this letter and these issues are vitally important, and the right will ramp up the oppression over the next year to energize their base going into the ’06 and ’08 elections. In that spirit, I’ve crossposted this from Liberal Street Fighter, even though I’m not crossposting here as much anymore.
If anyone sees Parker, tell her I miss her voice, her passion and her insights.
You’ve covered it all so well, I really have nothing to add except to urge people to support groups who provide abortion assistance, either by donating to a local organization or to The National Network of Abortion Funds.
Urge Congress to support Plan B:
Plan B Petition
Tell your Senators, no to Alito:
Save the Court Petition
And while you’re at it: sign Planned Parenthood’s anti-Alito petition, too:
Planned Parenthood Petition
NARAL is shooting for 500,000 signatures, please add yours:
Naral Anti-Alito Petition
Campus Progress’ “Stop Alito’s America” Campaign
Stop Alito’s America Petition
Thanks madman. Just … thanks.
make sure to stop in regularly at Our Word and Media Girl. I get so much information from those sites, written with reason and passion and powerful cries for justice.
What She Said is also a great source of other blogs to explore. The list of female bloggers there is more comprehensive than any other list I’ve seen. The direct postings at the site are sparse, but I’ve found some very informative posts on this topic and others at the sites in the list.
thanks so much! Hadn’t stumbled across that site yet. My bookmarks are getting out of control!!
You’re very welcome. I know what you mean about bookmarks. In spite of the fact that I have devised a filing scheme, with subfolder after subfolder on different topics and “A-list” folders and all means of categorization techniques, I remain overwhelmed.
And thanks back to you for yet another excellent diary.
Thanks, Madman.
And it’s not just Texas and Illinois. Here’s an editorial about our latest local battle this week here in PA:
My tax dollars at work, being wasted by a rightwing whacko attorney doing pro bono work for the anti-choicers.
Thanks, Madman, for posting such a vitally significant diary.
I wish you would reconsider your decision not to cross-post here regularly; your diaries were one of the highlights of this site, imo.
but it’s hard to push down the thought that serious message managing is pursued here, that the Scoop sites use ratings swarms and selective enforcement of community “norms”. That they work against what the blogs are most useful for: hashing out ideas, incubating debates … big amorphous “think tanks”. NOT ATMs for a party or certain candidates. NOT for the aggrandisement of a budding Media empires. Too many signs of the manufacturing of consent in the service of an entrenched party leadership that DOESN’T have our best interests at heart for my comfort.
As Media Girl put it so well, there is a HUGE community of leftie blogs out there to read, explore and share. It’s too easy to narrow “community” down to just one or two sites … a tendency which will only serve to narrow the debate.
I’ll xpost on a case-by-case basis unless Booman asks me to stop, but I’m not going to moderate what I write to be welcome, as was demanded of Parker, Brinnaine and Shadowthief.
first of all, you write some of the best diaries out there Madman.
As for selective enforcement of the rules, I don’t agree at all.
Parker was wrong and she was unwilling to listen to reason. This went on for months, and I put up with it for a very long time. There are no other members of this site that are comparable to her.
Shadowthief is just an angry dude who lashes out at the hosts and other members of whatever site he happens to join. It might work at Daily Kos, but this site has a hard time digesting angry people that lash out at other members. He sent me an insulting email and quit the site. No other member has done that.
And Brinnainne was just cut off for a few hours when I thought she was on the verge of doing something to get herself banned. I’d rather have her cool down. I care about her. I tried to address her concerns for hours.
The rules may look selective if you jump into a thread without knowing the whole picture, but the they are not selective.
thought she was on the verge of doing something to get herself banned.
I was everywhere I was on the site Friday, and it sure as hell seemed selective to me.
Was I pissed off? You bet your ass I was, after hours of trying to make MY point, I was handed the ULTIMATE in STFU by having my ability to respond cut off. Very nice.
Selective it was. Seemed to me that if anyone was going to be “cut off” either both you and Chamonix should have been or neither of you. One or the other. As it is, my impression is that Chamonix is pretty much given a free pass to make all sorts of unfounded accusations about conspiracies to overthrow BooTrib, etc., with no repercussions.
I appreciate the support, though I would much rather have my point understood more widely, that it understood by even one person is better than nothing!
Indeed, one person’s support can make all the difference in the world, James. 😉
The situation reminded me of when my daughter was 3 and my son, 6. She would sneak a pinch — a hard, spiteful pinch — on his arm and he would reflexively back-hand her. She would wail loudly, a real Drama Queen, “He hit me!” He would stoically protest, “But, she pinched me! I couldn’t stop myself!”
It actually took me about six months before I understood that she provoked these events. Usually, the first I knew of these altercations was hearing her wail hysterically over some abuse from her brother. He got the time-outs or lost priviledges as a result. I was so unfair to him.
Yes, his responses were out of scale with her provocations. If she stuck out her tongue, he’d push her off the sofa. If she jabbed him in the ribs, he knocked her to the floor. If she kicked him in the shins, he attempted to strangle her blue in the face. So it was easier for me to see his reaction instead of her instigation.
But, eventually, I caught on to my daughter’s manipulations and recognized her pseudo-victimhood was a set-up to cause her brother even more hardship. Thereafter, I laid down the law — when these altercations occur, you both get punished. Period. I only had to enforce this rule a few times before my daughter stopped harrassing her brother and peace settled over the household.
Let us hope that Booman learns faster than I did and recognizes that the whining provocateur and the over-reactive victim both need equal time-outs. Otherwise, we will all grow increasing disturbed by the inequality of his judgments.
There was definitely selective enforcement going on there. Parker would get publically scolded for saying something nasty about the DLC, and there’d be five or ten Partisans In Orange right there in the same thread saying nastier things about her with nary a reprimand in sight.
But I suppose they weren’t really members of the site, eh?
Parker was personally abusive to me in a long thread in which she equated a large group of people with whom she disagrees, and by implication myself, as equivalent to the Devil himself, and repeatedly refused to retract her characterization. It was plainly and simply a massive and egregiously abusive slander. And she did this after I had made the comment that I was persuadable to her POV and had found myself moving my position toward hers. It was the strangest thing I’ve ever seen on BT. I invited her to discuss the issue, told her I wanted to be persuaded to adopt her position, and was then told that I was Irredeemably Evil.
IIRC, BooMan saw that thread and commented on it at the time, asking Parker to engage in some real discussion with me as opposed to resorting to non-productive tactics. It was at least a month later that Parker was finally banned.
I never asked for Parker to be banned, but if it had been my site to run, and I had repeatedly made it clear that the main rule was “don’t be a prick”, I would have banned her on the spot for that incident and that incident alone.
Many of Parker’s defenders seem to attribute her banning to things other than the type of behavior that I experienced. I don’t. I think that BooMan probably showed too much restraint in moving to ban her, and that he should have done it sooner.
IMO, Parker was clearly and flagrantly and repeatedly abusive. I feel that the claims of “selective enforcement” are over the top. It is true that I and others have, on occasion, devolved into less than honorable discourse, but most of us have been able to recognize when we have gone over the line and we make our faulty posts increasingly rare. Occasional mistakes should be tolerated and overlooked, but when abuse and slander become a person’s modus operandi, that person should be banned.
Free speech has its limits. Crying “fire” in a crowded theatre when there is no fire is not protected speech. Likewise, here at BT, free speech ends when abuse and slander by one person take over thread after thread. I agree with that rule, as the main reason I have chosen BT as my primary home in the ‘sphere is because of rampant abuse and slander at other sites.
I forgave Parker and moved on. I even threw her a line in ejmw’s twine-net diary. I miss some of Parker’s input, too. But I’m not sad to see the main rule at BT enforced, occasionally, when necessary.
are you talking about this?!
If not please point me in the right direction.
If SO, then this is what I have been railing against for (it seems like forever now…) — you felt how you felt and I will not discount that AT ALL. However, if EVERYone just needs to “suck it up” (as I was basically told to “be respectful” to people who were calling me delusional, trying to blame reading my comments for burning themselves, etc. etc.), then, well, seems that that should apply across the board, not just to the “favored” few — and I’ll continue to say it until my STFU becomes permanent.
My apologies also, but I didn’t restart the arguments all by myself…
I tried to say above that I did just suck it up and move on where Parker was involved. I am not able to track all the activity that goes on here, so I have no real idea of who the repeat offenders are. In the cases of shadowthief and parker I did enough research to convince me that the bulk of their comments were unhelpful, imo.
As for anyone else, including your current dispute, I have no clue, as I have not followed it and I haven’t had much time to examine the issue(s). This is no reflection on my desire to understand you and the conflict at hand, I’ve just had some seriously pressing issues to attend to of late.
I have always thought highly of you and hope that you will find a way to stay here. I appreciate your interest in fairness and I support your efforts in that regard.
I will say, though, that if the system of justice -whatever it may be- sometimes doesn’t catch and punish an offender, it does not necessarily follow that the offenders who WERE caught and punished were treated unfairly. It merely means that the sytem of justice is imperfect – and what system isn’t? I also believe in a system that prefers not to catch some offenders if the alternative is that the system becomes so broadly enforced that it also punishes some who are innocent, or some who merely inadvertently violate a lesser rule. In the context of online blogging, focusing on repeat offenders seems to be a good compromise.
I do believe that arguing for improvement in the system is valid and desirable. I would engage in a discussion with anyone who was truly interested in improving the system. I saw many comments in ‘those’ diaries that were only interested in tearing down the existing system and as I am not an anarchist, I could not support those efforts. I also saw some very interesting efforts to discuss a new system, but as a programmer and a realist I also understand how difficult such changes would be to implement. I’m not saying it wouldn’t be worth it, just that the idea put forward there would be difficult and time-consuming for everyone involved.
I must go away now, but will return much later tonight to check back in with you brin. Again, I wish you well.
same thing happened to me, incidentally, when members of the Orange Brigade followed me over here and started posting nasty shit to and about me: I was the one who then got the “reprimand” in the form of a private email telling me to drop the subject.
No doubt in my mind that there is selective enforcement of the “don’t be a prick” rule going on here, but whatdya gonna do?
STFU in a different form, eh?
it’s all part and parcel as far as I can see.
As BooMan said on Friday, we all have different levels of acceptance, and that’s FINE, the thing I have my problem with is DOUBLE-STANDARDS and/or denial.
That’s my problem too: the double-standards. Compared to some other posters, Parker has been the very model of good behaviour. And yet they get let off without so much as a warning. The only visible difference? The direction their ire’s pointed.
C’mon, Bri, denial and double-standards: that’s the stuff this country’s made of–you’re bordering dangerously close to sounding like one of those America-haters. 😉
yepper, that’s me, the big HATER, yep. America, BMT, you know, anything that happens to be in front of me at the moment, hate, hate, hate, hurt, hurt, hurt. That’s what I’m ALL about!
How’s the new blog project going? Still bare bones? Let me know if you need any help putting the meat on!
Yeah, I hear you on that hate business–it’s my number-one selling product, dontchaknow!
I pride myself on being one of the biggest, baddest, meanest motherfucking hatemongers in the blogosphere. 😉
Unfortunately, the player-haters have put something of a damper on my otherwise nearly insatiatable urge to write, and I haven’t added anything to the blog since the Pinter speech. But I did go out and install a sitemeter today (now that the high traffic of the haters has probably died down and I can’t go out there and cull their ISPs or get a big ol’ ego boost from their hits and google-fits. lol!).
Would like to add some links (for example to Left End of the Dial and a number of other Tribbers, don’t know how to do that either).
Anyway, you can get to it from the “Historical Footnotes” link in my sig. Do you have a blog, remind me….and kick me if I should know this (hyper multi-tasking can get confusing you know).
At least I’m finally getting some real work done. That’s an improvement.
In solidarity,
Nah, no blog … hyper-multi-tasking, I like that! am, that, er, I mean…huh? oh!
I don’t see alink in your sig — is it just historical footnotes. org or something?
Real work…I hear that, I’m keeping track of every word I write and if the Non-dissertaion words start to outnumber the dissertation words, then I know I have to again reshuffle the hyper-multi-priorities! 😉
in solidarity right on back atcha.
Yeah, it’s “Historical Footnotes” dot com. Nothing fancy, just a blogger acct.
Didn’t know you were working on a diss. What’s it in? (You can email me at home if you don’t want to reveal here…fuck it, since it’s now all over the Net anyway….friedberg at chidjembe dot com.
As I recently said to a friend, you never know where the energies you invest will lead, what kind of threefold whatever they will bring back on you….last time I “blew up a liberal blog” I got a husband out of the deal (yeah, that was the big black guy who came in and told the Lilian-bashers: Hey, I’m from Chicago and here in Chicago, we like people who think different(ly), so y’all just let me know when you’re done burning the witch).
He later warned them, “Hey, I’m about the only minority you got left, so just keep it up….”
Years later, after I’d LONG SINCE (as in YEARS long) forgotten about them and shitstorms past, when they dragged all that old shit out of the closet and started bashing me AGAIN (for an article that has now been published THREE times by legitimate print venues, i.e. with real world editors making the call)….after I’d since picked up a few “real” credentials (among other things, a PhD), he didn’t bother fighting with them, no, he went directly to their “superiors” and told them to cease and desist with their public defamation of a respected academic professional….
Yeah, and I guess that’s kind of related to my question about your diss….been there done that and willing to lend support in that endeavor if need be.
And thanks — for what it’s worth, Ph.D. or no, I think you have big time cred!
And as I always say in RL (and am starting to online…just recently):
Eh. Fuck ’em if they can’t take you/me as I/you am/are! (I am a schtizophrenic Texan after all….)
Hey, dear, whether in RL or online: I am a starkravinglunaticradical–that’s my story and I’m STICKING to it (tip o the hat to ductape)
Fuckem if they can’t take a joke.
It’s the jew in me, sorry people, and if you think the public spat is bad, y’all should see what happens when the Indian in me decides to bitch-slap the Jew:Now, that, my dear, was totally out of line and not at all congruent with Native American codes of conduct.
Well those Native American Codes of Conduct never reckoned with the outbreak of full-blown fascism in this country, did they.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Looking forward to your email, Brin.
Carry on.
Hi. You’ll need to edit the template of your blog. From the blogger dashboard, click on the link to your blog. From there you should see four links labeled “posting” “settings” “template” and “view blog”. Click template and then you’ll get a new screen, that will allow you to edit the elements in your blog template. Scroll down til you reach something that looks like this: “<!– Begin #sidebar –>”. Below that notation will be a sidebar that already has a link to Google News – I used that link as a basis for understanding how to add a few blog and website links. I’ve done quite a bit of tinkering around – mostly trial-and-error, as I’ve fixed my blog up.
Anyhoo, see if that helps. 🙂
That worked.
Dunno. Tried the Blogrolling thing too–which has apparently worked (inasmuch as THEIR link is now visible!, but the two links I added that way are not visible…..I’ll deal with that another day.
For now, got you and Ductape linked up at least.
and sign up, it is free, and it will spit a gibbet of code at you that you can copy and paste into your blog’s template.
Then anytime you want to add a link go to blogrolling and do it and it will be magically on your blogroll.
The only thing is, if you are lazy like me, it may take you some time to get around to adding them.
That is why yours is not on my blogroll yet.
Thanks to both you and James on these tips. I’ll come back to them.
And yes, Ductape, yours is one I’d like to add as well.
Indeed, laziness is the operative term here.
The aftermath of the shitstorm is still lingering on my tongue and spirit…
Right now, I’ve got that creeping feeling that there’s another “brainstorm” (as I am wont to call my writing frenzies) coming on–and that is never a good time for “administrative” tasks….all in good time.
You guys are great–and for all the BS we put up with, for all the flaws of each of these respective sites–this kind of networking makes up for it, imo. Folks like you and James and many others (big tip of the hat to mberst and others over at PI) restore my sorely shaken faith in humanity.
guess it’s not time to “secede” yet! lol. 😉
(but god, if this brainstorm would just hit….fingers itching at the keyboard, but the brain just ain’t ready to cooperate yet. Argh.)
see my response to James above.
Can’t quite figure out how to make the thing work.
I pasted the gibbet, and added the links, but all that appears on the site is the blogrolling logo and link.
I’d rather have individual blogs like yours and James in one spot and other links (community blogs, fav news sites, etc. in another).
Thought that I could link up individual blogs through blogroller, then leave the other space for links, but that’s not working just yet.
of attempt at message management, here, or anywhere else you post at all, Resist. Not by removing yourself, but on the contrary, by posting more.
No one can manage your message. It’s a good one, and this diary is an excellent example of it.
What Ductape said.
But of course, you already know how I feel. :<)
This diary is reason #401 that you should keep cross-posting. You consistently churn out quality material, bringing to light things folks don’t know–even people who consider themselves well-informed.
I agree wholeheartedly. My heart leaped to see your diary, Madman. We need your words and wisdom here, more!
I stayed out of the last discussion, but I want you to know Madman that I miss your voice and passion here, as well as Parker’s.
Thank you for this diary, Madman. I sincerely hope it’s impact is not overshadowed by ongoing side conflicts, because what you say here truly needs to be heard and attended to by all of us.
THank you for your voice and your passion.
I agree, scribe, “ongoing side conflicts” aside.
Though I DO think that most people here are capable of multi-tasking.
Heck, I’ve been able to read and digest Madman’s diary, the “on-going side conflict” and keep an eye on my baby daughter all at the same time. 🙂
My youngest is two and, man-o-man, does HE require a whole ‘nother part of the brain! 😉
not found in persons who have no tiny children while they try to do purely intellectual work. The parental lobe, specifically allows for multitasking – via selective hearing (deaf to whining and crying), selective vision (mess? dirt? where?), release of large quantities of adrenalin, enlargement of the caffeine duct, etc.
Ahem. Some of us intellectual types consider the products of our minds not all that different from the products of our wombs. So, for example, I regularly speak in terms of my “dead Nazis” “squawking” at me for attention from their plastic box in the corner; some of my more intelligent and literate “children” haul me out of bed in the middle of the night with their insistent yowling–.
There’s more than one way to “reproduce” yourself. 😉
I used to refer to my master’s thesis as my baby, just before I learned that I was going to become a dad. It and that dissertation were about as close as I’ll ever get to even remotely experience giving birth. My wife might beg to differ of course. 🙂
Hey. I’ve got a “baby” that had at least 100 midwives (most of them men), went through a 13-yr. gestation period, and I’ve been in labor with it for the past 2 yrs. or so (I’m about to kill the publisher/physician because the pain of this last stretch is killing me)!
It was the subject of my dissertation–the diss is long since finished (the afterbirth came early).
God it pisses me off so much that it still hasn’t come. Here’s a taste (not the first one I’ve posted here)…. (note: If you like Vonnegut, you will LOVE Bachmann…guarantee).
Curriculum Vitae
a poem by Ingeborg Bachmann
English translation, Lilian Friedberg copyright 1993-2004!
The night is long,
long for the man
who cannot die, his
naked eye staggers long
beneath the street lamps
blinded by drunkenness, and the scent
of wet flesh under his nails
doesn’t always numb him, o God,
the night is long.
My hair will not whiten,
because I crept from the womb of machines,
Rose Red smeared tar on my forehead
and in the strands of my hair; someone had
strangled her snow-white sister. But I,
the Indian chief, marched through the city
of a million souls, and my foot
trod on the souls’ isopods beneath a cowhide sky,
drooping with
the weight of a million peace pipes
gone cold. I often long
for the angel of repose,
and happy hunting grounds filled
with the helpless cry
of my friends.
With its legs and wings spread,
filled with clichés, youth clambered
over me, over pig-swill, over jasmine it crept
into the gargantuan nights with the secret of the square root,
the saga of death breathes down my window by the hour,
give me wolf’s milk and empty
the laughter of ancients
into my rasp, when I
fall asleep bent over the folios
shamefaced in the dream
that I might not be worthy of thoughts,
but play instead with tassels,
fringing with snakes.
Our mothers, too, dreamt
of their husbands’ future,
envisioned them powerful,
revolutionary and alone,
still, after the memorial in the garden
bent over the flaming weeds,
hand in hand with the rambling
child of their love. My disconsolate father,
why were you and yours silent then,
why didn’t you think ahead?
Lost amidst the fusillades’ flare, one night beside a cannon
that will not fire, the night is
damned long, beneath the dregs
of a jaundiced moon, in its bilious
light, above me, on the rail of imaginary power
the sled of brocaded history
sweeps by (I cannot stop it).
Not that I was sleeping: I was awake,
I took the road diverging between ice skeletons,
came home, wrapped myself arm and leg
in ivyand whitewashed the ruins
with what remained of the sun.
I observed the high holidays
and didn’t break the bread
before it was blessed.
In such vainglorious times,
one must pass quickly from one light
into another, from one country
to another, underneath the rainbow,
taking night as the radius
for a compass point in the heart.
Wide open. You can see the lakes
from the hills and the hills in the
lakes, and the bells of someone’s world
swing in the clouds’ belfries.
I am forbidden from knowing
whose world it is.
It happened on a Friday–
I fasted for my life,
the air was dripping with lemon juice
and fish bones stuck in my craw–
then I pulled from the filleted fish
a ring; tossed away
at my birth, it fell
into the stream of night and sank.
I threw it back to the night.
Were I not taken by fear of death!
Had I but the word,
(I wouldn’t misplace it),
Had I no thistles in my heart,
(I wouldn’t turn my back on the sun),
Had I no greed in my mouth,
(I wouldn’t drink the raging waters),
Had I not flung my eyelids open,
(I wouldn’t have seen the rope).
Are they hauling away the heavens?
Had the earth not taken me in arm,
I’d have long since been lying still,
I’d have long been lying
where night would have me,
before she flared her nostrils,
and reared her hooves
to new heights,
to the beat of the hooves.
Forever night.
And no day.
Indeed! I don’t recall saying wombs were involved. No. Wombs are neither necessary, nor sufficient to development of a parentalobe. I was referring to that lobe which grows in persons who have some (young, e.g. altricial, unable to care for itself) living thing that competes with human intellectual functioning.
Now, you are referring to another common, but also very little known lobe of the brain, the ruminalobe, sometimes called the illuminalobe. This lobe develops in response to deal with that exasperating mental product that will not allow sleep when tired, vacation when free of scheduled work activities, or recreation when escapism is highly needed and desired. No. Rumination persists. Lying awake at night occurs, followed eventually by illumination – turning on the damn light – and trying to quiet the infernal thing by either working on it or doing something else to occupy one’s mind. The body’s response to this is either to 1) go stark raving mad, or 2) develop a new lobe to preserve some semblance of normal life, thus, the ruminalobe/illuminalobe. As before, wombs are irrelevant to the process.
The youngest one is almost eight months old – she crawls, can pull herself up and stand (at least with the assistance of any convenient object such as a chair or table), and one of her hobbies is pulling on the tails of our cats. I also have a daughter who’s three and a half years old (and a son who turns ten early next year). I’ve become pretty good at keeping my attention on multiple persons and objects at once.
And not surprisingly, perhaps, having daughters has made me considerably more passionate about issues that affect their future (such as reproductive rights) than I already was.
I’ve got only sons myself, but no less interested in having them be ‘ware of the whittling away of rights…
And may I just say, about the little one: awwww?
I can feel teh cuteness from here~!
Madman, you are, as I said once before, Sensibleman. This diary is outstanding.
In my classes, I can’t directly advocate for political causes. However, I do have freedom to puncture holes in rumors, scientific untruths, superstitions, etc. Before any topic that hints at controversy, e.g. ADHD, sexual orientation, etc., I ask students to tell me what they have heard – not necessarily what they themselves believe. Strange ideas begin to tumble out: My students have heard that abortion is aimed at deliberately reducing the number of minority and poor children, abortion providers sterilize women, abortion is offered more to lower income & minority women than any other group.
Of course, these ideas are about as accurate as saying the theory of gravity is a rumor. Actually that’s what these ideas are, rumors. I am pleased to provide them with information to counteract these ideas, but there is the issue of credibility. When young women & men hear these things, they tend to believe them or not depending on who tells them. And I worry deeply about that.
My students do not like to be ridiculed, told they are ignorant, called names, labeled as ignorant, otherwise put down because they have heard and may likely believe these things. Tanya’s letter is the kind of thing that catches them, and ties the facts to real experience for them.
So, my special thanks, for helping my students.
makes my blood run cold.
There has been a history of selective abortions targetted to the black community in this country, especially during the 1920’s. The legacy of that is still apparent in some small measure in the African-American community.
And if I am not misremembering, isn’t Coburn accused of sterilizing (against her will) a young black women while he was practising medicine?
Given this, for the right to have brewed up a toxic mixture of anti-racism with the war on women’s bodies and rights. scares the shit out of me . It shows that the fight is even harder than I had already envisaged. We will have to work much harder to untangle these twisted threads and yes, I agree, Tanya’s letter, and others like hers, are essential to our fights.
or another scarier name for it would be eugenics which this country did practice up until the early 70’s I believe. For that matter I’m sure we still do but not as acknowledged.
I did a quick google … can’t find mention of Coburn and the race of the women (plural)he sterilized. The woman who sued him was white, going by some pictures I found, and I vaguely remember reading about a large number of them being American Indians … can’t find any links now to that effect though.
Strange ideas begin to tumble out: My students have heard that abortion is aimed at deliberately reducing the number of minority and poor children, abortion providers sterilize women, abortion is offered more to lower income & minority women than any other group.
That’s not so strange–it’s more like dots improperly and purposefully disconnected. Take, for example, Margaret Sanger. While she undoubtedly contributed to women’s self-determination, there were some nasty parts of her biography.
Consider: (taken from the piece, Sanger’s Legacy is Reproductive Freedom and Racism by Dr. Julianne Malveaux
That’s commendable. But there’s this:
Remember, she wrote this during an era of eugenics, forced sterilizations of Black women, lynchings and a bit later, the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments.
Add to that the well-cloaked fact that the anti-choice are driven (all or in part) by the fear of a declining white birth rate. (Funny how wingnuts talk more openly about the declining birth rates in Europe than they do here.)
So it’s not so strange.
But what does any of that have to do with women exercising their rights based on their own decisions? Not a thing.
The bottom line, of course, is that women, regardless of color, should have autonomy over their own bodies to bear children or not on their own timetables, and no one else’s. Being anti-choice does not equal an advance for people of color. It’s just another nationalist wet dream.
OK, so maybe you drop the wet dream. Just sayin’… :<)
…but they think our high abortion rate is a cultural failing. It’s life, etc., and they wished more women would use the adoption route. They also, btw, try to walk the walk. –Interested in social/economic justice issues, anti-war, etc. And the woman in another office in my building has raised many foster children (and I don’t think they were blood relations). So I think there are cynical/greedy people who use good-hearted people for cynical means by harping on the LIFE issue but keep other stuff from getting on the radar.
So I wonder how good-hearted people (religious or athiest) deal with the problem of sexist human biology. Our biology that means pregnancy (not sexuality and pleasure) is active for men and passive for women, but women get assigned the biological costs, not men.
The discussions I’ve observed or have gotten into have all, unfortunately, been polite variations of “you were born a women, suck it up”. I try to use the “that means you don’t believe that women should be/are equal to men” … and they look at me strange, as if I’m missing something obvious.
My PoV, is that–biologically–women have been made by nature to be weaker, in that we have a systemic susceptability to the burdens of producing the next generation. Which is sexual discrimination by biology, and–culturally & legally–there should be mechanisms to level the playing field, so women have an equal chance. (Affirmative action type stuff.)
How I understand the other viewpoint is different variations on “everyone gets different burdens & duties” … which, my PoV, is another way of saying “hierarchy is good”. It really gets my brain twisted into a knot. Because I don’t want to call these people bad/evil (they’re not), but it always seems to be a meme of “if we give women more resources and better birth control then there will be fewer percentage of abortions” and it seems to me thats a campaign of “if we make servitude more attractive more women will be happy with their lot.”
A lot of women want to be mothers and fathers and people who want to be parents to adopt — I’m glad; I’m glad for those children who are wanted and loved. But I don’t want to have cultural pressure saying I(we) were unnatural because we didn’t want to be parents.
As you and others have noted, there is a terrible history here, some of it related to abortion, other pieces less so. Students don’t all know the history, but they do mostly feel the distrust. Students who do not know the history find it very strange, and often hard to believe – that’s the strangeness I see, a perversion of good intentions (Sanger), or of the ethics of human service (physicians in the syphillis study), etc.
Those are issues that I have to discuss early in my class – otherwise all of the research basis for my instruction is pointless.
It’s clear that some of the anti-abortion advocates use this distrust to foster their own ends, which they never seem to fully disclose to these impressionable young students.
It’s clear that some of the anti-abortion advocates use this distrust to foster their own ends, which they never seem to fully disclose to these impressionable young students.
Yup. And thank goodness for you, that you discuss these issue with your students. These wingnuts, I swear, they’ve done such a mind-job on so many, but at least there are a people willing to be a resource.
The money that will now be diverted to these ‘Crisis Pregnancy Centers’ once again shows how taxpayer money is being used/given to basically evangelical fundie groups. These centers are misleading for the fact that they are not medically qualified or have medically qualified staff but are religious in intent.
They have nothing really to do with health care and everything to do with religious zealots. And in fact no less than the Attorney General of NY(Elliot Spitzer)has investigated the ones in NY.
Excellent diary. It really does seem, well not seem but is a fact we are going back to the truly bad old days where more and more rights of women are being taken away especially in the area of reproductive freedom to laws being circumvented in the area of sports for women..to well anything to do with women having equality in all walks of life.
Just how far does the American Taliban here want to take their assault on women? As far as they believe they can unfortunately. Barefoot and pregnant is not some tag line joke to them but a battle cry I think.
More reasons to work our asses off next year and get rid of these evil sickos before more damage is done. Thanks for an excellent diary, Madman.