Old Fristy’s donations to AIDS,
Resembling huge masquerades.
Used as payments for Bubbas,
And not earmarked for Rubbas,
Leaves much of the Third World waylaid…

Three more after the fold…
Colin Powell weighs in on rendition,
He implies that it’s just extradition.
Defends his protégée Rice,
From the world’s charges of vice,
Dirty secrets of global submission…

Old Dubbers scrubs his radio address,
Then seemingly proceeds to confess.
But His Majesty’s passion,
Seeks the truth to refashion…
It’s not a crime if he’s under duress…  

Bush rails at those who’ve leaked to the Times,
He accuses them all of high crimes.
And yet the truth does appear,
He had them wait for a year,
Then still couldn’t stop them?!? … sublime!