Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
wouldn’t let inspectors in. Bullshit. Saddam DID let the inspectors in, which led to Bush and Blair scratching their heads. Bush chose this war, he chose the timing, he had to hurry because the bogus intel was bubbling to the surface. And he killed how many Americans in the process?
Same old case for war and this is just after I listened to the repeat of meet the press with Condi, so I kind of expected exactly this speech.
I am so glad we are fighting over there, so as not having to fight here.
I’m switching back and forth between this and the Sunday movie on the WB — which is The Wizard of Oz. In a moment of irony(?) — given where they are in the story, the wizard should be revealed as a humbug right about the end of W’s speech. (They are on their way to get the witch’s broomstick right now.)
I misjudged W’s ability to sustain a thought and give a long speech. What was I thinking? The Lion, the Scarecrow and the Tin Man aren’t even in the castle yet.
the two intentionally placed photographs behind him. Hard to make out who, but maybe to make him seem like a “family man” rather than a cold, bubbled prick.
help Iraq government build the institutions of a lasting and functional government. Blue finger guy said “This is a thorn in the eyes of the terrorists”
reconstuct the country. 70% of Iraqis say things are going well. ??
May I add that when I asked my Iraqi friend Diva, if she was going to vote, she said “Hell No….” and I have not heard from her for over a month, nor does she write on the site she set up for Fullbright scholars in Iraq……so thanks Bush for keeping my friend safe.
Oh dear. I heard something on the news the other day about a group of Fulbright scholars from Iraq — I think they were in D.C. — and thought of your friend. Hope she’s okay.
Some mood-altering medications clearly cause diarrhea.
What a piss-poor, pathetic speech. Nothing new, only a changed tone of voice (though occasionally the ‘resolute’ seeps through, poor man).
My wife enjoyed the pix but had one minor reservation: putting Bush’s face on King Kong, she says, gives the impression that he’s more powerful than pathetic (something to that effect). My fave is the middle pic.
Gorillas and Chimps are apes not monkeys, and there is no reason to insult either with comparisons to Dubya. They are both more sensitive and intelligent.
Larry King just asked Biden if the President had swayed public opinion and Joe just said, “I’m not smart enough to know that.” Joe, couldn’t you just say you don’t have a crystal ball or something along those lines? On the days when I’m pissed at you Joe I’m going to remember that you can be brutally honest.
If I didn’t already know which was a D or a R, I would have had a hard time telling the difference between the two of them based on their comments after the speech.
Toni, you have just chosen to stage a NEWSTRIKE!!!. To some degree, so did mlk19569 above, who watched with the sound off. (Check THAT one out some time, by the way. For ANY politician or suspected liar. Any bad actor as well. TV as truth machine. You can see the resultant tics and mechanical jerks that are necessary for them to present an honest face as they cobble together all of the detours and evasions necessary to lie. See it plainly, without the distraction of the actual sound of their words. And who needs to hear what they are saying, anyway? Never anything new there. Never. Same old shit, always and forever. “The most important thing in life is sincerity. If you can fake that, you’ve got it made.” Hollywood movie producer Sam Goldwyn. Yup. Semi-President Butch. Living proof. Hell, you don’t even have to be GOOD at it.)
From Without a Doubt, a NY Times article by Ron Suskind published October 17, 2004 referring to a meeting he had with a “senior adviser” to Bush. Most likely Rove or one of his helpers, because the meeting was about the misadministration’s displeasure over an Esquire article he had written about Karen Hughes, Bush’s speechwriter. The meeting took place in the summer of 2002. Well after 9/11 but well before the invasion of Iraq.
”That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. ”We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
If they are creating new realities…living fictions, movies that draw real blood and kill real people…then as with any OTHER movie out there, if we do not attend, the movie fails.
No box office.
“King Con, the Movie. Tanks In The ‘Burbs!!!” (NY Times…the Variety of politics. Wish it would happen.)
So anyway…GOOD on ya, Toni.
Turn the motherfuckers off.
He is a Virtual President anyway. Turn off the little box in which he lives, and…POOF!!!
Thanks for the inspiration. Every time one of us turns him off, he gets a little smaller. I would no more watch one of his speeches than gouge at a paper cut on my finger with a screwdriver, myself.
Like any OTHER troll, if you ignore him, he will go away.
Speech sucks, what’s new, eh…but something that drives me up the wall and has nothing to do with his Iraq bullshit but his ending of ‘Peace on Earth Goodwill to Men’…get a goddamn clue bushie…that was retired 20 years ago as institutionally sexist and it’s either simply ‘Peace on Earth-or Peace on Earth, Goodwill to All’.
I see the consequences of those decisions when I meet wounded servicemen and women who cannot leave their hospital beds, but summon the strength to look me in the eye and say they would do it all over again.
Walter Reed more than anyone else in the government and I’d bet that he only has pictures taken at the request of the soldier or their family. Bush on the other hand, wouldn’t walk in the door without making sure his photographer had the camera loaded and the batteries fully charged.
The Honorable G. K. Butterfield
415 East Boulevard
Suite 100
Williamston, NC 27892
Dear Sir,
On this past Saturday, December 17th, George W. Bush publicly admitted that he has violated his Oath of Office with direct and willful violations of the 4th Amendment by authorizing unwarranted wire-tapping on U.S. citizens. Search without a warrant — and without that warrant expressing what is to be looked for – is, quite simply, unconstitutional. There is no law (and can be no law) which permits the President to direct anyone to perform searches without a lawfully obtained warrant. We are a nation of laws and no one — not even a President — is above the law.
It is your duty as my Representative in Congress to immediately initiate Impeachment proceedings against George W. Bush. Given the Republican majorities in the House and Senate, it is doubtful that this proceeding will succeed unless the members of his party remember to put country before party. But it is necessary to initiate a Bill of Impeachment to remind George W. Bush that he is not a king. It is impossible to protect the civil rights of Americans by violating them. I know it is Christmas and that you want to go home and be with your family. But this is a Constitutional Crisis and must be addressed immediately. Waiting until after the New Year to protect our Constitutional Rights is not acceptable. A Special Session of Congress needs to be convened without delay.
I stole parts of it from another poster who should stand up and take credit because I don’t remember who you are. And imagine my surprise upon discovering that my Congressman is a Democrat on the Armed Services Committee. Whoa! Baby, do your job!
Thanks sjct. You should know that I forwarded this letter to BostonJoe and MLR for use in their Operation Flabbergasted. I’ll be sending my copy today.
Bush the Imbecile displays once again that he continues to move aggressively farther and farther from reality. His monumental ignorance isgrowing daily by leaps and bounds, and his predatory narcissistic pathology is likewise becoming more and more aggressive.
Whoever programmed him for this speech has virtually no respect for the intelligence of the average human being; hence the relentless hammering on the idiotic and bogus themes Bush has been spouting since 9/12/01.
I’m sure the core of Bush’s delusional and denial afflicted base will be ecstatic about this speech, but I have a feeling the worm has turned and that he won’t be “winning back” anywhere near as much support for his ridiculous policy as he and his handlers imagine. It’s all just too irrational, and besides people are more woried about other things now, mostly to do with money and the lack of it in our treasury.
Saw Biden on both MSNBC and CNN and in both instances he “made a Repubican out of himself!”
Also, the way he lavishes praise on Zalmay Khalilizad, (former host of the Taliban and now ambassador to Iraq), I suspect Biden might be having a sexual affair with him.
If you think the War on Terror [confusing GWOT with the war in Iraq] is wrong, it’s because you’re a defeatist democrat who supports terrorism and is endangering our troops. We’re making progress in Iraq, so don’t count the number of war dead. Because Iraqis went to the polls again. Freedom in Iraq, under foreign occupation, will mean freedom for the entire Middle East. But we may have to attack Iran and Syria later on, to ensure the spread of democracy. “Our” work isn’t done, which freely translated means no one in my administration who supports this war will die in it. But many more Americans and Iraqis will die. GWOT will never be done, which means members of my administration and the GOP are sure to profit and stay in power [what Bill of Rights?] for years to come. Iraq = 9/11 = al Qaeda = GWOT x ad infinitum, but I didn’t really say that. Saddam evil! Terrorism, terrorism, terrorism, terrorism. 9/11. Saddam decided to go to war, therefore we were right to start a war. Democrats are cowards who cut and run. 9/11.
Rented ‘Cinderella Man’ instead – wow. I thought it would be less painful, and I could get the gist of george here today.
What I got when I read your comment was a flash of the revulsion that anti-evolutionists feel about monkeys, “No way am I descended from something like that!” It was horrible, I really do pity them.
the entire speech is focused on “terrorists”. iraq was gone in the first two sentences. still going….. and going….. and
Oh for crissake, he’s doing 9/11 again. Somebody will have to get a word count for “terrorist” and “terrorism”. Gotta go puke now.
I mean “terst” is a double shot in the drinking game Rumi made us in the Red Carpet pre-show.
P.S. I guess I’m a defeatist.
Not me. I’m a rejectionist. I reject the Bush misadministration.
Bush just said that on 9/11 we were not Iraq.
He also stated that we’re attacked when we ignore terrorists.
I’m watching with the sound off. His voice is like nails on chalkboard for me.
He needs some of Laura’s botox to get rid of the furrows on his forehead.
Look how expressively he’s learned to use his hands.
do a stint as a professional monkey trainer before going into da news biz? The only difference is that the actual monkeys threw less shit…
he’s quoting forged Zawahiri letters again.
didn’t catch that.
wouldn’t let inspectors in. Bullshit. Saddam DID let the inspectors in, which led to Bush and Blair scratching their heads. Bush chose this war, he chose the timing, he had to hurry because the bogus intel was bubbling to the surface. And he killed how many Americans in the process?
that Saddam disobeyed the ultimatum and chose war.
I’m trying to recall if that was by allowing the inspectors in or by turning over the records of the old weaponry.
Same old case for war and this is just after I listened to the repeat of meet the press with Condi, so I kind of expected exactly this speech.
I am so glad we are fighting over there, so as not having to fight here.
I’m switching back and forth between this and the Sunday movie on the WB — which is The Wizard of Oz. In a moment of irony(?) — given where they are in the story, the wizard should be revealed as a humbug right about the end of W’s speech. (They are on their way to get the witch’s broomstick right now.)
I misjudged W’s ability to sustain a thought and give a long speech. What was I thinking? The Lion, the Scarecrow and the Tin Man aren’t even in the castle yet. or
It is on C-Span 1
Is the US emblem behind Bush crooked? Look behind W on our right-hand side. If so, WTF? Is nothing treated with respect in that place?
a life-sized eagle bird cunningly biting the curtain pull. Everyone will want one. Wal-Mart will be sold out by Wednesday.
It’s the next magnet made in China to be slapped on SUVs I guess. Hmmm maybe I should start producing them now – could make a mint!
flag hanging…
the two intentionally placed photographs behind him. Hard to make out who, but maybe to make him seem like a “family man” rather than a cold, bubbled prick.
Well, it can’t get any fucking worse!
can’t get any worse? famous last words, methinks. After all, consider who’s in charge of Mess O’Potamia. 😉
3 critical elements
Defeatist, you too can be a part of the success.
70% of Iraqis say thing are going well
This is true. Actually, MORE than 70% of Iraqis say things are going well.
Over 90% of Iraqis who were asked the question, “How are things going?”, responded:
“Well…(not so good)”
I suspect that 70% statistic was made up by the same folks who handled the Coalition Provisional Authority and all those billions of dollars so well.
May I add that when I asked my Iraqi friend Diva, if she was going to vote, she said “Hell No….” and I have not heard from her for over a month, nor does she write on the site she set up for Fullbright scholars in Iraq……so thanks Bush for keeping my friend safe.
Oh dear. I heard something on the news the other day about a group of Fulbright scholars from Iraq — I think they were in D.C. — and thought of your friend. Hope she’s okay.
he’s at his worst when he’s seated. Notice the practiced hand gestures and phrasing. The writing sucks too.
“Defeatism” new meme
A new name for “you’re either with us or against us.”
You can’t undermine what you don’t have!
Some mood-altering medications clearly cause diarrhea.
What a piss-poor, pathetic speech. Nothing new, only a changed tone of voice (though occasionally the ‘resolute’ seeps through, poor man).
i will base my decisions on troop withdrawals on whether or not we get our contracts signed.
f*ck it, CNN has the transcript.
I have a feeling this is going to go over well with Republicans. They will think he is looking “sincere”.
its hard work
OMG! I just laughed milk through my nose.
How can anyone deny evolution? He certainly is a case study for intelligent design.
Heh. I just spent the last little while looking for a picture to go with my headline “Pure history man, a talking monkey!”
Click to see
“Spurious George”, because of the two stolen elections… ; )
Bible and bomb is so apt!
My wife enjoyed the pix but had one minor reservation: putting Bush’s face on King Kong, she says, gives the impression that he’s more powerful than pathetic (something to that effect). My fave is the middle pic.
Gorillas and Chimps are apes not monkeys, and there is no reason to insult either with comparisons to Dubya. They are both more sensitive and intelligent.
has he checked under his desk for missing WMD yet?
Accept the consequence? He’s never accepted the consequences in his life.
And the pictures are funny but really slow it down for us on dial up
what? no “may god continue to bless America?”
the nation the same way?
i think I’ve seen that on tape…he resigned when I was 5 years old.
He’s doing the post-speech recap on MSNBC right now.
it’s Williams and Pumpkin Head.
It could have been worse – it could have been Tweety fawning all over Bush and how Bush should be put on Mt. Rushmore.
i just caught the end of it.
he makes me wanna hurl.
I could barely hear Kelly O’Donnell from outside the WH over the heckling of protesters.
202-585-3885 if you are an idiot and support bush
202-585-3886 if you support the Democrats
202-585-3887 if you support “other”
Then call the White House, and then call your senators and reps.
Let them all know that bush is full of BS!
Larry King just asked Biden if the President had swayed public opinion and Joe just said, “I’m not smart enough to know that.” Joe, couldn’t you just say you don’t have a crystal ball or something along those lines? On the days when I’m pissed at you Joe I’m going to remember that you can be brutally honest.
If I didn’t already know which was a D or a R, I would have had a hard time telling the difference between the two of them based on their comments after the speech.
I didn’t watch. If he can’t live in reality, then I refuse the reality that he is the presnit.
Best comment so far.
Toni, you have just chosen to stage a NEWSTRIKE!!!. To some degree, so did mlk19569 above, who watched with the sound off. (Check THAT one out some time, by the way. For ANY politician or suspected liar. Any bad actor as well. TV as truth machine. You can see the resultant tics and mechanical jerks that are necessary for them to present an honest face as they cobble together all of the detours and evasions necessary to lie. See it plainly, without the distraction of the actual sound of their words. And who needs to hear what they are saying, anyway? Never anything new there. Never. Same old shit, always and forever. “The most important thing in life is sincerity. If you can fake that, you’ve got it made.” Hollywood movie producer Sam Goldwyn. Yup. Semi-President Butch. Living proof. Hell, you don’t even have to be GOOD at it.)
From Without a Doubt, a NY Times article by Ron Suskind published October 17, 2004 referring to a meeting he had with a “senior adviser” to Bush. Most likely Rove or one of his helpers, because the meeting was about the misadministration’s displeasure over an Esquire article he had written about Karen Hughes, Bush’s speechwriter. The meeting took place in the summer of 2002. Well after 9/11 but well before the invasion of Iraq.
If they are creating new realities…living fictions, movies that draw real blood and kill real people…then as with any OTHER movie out there, if we do not attend, the movie fails.
No box office.
“King Con, the Movie. Tanks In The ‘Burbs!!!” (NY Times…the Variety of politics. Wish it would happen.)
So anyway…GOOD on ya, Toni.
Turn the motherfuckers off.
He is a Virtual President anyway. Turn off the little box in which he lives, and…POOF!!!
He gone gone GONE!!!
Check it out.
Tell your friends.
I just posted a diary that is an expanded version of this comment if you are interested.
Virtual Preznit Butch. Turn him off off OFF!!!
Thanks for the inspiration. Every time one of us turns him off, he gets a little smaller. I would no more watch one of his speeches than gouge at a paper cut on my finger with a screwdriver, myself.
Like any OTHER troll, if you ignore him, he will go away.
Thanks again…
Speech sucks, what’s new, eh…but something that drives me up the wall and has nothing to do with his Iraq bullshit but his ending of ‘Peace on Earth Goodwill to Men’…get a goddamn clue bushie…that was retired 20 years ago as institutionally sexist and it’s either simply ‘Peace on Earth-or Peace on Earth, Goodwill to All’.
Wait a dog-gamed minute! From the transcript:
When did asshole ever vist a hospital?
He might have — but I’d guess the wounded were either hand-picked or simulated.
hate to say it, but he has visited Walter Reed on more than a few occasions.
I was all set to write a diary entry on his total contempt for the troops for not meeting with families or attending funerals when I saw the pics.
Walter Reed more than anyone else in the government and I’d bet that he only has pictures taken at the request of the soldier or their family. Bush on the other hand, wouldn’t walk in the door without making sure his photographer had the camera loaded and the batteries fully charged.
my Congresscriter tomorrow:
The Honorable G. K. Butterfield
415 East Boulevard
Suite 100
Williamston, NC 27892
Dear Sir,
On this past Saturday, December 17th, George W. Bush publicly admitted that he has violated his Oath of Office with direct and willful violations of the 4th Amendment by authorizing unwarranted wire-tapping on U.S. citizens. Search without a warrant — and without that warrant expressing what is to be looked for – is, quite simply, unconstitutional. There is no law (and can be no law) which permits the President to direct anyone to perform searches without a lawfully obtained warrant. We are a nation of laws and no one — not even a President — is above the law.
It is your duty as my Representative in Congress to immediately initiate Impeachment proceedings against George W. Bush. Given the Republican majorities in the House and Senate, it is doubtful that this proceeding will succeed unless the members of his party remember to put country before party. But it is necessary to initiate a Bill of Impeachment to remind George W. Bush that he is not a king. It is impossible to protect the civil rights of Americans by violating them. I know it is Christmas and that you want to go home and be with your family. But this is a Constitutional Crisis and must be addressed immediately. Waiting until after the New Year to protect our Constitutional Rights is not acceptable. A Special Session of Congress needs to be convened without delay.
I stole parts of it from another poster who should stand up and take credit because I don’t remember who you are. And imagine my surprise upon discovering that my Congressman is a Democrat on the Armed Services Committee. Whoa! Baby, do your job!
I just sent that to Rep. Nancy Johnson (R) in Connecticut…
Do you think she will act on it?
I’ll send one to Mike Michaud, Dem, Maine 2nd district.
Thanks sjct. You should know that I forwarded this letter to BostonJoe and MLR for use in their Operation Flabbergasted. I’ll be sending my copy today.
Bush the Imbecile displays once again that he continues to move aggressively farther and farther from reality. His monumental ignorance isgrowing daily by leaps and bounds, and his predatory narcissistic pathology is likewise becoming more and more aggressive.
Whoever programmed him for this speech has virtually no respect for the intelligence of the average human being; hence the relentless hammering on the idiotic and bogus themes Bush has been spouting since 9/12/01.
I’m sure the core of Bush’s delusional and denial afflicted base will be ecstatic about this speech, but I have a feeling the worm has turned and that he won’t be “winning back” anywhere near as much support for his ridiculous policy as he and his handlers imagine. It’s all just too irrational, and besides people are more woried about other things now, mostly to do with money and the lack of it in our treasury.
Dana Milbank just announced that Abu Gonzales will explain why we no longer have an inalienable right to the 4th amendment at 8:30 am EST.
Saw Biden on both MSNBC and CNN and in both instances he “made a Repubican out of himself!”
Also, the way he lavishes praise on Zalmay Khalilizad, (former host of the Taliban and now ambassador to Iraq), I suspect Biden might be having a sexual affair with him.
He does that shit with everybody. Think back to Condi’s confirmation hearings. “You’re lying straight to my face, but don’t go changin’. Love ya babe”
Thanks to whomever I borrowed it from. He looks so simple, so earnest, so so childlike.
If you think the War on Terror [confusing GWOT with the war in Iraq] is wrong, it’s because you’re a defeatist democrat who supports terrorism and is endangering our troops. We’re making progress in Iraq, so don’t count the number of war dead. Because Iraqis went to the polls again. Freedom in Iraq, under foreign occupation, will mean freedom for the entire Middle East. But we may have to attack Iran and Syria later on, to ensure the spread of democracy. “Our” work isn’t done, which freely translated means no one in my administration who supports this war will die in it. But many more Americans and Iraqis will die. GWOT will never be done, which means members of my administration and the GOP are sure to profit and stay in power [what Bill of Rights?] for years to come. Iraq = 9/11 = al Qaeda = GWOT x ad infinitum, but I didn’t really say that. Saddam evil! Terrorism, terrorism, terrorism, terrorism. 9/11. Saddam decided to go to war, therefore we were right to start a war. Democrats are cowards who cut and run. 9/11.
on victory.
Here is the best, smartest satirical website on Bush in my stupid opinoin.
It’s humorous and at times deeply insightful for my shallow brain.
Rented ‘Cinderella Man’ instead – wow. I thought it would be less painful, and I could get the gist of george here today.
What I got when I read your comment was a flash of the revulsion that anti-evolutionists feel about monkeys, “No way am I descended from something like that!” It was horrible, I really do pity them.