“I congratulate the candidates of MAS that have carried out a good campaign,” he said, referring to Morales’ Movement Toward Socialism party.
Media tabulations of official results showed Morales with close to 50 percent of the vote and Quiroga with between 31 percent and 34 percent.
To find out what this has to do with bird shit and why Bush already has troops in place for a new Bolivian war, please go below the fold.
Bolivia lost her coastline in a war over bird shit. Also called the War of the Pacific, it took place from 1879 to 1884. It was fought between Chile and Bolivia over deposits of guano and saltpeter that were being exploited by British interests.
A most interesting story about how this war started involves the British ambassador to Bolivia making the mistake of disdainfully declining a cup of Bolivian beer at an official function. Bolivian officials were so offended by his condescending attitude that they dragged him through the streets of La Paz tied across the back of a donkey, then forced him to drink a whole barrel of the brew. This is said to have enraged Queen Victoria and to have led to the instigation of the Bird Shit War.
I don’t know how much of the above is fact, but the war was very real, as was the loss of Bolivia’s only access to the sea and the guano and saltpeter deposits. British officers fought on the Chilean side while Germany and the US egged on the Bolivians.
The War of the Pacific is but one example of how foreign powers have long treated Bolivia and exploited its resources.
Another example is the Bolivian tin mines run by local tin barons on behalf of US corporations. Thousands of miners to died due to a combination of inhumane working conditions and starvation wages. This is what brought Che Guevara to Bolivia and cost him his life.
Yet another example of exploitation was the privatization of water (from Wikipedia):
Bolivian’s believe the huge deposits of natural gas under their country, an estimated 1.5 trillion cubic meters worth over 1.2 billion USD was also taken from them. To exploit the reserves, a consortium called Pacific LNG was formed by the British companies BG Group and BP, and Spain’s Repsol YPF. The agreement with the consortium gave Bolivia only 18% of the future profits from the exportation of the gas. This and a host of other issues led to two recent periods of intense civil insurrection. Many among Bolivia’s poor would like to see the gas and related infrastructure nationalized and the profit used to benefit all citizens, two thirds of whom live in poverty.
As if that were not enough, the US backed coca eradication program took away one of the only crops available to many Andean farmers. So it is no surprise that “Long live coca! Yankee go home!” is the “war cry” of the Aymaras and Quechuas, original nations of the Andes and strong constituents of Bolivian Presidential candidate Evo Morales an an Aymara Indian himself.
A BBC story about the elections in Bolivia is titled “Bolivia candidate ‘US nightmare'”. Indeed, Morales wants to legalize Coca growing, and is an ideological ally of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. “I am not a drug trafficker,” he once said. “I am a coca grower. I cultivate coca leaf, which is a natural product. I do not refine [it into] cocaine, and neither cocaine nor drugs have ever been part of the Andean culture.”
He seeks national control over Bolivia’s huge gas reserves to bring the benefits of the nation’s hydrocarbons to the people. He is also a fierce critic of the US, and he could become the country’s first indigenous head of state. Many feel he will undermine US influence in the region.
“The hour has arrived when we liberate ourselves completely. I feel a wave of uprising and rebellion all around Latin America and a growing courage to stop our subjugation at the hands of the North American empire.”, Evo Morales said.
There is more at stake here than just the presidency of one small South American country. This is part of a shift to the left by much of Latin America. And some think Bush will go to war to prevent its spread, and they have pretty good evidence. The map below shows the situation. This is a great interactive map and it worth going to the original BBC page to click on the links.
For more background and reason to worry about another Bolivian war, please read ManfromMiddletown’s diary. I’ll add a little of what I’ve found below.
This is by Benjamin Dangl from Canada’s The Dominion:
White House officials are using rhetoric about terrorist threats in the tri-border region (where Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina meet) in order to build their case for military operations, in many ways reminiscent to the build up to the invasion of Iraq. [1]
The tri-border area is home to the Guarani Aquifer, one of the world’s largest reserves of water. Near the Estigarribia airbase are Bolivia’s natural gas reserves, the second largest in Latin America. Political analysts believe US operations in Paraguay are part of a preventative war to control these natural resources and suppress social uprisings in Bolivia.
Argentine Nobel Peace Prize laureate Adolfo Perez Esquivel commented on the situation in Paraguay, “Once the United States arrives, it takes it a long time to leave. And that really frightens me.” [2]
The Estigarribia airbase was constructed in the 1980s for US technicians hired by the Paraguayan dictator Alfredo Stroessner, and is capable of housing 16,000 troops. A journalist writing for the Argentine newspaper Clarin, recently visited the base and reported it to be in perfect condition, capable of handling large military planes. It’s oversized for the Paraguayan air force, which only has a handful of small aircraft. The base has an enormous radar system, huge hangars and an air traffic control tower. The airstrip itself is larger than the one at the international airport in Asuncion, the Paraguayan capital. Near the base is a military camp which has recently grown in size. [3] -snip-
The proximity of the Estigarribia base to Bolivian natural gas reserves, and the fact that the military operations coincide with a presidential election in Bolivia, has also been a cause for concern. The election is scheduled to take place on Dec. 4, 2005. Bolivian Workers Union leader Jaime Solares and Movement Toward Socialism (MAS) legislator Antonio Peredo, have warned of US plans for a military coup to frustrate the elections. Solares said the US Embassy backs right wing ex-president Jorge Quiroga in his bid for office, and will go as far as necessary to prevent any other candidate’s victory.
And here are some details from Helis.com

· The Estigarribia airbase was constructed in the 1980s for US technicians hired by the Paraguayan dictator Alfredo Stroessner, and is capable of housing 16,000 troops
· The base has an enormous radar system, huge hangars and an air traffic control tower. The airstrip itself is larger than the one at the international airport in Asuncion, the Paraguayan capital. It’s oversized for the Paraguayan air force, which only has a handful of small aircrafts
· Pope John Paul II was there in May 1988 when he visited the town of Santa Teresita, 3 kilometers away
· Estigarribia has a population of about 2000, which 300 belongs to the 6th Infantry Division, 3rd Corps, paraguayan army garrison
· On a May 2005 agreement, Paraguay allows United States to use the base
The location is 22 deg 2 mins S / 60 deg 37 mins W
This is from Foreign Policy In Focus:
Paraguayan denials that Mariscal Estigarribia is now a U.S. base have met with considerable skepticism by Brazil and Argentina . There is a disturbing resemblance between U.S. denials about Mariscal Estigarribia, and similar disclaimers made by the Pentagon about Eloy Alfaro airbase in Manta , Ecuador . The United States claimed the Manta base was a “dirt strip” used for weather surveillance. When local journalists revealed its size, however, the United States admitted the base harbored thousands of mercenaries and hundreds of U.S. troops, and Washington had signed a 10-year basing agreement with Ecuador .
The Eloy Alfaro base is used to rotate U.S. troops in and out of Columbia, and to house an immense network of private corporations who do most of the military’s dirty work in Columbia. According to the Miami Herald , U.S. mercenaries armed with M-16s have gotten into fire fights with guerrillas in southern Columbia, and American civilians working for Air Scan International of Florida called in air strikes that killed 19 civilians and wounded 25 others in the town of Santo Domingo.
The base is crawling with U.S. civilians–many of them retired military–working for Military Professional Resources Inc., Virginia Electronics, DynCorp, Lockheed Martin (the world’s largest arms maker), Northrop Grumman, TRW, and dozens of others.
It was U.S. intelligence agents working out of Manta who fingered Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia leader Ricardo Palmera last year, and several leaders of the U.S.-supported coup against Haitian President Bertram Aristide spent several months there before launching the 2004 coup that exiled Aristide to South Africa.
“Privatizing” war is not only the logical extension of the Bush administration’s mania for contracting everything out to the private sector; it also shields the White House’s activities from the U.S. Congress. “My complaint about the use of private contractors,” says U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsy (D-IL), “is their ability to fly under the radar to avoid accountability.”
And just to put things in focus:
When U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld visited Paraguay this past August, he told reporters that, “There certainly is evidence that both Cuba and Venezuela have been involved in the situation in Bolivia in unhelpful ways.”
A Rumsfeld aide told the press that Cuba was involved in the unrest, a charge that even one of Bolivia’s ousted presidents, Carlos Mesa, denies.
A major focus of the unrest in Bolivia is who controls its vast natural gas deposits, the second largest in the Western Hemisphere. Under pressure from the United States and the IMF, Bolivia sold off its oil and gas to Enron and Shell in 1995 for $263.5 million, less than 1% of what the deposits are worth.
Will this be Bush’s new war? If it is, we should call it the Chicken-Hawk War.
It’s a very good thing that Morales won outright.
It saves the country from a fight in the Bolivian congress over who will be president.
One of the other changes this year is the the different regions of the country had direct elections for governors who were appointed previously. I’m wondering what the response will be from the people in Santa Cruz, the wealthier eastern half of the country where the natural gas reserves are at. This area also supports Quiroga, and at the beginning of the year made rumblings about secession.
One of the consequences of the shift of power to the regions might be that Santa Cruz moves to limit the control Morales and the rest of the country have over the natural gas reserves.
I followed the link to your diary and was glad I did..which led of course to more links..all very informative. Depressing of course as is anything to do with big corps coming in and taking over making life more miserable for all…I had vaguely heard about the water war but the idea of charging people for goddamn rainwater collected on their own property must be a new low in all the many low big corps perpetrate on everyone…especially the poorest.
Bechtel, another longtime construction co. cum Defense Dept porker was the first to try to profit from privatization.
There’s more at BECHTEL VS. BOLIVIA
He still inherits a struggle with the World Bank & the Suez corporation.
Regarding the gas, Morales has benn very straight foward: first he will seek to provide gas to his country, and then he will care of exports. He still hasn’t said he will not rise prices, which will gain the favour of those corporations who own them, unless he seeks to nationalize in which case he will gain even more popular support.
The middle and upper class will probably huff and puff, but they will get over it pretty soon.
Thanks for the update. I’ve been quite interested in developments in South and Central America. Somewhere someone had commented (my memory is foggy, so forgive me) that the US under Bu$hCo may be having the same effect on our South and Central American neighbors as the Soviet Union had on Western Europe during the Cold War. To my mind that’s a good thing.
Cross posted on Daily Kos, should anyone care to recommend. Thanks.
Also, there was a big commotion because the US snatched Bolivia’s surface to air missiles,and had them destroyed. The Bolivian president said because they were obsolete, and Evo Morales has been saying that Bolibia is now defenseless.
Also interesting, Morales said that the gas prices are too low, and he will raise prices even to neighbouring prices.
Finally, another recent move not spoken about is that both Argentina and Brazil are going to pay out the debt with the IMF in its totallity by the end of the year. That means that the IMF will no longer influence the lives of millions. (Chavez has said that he would help with capital if needed). Bolivia is expected to become a member of the Mercosur.
BTW Chris, I like the colour of that map. 🙂
Say, do you have a cite for that missile snatch? I was racking my brains yesterday trying to remember where I’d read that.
I do but the are in spanish. Here here in english and in english as well
thanks so much!
Viva la Revolución Bolivariana!
After 500 years of struggle to throw off the yoke of one bestial horde of colonialists, another will not be welcomed.
Ordinary Americans will indeed be empowered to make some very great sacrifices as the warlords open new theatres so close to home. It will be a challenging test of America’s resources, and Resolve.
Great diary..makes it easy for even me to begin to understand what is going on in Latin America and what role the US also plays in all this. That so called sale of gas/oil to Enron and Shell wasn’t so much a sale as outright robbery.
That BBC link to that interactive map was very helpful also. As for bird shit war, I’d prefer to see birds waging war on bushie and drowning him in their bird shit or eating bird shit…he already talks like his mouth is full of bird shit.
Clarifying the hydrocarbon issue:
A long way from “nationalizing” a resource, a Morales government seems more likely to engage in hard bargaining, and to enforce existing tax laws. Multinationals may whine, but illegal contracts unenforceable, and laws are subject to change. They’ll get over it, and simply pass the increased costs on to their clients.
I see no “left” or “right” here, just a newly elected President seeking fairness and common sense policies for the Bolivian people.
oops, forgot the link.
Also Morales said that his priority is to provide gas to the Bolivian people, because only 1% has access to gas. Then he will deal not from the point of view of trans-national to trans-national but from State to State.
I like it!