There may be a NYC transit strike tomorrow — seems at this point to be more and more likely.
I am totally on the side of the TWU (the transit workers union) and support the strike, but I am also (quite selfishly) feeling very sorry for myself.
I have to go to school tomorrow (final exams to give) and that means at least 30-40 minutes of walking in the cold to get to one train station and having to wait there for some sort of shuttles. The whole is going to add at least another hour to an already 70 minute commute.
Maybe they’ll reach an agreement tonight…. Well, a body can hope!
True dat…it was on one of Bu’s early morning walks and about -6°, no wind tho…otherwise we wouldn’t have been there.
I’m discovering that digital cameras are much more sensitive to cold temps than my old SLR. W/ it you really only had to worry about condenation and brittle film, and it had to be brutal cold for that to happen. The dig’sresponse just seems to slow down.
Wow. That’s an absolutely stunning image, dada. It must be truly wonderful to live close to a site of such natural drama!
Our mountains don’t have that type of profile at all — they tend to look more like curvy ladies and/or muscled felines reclining. An environment like yours would be a very interesting change for me.
That’s because, of course, you have very, very old mountains and dada has very, very young ones. Geologists say that your mountains were once three times taller than they are now.
It’s warming up here in Seattle. Last week it was down in the 20s and 30s; for the next week, including Christmas, it will be in the 40s and maybe even hit 50. So that means no white Christmas for Omir again this year.
So far I have never, to the best of my recollection, been in a place where it snowed on Christmas. I wish it would, at least once, but I’m not ready to pack the bags and move to New Hampshire just yet.
Console yourself with this thought. Living somewhere were there is a possibility of a white christmas also means the possibility of friends and family being stranded at the airport. The weather people here keep harping on how sad that the weather on Christmas will be in the 40’s and there’s no chance for a white christmas. And yet, the years we do have a white christmas — all they do is complain about the havoc it wreaks.
I haven’t checked to see what the forecast is for the Cascades or Olympics over the weekend is. I certainly hope we have snow there, if for no other reason that we’ll need the water in the summer.
If it does I’ll enjoy it from the top of the ridge next to my house. My definition of a white Christmas, though, is I wake up in the morning and the snow is coming down outside, not just snow on the ground. Although I can’t think of any time we had snow on the ground either — most of my life we’ve lived here, or in the desert, or in central Texas. Maybe when we lived in Montana — but there isn’t always snow on the ground there either.
I’m finally done with my shopping after getting a really late start and being at a complete loss about what to get my kids. It used to be so easy to just make a trip down the Little Tykes or Fisher Price aisle and get some construction equipment or a workbench and be done with it in one trip. Then came the teen years and everything was electronic and 20x the price. Now they have most of the gadgets that I’m willing to get them and it’s so hard to come up with ideas. Even CDs are obsolete with Mp3 players. Oh, for Fisher Price again…
When I was a kid, personalized pencils were something I could only dream about. We got PJs and socks and, if we were lucky, the BIG box of crayola crayons with the built-in sharpener! Remember the smell? That and PlayDoh are the smells of my childhood.
You’ll have to tell me if this seems like the insult that I took it as:
I’m at the counter checking in for my doctor’s appt. and I have a small peace pin on my shirt and the receptionist says: “Hm, a peace pin and you smell like patchouli.” I was going to regale her with stories of my bra-burning days and the time I slept with 4 men on the same day, but I figured why bother?
And the witch couldn’t tell that it was lavender and sandlewood…..damn it!
Since I hate the smell of patchouli, I’m too biased to parse out whether she was insulting you or trying to buddy up to you. But someday you totally have to tell me that story about the 4 men in one day.
because we spent every day of our Christmas vacation working 13 hours days for no pay at the family business, except for Christmas day when we were only open till 1 pm.
Did you stay up to watch SNL with Jack Black? They had an animated Robert Smigel film (who does the Ambiguously Gay Duo films) but this was about how Jews love Christmas day because they finally get to go to all the trendy restaurants and shows and not have to deal with crowds.
But that doesn’t work for me because, of course, as a kid we were working at the store and as an adult I’ve never lived anywhere with trendy restaurants.
On Christmas day, Jim and I usually go over to the big and very popular state park that is just a few miles away from us and go hiking. 15,000 acres and we almost always the only ones there.
I am almost finished; just need stocking goodies and wrapping for the teacher presents. Although my younger son’s teacher really should be getting a sack of coal.
trying to get parents to make a donation to some charity of their choice rather than give him anything with almost no luck. Just a thought for next year.
I still don’t know what to get my daughter. And then when it’s all done I get to wrap it all — my least favorite part, because although I’ve been doing origami since I was a kid, somehow my mad folding skillz fail me when I try to apply them to wrapping paper around a three-dimensional object. Even one so simple as a rectangular cardboard box. Let’s not talk about anything even mildly irregular.
Don’t think I haven’t discovered this. I may just use them for my wife at least. She isn’t likely to snoop in them. The munchkin, I’m not so sure about . . .
the post office (so for those of you to whom I’m sending things, heh, they will be late), and naturally, it is very busy this time of the year. Everyone’s a little stressed out but mostly folks seem to be trying to make the best of a bad situation.
So we’re all standing there making small talk and lame jokes in a line that wraps around the counter, out the doors, and well into the lobby, when this older m/f couple walks in. And the woman marches right up to the doors and wedges herself through, explaining to the teen girls in the doorway, “I’m not trying to get ahead of you, I just want to check to see if they have an express line for General Delivery customers.” I smell bullshit right away but I realize I could be wrong, and I have an ethic about not being unnecessarily rude to strangers, so I don’t say anything.
Of course once the lady discovers that there’s no express line, she manages to find a “new friend” at the very front of the regular line, and totally butts herself right in while the rest of us have been waiting a half an hour. Then when she steals a turn at the counter, she does the post office equivalent of writing a check with no ID, running the clerk all over the place. There is no mail for her and she refuses to just accept that and move the hell on with her life. Even after she’s assumed that the rest of us don’t have time that’s just as valuable as hers, the lady does the exact same thing to the clerk, insisting that the clerk call other post offices and make 3 separate trips to tear apart the whole back room looking for something that clearly isn’t there.
Finally, as the lady and her companion were pulling out of the parking lot in some kind of brand spankin’ new Cadillac, I noticed a “W ’04” sticker on the back, and it took all the restraint I had not to run over to the window, shout at them that they are the small scale representation of everydamnthing that’s wrong with our country, and then flip them off with both fingers pressed firmly into the glass. But since I do not wish to spend this particular holiday season in jail, I just stood there looking like the irritated soccer mom that I most assuredly am not. Next time, I’m flipping the birds and jail be damned.
Gah, why exactly do Republicans think they’re so much better than other people? Why do they think that the rules, whether they be in the Constitution, international laws & treaties, or just at the damn post office, only exist for other people to follow?
The single bestest thing about having kids who are old enough to drive?….you can send them to the post office like I did today with my daughter. It is best prefaced with a comment such as: “Hey Ry, did I ever tell you about the time I spent 17 hours in excruciating pain with no anesthesia…?”
I dunno,…because God (or Pat Robertson) told them they are?? Just a guess. Thanks for a great story I will be able to pass along to some “Non Republicans” I know. Yep, there are a few of those still out there.
Last night my kids watched Bush’s speech while waiting for their regular programming to come on (I didn’t bother, myself). Today my ten year old told me that it was very boring because basically: “Bush said nothing. For 25 Minutes!
Saw Boston Joe at one of his book signings today in Brighton, Mi., where baby it’s cold outside, with about a foot of snow on the ground. Last three weeks or so have been a very rugged start to winter here. Joe (Terry Olson) seemed to be doing fine. Got him to autograph two copies of his new novel, “Direct Actions”. One for me, one for an X ah.. Holiday…oh what the hell, Christmas present for a friend. Has he ever told you it makes a great gift too?
Why are mondays so much like … mondays? Nice fire. Can I have a stick for a wiener? Then maybe some marshmallows? Or mayble I’ll skip the protein and just go for the s’mores.
Everyone wants to be Atrios. But he doesn’t have a nice fire at his site. My toes are warming up. And the s’mores were excellent. mmm mmmm I think I might be able to actually get up and accomplish something for a while.
Hello all. I just got back from a doctor’s appointment from hell. I had to drive two hours to get to the appointment and was an hour and a half early. It took seven months to get the appointment and I was making sure with traffic jams or whatever I was not going to miss this appointment. So after waiting for an hour and a half for my appointment it took two more hours until I got into see the doctor. Finally after that was over I had to wait for over an hour in the parking garage because someone’s car had caught fire two decks down. Then the two-hour drive back home and I’m exhausted. The worst thing is he looked at my chart and said, “lets keep going with the treatment we have”. Hell I could have called in for that. Modern medicine is at a low on my list at the moment.
Other than that, I’ve had a great day. I hope everyone else has.
Trust me after today I’m ready to drop him, but he’s supposedly one of the best neurologist in the southeast. I really wish there was some alternative, but with my insurance I’m fairly well stuck. At least I only have to wait for three months before my next appointment. So I’ll wait and see how things work out.
a pharmaceutical company representative, and was unable to see you for a couple of hours for that reason. Their visits tend to be somewhat leisurely, as little gifts are presented to the staff, and the various benefits to the doctors of prescribing their product are discussed with professional thoroughness and full color brochures of some of the more upscale Caribbean resorts.
If that was the case they should be flying this doctor around the world. It ended up for a 15 minute appointment I was in there for about 5 to 7 minutes. The thing that pisses me off so bad was there was not even the common courtesy of a small apology for the wait. Everyone I delt with there acted like it’s the run of the mill for any extra time.
with regards to migranes, which I believe you mentioned earlier, if you are consuming diet sodas, (which contain nutrasweet/Aspartame) I would encourage you to do a google on, “nutrasweet Aspartame”.
The resulting collection of URLs make for interesting reading. And I personally know people whose migranes pretty much disappeared when they quit diet sodas.
Thanks for the info. I’ve been coping with these for over twenty years and I’ve gotten to the point where I watch everything I eat and drink. I gave up any type of soda years ago, but I just can’t bring myself to give up coffee. That’s one of the big no-no’s. I had heart by pass surgery about three years ago and I can’t use the triptan medicines. So now they’re trying everything but those. I’ve been taking anti-convulsion medicine for the last year but to no avail. I’ve even had a bottle of Oxygen to breath on when it starts, but no help. As I told the doctor I’m willing to try anything as long as it not invasive.
I have German friend, who I’ve known some 35 years. To say he has weird eating habits would be an understatement, but he’s never been sick with so much as a cold in all the time I’ve known him, so he’s rather difficult to argue with over diet.
But he did tell me once that he had had a life long migrane problem, which he spent years trying to get the answer to.
So a couple of decades back he tried quitting red meat, and after some time, (I forget how long, maybe I’ll ask him sometime)the migranes went away and never came back. He’ll still eat chicken when out on the rode away from home, other wise it’s fish and veggies, beans, etc.
So just thought I’d throw that one out there for your perusal.
I’m not necessarily anti red meat myself, I just prefer bison to beef in that dept, (no hormones, no antibiotics, no mad cow…)
Best Wishes on the health challenges, they can sure be a bear cat some times.
Most people who have never had migraines don’t understand the excruciating pain involved. I’ve never tried to quit eating red meat, but that is one of the things I’ll give a shot at now.
Greetings, all! So glad to see you here — especially as I was compelled both last night and this morning to listen to a repressed dipsomaniac airing his maniacal delusions of grandeur in public.
My sympathies, katiebird. I think the continual reruns after an address of note are to assure that each & every American has the opportunity to be blessed by His Highness’ pearls of wisdom verbatim.
Me, I’m still parsing out what he meant by having ‘Pfizers’ .. ? Supposedly we all have Pfizers to assist us in the fight against terra. Or terrr.
Someone asked him why he doesn’t monitor communication from completely within the country if the threat is so big? And he said, we will, if we need to. We can.
An ongoing debate concerns the relationship between the ‘real George Bush’ & the various public personae: is he really as cracked and/or dim-witted as he appears, or is it Memorex?
After last night & this morning, my tendency is to believe the former.
Arrgh!! At the start of this cafe I posted a comment that disappeared because I hit “Send,” instead of “Post. Anybody else ever do that, as if you’re sending email? (No, kansas, you’re the only dumbshit!)
That’s what was in my vanished comment. ww, I’m sooo sorry it took me this long to give you the credit you deserve. Such a gorgeous photo!
I know I’ve read it before about how and where to post pictures, but I can’t remember which place to send the pictures to. I know there are three or four different places you can join, but I’ve forgotten the names. Which places do all of you recommend for joining.
With Tinypic you don’t have to sign up and maintain an account. Just post and link. Downside is 250kb limit and you have no control over the use of the image, nor can you edit or delete. Fine for stuff you just want to throw up or for using an image from another source w/out stealing their bandwidth. It’s a subsidiary of Photo Bucket, which I use for other things…like both services.
ImageShack was off line one day so I switched, seems to me photobucket is a tad more user friendly, I especially like it for loading more than one photo at a time.
Aha! Thank you for sharing this, Andi. Many folks’ photos — including yours — generally have a terrific clarity & vividness that mine don’t have; I’ve been wondering if the main problem is the server or my camera.
Sadly enough, I’m now sure it’s my camera. The poor thing’s been through hell, besides; she’ll barely function any more.
I had noticed that my pictures appeared somewhat flatter and darker in the browser than they did in my image editor so I usually make minor adjustments to the brightness or gamma correction.
But your pictures have looked good to me. The one of the creek was especially fine.
I’ve got my digital set on the max for file size on each shot, so I get somewhere from 500KB to 900KB, then I email them to myself (which asks if I want to downsize) so they’re downsized to 70-150? or somewhere in that range. Seems like that’s easier for me than to mess with a photoshop to downsize.
Whew! Pour me a stiff one of anything over 80 proof. Gonna do some diary whoring while I keep a sharp look out for guys in dark suits and glasses who have little wire thingies coming out of their ears running under their collars. What I wrote is probably gonna earn me a visit. At least some illegal government surveillance.
I am new to Booman tribune, so what is this like an opean-thread? Becasue the last I sat next to a fire was in some lawyers office, I guess that’s why his hourly rate was so high.
is a place for socializing. You can pretty much talk about anything you want. People post pictures, talk about their plans, what’s going on in their life, make a lot of jokes, philosophize.
There are usually two or three open threads per day on the front page which are more geared toward more political chitchat but you can do either type of talk in either place.
And welcome to Booman Tribune. Our hourly rates are quite reasonable and sitting by the fire is free.
And just so the newbies won’t be disappointed, I did visit the doctors today, and they looked at my meter, said “not too bad, come back in a month, double the Avandamet, double the Gabapentin, stop taking the hydrocodone every 4 hours and take oxycodone 3 times a day.
Hi,americanforliberty. Glad you dropped in, though I have to warn you that I’m about to open a new Cafe since this one is getting crowded.
These Cafes are not quite like open threads, although anything goes. Open threads tend to have more political topics, I’d say. Here, it’s more personal–life stuff, jokes, photos, relaxing and getting to know one another. And these are “mojo” machines, in that we tend to hand out 4’s like candy, mostly just to say, “I hear ya.”
These are also part welcome wagon, so we can say hi to newcomers like you. I hope you’ll come on over to the next Cafe and tell us something about yourself.
this dkos diary. i know it’s “over there,” but it’s an incredibly important story.
it seems that katrina relief funding is directly tied to arctic drilling, i.e. their relief package is structured around bidding revenue on drilling projects.
HI Kansas, I would sit by the fire but it’s a bit warm here today, 70’s I think, so will have to wait till it cools off here.
Hi everyone!
Hi, Diane! Just hearing that it’s 70 degrees somewhere in the world makes me feel warmer. Jealousy always warms the cockles.
I’ve heard that a strategically placed sock warms them as well.
lol! So that’s what Julie Andrews was singing about in My Fair Lady.
She’s such a perv.
So they say
the conference report which still includes Arctic drilling.
liveblog sandbox:
please go recommend it even if you don’t want to play
There may be a NYC transit strike tomorrow — seems at this point to be more and more likely.
I am totally on the side of the TWU (the transit workers union) and support the strike, but I am also (quite selfishly) feeling very sorry for myself.
I have to go to school tomorrow (final exams to give) and that means at least 30-40 minutes of walking in the cold to get to one train station and having to wait there for some sort of shuttles. The whole is going to add at least another hour to an already 70 minute commute.
Maybe they’ll reach an agreement tonight…. Well, a body can hope!
I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. It’s hard wanting the right thing — but realizing how much harder it will make your life.
Rules, ha.
Please recommend this baby and unrecommend the previous Cafe.
I’m not really hosting tonight. I meant to post this as froggybottom, our all-purpose, multi-personality entity, but I forgot.
I will supply the sticks for the hot dogs, though!
B4 last minute gift, or lack of, panic sets in.
It’s been reeeaaaal cold up here…

From the park not far from here.
The soft light actually makes the image feel much warmer than I know it is.
True dat…it was on one of Bu’s early morning walks and about -6°, no wind tho…otherwise we wouldn’t have been there.
I’m discovering that digital cameras are much more sensitive to cold temps than my old SLR. W/ it you really only had to worry about condenation and brittle film, and it had to be brutal cold for that to happen. The dig’sresponse just seems to slow down.
Wow. That’s an absolutely stunning image, dada. It must be truly wonderful to live close to a site of such natural drama!
Our mountains don’t have that type of profile at all — they tend to look more like curvy ladies and/or muscled felines reclining. An environment like yours would be a very interesting change for me.
That’s because, of course, you have very, very old mountains and dada has very, very young ones. Geologists say that your mountains were once three times taller than they are now.
Yes. Amazing, isn’t it? What a vision that would’ve been.
And they’re still changing, every moment of the day.
It’s warming up here in Seattle. Last week it was down in the 20s and 30s; for the next week, including Christmas, it will be in the 40s and maybe even hit 50. So that means no white Christmas for Omir again this year.
So far I have never, to the best of my recollection, been in a place where it snowed on Christmas. I wish it would, at least once, but I’m not ready to pack the bags and move to New Hampshire just yet.
Console yourself with this thought. Living somewhere were there is a possibility of a white christmas also means the possibility of friends and family being stranded at the airport. The weather people here keep harping on how sad that the weather on Christmas will be in the 40’s and there’s no chance for a white christmas. And yet, the years we do have a white christmas — all they do is complain about the havoc it wreaks.
Omir, if we happen to have a white Christmas here in the woods (that is, prettily falling snow), I’ll see if I can’t capture an image for you.
Christmas in the Olympics, Mt. Rainier, or the Cascades would be nice and I’m sure you’d have no problem finding snow.
I haven’t checked to see what the forecast is for the Cascades or Olympics over the weekend is. I certainly hope we have snow there, if for no other reason that we’ll need the water in the summer.
If it does I’ll enjoy it from the top of the ridge next to my house. My definition of a white Christmas, though, is I wake up in the morning and the snow is coming down outside, not just snow on the ground. Although I can’t think of any time we had snow on the ground either — most of my life we’ve lived here, or in the desert, or in central Texas. Maybe when we lived in Montana — but there isn’t always snow on the ground there either.
Yikes! There is melted marshmallow all over my computer screen! I’m licking it off now!
It is bitterly cold here this afternoon. Not bad this morning, but I thought ny fingers were going to freeze off when I got gas this afternoon…
So who’s finished getting ready for the holiday?
I’m finally done with my shopping after getting a really late start and being at a complete loss about what to get my kids. It used to be so easy to just make a trip down the Little Tykes or Fisher Price aisle and get some construction equipment or a workbench and be done with it in one trip. Then came the teen years and everything was electronic and 20x the price. Now they have most of the gadgets that I’m willing to get them and it’s so hard to come up with ideas. Even CDs are obsolete with Mp3 players. Oh, for Fisher Price again…
for all those jewish mothers out there trying to make sure the kids have something for 8 nights.
I can’t tell you how pathetic things get the last few nights. My favorite mom-is-disparate gift — pencils with our names on them.
When I was a kid, personalized pencils were something I could only dream about. We got PJs and socks and, if we were lucky, the BIG box of crayola crayons with the built-in sharpener! Remember the smell? That and PlayDoh are the smells of my childhood.
My childhood smelled like pot and patchouli. 😉
You’ll have to tell me if this seems like the insult that I took it as:
I’m at the counter checking in for my doctor’s appt. and I have a small peace pin on my shirt and the receptionist says: “Hm, a peace pin and you smell like patchouli.” I was going to regale her with stories of my bra-burning days and the time I slept with 4 men on the same day, but I figured why bother?
And the witch couldn’t tell that it was lavender and sandlewood…..damn it!
Since I hate the smell of patchouli, I’m too biased to parse out whether she was insulting you or trying to buddy up to you. But someday you totally have to tell me that story about the 4 men in one day.
As soon as I make one up I’ll tell you.
anyone who has had significant experiences with slug sex doesn’t need to be making up any stories.
She wasn’t even a real witch — or she would’ve known the difference 😉
because we spent every day of our Christmas vacation working 13 hours days for no pay at the family business, except for Christmas day when we were only open till 1 pm.
::looks pathetic and deserving::
::looks pathetic and deserving::
Now I know who taught that expression to your dogs.
Did you stay up to watch SNL with Jack Black? They had an animated Robert Smigel film (who does the Ambiguously Gay Duo films) but this was about how Jews love Christmas day because they finally get to go to all the trendy restaurants and shows and not have to deal with crowds.
I don’t stay up period.
But that doesn’t work for me because, of course, as a kid we were working at the store and as an adult I’ve never lived anywhere with trendy restaurants.
On Christmas day, Jim and I usually go over to the big and very popular state park that is just a few miles away from us and go hiking. 15,000 acres and we almost always the only ones there.
Tell me about it…
I am almost finished; just need stocking goodies and wrapping for the teacher presents. Although my younger son’s teacher really should be getting a sack of coal.
trying to get parents to make a donation to some charity of their choice rather than give him anything with almost no luck. Just a thought for next year.
(maniacal laughter)
I still don’t know what to get my daughter. And then when it’s all done I get to wrap it all — my least favorite part, because although I’ve been doing origami since I was a kid, somehow my mad folding skillz fail me when I try to apply them to wrapping paper around a three-dimensional object. Even one so simple as a rectangular cardboard box. Let’s not talk about anything even mildly irregular.
On the eighth day god created gift bags…
Don’t think I haven’t discovered this. I may just use them for my wife at least. She isn’t likely to snoop in them. The munchkin, I’m not so sure about . . .
About 8 more to wrap….then done for the year….
You guys all get a few extra days to prepare though…I need to be done by Tuesday night!
So…I guess I’m not as close to done as I would like!
Wrapping? You mean I need to do that too? oh, shoot…
Ok, I just got back from a trip to
the post office (so for those of you to whom I’m sending things, heh, they will be late), and naturally, it is very busy this time of the year. Everyone’s a little stressed out but mostly folks seem to be trying to make the best of a bad situation.
So we’re all standing there making small talk and lame jokes in a line that wraps around the counter, out the doors, and well into the lobby, when this older m/f couple walks in. And the woman marches right up to the doors and wedges herself through, explaining to the teen girls in the doorway, “I’m not trying to get ahead of you, I just want to check to see if they have an express line for General Delivery customers.” I smell bullshit right away but I realize I could be wrong, and I have an ethic about not being unnecessarily rude to strangers, so I don’t say anything.
Of course once the lady discovers that there’s no express line, she manages to find a “new friend” at the very front of the regular line, and totally butts herself right in while the rest of us have been waiting a half an hour. Then when she steals a turn at the counter, she does the post office equivalent of writing a check with no ID, running the clerk all over the place. There is no mail for her and she refuses to just accept that and move the hell on with her life. Even after she’s assumed that the rest of us don’t have time that’s just as valuable as hers, the lady does the exact same thing to the clerk, insisting that the clerk call other post offices and make 3 separate trips to tear apart the whole back room looking for something that clearly isn’t there.
Finally, as the lady and her companion were pulling out of the parking lot in some kind of brand spankin’ new Cadillac, I noticed a “W ’04” sticker on the back, and it took all the restraint I had not to run over to the window, shout at them that they are the small scale representation of everydamnthing that’s wrong with our country, and then flip them off with both fingers pressed firmly into the glass. But since I do not wish to spend this particular holiday season in jail, I just stood there looking like the irritated soccer mom that I most assuredly am not. Next time, I’m flipping the birds and jail be damned.
Gah, why exactly do Republicans think they’re so much better than other people? Why do they think that the rules, whether they be in the Constitution, international laws & treaties, or just at the damn post office, only exist for other people to follow?
The single bestest thing about having kids who are old enough to drive?….you can send them to the post office like I did today with my daughter. It is best prefaced with a comment such as: “Hey Ry, did I ever tell you about the time I spent 17 hours in excruciating pain with no anesthesia…?”
Yes, if I had them I’m reasonably sure I would completely abuse the “Run and get Mommy whatever” line.
I dunno,…because God (or Pat Robertson) told them they are?? Just a guess. Thanks for a great story I will be able to pass along to some “Non Republicans” I know. Yep, there are a few of those still out there.
Last night my kids watched Bush’s speech while waiting for their regular programming to come on (I didn’t bother, myself). Today my ten year old told me that it was very boring because basically: “Bush said nothing. For 25 Minutes!
You should have seen the outrage, lol.
Book that kid on CNN…
Saw Boston Joe at one of his book signings today in Brighton, Mi., where baby it’s cold outside, with about a foot of snow on the ground. Last three weeks or so have been a very rugged start to winter here. Joe (Terry Olson) seemed to be doing fine. Got him to autograph two copies of his new novel, “Direct Actions”. One for me, one for an X ah.. Holiday…oh what the hell, Christmas present for a friend. Has he ever told you it makes a great gift too?
Why are mondays so much like … mondays? Nice fire. Can I have a stick for a wiener? Then maybe some marshmallows? Or mayble I’ll skip the protein and just go for the s’mores.
you’ve been good, very, very good (he’s heard all about those Atrios quickies). So ….
He just wants to be like atrios (but without the cats).
Everyone wants to be Atrios. But he doesn’t have a nice fire at his site. My toes are warming up. And the s’mores were excellent. mmm mmmm I think I might be able to actually get up and accomplish something for a while.
Hey guys, hope everyone’s week goes well.
Hello all. I just got back from a doctor’s appointment from hell. I had to drive two hours to get to the appointment and was an hour and a half early. It took seven months to get the appointment and I was making sure with traffic jams or whatever I was not going to miss this appointment. So after waiting for an hour and a half for my appointment it took two more hours until I got into see the doctor. Finally after that was over I had to wait for over an hour in the parking garage because someone’s car had caught fire two decks down. Then the two-hour drive back home and I’m exhausted. The worst thing is he looked at my chart and said, “lets keep going with the treatment we have”. Hell I could have called in for that. Modern medicine is at a low on my list at the moment.
Other than that, I’ve had a great day. I hope everyone else has.
I dropped a doctor I’d been going to for 15 years over stuff like that.
And I told him face to face I was doing it.
Trust me after today I’m ready to drop him, but he’s supposedly one of the best neurologist in the southeast. I really wish there was some alternative, but with my insurance I’m fairly well stuck. At least I only have to wait for three months before my next appointment. So I’ll wait and see how things work out.
It’s just so damn frustrating after a while.
a pharmaceutical company representative, and was unable to see you for a couple of hours for that reason. Their visits tend to be somewhat leisurely, as little gifts are presented to the staff, and the various benefits to the doctors of prescribing their product are discussed with professional thoroughness and full color brochures of some of the more upscale Caribbean resorts.
If that was the case they should be flying this doctor around the world. It ended up for a 15 minute appointment I was in there for about 5 to 7 minutes. The thing that pisses me off so bad was there was not even the common courtesy of a small apology for the wait. Everyone I delt with there acted like it’s the run of the mill for any extra time.
with regards to migranes, which I believe you mentioned earlier, if you are consuming diet sodas, (which contain nutrasweet/Aspartame) I would encourage you to do a google on, “nutrasweet Aspartame”.
The resulting collection of URLs make for interesting reading. And I personally know people whose migranes pretty much disappeared when they quit diet sodas.
Thanks for the info. I’ve been coping with these for over twenty years and I’ve gotten to the point where I watch everything I eat and drink. I gave up any type of soda years ago, but I just can’t bring myself to give up coffee. That’s one of the big no-no’s. I had heart by pass surgery about three years ago and I can’t use the triptan medicines. So now they’re trying everything but those. I’ve been taking anti-convulsion medicine for the last year but to no avail. I’ve even had a bottle of Oxygen to breath on when it starts, but no help. As I told the doctor I’m willing to try anything as long as it not invasive.
I have German friend, who I’ve known some 35 years. To say he has weird eating habits would be an understatement, but he’s never been sick with so much as a cold in all the time I’ve known him, so he’s rather difficult to argue with over diet.
But he did tell me once that he had had a life long migrane problem, which he spent years trying to get the answer to.
So a couple of decades back he tried quitting red meat, and after some time, (I forget how long, maybe I’ll ask him sometime)the migranes went away and never came back. He’ll still eat chicken when out on the rode away from home, other wise it’s fish and veggies, beans, etc.
So just thought I’d throw that one out there for your perusal.
I’m not necessarily anti red meat myself, I just prefer bison to beef in that dept, (no hormones, no antibiotics, no mad cow…)
Best Wishes on the health challenges, they can sure be a bear cat some times.
he still drinks coffee.
Most people who have never had migraines don’t understand the excruciating pain involved. I’ve never tried to quit eating red meat, but that is one of the things I’ll give a shot at now.
Thanks again for the suggestion.
Greetings, all! So glad to see you here — especially as I was compelled both last night and this morning to listen to a repressed dipsomaniac airing his maniacal delusions of grandeur in public.
Hope all’s going well in your corner.
I think I’m listening to that repressed dipsomaniac being rerun right now.
My sympathies, katiebird. I think the continual reruns after an address of note are to assure that each & every American has the opportunity to be blessed by His Highness’ pearls of wisdom verbatim.
Me, I’m still parsing out what he meant by having ‘Pfizers’ .. ? Supposedly we all have Pfizers to assist us in the fight against terra. Or terrr.
Someone asked him why he doesn’t monitor communication from completely within the country if the threat is so big? And he said, we will, if we need to. We can.
The man is totally freaking nuts.
Agreed, frankly.
An ongoing debate concerns the relationship between the ‘real George Bush’ & the various public personae: is he really as cracked and/or dim-witted as he appears, or is it Memorex?
After last night & this morning, my tendency is to believe the former.
Several people have made the very believable argument that he is a sociopath.
sociopath. seriously, I believe it.
Yes, he seems to conform to the accepted criteria. In my opinion, this already relegates him to a certain hell of his own.
Military Mulls Use of ‘Star Trek’ Weapons
Thanks for the link, NDD. An interesting concept: Star Trek weaponry vs IEDs ..
Interesting name for the Raytheon project, too: ‘Active Denial’.
Arrgh!! At the start of this cafe I posted a comment that disappeared because I hit “Send,” instead of “Post. Anybody else ever do that, as if you’re sending email? (No, kansas, you’re the only dumbshit!)
That’s what was in my vanished comment. ww, I’m sooo sorry it took me this long to give you the credit you deserve. Such a gorgeous photo!
I’m sure I would do it if the button was there. A send button? I don’t think I’ve got one here?
No Send button. It’s dumber than that. I hit Control and S.
<smile> Not to worry at all, kansas. The fire belongs to us all.
Thanks for your kind compliment.
I know I’ve read it before about how and where to post pictures, but I can’t remember which place to send the pictures to. I know there are three or four different places you can join, but I’ve forgotten the names. Which places do all of you recommend for joining.
I use Photobucket. There’s also ImageShack, and I think dada uses TinyPic.
Thanks, I go look at the right now.
With Tinypic you don’t have to sign up and maintain an account. Just post and link. Downside is 250kb limit and you have no control over the use of the image, nor can you edit or delete. Fine for stuff you just want to throw up or for using an image from another source w/out stealing their bandwidth. It’s a subsidiary of Photo Bucket, which I use for other things…like both services.
The two most popular are Photobucket and ImageShack.
I use Photobucket and I’m happy with it.
ImageShack was off line one day so I switched, seems to me photobucket is a tad more user friendly, I especially like it for loading more than one photo at a time.
Aha! Thank you for sharing this, Andi. Many folks’ photos — including yours — generally have a terrific clarity & vividness that mine don’t have; I’ve been wondering if the main problem is the server or my camera.
Sadly enough, I’m now sure it’s my camera. The poor thing’s been through hell, besides; she’ll barely function any more.
I had noticed that my pictures appeared somewhat flatter and darker in the browser than they did in my image editor so I usually make minor adjustments to the brightness or gamma correction.
But your pictures have looked good to me. The one of the creek was especially fine.
Thanks, Andi. I’m sure I’ll keep posting images regardless — & try tweaking as you suggest.
I’ve got my digital set on the max for file size on each shot, so I get somewhere from 500KB to 900KB, then I email them to myself (which asks if I want to downsize) so they’re downsized to 70-150? or somewhere in that range. Seems like that’s easier for me than to mess with a photoshop to downsize.
Whew! Pour me a stiff one of anything over 80 proof. Gonna do some diary whoring while I keep a sharp look out for guys in dark suits and glasses who have little wire thingies coming out of their ears running under their collars. What I wrote is probably gonna earn me a visit. At least some illegal government surveillance.
Damn the icebergs! Full speed ahead!
I am new to Booman tribune, so what is this like an opean-thread? Becasue the last I sat next to a fire was in some lawyers office, I guess that’s why his hourly rate was so high.
is a place for socializing. You can pretty much talk about anything you want. People post pictures, talk about their plans, what’s going on in their life, make a lot of jokes, philosophize.
There are usually two or three open threads per day on the front page which are more geared toward more political chitchat but you can do either type of talk in either place.
And welcome to Booman Tribune. Our hourly rates are quite reasonable and sitting by the fire is free.
I might list my latest medications and blood sugar analysis.
Hey Ductape — Did you see my comment down the page?
I just signed up for:
I’m waiting till after Christmas for the sugga site.
And just so the newbies won’t be disappointed, I did visit the doctors today, and they looked at my meter, said “not too bad, come back in a month, double the Avandamet, double the Gabapentin, stop taking the hydrocodone every 4 hours and take oxycodone 3 times a day.
I am glad you’ve got a doctor who is watching out for you so carefully. But, I’m sorry you have such a complicated medicine schedule. I’d hate that.
Hi,americanforliberty. Glad you dropped in, though I have to warn you that I’m about to open a new Cafe since this one is getting crowded.
These Cafes are not quite like open threads, although anything goes. Open threads tend to have more political topics, I’d say. Here, it’s more personal–life stuff, jokes, photos, relaxing and getting to know one another. And these are “mojo” machines, in that we tend to hand out 4’s like candy, mostly just to say, “I hear ya.”
These are also part welcome wagon, so we can say hi to newcomers like you. I hope you’ll come on over to the next Cafe and tell us something about yourself.
Hi americanforliberty!!
Also, we give lots of hugs, keep almost everything on tap and have a map of the boomantribune population:
We have 108 members listed at Frappr, but we can do better than
that. If you’re not there already — put yourself on the map!
this dkos diary. i know it’s “over there,” but it’s an incredibly important story.
it seems that katrina relief funding is directly tied to arctic drilling, i.e. their relief package is structured around bidding revenue on drilling projects.
What to do?
Just signed up for !!
That’s great news! Now you’re on the move.
(new cafe just opened)