Figured I’d host a cafe, given that it’s become quiet – even for this late/early hour. Pour yourself a cup of joe, or try one of our delicious lattes or cappucinos. Bagels are half price today only!
I especially recommend our red-eye: a regular cup of coffee with one to three shots of espresso. If that don’t get you talkin’, nothing will.
Got mine done last Friday. Isn’t it a lovely feeling? I understand perfectly why it’s worth staying up til all hours to be finished with it. And let me add my thanks for the Cafe.
I am awake, sort of. Got the grades turned in just in time. I’ll probably try to unclutter the office a bit before I decide to brave the ice outside again.
I’m always up early. I don’t know if that good or bad. I used to wish I could sleep later, but as I’ve gotten older that’s not a concept my mind will let me do.
I long for the days as a kid I could fall asleep anytime and anywhere. It’s just one of the “your are getting older” things along with the eyesight going bad.
Actually I would have been up anyway trying to get ready for a doctor’s appointment. I’ve got to drive two hours to see a doctor about migraines.
Wow. Thanks for the Cafe James. What a great surprise!
I’m rushing off to work. One more week before vacation starts. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long week. π Hope everyone has a good start to the week.
<sigh> More archives… Have to get some quality time with my camera. Here are some bees from the summer:
Your photos are stunning. I had no idea that were such good friends with a camera. Just beautiful! I love how you can see the pollen on the bee’s legs that he has collected.
Thanks James and good morning to all! (An exclamation point is okay ’cause I’ve already had my coffee.) But everything is right with the world ’cause fearless leader made it so last night. But that’s for another thread. I’ve got to go back to the stores for more gifts because a couple of knuckleheads here at work decided to buy for everyone else and to not give back would be the equivalent of the end of western civilization. Aren’t the infinite parties and endless food this time of year enough? I suppose not, or not until all the major retailers are firmly in the black. Okay, I’ll stop whining now. Did I say that I’ve had my coffee already. Maybe decaf tomorrow.
My lovely wife left me a fresh mug of Darjeeling this morning before plunging out into the 5 below cold. Yay! By the time I got out of bed it was perfect drinking temp.
Good morning, all. I’ll be in and out. Still working on my beta draft. I’m almost done, which means that I’m having to clean up the worst of the (insert this later) spots I left myself. Right now I’m writing a magical song. Ten lines of enchanting rhymed verse. Bleah and double bleah.
Am I correct in thinking that James Benjamin just threw himself unasked on the grenade of hosting a late night cafe? And thus deserves some sort of special citation?
Enchanted rhyming verse
For blessings or to curse
Can drive a wizard nutters
But then it’s even worse
If in enunciating verse
The wizard stu-stu-stutters…..
Had to write a series of Ancient Vampire Prophecies for one project. (I’ve discovered the secret there is to write ’em after the fact. Improves prophetic accuracy immensely. Although that’s not always an option in an ongoing series.)
I’m celebrating the fact that my latest fiction project is on the editor’s desk and not my problem anymore…
That’s lovely. And let me echo Kansas’ congrats on getting it on the editor’s desk. That’s always a lovely feeling. BTW, is that on the editor’s desk in the since of delivered? or final galleys approval? or somewhere in between?
Well, since it was a write-for-hire project, and this is a small publisher (a role-playing game company), there aren’t any final galleys (at least not ones that I see, the editor probably does that step). So this was final draft turned in, project delivered, and that’s the end of my involvement — whatever changes they make at this point are out of my hands. The process is also more compressed than it would be at a conventional publisher — this anthology is due out (theoretically, sometimes the schedule changes) at the end of March or early April.
Five below cold. Oh my goodness. We aren’t quite that cold today in the OK panhandle, but we did have freezing fog and drizzle last night, so everything is ICY.
I splurged and bought my DH a video camera. I can’t believe how much better and cheaper they are than the one we bought for our older daughter’s babyhood 12 years ago. And our girls get iPod shuffles to entertain them on the bus and car rides. Better living through electronics!
I am supposed to be working, but I think my brain has already gone on vacation.
I created a premium blogad, that always displays at the top. And I finally sold one for a week-long run. And our reward? Bill O’Reilly in our face. Goddammit.
Bill O’Reilly….ack! Reminds me that I’ll be visiting my inlaws in a few days, and will end up seeing enough of that Blowhard’s mug to last several lifetimes.
I like the vandalized Bill better than absinthe booby woman.
It snowed a grand total of less than an inch yesterday so of course the city’s shut down even though it’s all melty now. Means I’ve got the day off-yes!
New bed has just been installed, and I think I’m going to need freaking stairs to get in and out of it…it’s HIGH!!! Going to be soooo comfortable though… π Talked spouse into taking a sick day so we could get the setup done together. We need to get it made up with the mattress pad and sheets etc., then it’ll be ready for usage. (Just hope I can actually get out of it in the morning…)
Had a nice weekend away locally in the meantime, while we made the preparations…but it’s good to be home, especially back to BooTrib — I’ve gone through some serious withdrawal… π
Figured I’d host a cafe, given that it’s become quiet – even for this late/early hour. Pour yourself a cup of joe, or try one of our delicious lattes or cappucinos. Bagels are half price today only!
I especially recommend our red-eye: a regular cup of coffee with one to three shots of espresso. If that don’t get you talkin’, nothing will.

Germany and Angela must be quite happy with her performance
at EU in Brussels and good news from Iraq.
Susanne Osthoff free!
The free bagels for readers @BooMan’s are so expensive for her.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
They’re a bargain at that price!
Think I’ll call it a night, and make this a self-serve cafe. Drink up and spread some good vibes.
Got mine done last Friday. Isn’t it a lovely feeling? I understand perfectly why it’s worth staying up til all hours to be finished with it. And let me add my thanks for the Cafe.
Okay, its official–I hate both of you.
Piles and piles of ungraded papers stare at me balefully.
Good Morning James.
Have you been up all night? You need the coffee more than I do right now. Probably extra, extra strong.
I am awake, sort of. Got the grades turned in just in time. I’ll probably try to unclutter the office a bit before I decide to brave the ice outside again.
James Benjamin? Are you lurking around somewhere?
uuum Froggy Bottom Coffee!!
Good moring katiebird. I think James has gone to sleep, but the coffee is very good this morning.
Morning Family Man!
I just finished my cereal, but I’m lingering over my coffee.
I wonder how many FAXes hit Washington yesterday?
I don’t know, but I sure wouldn’t want to be the one handling the fax machine.
Just felt like saying something a little different.
You’re up early. Have another cuppa.
I’m always up early. I don’t know if that good or bad. I used to wish I could sleep later, but as I’ve gotten older that’s not a concept my mind will let me do.
It’s good to see you up and cheerful.
My alarm is set for 5:45 but I’m almost always up by 5. On the weekends I consider it a magnificent triumph if I sleep till 6:30.
I long for the days as a kid I could fall asleep anytime and anywhere. It’s just one of the “your are getting older” things along with the eyesight going bad.
Actually I would have been up anyway trying to get ready for a doctor’s appointment. I’ve got to drive two hours to see a doctor about migraines.
Growing older, aint it wonderful. π
You’re just used to seeing me when I’m supposed to be up. Last week, I slept in everyday.
This week — I’ve been up for an hour!
Was our host really up until 3 in the morning grading papers?
Do you think we should leave this cafe open or should I open a froggybottom one?
I’m so charmed by our new host, I don’t know.
I guess a fresh froggybottom would get us through most of the day. Especially if like yesterday, we only get 16 comments by 5pm.
(still dithering)
because you’ve got to go to work and I’ve got that drs. appt.
Heck! Let’s leave this up!!
It was very nice of him to keep the place open all night. Let’s get all the use out of it that we can.
If it gets too full before you get back, I’m sure froggybottom can step in and take care of it.
I hope all goes well at the dentist. I always make my appointments for the afternoon. I’m worthless after a dentist (or any doctor’s) visit.
it’s ENT and I’m getting stuff poked up my nose (it’s part of the continuing follow-up to my surgery in August).
And I have to go. See ya later.
See you tonight.
I’m off to work now.
I’ll keep a watch on the cafe numbers, too.
and I can keep on eye on the numbers too. Looks like it’s going to be a quiet morning, though.
Now I am.
Wow. Thanks for the Cafe James. What a great surprise!
I’m rushing off to work. One more week before vacation starts. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long week. π Hope everyone has a good start to the week.
<sigh> More archives… Have to get some quality time with my camera. Here are some bees from the summer:
Bee on Rose, taken 8.18.2005view large
Bee on Japanese Anemone, taken 9.17.2005view large
Your photos are stunning. I had no idea that were such good friends with a camera. Just beautiful! I love how you can see the pollen on the bee’s legs that he has collected.
Thanks. Aren’t macro lenses awesome! Of course, the bees collecting pollen are pretty awe-inspiring too … ;o)
Wonderful pics as always. I don’t mind at all that they aren’t “fresh.”
Well, those gave me quite a buzz
You and rumi, so punny!
Hi Andi!
Does being mentioned in the same breathe as rumi make me his air apparent?
Beautiful pics.
Thanks James and good morning to all! (An exclamation point is okay ’cause I’ve already had my coffee.) But everything is right with the world ’cause fearless leader made it so last night. But that’s for another thread. I’ve got to go back to the stores for more gifts because a couple of knuckleheads here at work decided to buy for everyone else and to not give back would be the equivalent of the end of western civilization. Aren’t the infinite parties and endless food this time of year enough? I suppose not, or not until all the major retailers are firmly in the black. Okay, I’ll stop whining now. Did I say that I’ve had my coffee already. Maybe decaf tomorrow.
No problema! Looks like the self-service cafe did all right. Decaf? Perish the thought. π
So you can hear everybody thank you for opening a cafe. You’re too cool for school!
for tattoo school. Perhaps that’s that snobbish progressive liberal stuff that many republicans in Kansas dislike so much.
I love that and will now procede to steal it and say it everywhere. (If my neighbors have a tattoo it is a heart with “Babs” in the center of it.)
Thanks muchly.
or should I make a fresh pot? Now where were those filters again?
Interpret that as you will.
Some pizza will go well with either interpretation.
My lovely wife left me a fresh mug of Darjeeling this morning before plunging out into the 5 below cold. Yay! By the time I got out of bed it was perfect drinking temp.
Good morning, all. I’ll be in and out. Still working on my beta draft. I’m almost done, which means that I’m having to clean up the worst of the (insert this later) spots I left myself. Right now I’m writing a magical song. Ten lines of enchanting rhymed verse. Bleah and double bleah.
Am I correct in thinking that James Benjamin just threw himself unasked on the grenade of hosting a late night cafe? And thus deserves some sort of special citation?
Wasn’t that nice of James. He does deserve our thanks. As kansas pointed out above, when he wakes up we’ll be able to thank him! π
I shall thank you all. I wasn’t sure there’d be many visitors as quiet as things were.
Enchanted rhyming verse
For blessings or to curse
Can drive a wizard nutters
But then it’s even worse
If in enunciating verse
The wizard stu-stu-stutters…..
Had to write a series of Ancient Vampire Prophecies for one project. (I’ve discovered the secret there is to write ’em after the fact. Improves prophetic accuracy immensely. Although that’s not always an option in an ongoing series.)
I’m celebrating the fact that my latest fiction project is on the editor’s desk and not my problem anymore…
Good luck on your versify-ing!
Congrats, Janet! And I love both your verse and the idea of creating prophesies after the fact.
A haiku by yours truly:
even after the first freeze
my house is blessed
with healthy bugs
Inspired by the writings of Kobiyashi Issa.
That’s lovely. And let me echo Kansas’ congrats on getting it on the editor’s desk. That’s always a lovely feeling. BTW, is that on the editor’s desk in the since of delivered? or final galleys approval? or somewhere in between?
Well, since it was a write-for-hire project, and this is a small publisher (a role-playing game company), there aren’t any final galleys (at least not ones that I see, the editor probably does that step). So this was final draft turned in, project delivered, and that’s the end of my involvement — whatever changes they make at this point are out of my hands. The process is also more compressed than it would be at a conventional publisher — this anthology is due out (theoretically, sometimes the schedule changes) at the end of March or early April.
Five below cold. Oh my goodness. We aren’t quite that cold today in the OK panhandle, but we did have freezing fog and drizzle last night, so everything is ICY.
Very busy and short week…will check in later.
Thanks James Benjamin for the all night cafe and early coffee!
Most important meal of the day!
I splurged and bought my DH a video camera. I can’t believe how much better and cheaper they are than the one we bought for our older daughter’s babyhood 12 years ago. And our girls get iPod shuffles to entertain them on the bus and car rides. Better living through electronics!
I am supposed to be working, but I think my brain has already gone on vacation.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow . . .
vacation shutdown mode, which generally requires 3 -5 days of processing time to complete.
I created a premium blogad, that always displays at the top. And I finally sold one for a week-long run. And our reward? Bill O’Reilly in our face. Goddammit.
But he looks ao adorable with that eyepatch . . . .
I’m grateful for the ad, but I can’t wait for the week to be over.
I love that great big Happy Hanukkah greeting.
Spin this O’Reilly.
lol! No good deed. . .
Bill O’Reilly….ack! Reminds me that I’ll be visiting my inlaws in a few days, and will end up seeing enough of that Blowhard’s mug to last several lifetimes.
I like the vandalized Bill better than absinthe booby woman.
It snowed a grand total of less than an inch yesterday so of course the city’s shut down even though it’s all melty now. Means I’ve got the day off-yes!
I don’t think we’ve run into each other before, so Hi! Unexpected days off are the best. Enjoy yours!
Good afternoon from the prodigal ribbiter…
New bed has just been installed, and I think I’m going to need freaking stairs to get in and out of it…it’s HIGH!!! Going to be soooo comfortable though… π Talked spouse into taking a sick day so we could get the setup done together. We need to get it made up with the mattress pad and sheets etc., then it’ll be ready for usage. (Just hope I can actually get out of it in the morning…)
Had a nice weekend away locally in the meantime, while we made the preparations…but it’s good to be home, especially back to BooTrib — I’ve gone through some serious withdrawal… π
and food! but the senate debate is hot right now!
come play in the liveblog sandbox!
James, if you see this, could you close this one out? Thanks.
Here’s the evening Cafe: LINK: