Are you watching Harry on C-Span 2? (UPDATE at 3:15 pm ET: The Senate is back in session. 3:24 pm ET: John Kerry is speaking about the necessary constraints on the Patriot Act. 4:19 pm ET: Robert Byrd is speaking on the spying revelations, referencing Demosthenes.)
Update [2005-12-19 16:16:51 by susanhu]: Maria Cantwell, my senator in Wash. state, has announced that she vows to block the ANWR legislation, according to KUOW/NPR Seattle radio at 1pm PT. I just received an urgent request from the League for Conservation Voters. They expect an ANWR vote on Wednesday. Please write your senators, and donate if you can. (Also: Please tell Maria you support her vow to block the bill. And here’s the link to all senators.)
Update [2005-12-19 16:52:44 by susanhu]: Below the fold, I’ve added the press release issued by Sen. Maria Cantwell’s office on ANWR. Says Sen. Cantwell, “This is basically giving the oil companies a sweetheart deal around Federal laws and regulations that no other company has ever gotten.”
Of note: “House Approves $39.7 Billion Spending Cut: Authority Also Granted to Open Alaskan Wilderness to Oil Drilling” (voted upon at 5:04 am ET). Re the Senate:
The Senate is expected to vote Tuesday on the budget bill and as early as Wednesday on defense spending, but both measures are embattled. Senate Republican leaders notified the office of Vice President Cheney that his vote may be needed to break potential ties. […]
“The Republican revolution is back,” said Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.), who rallied House conservatives to push the cuts [of entitlement programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and student loans]. … (WaPo)
And give this photo the special caption it deserves:
(The real caption is below the fold.)
Press Release of Senator Cantwell
Cantwell Opposes Inclusion of Arctic Refuge Drilling in Defense Spending Bill
Cantwell: “This is basically giving the oil companies a sweetheart deal around Federal laws and regulations that no other company has ever gotten.”
Monday, December 19, 2005
WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) went to the floor of the United States Senate Monday to oppose adding drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to the Department of Defense Appropriations Bill. Cantwell was joined by a group of senators at a press conference, after her remarks on the floor, to announce they will use available procedural options to strip this drilling effort from the defense bill. (Too bad the dems in the house didn’t do the same.)
Cantwell, a member of the Senate’s Commerce and Energy Committees, serves as the chair of Energy Independence 2020 and has been a leader in the fight to stop plans to drill the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Earlier this year, the Senate Budget Committee included in its version of the Fiscal Year 2006 budget resolution provisions that would have paved the way to arctic drilling. Cantwell offered an amendment to strike that language from the Budget Reconciliation bill, undoing this irresponsible manipulation of the budget process and encouraging an honest and open debate of the issue. Unfortunately, that effort failed on a 49 to 51 vote. Reasonable members of the House last month called a halt to the political games and removed the drilling language from the Budget Reconciliation bill. However, last night, the House voted to pass the Defense Appropriations conference report including the Arctic Refuge drilling proposal. (All they did was move it from one to another)
Thanks to Mona on the Democracy for Washington mailing list for forwarding this press release. Those are Mona’s remarks in italics.
The photo is from the WaPo:
Afghan Parliament Opens for First Time in 3 Decades
CAPTION: Vice President Richard Cheney and his wife, Lynne, attend the opening session of the Afghan Parliament. (AP)
Nooooo! I am in my cubicle. Keep us posted?
I had CNN on, and just switched to C-Span …. they’re being crabby about Harry saying he’d “killed the Patriot Act” and Harry is explaining that he just meant the one version had died …
i’ll try to find you more.
Either I’m late to the party or we have different programming. We switched to CSPAN, and Jonothan Turley is talking about Alito – and how dull he is – and how he hasn’t “stomped on any puppies”. We switched to CSPAN2 and there’s a senator from AZ (not McCain) talking.
Ain’t finding no Harry. . .
C-Span2 is showing Dick Durbin right now — he’s been talking for a few minutes
Thanks Susan.
Is the Dick now carrying around a stethescope around neck to check periodically to see if he has a heart?
And the pix of Lynn and Dickie with Billy next to them on the side really makes for a nice unholy trio doesn’t it.
At least Cheney didn’t wear that winter parka with the white fur around the hood that he wore to that state funeral a while back…
With friends like these, who needs enemies?
Ok, so I still need some MORE COFFEE to actually try and be funny. lol
They sure looky crabby and tired.
Let me tell ya folks, they are all getting a bit ragged looking these days. It’s hard work telling all those lies.
“Mr. And Mrs. Dick Cheney Listen To The Soothing Sounds of Rabbits Being Tortured As They Make A Token Appearance At The Afghan Parliament”
Cheney and his wife (especially her) look like they’ve been sitting there waiting “three decades” from the expressions on their faces.
“Who let all these other people in the first class cabin of this plane and I can’t believe they are still showing Michael Moore’s movie F/9-11 on Airplanes..Fucking Traitors”
“Mr. and Mrs. Beelzebub in Afghanistan.”
I told the White House Travel Agency we¹ had projects in Iran!
we¹ defined as Halliburton …
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
“Yes, your dark lordship. Your fiendish plans are most excellent. America will completely be the domain of Satan any day.”
Cheney and wife Lynne at the dock at a new ‘Nuremberg’ Trial, waiting to say if he’s/she’s guilty or not guilty.
to get splattered by towelheads in Kabul.
«« click on pic for story
George must hate me to dispatch me into the field: Baghdad and Kabul in one day, while I prefer my bunker any day!
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
TWO good ones from you, Oui! You’re great at this.
This marriage is in its last throes!
my haiku salute:
Senate jumped today,
Harry was magnificent
but we sure missed Frist
this ought to be fun.
I love Raw Story and I love John Conyers.
That should be a hell of a read.
“Inquiring minds” are going to find out how to get copies.
This is still my favorite picture of Cheney. I think it really reveals the demon within!
God this is torture. I shouldn’t have eaten the local food. Fucking towel heads are probably trying to kill me anyway. The guy behind me looks a little like Zawahiri. Guess if I turn around and ram a sodium lamp up his ass the libs will get all upset….God this is torture.
Christ I wish the fat bastard would quit farting.
From the Animal Channel:
Now THIS species of poisonous reptile is capable of of both sexual congress AND its necessary daily blood transfusions through small openings located just inside the ear. Notice how pallid and wizened they get when deprived of either for more than about 12 hours. Isn’t Nature WONDERFUL!!!???
Exit poll gives Netanyahu (47%) lead over Shalom (32%).
JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Benjamin Netanyahu, a former prime minister who opposed Sharon’s withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, and Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom, seen as more flexible on possible peacemaking with the Palestinians, are frontrunners in a field of four.
While opinion polls give an edge to Netanyahu, 56, much depends on voter turnout. Pollsters predict it will be low because of widespread party apathy following Sharon’s departure from the party he helped found more than three decades ago.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Just a quick thank-you for putting the link to write to our senators in your update on ANWR. You got me to “Just do it!” despite the holiday rush.
Oh good.
The news has been talking about donor fatigue.. I have writing-letters-to-senators fatigue. I have to force myself. It gets old. But it is so important.
* swoon *
now it’s mr. dronealong sessions
And now it’s DICK DURBIN! woohoo!
Session (R-Ala) had been droning on with all kinds of small rationalizations and justifications, exception after exception to Judicial approval to warrants, Law Enforcement ‘needs’, etc.
Byrd showed up and asked for 15 minutes, Sessions yielded it, somewhat stuttering.
Byrd speaking very slowly gave the word of the thundering Goddess of Justice, again and again returning the debate to the basic Constitutional guarantees of the individual against warrantless seach and seizure. A bravura Byrd performance. He smashed the attempt to cover the basic issue with blather and side issues.
Sessions went back to his nattering about the parts of the bill. His lack of understanding of some of what he was talking about was apparant.
Sen Durbin speaks now after lauding Byrd, an excellent intro. Durbin is going right into a review of the whole lead up to the illegal activity of torture.
They are now voting to debate the conference report, which includes budget cuts and ANWR drilling.
come play in the sandbox!
Yet further proof that money does not buy happiness.
Nor does corruption, thievery, paranoia, bearing false witness, sneering, snarling, multiple military deferments, expensive fishing vacations or residual vomit in one’s windpipe.
“Breaking: New Source Reveals that Dick and Lynne Cheney Are First Cousins”