In trying to understand why Bush and his gang of thugs do so much violence to our institutions, I have developed a theory that I want to run by bootribbers and invite their opinions.

I believe that the anger and insolence one sees displayed by Bush supporters and the Cheney-Rumsfeld cabal is a direct outgrowth of their resentment that the 1964 Civil Rights Act gave power to people like blacks, women, minorities and other outcasts who, according to this high exalted elite do not deserve a seat the table equivalent to their own. Over the years, they have tried every known strategy to defeat the intent of the 1964 Act.Having failed at that task,they have latched on to the warmed over theories of Leo Strauss of the Elite born to rule over the Masses and entitled to lie at will to the masses,the Constitution be damned.This is in effect, a disguised form of Jim Crow where the nullification of black votes by any means is seen as a necessary and desirable end to enshrine power in the “right” hands.

The imperative to defeat the votes of the minorities by any means possible coincided with the need to administer a blow to the Arabs in order to show them who is boss.The rest as they say is history.

The only surprise to me is that it has taken everyone this long to realize we have thugs masquerading as our saviors.

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