Much of the media is abuzz these days with the news that George W. Bush’s job approval ratings are on the rebound after a long and seemingly irreversible downward trend.
With CNN’s Bill Schneider proclaiming that “All the national polls show the president’s approval rating going up over the past month,” ABC News headlining “Bush’s Approval Ratings Climb,” and MSNBC and The Washington Post declaring “Bush’s Support Jumps After a Long Decline,” one might be excused for believing that those numbers are indeed on the rise.
Perhaps so, but… then again, perhaps not…
CNN’s “senior political analyst” and poll analyzer, Bill Schneider, began the current chatter about Bush’s poll resurgence with a report, complete with graphics, that aired on December 16th. As mentioned above, Schneider claimed that “All the national polls show the president’s approval rating going up over the past month,” backing up his contention with graphics that indicated that:
- CNN/USA Today/Gallup, five-point increase
- CBS News/New York Times, five-point increase
- Associated Press/Ipsos, five-point increase
- Pew Research, two-point increase
- NBC/Wall Street Journal, one-point increase
David Brock’s Media Matters pointed out that
…Schneider’s statement ignored a December 13 Zogby International poll showing a three-point decline for Bush. In addition, most of the polls listed on screen during Schneider’s report received coverage on CNN news and talk shows within 48 hours of their release, while the Zogby poll has thus far received no mention on any CNN programs.
…The Zogby poll, released prior to the NBC/Journal poll but after the other polls on CNN’s list, was the only one to show a decline in Bush’s approval rating. The network featured numerous instances of coverage for three of the five polls listed between December 1 and December 15.
The first poll showing a boost in Bush’s approval rating came on December 8, released by CBS News and The New York Times. It showed a five-point increase for Bush compared to the same poll from the previous month. On the day that poll was released, five CNN programs — American Morning, Live From, Your World Today, The Situation Room and Lou Dobbs Tonight — mentioned the poll. The poll received additional mention on the December 12 edition of American Morning.
But it was worse than that. Schneider pointed out that the CNN/USA Today poll had given Bush a 5-point boost, and it had. The poll conducted from November 17 – 20, 2005 had Bush at 38% job approval, and the December 5-8 poll had Bush at 43% — a 5-point spike, just as Schneider said. The only problem is by the time Schneider’s “analysis” aired, a new CNN/USA Today poll had come out, and that one, conducted December 9-11, 2005 had Bush’s numbers heading back down again, to 42% — a decline of one point. Another poll just out shows the decline continuing (more on that below).
It is worth noting that Bill Schneider is a Resident Scholar at The American Enterprise Institute, a conservative Think Tank closely associated with strong support for the Bush administration and its policies. CNN, to my knowledge, has never informed its viewers of that association.
The other poll driving the chatter about a Bush resurgence is the new ABC News/Washington Post poll showing Bush’s job approval ratings up by a solid 8 points over roughly a 6-week period. That is impressive, but two CNN/USA Today polls conducted on nearly identical dates show Bush’s approval ratings to be flat:
ABC News/Washington Post:
- October 30-November 2, 2005: 39% job approval
- December 15-18, 2005: 47% job approval
8-Point Increase
CNN/USA Today:
- October 28-30, 2005: 41%
- December 16-18, 2005: 41% job approval
So are Bush’s numbers on the uptick or not? I don’t know, but neither does Bill Schneider, and neither does CNN, and neither does the Washington Post or any of the rest of the media, contrary to their commentary or blaring headlines.
One thing is clear though, and the media is largely silent on this point. Bush’s job approval ratings, measured over time, have been trending dramatically downward in virtually every national poll since peaking in the high 80’s and low 90’s in the aftermath of September 11, 2001. Every uptick has been followed by a greater downtick. An Ipsos-Reid graph demostrates the trend with crystal clarity:
The bottom line is that the president’s numbers may be up, or they may be down, or perhaps they are flat, but if yesterday is any clue to tomorrow, don’t count on an uptick, if there is one, continuing much longer.
This seems an appropriate place to share a few poll analysis links. I’ve accumulated and followed quite a few, but these seem to be the most scientific and informative, and they seem to be in agreement that there may be a small upturn or it may be more sideways than the pollsters and SCLM want you to know:
and pollkatz for graphic summaries of all the polls.
pollkatz is da bomb! witness the bush approval/disapproval spread.
Yup. It never ceases to amaze me how the media constantly fails to provide context. The trends strongly suggest that Bush’s numbers will continue to tank with an occasional and short-lived upward blip. Heaven forbid that the media might pick up on that.
all about perceptions. All about smoke and mirrors and no substance. The reason that most of us scour the blogs and read as much political stuff is that we don’t believe anything until it has been confirmed by somebody we have some trust in. When Boxer talked about John Dean saying that Bush should be found guilty of a crime with his wire tapping we knew that John Dean understood high crimes and misdemeanors intimately!
By any historical standard, the Bush numbers were beyond abysmal. Uptick? Yes, now his approval numbers are just woeful and embarrassing. The media forgets the context and gets lost in the relativism. A 40%approval=surging, I don’t think so.
shyt is bound to hit the fan again.
I feel that these sudden leaps in Bush’s numbers are artificial at best. Just because he’s making speeches he’s popular again? Pithy.
He’s been on TV a lot lately. That tends to lead to some increase in approval ratings just because the media has helped his brand profile. Plus, some people are taken in by the media hype that the Iraq elections actually meant something positive.
As the latest headlines sink in and investigations begin, the ratings will drop. There tends to be a brittleness factor in ratings like this: there are people, generally poorly informed, who feel better giving a president and other celebs the benefit of the doubt, and will jump at any chance to do so. Every time their newfound optimism is mocked by still new disappointments, the space available for further upward movement shrinks a little. In other words, the ratings will be back down, maybe to new lows, before long, and the next campaign to lift them up again will meet diminishing returns. Promise.
Beyond the vagaries of polling, this diary shows clear bias on the part of CNN and Bill Schneider.
I thought it was bad, but it’s worse than I thought. I didn’t know about Schneider’s association with the AEI. Why are we becoming the Soviet Union, I wonder?
Hell-looo? It’s the holidays! If there is any bounce, it’s because Americans were temporarily feeling generous thanks to constant eating, drinking, and being merry. Plus the Iraqi elections happened (which provided a hugely less significant bounce than all the previous Iraqi “milestones” did), but the polling took place before people realized that Iraqis elected an Islamist fundamentalist regime. And the full impact of the King George spying shenanigans have yet to sink in. Stratospheric 43% average approval ratings are hardly worth all the bated-breath enthusiasm anyway. I’m cranky.
DEAD CAT bounce.
No offense intended to all the cat lovers out there. We are too.
along with different questions being asked is what I suppose has happened. The New Year though always causes us all to assess where we are in things and where we want to be in 2006 and with all the splashes about to hit the headlines, he’s going to tank harder than ever! I’m not even sure he’ll be able to get a dead cat bounce out of that.
Jerry, congrats on nailing that slimy Schneider … I get a creepy feeling every time he gives his supposedly “impartial” reviews of the political scene.
The only reason any rational person wouldn’t think that CNN is the voice of corporate America and the right wing is because Fox News is so rabidly pro Right.
CNN and many of its on air types are all shills for the right. It’s only because of their coverage of the first Gulf War that people think that they are not another organ of the right wing propaganda machine. Nothing on that channel is even remotely favorable or even accurate about the left in America.