Froggy Bottom Cafe
Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
Fresh drinks for everyone!
Make mine a nice cool frosty coke, lotsa ice.
How’s the weather everywhere….we had a hot day yesterday, little cooler today and night..
Went alllllll the waydownto 45 the other day and that was like being in the Artic to us Socal’s.
Hi Diane,
I remember it getting down to 33 once in Marin County when I was about 11. But, that’s the coldest I knew until I moved to Kansas. Now, it’s 26. Outside, not in here.
Hey, Diane. Just grabbed a flashlight & stepped out to the porch: current temperature is 18 degrees, still wind, light flurries & heavy clouds, meaning the woodland darkness is impenetrable, with only a subtle reflection of light on the snow.
Just the other day, temperatures mid-day here in the Catskills flirted with a balmy, springlike 40 in the sun. It was surreal.
Katiebird, serve me up an icy cold beer pleaw!! I was just over at Atrios (I know) and he sent me to the NYTimes which is reporting that Abramov looks close to reaching a plea deal. Yayyyy! I want to celebrate. And I want to ponder the last paragraph of that NYT article
Thank you! This should certainly make tomorrow’s congressional day interesting. It’s been such a depressing week before Christmas politically — I needed some goods news to renew my faith in American justice.
Is it better to say nothing? I don’t feel optimistic. I think everything will get worse before it gets better. They’re probably desparate now.
I know how you feel because that’s how I’ve been feeling. Every time I look at the newspaper it seems to get worse. And I don’t want to count any chickens before they are hatched. But it was nice to read something in the newspaper that gave me hope as opposed to pushing me further into negativity.
One wonders precisely what matter of congressional urgency caused Cheney to cut short his happy MidEast holiday. According to this evening’s NPR report, apparently he was informed that his House vote might be necessary.
They don’t have enough votes for cloture on the spending bill is what I read somewhere — so they are considering the “nuclear option” and they would need Cheney to break any tie vote. I would be surprised if they have the votes for the nuclear option — its one thing to invoke it for the supreme court, its another thing to invoke it for ordinary senate business. That’s why I wonder how the Abramoff story will affect their psyches tomorrow. If they are nervous about their own indictments — maybe they won’t be so fast to pull the trigger. Of course this is all speculation on my part.
Thanks for adding your perspective on this, maryb. I s’pose we’ll see.
Some guy on Nightline just said that the president not only “violated the law” but committed a crime. Duh. Isn’t violation of a statute always a crime. But I was happy to hear it. And now Colin Powell is bashing the WH on this. No reason they couldn’t get the warrants.
sorry I jumped around there but that came on just as I was getting ready to respond. I got excited.
Wow — the president violated the law and committed a crime, rather than just one or the other. I wonder which one it was that he admitted to? 😉
Thanks, again, for a report from the tube.
It gets better — check out my comment on Susanhu’s diary — summarizing a GW Law professor who just said the “impeachment” word on TV.
duh, not her diary. Her front pager.
That’s the Senate, not the House.
I’m clearly ready for bed.
check out susanhu’s front pager before you retire. More interesting news of the day!
Thanks, will do.
You might be right, I just watched the cspan press conf. with dems. and reid suggested that Cheney might be coming back to help…….and I thought ‘strong arm’, but his vote might be critical as well.
Reid says he has a ‘counted majority’ on patriot act extension, not end as they say….so far.
No doubt Cheney will multi-task typically ably if required to do so.
Thanks for the report, as I’m video impaired here.
Raining here in the Pacific NW after a bit of snow Sunday; now it’s nice and warm at 40-45 degrees.
Time to let the news watch itself for a bit and take a little break. I just got a ukelele (they are very popular here) and have learned to play (sorta) Ring of Fire, Crazy and Your Cheatin’ Heart. (sigh)guess I can’t keep my mind off of politics after all.
Congratulations on picking up the ukelele, diablita. What a great instrument!
Hopefully you’ll soon be adding ‘I Fall To Pieces’ to your politically-inspired repertoire.
Lots of political talk in the FBC tonight. A sign of change on the horizon, perhaps?
I will just do my usual and provide a beach picture for the crew.
That is Playa de Arena (yeah, I know…funny, huh?) on the Canary Island of Tenerife, with the island of La Gomera in the background.
Sorry, didn’t mean to go political in the cafe. I just wanted a beer to celebrate. Great picture. Canary islands are off the coast of Africa right?(geographically challenged American here.)
Oh no worries. Anything is up for conversation here! Even gasp politics!
Yep, the Canaries are off the coast of Africa, but are part of Spain.
Here’s your beer! 🙂
(I hope you don’t mind Budweiser…I’m usually not a fan of macrobrews, but you at least have to give them a chance in cyberspace, right?)
I’m OK with Budweiser — it’s not my favorite but it does provide LOTS of jobs here in St. Louis. And, BTW, Anheuser Busch has a fantastic holiday display of lights down at the Brewery. All of the 19th century buildings are rimmed in lights and its beautiful.
Thank you for a beautiful image to end my night with, ejmw. Quite a lovely scene.
Yep, I’m going to chug my beer (thank goodness this is virtual) and head for bed. It’s nice to leave with such a beautiful picture.
Isn’t it?
Thanks for your great comments on the front page thread, maryb.
Can’t help wondering if tomorrow may initiate the ‘return of the light’ in more ways than one.
Good night!
<rubbing finger up & down over lips>
Last 24 hours of packing orders. Puget4 put on a noble effort till 9 pouring peanuts into boxes. We’re both punchy from too much work for too many days in a row.
The mail person came round a little early so I couldn’t get some packages out in time–but her truck was packed to the brim so she couldn’t have picked up anything from us anyways.
4:30 tomorrow afternoon the post office closes and there’s no chance of getting anything else out till after Holiday®. We’ll take Florida Mom out in the newly mild, familiar misty Sound air tomorrow night and tour ours & some waterfront neighborhoods to see the Holiday® lights.
Bing Crosby in Holiday Inn is now in an Unlce Sam tophat in front of scenes of churches, warships launching, munitions factories assembling, singing “All God’s People Shall Be Free.” Puget4 says to New Deal Florida Mom ‘we were sure sold a bill of goods weren’t we?’
Spouse and I were supposed to go look for cards for his family after dinner…but we pooped out. 🙁 He’ll look tomorrow while shopping for me; if my legs are recovered from today (did a LOT of walking at the mall), I’ll head out to pick up gift bags/tissue paper to take care of the gifts. (We did get out and get the two gift certificates for dad-in-law/bro-in-law, at least — want to go pick up a Jimi Hendrix DVD for the latter.)
Just about time to turn in for the night — yeah, it’s not even 10pm here, but I’m really tired (and cranky…though that’s nothing new…).