Everyday it gets worse (NYT):
Counterterrorism agents at the Federal Bureau of Investigation have conducted numerous surveillance and intelligence-gathering operations that involved, at least indirectly, groups active in causes as diverse as the environment, animal cruelty and poverty relief, newly disclosed agency records show.
Oh, there’s more:
One F.B.I. document indicates that agents in Indianapolis planned to conduct surveillance as part of a “Vegan Community Project.” Another document talks of the Catholic Workers group’s “semi-communistic ideology.” A third indicates the bureau’s interest in determining the location of a protest over llama fur planned by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.
The documents, provided to The New York Times over the past week, came as part of a series of Freedom of Information Act lawsuits brought by the American Civil Liberties Union. For more than a year, the A.C.L.U. has been seeking access to information in F.B.I. files on about 150 protest and social groups that it says may have been improperly monitored.
You’ve likely stopped asking yourself, “… the hell?” since your outrage meter broke long ago:
The latest batch of documents, parts of which the A.C.L.U. plans to release publicly on Tuesday, totals more than 2,300 pages and centers on references in internal files to a handful of groups, including PETA, the environmental group Greenpeace and the Catholic Workers group, which promotes antipoverty efforts and social causes.
No WONDER no one talks about anti-poverty action anymore! The FBI may come knocking. For their part, FBI says not to worry:
“Just being referenced in an F.B.I. file is not tantamount to being the subject of an investigation,” said John Miller, a spokesman for the bureau.
Right. You’re doing this for giggles and shits. My bad.
“The F.B.I. does not target individuals or organizations for investigation based on their political beliefs,” Mr. Miller said. “Everything we do is carefully promulgated by federal law, Justice Department guidelines and the F.B.I.’s own rules.”
So you can investigate and provide oversight over yourself now.
In other words, your rights are being protected because we say they are. And the very idea that you would want proof means that you’re a terrorist. You’re not a terrorist, right? You’re not an eco-terrorist, are you (the wingnut pejorative for environmental activists having the nerve to actually exercise the First Amendment)? You want to defeat the enemy, right?
See, it’s only for your protection.
Bullshit. “Because I said so” is not a constitutional justification. Any American adult with the sense God gave grits should be disgusted and insulted by this.
And speaking of God, it should be more than clear that the government has decided which religion is correct and therefore non-suspect. Not only are you suspect if you don’t practice Christianity, but there are only a few brands of it you can “choose.”
Blab it and grab it megachurch theology, good.
Quakers and Catholic Worker, bad, a likely communist plot (I thought “communists” were SO 80s) and under investigation.
It cannot get any clearer: there is ONE true set of political beliefs (the rich get richer, the poor will always be with us, and you’re a communist if you’re complaining) and ONE true set of religious beliefs (God said it is His will that the rich get richer, not a construct put into place by people, so enjoy). And if you question or criticize or (gasp!) act against any of this, you are a terrorist.
Cross posted at Liberal Street Fighter
Note: This is just a by-product of the Creeping Authoritarianism detailed so well in Limelite’s must-read diary.
JEdgar? Is that you? Get the ouija board, Tillie, the FBI is now channeling JEdgar Hoover.
AP, you beat me by minutes… I just posted a diary on this and then immediately deleted it when I saw yours. Excellent post… this is big. You know, every time another Bush scandal hits the streets millions of progressives hold their breath waiting for the implosion. Maybe this is finally the one.
Let me be the first to thank the FBI for protecting us from such incidious terrorists as the Vegans in Indianapolis, Greenpeace, and the Catholic Workers fighting poverty. This is just nuts.
Great minds, and all that.
It really is breathtaking, isn’t it?
You know, I’m usually disgusted while watching our Chimperor, but yesterday, I was insulted. I’m doing this for your protection he kept saying. He all but came out and said, “I know what’s best for you.”
This great white father thing is beyond out of hand.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
I’m nauseated by Bush’s contention that we should just trust him. I can’t listen to his whiny arrogant voice for more than a few minutes without my skin crawling. Now we see that the FBI, and the NSA are being used against the very people they’re supposed to protect. I just can’t wait to find out what the CIA has been up to. (other than kidnap and torture) I often wonder what role Negroponte is playing in all of this… how long before the US develops its own stealthy death squads for use on American soil?
If the American people don’t start pushing back… hard, we are headed for a total breakdown of our democracy to be replaced by Bush the Barbarian.
A phrase that he has used from day one in his press briefings or any remarks which irritates the shit out of me(but then what doesn’t that he says)is his continued use of ‘you’ve got to understand’…as if we are all the hicks and he’s the great thinker/philosopher. He understands only what lies he’s told by his handlers and only what already agree’s with the faith-based thinking of his gut.
That “for your protection”-line is starting to sound like a broken condom, man.
It appears the entire Bush GWoT is based on legally or illegally prosecuting individuals involved in charity work and claiming that is their tie to al Queada/terrorism.
Here is the first of many examples I can give of this happening. If the Bush admin bases their actions on this why will they stop at other peaceful humanitarian organizations that are domestic?
In these examples, I’m not claiming innocence of these individuals but pointing out the peaceful ties they have. Many though, have little credible evidence to guilt and finally end in coerced confessions.
I read this early this morning and as you suggested was just giggling and shitting myself silly -oh those wacky FBI agents…really feel so much better that they clarified that ‘just because your name might be mentioned’ doesn’t mean we’re monitoring you..oh yeah right -more giggles and shits over that statement.
And yeah, I always knew those crazy Catholics were a subversive commie organization and those Vegans-wow-they are some really nasty pieces of work aren’t they? Undermining our way of life by golly by not eating meat and dairy products-how much more goddamn un-american can you get than that..must all be non cheese eating surrender monkeys also.
Kinda hard to even try and saterize this and I suspect that most saterists are no doubt also being monitored also by the G-men for well just because. I’ve been saying for a long long time that when new revelations like this come out that it’s just the tip of the iceberg and we haven’t even begun I think to know how far this administration has descended into the depths of hell.
I hope this will incite more people to commit acts of terror, not just during the Shopping Season, when it is fashionable, but all year round.
Food banks and homeless shelters are overwhelmed as more people are being punished by God due to skyrocketing costs of housing, heating, and of course, medical treatment.
Maybe someone will print up some Terrorist Pride t-shirts.
Terrist Pride T-shirts…oh yeah…makes for all kinds of ideas for slogans for t-shirts..’In Solidarity With Vegans’…’Catholics For Commies’…’You’re Llama Wears Combat Boots’
I always liked My llama – yo mama
Food banks and homeless shelters are overwhelmed as more people are being punished by God due to skyrocketing costs of housing, heating, and of course, medical treatment.
And not just in the wake of Hurricanes Katrina, Rita & Wilma.
Guess it’s time to update the quote by Archbishop Helder Camara …
Wait…I better make sure this is a government-approved prayer.
That’s just the beginning. They then proceed to freeze and sieze assets of an organizations without proof but simply based on pseudo-evidence such as media reports…and we know how those have been bought and paid by the administration.
A threat is not presented legitimately. The threat is chosen and created by their database of choice. The circular justification they call proof is at their discretion.
This is just so much easier than going after real terrorists. I don’t doubt for a second that Bush’s incompetence has spread like a cancer into the management of all corners of his government, including the FBI, NSA and CIA. Incompetent, corrupt, and coming after you and me. Aak… I’m a vegetarian! A Liberal!! and a Democrat!!! Whenever I feel like I’m being watched, I sing and dance, act out commercials and pretend I’m on my way to the mall for a cheeseburger.
Who exactly are the real terrorists in your opinion? I’ve been trying to find this out from people ever since I came here to the frogpond.
I’d say the top of the list would be Islamic extremists who are plotting acts of murder and mayhem. You know, the people who actually attacked us.
I think that you’ve hit on a basic flaw in Bush’s war on terror: no defined enemy. That way, anyone the government wants to watch, harass, or eliminate is defined as a terrorist and hey presto… everything’s legal, anything goes.
There’s next to nothing in the way of credible evidence that proves Islamic jihadists planned and carried out the acts of 9/11. The same is true for the subsequents detentions, renditions and trials based on coerced confessions.
Y’all are so right!
Just who is the “enemy”? Who exactly are we fighting?
Think about all the different terrorist groups we hear about besides al Quaeda–it’s so vague as to be nebulous.
And then the story of bin Laden and Hussein getting together when one is uber-religious and the other is secularist…
Outside of bin Laden (who’s been forgotten except as use as a talking point) who else are we fighting? I really don’t know. Not just some catch-all terrorists, but precisely who?
All I really understand is that we’ve gone to perpetual war over a tactic.
It’s the most successfull marketing/Psy-ops operation to ever be conducted. They sold the concept of being perpetually afraid and then the threat is interchangable.
Until we hold them accountable for evidence of any threat, so we may properly identify it, any progress is simply a shell game.
Even the legend of bin Laden has so many contradictions in it that it’s hard to believe at face value.
Punished by God? Are poor people against intelligent design?
And I’d like to think that we’ll start to see some people, especially college age ones, getting more active as they realize we have yet another imperial government.
I do love the irony of the right (especially the right libertarians) trying to defend Bush’s “Trust us. We’re your Government” principles.
“The F.B.I. does not target individuals or organizations for investigation based on their political beliefs,” Mr. Miller said. “Everything we do is carefully promulgated by federal law, Justice Department guidelines and the F.B.I.’s own rules.”
So I assume that there are just as many references to such groups as AFA, the Young Republicans, and the Christian Coaltion, right?
Place your bets here…..that the FOIA and the ACLU will turn up any groups like that on the FBI watch list.
The ACLU has been trying to get reports from the FBI that way for a while without much success.
That’s where the ‘state secret’ and accepting the govt’s version of who the terrorists are is so convenient for the govt-Bush-administration.