I should be grading papers or even straightening the house.  I can’t focus.  Fights have been breaking out in my school and no one has a plan to address the issue.  The NSA is spying on citizens and no one is marching on the White House.  So I write, hoping to push these events out of my head.

I just sent the following to my senators – Levin and Stabenow.  

Domestic spying?  For our own good?  I simply cannot believe what is happening to my country.  How did we get here?

I am sure that the cabal that currently controls the White House will tell us that 9/11 changed everything and that we should trust them.  But, in my experience, trust is an honor that is earned.

How has this president earned the trust of the American people?  Osama?  Still not captured.  Weapons of Mass Destruction?  Never existed.  Energy Taskforce papers?  Not on your life.  Outing of a CIA agent?  We’ll fire anyone involved?  Karl Rove still has a job.  We don’t torture?  Abu Ghraib.  I could go on and on, but this is becoming depressing.

Just this week, we have learned that the NSA is spying on American citizens.  Naturally, this administration is claiming that only those with connections to terrorism are being targeted.  What in their track record proves that anyone should believe a word they are saying?

It is time to end this madness.  The only way to do this is to start impeachment hearings now.  Bush has already admitted to “high crimes” and, in my opinion, to treason.  He has violated the Constitution, without thought or regret.

If one president can be impeached for perjuring himself about an extra-marital affair, surely G.W. Bush can be impeached for treating the Constitution like a doormat.

He said in his debates with Senator Kerry that being president is “hard.”  By all means, let’s relieve him from all that hard work and perhaps set him up to do some hard time.

I can’t help but wonder what would happen if thousands, if not millions of similar letters began to arrive in Washington.  Would it make a difference?  I hope so, just as I hope the Alito action works.

I just had to unload. You voluntarily read this; my husband is a captive audience.  I just hate unloading on him all the time.