Impeachable Offense! We keep hearing it and finally the words are being said publicly on Capitol Hill. And not just by Democrats.
This time he has hit the Senate and Congress below the belt. He contemptuously ignored the outlets they gave him (FISA courts). His actions spoke loudly that he no longer considered the Legislative Branch and independent entity. Maybe that will wake even the Republicans up the precarious state of our Republic.
Will impeachment actually happen? Bush and gang have made our previous `Teflon’ President (Reagan) look like a man in quicksand in comparison. The lies and diversions and manipulations practiced by this administration have been breathtaking in scope.
I am afraid right now. I am not alone. I am seeing it pop up in blog comments everywhere. Bush and Co. have realized the milking of 9/11 is over. They have to come up with a new ogre, a new thing to spread fear and terror throughout the land.
I hope so very much that I am wrong. But maybe if it’s out there and being talked about it might cause them to step back.
X posted including my blog:
(h) Several of the above.
I would be terribly distracted if the powers-that-be decided to dispose of george, and depend on Dick to carry on. The talking heads would go into full-blown circus mode, and most of us would sit tight and watch wondering why nobody’s in the streets with pitchforks and torches.
Rest easy – I don’t dream like that, it’s a daymare.