You’re right that was and he is deplorable ….in a round about way to me he basically said we are not crooks cause we say so…it’s legal but congress might not have thought so so we didn’t go to congress but but…fine legal mind at work there right.
It confirmed the likelyhood of what I have been saying from the Get-Go on the “I Spy” scandal. I think they were spying on American politicians.
I also think that Larry Johnson made an excellent point. They may have been trying to hide information obtained through torture and renditions and just trying to hide those programs from oversight.
It may be multiple reasons for all of this.
Whatever the reasons, they all suck morally and are illegal.
I just told a headhunter that I refuse to work as a government contractor for the Bush Administration. It feels good. Yeah, I’ll be stuck in a job I hate for a while longer, but at least I’ll have my integrity – unlike the Bush administration.
My goodness. So defensive.
I’ve been called an “outrageous cantankerous senator”! (Shocking)
I’ve been accused of being responsible to that bridge. I was not responsible. The House voted for that and I merely supported it in the Senate.
(paraphrasing, but that is the gist)
What is it about repugs that they can’t fucken talk?(or make much sense)…and if you vote against the pipeline you’re a terrist supporter right?
I suppose you read Gonzales’s statements yesterday that Digby, Atrios, etc. made fun of.
Our nation’s Attorney General can’t string a sentence together. It was deplorable.
You’re right that was and he is deplorable ….in a round about way to me he basically said we are not crooks cause we say so…it’s legal but congress might not have thought so so we didn’t go to congress but but…fine legal mind at work there right.
I read the Digby diary you pointed to.
It confirmed the likelyhood of what I have been saying from the Get-Go on the “I Spy” scandal. I think they were spying on American politicians.
I also think that Larry Johnson made an excellent point. They may have been trying to hide information obtained through torture and renditions and just trying to hide those programs from oversight.
It may be multiple reasons for all of this.
Whatever the reasons, they all suck morally and are illegal.
I just told a headhunter that I refuse to work as a government contractor for the Bush Administration. It feels good. Yeah, I’ll be stuck in a job I hate for a while longer, but at least I’ll have my integrity – unlike the Bush administration.