The American Family Association (AFA) which recently saw its anti-homosexual boycott of Ford blow up in its face, is scrabbling on what to do about “Brokeback Mountain“.
Here is a movie that is gay as gay can be, but hardly a peep out of the AFA. No calls for picketting in front of movie theaters, no calls to burn down theaters showing it, no calls for Ang Lee’s head. The only thing that they could produce was a few sentences in their “Briefs” section.
“Brokeback Mountain sends a very dangerous and insidious message to America,” says Bennett. “The movie is completely anti-family.” He says the film is based on a book that is filled with graphic, homosexual intimacy. Critics claim the director stayed very close to the book. That concerns Bennett. “We’re telling parents to keep your children away from this movie, and for just parents and anyone to keep away from this movie,” he says. “It’s very, very dangerous.”
Well first it is an R-rated movie, so it is sort of a no-brainer that children should not see the movie. However, why is the movie so dangerous? Probably the reason that Bennett and his fellow haters want people to stay away from this movie is that it will destroy their hate filled beliefs about homosexual.
The amazing thing about “Brokeback Mountain” is that it puts gays into perspective. It makes them look like fellow human beings, something that the AFA and others are scared of. The movie puts straight people into the situation and makes them think. It makes them see Ennis and Jack into people that the know or could be. If enough people see this movie, the anti-gay crusaders are in for a world of hurt, because they will be exposed for the hate mongers that they truly are.
That is why the are not being vocal about it, the think that if they called for a national boycott, more people will go see the movie. More people will open their eyes to the hate speech that is coming out of them. Then no more money will be sent them, because that is all they really want.
My hope is that as Oscar buzz grows for this movie, they will have no choice but to speak up. They will either have to call for a boycott or be exposed for the frauds that they truly are.
in VERY limited release; a more vocal protest might call attention to it in the areas that don’t have it, making people more likely to go see it when/if it does arrive if only to see what the fuss is all about.
I’m of two minds whether to see it or not; I’ve never really been into cowboy movies, regardless of the sexual orientation involved.
According to a diary at dKos (sorry too late and too tired to find the link) it’s doing very well in Plano, TX, which I can testify is VERY conservative.
The reason I want to see it can be described in two words: Larry McMurtry.
I have been known to say I’d read Larry McMurtry’s grocery list, and he did the screenplay.
it’s a portrayal of the harms of ignoring one’s sexual orientation and trying to live one’s life as a heterosexual — which is exactly the behavior that fundies are always preaching at homosexuals.
we don’t want your cooties!!!! Look away, look away!!
That, distilled to its essence, is their argument: if you watch it, something dangerous may happen.
Yeah. You will have watched a movie. Then you’ll go to dinner or go home. Go to bed. Get up again. Brush.
And just maybe, you’ll even floss.
My nine-year-old niece makes more substantive arguments, sheesh.
I think that’s always the purpose of censorship — to deny exposure to any thoughts that are different. Doesn’t matter what the nature of that difference is because the difference in and of itself is the harm as it might cause a person to actually start thinking.
I think that’s why so many on the right hate education and in particular hate teachers — because that’s how the young learn to think for themselves which is the most their most terrifying fear.
Sorry to get so serious — you hit one of my hot buttons.