Gadfly is Marty Aussenberg, a columnist for the weekly Memphis Flyer. Marty is a former SEC enforcement official, currently in private law practice in Memphis, Tennessee. (A full bio is below the fold.) Cross-posted at The Memphis Flyer.
Seldom does a week go by when the likes of a Bill O‘Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Pat Robertson, Ann Coulter or others of their ilk don‘t make some idiotic, antisocial or otherwise sociopathic public statement over the airwaves. That‘s what their constituents expect; it‘s what they tune in for, and what these hucksters of sensationalism are more than willing to give them to keep them listening/watching. But why, oh why, must there always be a response, not only from the blogosphere, but from the MSM as well, and why must we elevate the worthless claptrap purveyed by these shlockmeisters to the realm of being discussed, much less debated.
Whether it‘s the manufactured “War on Christmas,” the invitation to Al Qaeda to bomb San Francisco or, in Robertson‘s case, the curse called down on an entire community because of its stand against Intelligent Design, the asininity of the statements by this group of out-there commentators is self evident. So why does the blogosphere go ballistic on these idiots every time they make one of their bizarre pronouncements, and why does the MSM pay them any attention when doing so only multiplies the impact of statements that so richly deserve to be consigned to oblivion? One site, Media Matters for America, has made a career of contradicting virtually every syllable that comes out of O‘Reilly‘s mouth, as though anything the man says should really be listened to, much less debunked. Some bunk just doesn‘t need to be debunked.
On any given day, in any major city in this country, it isn‘t difficult to find some poor misbegotten soul ranting on some street corner, be it about the second coming of Jesus, the imminent end of the world, alien abductions or an occasionally more believable subject. “Speaker‘s Corner”in London‘s Hyde Park actually sets aside a space for these oratorical bloviators. But no one sees fit to dignify these harangues by responding to them, or even by paying any attention to them.
Are the likes of O‘Reilly or Limbaugh worthy of any more credence than these lunatics? So what if they have audiences that number in the millions? They‘ve already been turned into irretrievable mental zombies by O‘Reilly and his ilk, to whom such things as either facts or logic are utterly irrelevant. If what H.L Mencken once said (“no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public”) is true (surely our last two national elections proved that), it‘s time we stopped resisting the fact that there will always be people in this country who will be credulous enough to believe people like Bill O‘Reilly.

Mr. Aussenberg is an attorney practicing in his own firm in Memphis, Tennessee. He began his career in the private practice of law in Memphis after relocating from Washington, D.C., where he spent five years at the Securities and Exchange Commission as a Special Counsel and Trial Attorney in its Enforcement Division, during which time he handled or supervised the investigation and litigation of several significant cases involving insider trading, market manipulation, and management fraud. Prior to his stint at the S.E.C., he was an Assistant Attorney General with the Pennsylvania Department of Banking in Philadelphia and was the Attorney-In-Charge of Litigation for the Pennsylvania Securities Commission, where, in addition to representing that agency in numerous state trial and appellate courts, he successfully prosecuted the first case of criminal securities fraud in the state’s history.
Mr. Aussenberg’s private practice has focused primarily on investment, financial, corporate and business counseling, litigation and arbitration and regulatory proceedings. He has represented individual, institutional and governmental investors, as well as brokerage firms and individual brokers, in securities and commodities-related matters, S.E.C., NASD and state securities regulatory proceedings, and has represented parties in shareholder derivative, class action and multi-district litigation, as well as defending parties in securities, commodities, and other “white-collar” criminal cases.
Mr. Aussenberg received his J.D. degree from the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, and his B.A. degree in Honors Political Science from the University of Pittsburgh. Immediately following law school, he served as a Reginald Heber Smith Community Lawyer Fellow with the Delaware County Legal Assistance Association in Chester, Pennsylvania.
He is admitted to practice in Tennessee, Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia, before the United States Supreme Court, the Third and Sixth Circuit Courts of Appeals, and the United States Tax Court, as well as federal district courts in Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana. He is an arbitrator for the NASD, New York Stock Exchange and American Arbitration Association, has published articles (“Stockbroker Fraud: This Kind of Churning Doesn’t Make Butter”, Journal of the Tennessee Society of C.P.A.’s,; Newsletter of the Arkansas Society of C.P.A.’s; Hoosier Banker (Indiana Bankers Association), and been a featured speaker on a variety of topics at seminars in the United States and Canada, including: Municipal Treasurers Association of the United States and Canada, Ottawa, Canada; Government Finance Officers Association; National Institute of Municipal Law Officers, Washington, D.C. ; Tennessee Society of Certified Public Accountants, Memphis, TN; Tennessee Association of Public Accountants, Memphis, TN (1993)
Mr. Aussenberg has two children, a daughter who is a graduate of Columbia University and holds a Masters in Public Health from Johns Hopkins University and is currently a student at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, and a son who is a graduate of Brown University and is working with a conservation organization in Marin County, California while he decides what to do with the rest of his life.
Mr. Aussenberg is an avid golfer whose only handicap is his game, an occasional trap shooter whose best competitive score was a 92, and an even less frequent jazz drummer.
that the ‘Happy Hannuakah Bill O’Reilly’ ad has to come down?
Seriously though, I agree completely. I don’t watch them because I don’t care what they say. I don’t read about them because I don’t care what they say.
I don’t talk about them because…I don’t care what they say.
for the slaughtering of the of the word ‘Hanukkah’. It’s the Long Island Tea talking…err, spelling.
ejmw: I understand the point and agree to a point. However, the impact these “talking heads” have on the collective American mind cannot, in my opinion, be ignored. These folks are the voice of the corporations that own the MSM and many of our political “leaders”. If we are going to change the latter, the former is a powerful force that we not only have to recognize, but somehow overcome. Ignoring the likes of these is as easy for me as it is for you on a personal level. But, their impact is real, and they stand directly in our path.
BTW: Happy Holidays!
Until we had Air America in the Northwest — and then only in Seattle and Portland (and Spokane, maybe) — our radio was overwhelmingly rightwing, with a few exceptions like Dave Ross on Seattle’s 710AM.
But, where I live, most people can’t get the Seattle stations because of the Olympic mountains. And the only NPR we get plays classical music all day except for two hours of news from 5-7pm.
So, I’ve decided that if I ever win the lottery big time, I’m going to do what it takes to get 1) an Air America-type AM station, and 2) a signal for Seattle’s excellent NPR affiliate, KUOW.
I live about 15 miles north of Ann Arbor, Mi. They have the closest Air America AM station. I can only pick it up when I am driving in my car towards Ann Arbor! (The signal is that weak) Thank God, I can get it on my PC! But, this is what I’m talking about. The wingers have control of (or more accurately are controlled by the MSM) Franken is good, but only gets to a small fraction of the audience as Faux News and the others.
If you go to KUOW’s web site you can stream their broadcasts no matter where you live. Same with KPLU — in fact they have three streams; one that mirrors their over-the-air signal, one that’s all music, and one that’s all news and feature programming.
There’s also the wonderful KSER ( with Snohomish County community programming, Democracy Now, Alternative Radio and other fine programming. I highly recommend them.
The local Air America affiliate here in Seattle (KPTK 1090) doesn’t have a live stream, but the affiliates in Portland (KPOJ) and New York (WLIB) do.
I realize that these aren’t over-the-air streams available to anyone without a computer, but they are something. Maybe out there on the Peninsula you can do like they do in third-world countries and gather people around the one radio in town to listen. It’s a community-building thing. 🙂
My point is that even if you’re in a radio valley, the Internet provides plenty of streaming audio you can listen to to keep in touch with the saner half of the country. Most stations are even considerate enough to provide low-bandwidth streams for people who are stuck with getting their access through dial-up.
Happy Holidays to you as well!
(wow, we’re definitely soldiers in the war on Christmas with that exchange!)
I guess my main point is that I usually argue with the people that listen to these shows face to face (and it is often frustrating). The thing that I hate about arguing with wingnuts is that they attack the source of the information, instead of the information itself, and I kind of feel a little guilty of doing it on my own if I say something like ‘Yeah, but you heard that from O’Lielly’.
Does that make any sense?
Yep it does. Follow up with a current example of how O’Rielly “does his thing”, or simply have the person watch the “Colbert Report” on the comedy channel. (Be sure to tell them that the show is satire though, otherwise you might confuse them!)
BTW Happy Holidays!
I’m glad Media Matters exists if only as a just-for-the-record factual counterbalance, but it’s a fine line. It’s like responding to trolls. Everything you say just goes into their echo chamber and makes it louder.
If O’Reilly was ranting on a streetcorner, I wouldn’t worry about him. I’m concerned, though, when that streetcorner is Fox News.
Without a doubt, there will always be credulous people. However, when we have a media that not only gives these people a forum, but then repeats what they say….some sort of response is necessary.
I appreciate what Media Matters does, and, given that the lunatic fringe of the right has an audience, I’m glad to know that someone is out there debunking them.
It is of the utmost importance that the activities of powerful demagogues are not ignored. They should be documented and discredited.
The power of the propaganda and outright lies used by those who manage our government is exponentially expanded by the complicit media corporations, who deliver the audience to the message.
This arrangement is one of the hallmarks of a totalitarian society.
Exposure of the mechanism by which our rights and our democracy are increasingly denied to ourselves, by ourselves, is the order of the day.
Vigilance and information are some of the most important tools we have.
<—— That picture of Bill.
If you’re going to scribble on a picture of someone, the custom is a mustache. And if you are alluding to nazis, then the choice of mustaches is self-evident.
I’ve echoed the same sentiments expressed in this diary by Gadfly recently.
These certifiable lunatics like O’Reilly and Coulter and the rest of the ghoulish cohorts feed off the attention they get. When the left expresses outrage, it is for them a reward, a confirmation that they’re doing the right thing.
Their pathology is such that they’re long past the point where the derive much sustenance from the adoration of their fans. No, it’s the outrage from those they offend that is their most powerful stimulus.
We ignore them enough, they’ll finally self-destruct and spin off into oblivion.
While we’re talking about O’Reilly, I’ve got a question.
How much money do we have to raise to do something with that “reserve premium blogad spot” in order to get O’Reilly’s portrait removed? I’m extremely poor recently but I’d contribute a few bucks toward a more civilized and artistic blogad if that’s what it took.
There’s something unnervingly bizarre about coming to this excellent blog everyday and seeing this odious creature’s ugly mug so prominently displayed.
I fkg second the motion!
This whole “war on Christmas” thing scares me to death. It’s fascism in action.
It’s about whipping up anger and hatred for ‘them.” It doesn’t really matter who the “them” is. In this case it’s non-Christians. Conveniently, note that Jews are included in that category. Also, of course, the traditional “enemies” of the radical right – atheists, Muslims. (Other religious groups, I think, are collateral damage. They really don’t care that much about Hindus or Buddhists.)
Make people scared by convincing them that something that they hold dear (e.g. their religious beliefs, a beloved holiday) is threatened. Blame the threat on “them.” Foment increasing anger, working up to actual hatred. Of “them.”
And I agree – the MSM’s going on about this like it was an actual real issue just feeds the fires of anger and hatred. It plays right into their hands.
The only discussion I’d like to see on the issue is just what I’ve written – how this whole “War on something-you-hold-dear” is demagoguery and creeping fascism. I wish the talking pundit heads would spend a little time analyzing why this phony “War” is being sold and the dangers of manufacturing hatred.
Actually, I don’t think they care much about any religion, including Christianity. They’re only working on Christians because they are in the majority – and it’s about power, not religion.
From Dire Strait’s brilliant Industrial Disease, on 1982’s Love Over Gold
I think that if you don’t meet some of their lies head on you end up with the sort of problems that we have had here.
It’s like in a campaign. You leave that swift boat lie on the table too long and it becomes “truth” to the fools and freaks, and then you can’t change their minds.
I would rather butt heads with the few leaders of the zombies now then deal with the miliions they influence in the long run.
Precisely. The world is mostly run by those who show up. Unless someone counters the wingnuts and the whackjobs, their version of history will become real, because they’re the ones writing it down. Personally, I couldn’t care less what the .. whatever he is .. writes or says, but a few million people out there DO care. They also listen, and vote, and that’s a bit of a problem, and either we deal with them or they deal with us.
The curse of being the out-of-power party is we can’t just dial in enough votes to win. We have to get them the old-fashioned way…