Closing the Lounge – the Longest Night Cafe is now Open!The Lounge is open for the early evening festivities!
Merry Meet and Welcome to Newbies and Lurkers and Regulars!
The Yule Log has been lit and a blessing on the Frog Pond House has been said.
~ ~ ~
When my heart is heavy and my mind is pained, I wake and know that I can find a friend as close as the Froggy Bottom Café. When I need a giggle or smile or the serenity of a beautiful place, I know I can find it here also. So as darkness falls across North America and the Yule fires are lit, I wish you all – my friends that make me laugh and cry – a blessed Yuletide.
Now let the celebration of the darkest night returning to the light of the sun begin!
Remember to unrecommend the previous Cafe and recommend this one!
Each year at Yuletide it is a tradition to let go of something that is bothering you…over which you probably have more control than you think.
I’m letting go of the ‘spotless house’ expectation I put on myself. NO I do not need to vacuum before any comes over and some clutter is the way the house is lived in. Stacks of books and magazines just are…
What would you like to let go of this year?
of great cafes. I knew that you and the solstice would create something charming and joyous.
I enjoy these…sneaking the time away from RL and work…
You guys do all the work and make it easy to host! I post a diary and you all run with them!
I will be away from the computer for a couple of hours tonight when I get home but will try for a late night edition as well…for all my favorite mischief makers!
I gave up caffeine about 3 weeks ago. Does that count?
If I would have known about this tradition, I would have waited until today to quit!
I think that letting go of the caffeine would be a perfectly acceptable item. Openly telling all of us is your ritual of letting go.
Happy Yule…!
Can I let go of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly and Coulter?
Preferably if I’m holding on to them at the top of a 1000-foot precipice.
Oh, I’m sorry, here it is Yuletide and I shouldn’t be so cruel. There might be innocent animals at the bottom of that precipice.
Letting go of that crowd would make 55 Million+ people very happy…!
We’ll ask a special dispensation from the Goddess for any injury to innocent animals…she believes and it harm none…and that group harms many.
Merry Christmas to you OMIR!
Maya Astronomy
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Great link on the Maya Culture – Mayan Culture in Latin American history was one of my favorite college courses. (The pic link isn’t working for me though).
Happy Yule Oui…I always love your diaries and comments…
I see geocities link or site is down …
Maya Solstice Images
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Most interesting … Stanford University
Now how do I return to political motivation? I’m lost in ancient cultures …
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
I was lucky enough to be able to visit the Mayan ruins in Chichen Itza last March. They’re amazing. Here are some pictures that I took!
The main temple (El Castillo):
And here is one of the observatory (El Caracol):
Wow — what an amazing, amazing place to have visited. I can only imagine the sensations experienced there — but these magnificent images convey a good deal.
Thanks so much for sharing them! Astounding.
I was really fortunate to be on a tour with a great guide. He really made the whole thing come alive with his passion. His wife is half-Mayan, that probably had something to do with it 🙂
Sounds like an ideal circumstance — & clearly, what he was able to impart to you is part of your images. They’re truly beautiful.
I’m heading out for the moment, may return later. If you care to share more photos, I’d be very pleased to see them!
This is a picture of the Warrior Temple, as seen from the top of the Main Temple:
And this is what you would see if you were to walk down one of those loooooooong rows of columns:
You know e, you’re one cool and interesting dude!
But you’re really only saying that because I make it a point not to post any of my un-cool, boring photos 🙂
Greetings & joyous Yuletide blessings to one & all! I hope everyone found a reason to celebrate today.
I thank you, SallyCat, for your exceptionally wise & thoughtful guidance into the joyous spirit of the season. May the blessings you’ve offered return to you in multitudes.
I also thank you for your invitation to join in the spirit of ‘letting go’. Unfortunately, I’ve yet to meditate on this release sufficiently to cite the burdens I’ll cast aside — though I’m sure I’ll think of something.
Though the day’s ended, I thought I’d share an image taken at precisely the time of Solstice, as sunlight emerged from a thick bank of clouds to grace the western waters of the ‘Mad River’.
I add a second photo, taken not long afterward, of the eastern branch.
May all enjoy, in peace and community.
The pictures are like most images I carry in my heart this time of year…winter at it’s loveliest.
I understand carefully choosing what we let go of this year…there are several very emotional items that I will let go of at home tonight.
Peace and blessings of the season W.W.
Many thanks for your good wishes, SallyCat.
Briefest of questions: can you see the river in the second photo?
I see the photos as two different directions on the river…the second one is calm water and the first one is moving water.
Ah, yes. Thank you — the directions are there.
However, being of a certain frame of mind I can see your response in two ways: either water actually appears in the second photo, or the water manifests in the trees — which are all I see in the photo as posted (along with Blue Hill in the distance), without the actual river. The image seems to have been truncated somehow, so I was wondering if the entire shot shows up for you. I took it especially with the cafe’ in mind – the view was so nice!
an apology — it clearly can take very fine pictures. I must not be feeling especially placid right now because I am having a vibrant love affair with the top picture.
Andi! How very gracious you are. (Yes, I remembered your feeling about rivers today.)
greetings to all at BooTrib… i’ve missed you.
if anyone’s serving, could I please have a generous jolt of Irish Mist?
Welcome back! I still have some of this left over from the last time we were in the cafe together!
thanks very much. have one yerself.
Hey there, suskind.
Thank you for sharing that lovely, lovely image.
Glad to see you’ve been served pronto!
Welcome back! Whatcha been up to?
A great image!
Welcome back to the Cafe – glad you are here tonight!
With all comments and queries these past weeks, one has sufficient content to write a diary: “Where’s suskind – where has he gone?”
I have a feeling you were never far away, perhaps just lurking …
Good to have you over to the pond – welcome back.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
mais non, oui, i have been completely disconnected since…. september i think it was…. not a good state of affairs…..
but in spirit, and in my mind i have never been far….
where is infidel pig these days?
Hi Suskind, just noticed that you were back, how are you….Infi is busy with a new job and hasn’t posted much in awhile, but still checks in a bit.
So what kind of spirit are you in, hope it is all good for you.
Welcome back, suskind! Glad to see the Irish Mist getting dusted off from the shelf, it has been awaiting your return. Paz
Heh, err, uhh, well, not all of it made it through the ‘awaiting’ stage….
wait a minute. Didn’t I just read that you gave up caffeine? Aaaaah, I see. You substituted the Coca-Cola in the Long Island yesterday with Irish Mist :0
after giving up caffeine, when making a Long Island I finally discovered the answer to one of the mysteries that has plagued me through most of my young life.
Namely, what the HELL is the point of caffeine free diet coke?!?
the profit margin of the printing companies that charge by the letter for the product branding.
Hi suskind! I’m so happy to see you again!
i love you, katiebird.
and i love your mother’s artwork.
I love you to suskind — Are you going to stick around a while this time through?
You wouldn’t believe how often your name has come up these last months.
Welcome back, suskind. You were missed! I hope you have wild tales to tell of… well, the wilds of wherever you were. Or, not… good to see you either way.
Welcome back my friend, very good to see you. Looking forward to your regaling us with tales from the irish mist
I’m feeling good. The project I’ve been working on all day is coming together nicely. That means tomorrow I can come to work, sign off on the stuff that happens overnight, and I’m done until Tuesday.
Of course Tuesday it’s back to the dentist for more work I’ve been neglecting for a very long time, but that’s my own darn fault. But I plan to enjoy every minute of the Winter Solistice, Yule, Crossword Puzzle Day, Abilities Day, Festivus, The Mikado’s Birthday, Christmas Eve, Libyan Independence Day, Howard Hughes’ Birthday, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and of course the first full day by the lunar calendar of Chanukah. And all that happens between now and Monday!
I feel worn out already.
Congratulations on your project. That is a good feeling … although, the dentist visit sounds painful!
Maybe this will bring the crowd in.
Also, I thought I would post a picture of myself from before the time that I decided was going to be a human!
Ahh, I was such a cute little indeterminate bugger back then.
I’ve noticed it was quiet…just figured the left coasters were having dinner and the east coasters were getting ready for bed!
I’m getting ready to go home from work in 30 minutes….finally!
I’m on the midwest-coast, and I’m past dinner and not quite ready for bed!
Getting home from work is such a great feeling that I wonder if I’m in the wrong occupation.
for going to bed early. I think she incites other people to do it too.
and finding beauty in the morning and taking pictures of it…..sometimes it’s more than I stand.
I’ve been trying to get a picture of a sunrise for almost 15 years. It’s just so much easier to get one of a sunset.
Of course, if you’re going to sleep in, you aren’t going to get those sunrise shots.
OTOH, sunsets are always good.
Hey, what’s to stop you from taking in the sunrise from the wee hours side of the night before, then when theh excitement is over, hit the hay.
Prior to the last time I got a shot of the sunrise, Mrs. NDD says, “Do you know what that strange glow in the sky is?”
Well, ha ha…
I know I’m disgusting but I’m that you can find it your great heart to forgive me.
Well, I know I’m not Ingrid Bergman but I think you could come up with something a little better for me to be notorious about than being an old fart who can’t stay up late.
Despite your claim, I would point out that I work very hard to incite people to lewd, wanton, and generally bad behavior and I deserve credit for my noble efforts.
And so to bed.
Heeeeyyyy! It’s a holiday, can’t you stay up for another 1/2 hour?
Maybe she’ll stay around if you have some of those potent 4’s left!
I’m working tomorrow. Not that it matters if I work or not, I never sleep in.
Do you really have to go to bed now? I’m just warming up!
It’s not a holiday for me either. Not that it matters if I work or not, I always sleep in.
Yeah, well see me when you’ve added another 20 or 30 years to your year-by-year biography :-,
So, CAN you play a while? Please?
Drool face’ll play but I’m only staying up for another 10 minutes or so.
I’m poking around looking at blogs. I just found one called the Diabetes Blog (and I wasn’t even looking for it).
I’m trying to decide what to use to get mine set up.
I AM off work until Tuesday!! And tomorrow, to my parents house for breakfast at 8:30 (so no sleeping in for me either)
And even though I now know better, I still think those buckles look like tiny little baby fists waving at me.
I love those tiny-baby-fists and your smile.
You’ll have to play with drool face and ejmw.
20 – 30 years is a long time. How about if I just check in periodically?
Ooops, I just farted out a beach picture.
Regardless, you do fart good pictures.
It’s actually a black rock beach. But there are several black sand beaches on the island (Tenerife, Canary Islands).
I greatly appreciate the compliment, especially from you 🙂
Woo! Wow.
After the Azores, I’ve always wanted to go to the Canary Islands.
This is beautiful.
Visiting the Canaries was one of the most amazing experiences of my life so far.
Though, to be more specific, I didn’t visit ‘The Canaries’, I visited only one island, Tenerife.
If you can make it, please do. It is an amazing experience that you won’t ever forget.
This looks impossible. But, I’ve never seen a farted picture.
Oh, I guarantee you it is not impossible. Farted pictures are the best ones.
Another one from a little further down the path.
I love to sleep to the sound of surf — so I’ll take the thought of this picture off to bed with me.
Be sure not to be good — I have a reputation to enhance.
As she takes the final punch into the right margin — she’s gone.
When you get really old, you sleep less, not more.
Wait a few decades and you will see.
Hi!!! Ductape!
I am really excited about it. Maybe people will tell what they put on toast. A physician friend told me that my traditional and preferred spread, Hero Brand black currant, is like “filling syringe with glucose and injecting it directly into bloodstream” so I have, with great sadness, renounced it.
I’m trying to decide what to use & hoping to get it going tomorrow & the next day.
Maybe Blogger?
I’ve been poking around blogs & I sure hope it doesn’t turn into one of those depressing things where I mutter about this or that & no comments for page after page. Maybe I can do something with the template to make the Comments links & indicators very, very prominent.
Funny that you’re asking about what I put on toast. I used to have always have toast and Mozzarella Cheese (partially skim) — everyday for years.
But when I started doing this no seconds & no eating between meals thing, I couldn’t stick with it. I just got way too hungry by lunch — could hardly last until 10:30.
So, I’ve switched to Kashi Cereal & milk. And I can easily make it till lunch time!
The Washington Post is running a story dated tomorrow about the results of a decades long study on diabetes. Proof positive that controlling your blood sugar helps avoid other health problems like heart attacks and strokes.
Cool! I’ll check it out.
When were you there and how did it happen? I don’t think I’ve never known anyone else whose gone there.
Ummm…gone where? Back to their remembrances of the zygote stage?
Sorry, dumb question (above).
I was there last April (2004). How did it happen? Well, let’s just say that among the priorities in my life, travel ranks very, very high on the list.
I guess Dreaming of Travel ranks higher than actual travel for me. Because aside from visiting siblings, I — well I was going to say hardly ever do it but actually — I never do it.
But, we just found out that a cousin left us a kind of share in a house in the Azores, so we might be going there in a year or two. To Pico.
Not a Canary Island, but still — finally an island.
I decided a couple of years ago that, if nothing else, my goal in this life is to see as much of this planet as is possible. It’s a goal that keeps me going, because I come up with some wicked pictures 🙂
The Azores seem like they would be very cool. They are not a Canary Island in name…but I’m sure that there is as much to see and learn there as there is anywhere else.
morning and they all loved it, even my daughter. It is quiet around here, I know everybody has a lot of Holiday irons in the fire. What a bizarre day though and a bizarre week for that matter. So many things have happened and today with the Senate Filibuster breaking even newer ground after the Unpatriot Act failing things feel so very very strange SallyCat. I think that the Solstice is the death of the very last threads that connected the Bush Administration with any kind of reality. I think they are being reborn into a fresh insanity alone and all their own. I don’t believe they have the ability to process what happened today or process what is coming now for Rove and Abramoff and DeLay and illegal wiretaps. I know we have all been doing our Holiday thing and haven’t really even had time to visit the whole of it ourselves. The day after Christmas is going to knock the barrette out of my hair I think.
Thanks Tracy!
I remember as kid hearing that ‘it is always darkest just before dawn’. Everytime I think of this administration I keep waiting for the darkest hour.
Perhaps this darkest night of 2005 is the beginning of letting the light for the truth to come out! If you want…light a candle and say a simple wish…it is the same as a prayer…we’ll all ask for truth to will out.
Peace and blessings to you Tracy and your family.
I treasure you Sallcat. Peace and Blessings to you and yours too!
love all you guys! this rounds on me!
And what would you like! I’m tending the bar for a while.
Going to have some dinner and family time…then I’ll pop up an overnight diary!
This could be the best Yule celebration – friends from around the world! I’ll drop some more 4’s before bedtime!
Thank you everyone for sharing this Yule with me!
Hi SallyCat, I was playing with the babies and almost missed you. This has been a grand day!
Thank you!
Is anyone still up or did you all get up at dawn to greet the day? Lovely comments tonight and equally lovely pictures. Welcome back Suskind — although I wasn’t here when you were last here.
I am still up, but I did not get up to greet the day.
But, if I don’t go to bed soon, then I will not be sleeping in tomorrow by the time I wake up.
So, good night!
Pleasant Dreams!
This one is getting slow to open and pretty picture intensive ;^)
I’ve opened the Froggy Bottom Lounge – Longest Night Edition
Come on by!