Congratulate Jerome on his holiday good fortune.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
thank you for sharing so much, jerome!
Best wishes on the recovery and thankgoodness for healthcare.
La Soirée de Noël
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
I need to debunk this ASAP or my wife will be pretty unhappy!
Agnes is someone I know and am close to, but is not my wife…
same surname on the blog, so I assumed …
Hope this doen’t get you into any trouble Jerôme!
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Great happiness to Jerome and his family for their Chistmas gift. And glass of champagne raised to their joy.
What fabulous news for you and your family Jerome. Celebrate the gift of your precious one! Merry Christmas!
That is Terrific news for Jerome and his wife. I posted my comments to Jerome over at Eu Trib. Booman, Thanks for making us aware that the miracles of the season do occur-and wonderfully at times to one of our own.
Thinking this morning that there is a fascist power siezure in the works. Not the low level one we’ve been witnessing but an all out, martial law type thing with tanks and Cobras protecting the White House. Tiannemen Square comes to mind. Outlandish you say? Perhaps. But who among us would have imagined a president admitting on television that he has been violating the law for years and not only that, says he will continue to do so. Stop me if you can. He is challenging us to climb the fence and stop him. I believe it’s time for another trek to the Capitol.
…and hey,
be careful out there
That is such wonderful news!
Brings a tear to my eye at, at, at, the holiday seasonal time. A Hearty KwanzaNoelChanuka to you fine sir!
Japan & You
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Wonderful news! Jerome, best wishes to you and your family for the holidays. And thank you for all you have continued to do for the blogosphere community despite your difficult personal situation.
5 days until Christmas, and our company gets this e-mail:
Downsizing Announcement
[Company Name] Personnel Impacted
We expect to receive official termination notification for [our major project] on January 6, 2006. This, coupled with congressional fiscal year 2006 funding delays on new programs continues to pose challenges for [our division.] While these issues are being resolved, [our division] is aggressively working to secure participation in other potential programs; however, until these come to fruition, we must take prudent interim measures to maintain our talented resource base and secure our collective future. Working together we have been able to redeploy and retain many of our employees. In addition to redeployment, unfortunately, we will need to conduct downsizing as follows:
It is estimated that 7% of our employees will be impacted; however, this percentage may increase pending further program delays or decrease based upon the number of employees finding positions within [our division]or other areas in [our company.]
Oh well….
Christmas…a time for presents, holiday cheer, getting together with families, and downsizing!
Conyer’s excellent job and keeps the coverage actual until Congress retakes power to “We The People”.
John Conyers Jr.
Senate Speech Robert E. Byrd – Dec. 19
:: No President Is Above the Law
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Thank you for sharing it with us, your family will have a wonderful holiday! Best wishes to your son!
Wonderful news, Jerome! Joyeux Noel.